The daughter continues to inventory what her dad left behind with his passing, 
but here is an updated list

I've put together from what I've seen so far.  For those who have inquired, the 
equipment is located in Toledo, Ohio.

She is more interested in getting the items to those who will use them, instead 
of buying them just to flip them.

I am simply trying to help her out because she knows almost nothing about ham 
radio and is asking my help in identifying items that are ham related and what 
my thoughts are on their potential.  She has already declined an estate buyer 
offer for everything because she knows the buyer would just double prices and 
flip them.

Part of the problem is that her dad was also into stereo equipment, so we have 
to single them out from the ham related stuff.   Her dad was employed in the 
electronics field for many years and has some equipment that goes back to the 
60s, and comes forward to some of the most recent stuff sold like an IC 7600.

I'm sure there will be more coming, but here's what I have seen so far...

Heil Pro 40 microphone

Icom IC7600 (still has the plastic over part of the front panel)

Yaesu FT 101B

Viking Valiant

BK 1471B scope

Icom IC-R70

Grundig satellit 800 Millenium shortwave receiver

Icom IC-R1 scanner which covers up to 1300 mhz

IC VR500 receiver which covers up to 2600 mhz and retailed for $995 new

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