Re: [] Tech Meeting Followup

2004-08-05 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Aug 5, 2004, at 10:01 PM, Ted Zlatanov wrote:
I meant it in the sense of the Google cache, where you have an
alternative in case the main one goes down, but the main link is
prominent and obviously the one to follow.
Have you ever noticed a google resultset entry that didn't have a cache 
link? I don't know if it is something that a publisher can set 
programatically or if it is a business arrangement.

Advertising based news sites will probably be even less appreciative of 
mirroring and caching as more and more of them turn into registration 
based sites.

When I write 'Barbie', am I supposed to add the little R in a
circle around it? -- Samantha Langmead, age 7.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Is there a module to access memory usage?

2004-07-15 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Jul 15, 2004, at 6:34 AM, Tal Cohen wrote:
With regards to portability, it is
OK if I end up writing different code for different machines (BAD Tal,
BAD!!!). However I do want to keep it as light weight and internal as
If you can't use an external infrastructure like SNMP, then you are 
probably best off using the earlier suggestion to put the system 
specific code in separate modules and have them provide a common 
interface. Then you have one module that you can ask for one of these 
memory reporting objects and it hands back the correct, system specific 
one. (Perhaps determined via some sort of system configuration, perhaps 
with code that will probe the system and find the most appropriate 

Which operating systems do you need to deploy on, initially? We have 
given a variety of solutions so far for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, 
MS-DOS, and recent BSDs. For other Unix systems, I thought of one 
additional method. You might be able to open /dev/mem, seek to the end, 
and then use tell() to report its position.

When I write 'Barbie', am I supposed to add the little R in a
circle around it? -- Samantha Langmead, age 7.
When I write 'Barbie', am I supposed to add the little R in a
circle around it? -- Samantha Langmead, age 7.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Is there a module to access memory usage?

2004-07-14 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Jul 14, 2004, at 3:56 PM, Mike Williams wrote:
Tal Cohen wrote:
On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 02:05:07PM -0400, Tal Cohen wrote:
  I need to write a script that will return how much memory (RAM) is 
 system as well as how much of it is being used. Can anyone assist?
One question that I have just to clarify things. Are you wondering how 
much memory the machine has? Or trying to figure out how much you can 
use? Just because the system has it, doesn't mean that it will give it 
to you. On BSD-ish Unix systems, will let your perl 
program ask the system what might be available to it.

Yeah, I thought of that. I was hoping for a platform independent 
If not, then I can use this type of methodology, but how do I 
account for
Windows based machines?
You could either use `mem` or the Win32::SystemInfo module on windoze.
If you can access /proc/meminfo on the linux (you didn't specify..) 
boxes you can read that instead of spawning a process.
For asking the system how much memory it has in total, the answer is 
pretty system dependent, and in this sense Unix describes a family of 
operating systems, and not single implementation. The vmstat, which 
is common on Unix doesn't even give you quite what you need, because 
the ordering and spelling of words such as swapped and free differ 
between implementations.

On Solaris, look at /usr/sbin/prtconf and vmstat.
On Linux, try /usr/bin/free.
On Mac OS X you could use either  /usr/bin/vm_stat or 
/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType|awk -F: '/Memory/{print 

/usr/sbin/system_profiler -xml SPHardwareDataType
passed through this XSLT stylesheet)
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=; 
xsl:output media-type=text/plain omit-xml-declaration=yes/
xsl:template match=/
   xsl:value-of select=/plist/array/dict/array/dict/key[text() = 
'physical_memory']/following-sibling::string[1] /

but I mention that only to show a neat way of getting info out of an OS 
X plist and a comparison between XML processing tools and traditional 
unix tools like awk.

On BSD systems, there is also a sysctl() system call, but I don't see a 
perl module that interfaces to it.

On windows, this sort of information will be in the registry under the 

Chris Devers' recommendation elsewhere on using SNMP is something to 
consider, since it would essentially be taking the platform dependent 
behavior that someone has already written and accessing it with a 
common API.

When I write 'Barbie', am I supposed to add the little R in a  circle 
around it? -- Samantha Langmead, age 7.

When I write 'Barbie', am I supposed to add the little R in a
circle around it? -- Samantha Langmead, age 7.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Completing processing before SIGHUP

2004-06-01 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Jun 2, 2004, at 12:34 AM, Ranga Nathan wrote:
I just read the signals section of Programming Perl 2nd edition (my
precious book with Larry Walls autograph, camel stamp and TMTOWTDI 
which cautions against doing anything worthwhile after handling a 
Some of the issues are handled in 5.8's signal handling changes.
The book also states that you can not  IGNORE or trap a A KILL or STOP
signal.  Is it still the case with Perl 5.8 and Linux kernel 2.4x?
Again, my recommendation would be to pick up the Stevens book. Learn 
about how signals work, and that start figuring out how they work with 

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] where's the module

2004-04-28 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 05:36:51PM -0400, Greg London wrote:
 is there a quick and dirty way to find out where the heck
 perl is finding a module being use'ed is located?

You mentioned looking in @INC, but I think what you really want is the
%INC hash.

If you say:

   use MyModule;

There will be a key value pair in %INC that looks like:
   '' = '/Library/Perl/',

If you say:

   use My::Module;

it will say:
   'My/' = '/Library/Perl/My/',

Maybe the Easter Bunny is just Santa Claus in an rabbit costume. A rabbit
can't go to everyone's house in one night. -- Samantha Langmead, age 6.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] OT - cannot SSH into Redhat box

2004-04-20 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Apr 20, 2004, at 9:32 PM, Ranga Nathan wrote:

I installed Redhat server (Enterprise) on a box but I can not SSH into 
the box.

I'd start with setting LogLevel DEBUG in /etc/sshd_config, restarting 
sshd, and then running the ssh client on the other machine with the 
-v flags. the ssh commands logging can be rather verbose, but when 
you see negative sounding phrases like method disabled or Failed, 
things are going wrong and there are positive phrases like succeeded 
or accepted then things are going right.

Maybe the Easter Bunny is just Santa Claus in an rabbit costume. A 
rabbit can't go to everyone's house in one night. -- Samantha 
Langmead, age 6.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Brain Jog for LWP basic authentication? Please?

2004-03-14 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Mar 12, 2004, at 10:55 AM, Law, Mark wrote:

Did you ever get a good response to your question?  I'm wrestling with 
the same issue - how to authenticate to an HTTPS server and then pick 
up some files.
The following will request a file from an HTTP authentication
protected server. (Tested against  Basic Authentication of a
zope server. Mostly because I had one handy and they love to
throw up HTTP auth boxes)
I don't have a machine handy set up for SSL, but as LWP
should automatically use Crypt::SSLeay if it is installed.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
my($url, $realm, $user, $pass) = @ARGV[0 .. 3 ];

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent-new();
my $request = HTTP::Request-new( GET = $url);
$ua-credentials($request-uri()-host_port(), $realm, $user, $pass);
$response = $ua-request($request);
if($response-is_success()) {
print $response-content();
exit 0;
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] CVS output

2004-02-02 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 12:03:47PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and I don't want cvs stuff barfing on the screen.

The cvs command makes generous use of standard error. Adding the -q
global option flag to CVS will quiet most of the output standard eror.
Otherwise, if you need to get and keep that information somehow, you
can either use the 2 shell redirection syntax or the IPC::Open3
module to fetch it as a separate stream.

the Magic Eight Ball said 'You can rely on it'. Does rely mean 
'Yes',or 'No'?  -- Samantha Langmead, age 6.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] CGI problems

2004-01-21 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 03:14:26PM -0800, Ranga Nathan wrote:
 I like to trace all the statements in a function but output on the web.

There is one recipe in the perldebug man page that might be helpful
to you.

   If your rc file contains:

 parse_options(NonStop=1 LineInfo=db.out AutoTrace);

   then your script will run without human intervention, putting trace
   information into the file db.out.  

Just remember that in the instructions for the .perldb file in the
context of a web server,  home directory means the home directory of
the uid that web server runs as and current directory means the 
current directory of the web server.

Jumping is a lot like flying, except the sudden fall at the end.
-- Samantha Langmead, age 6.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] CGI problems

2004-01-21 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 04:24:45PM -0800, Ranga Nathan wrote:
 Thanks for that. I created a .perldb for 'nobody' in home directory and 
 added the '-d'  on the shebang line. The script hung but I could not 
 'locate' a db.out anyhwere. Perhaps it closes only if the script finishes!

(Why does nobody have a home directory? That's odd, and maybe a
little scary.)

As a quick glance at, it seems that the LineInfo directive
will just make a quick effort to open the file. On failure it will just
merrily go its way. The recipe as written will write the db.out file into
the current directory, which nobody may not (and probably should not)
have write access to.  The LineInfo filehandle  is set  command buffer
its output, so it should be able to be used even on a CGI script that
just hangs and never completes.

Changing the  LineInfo directive to a full path to a directory nobody
can write to (like /tmp/db.out) might be all that you need.

Otherwise, maybe a more complex wrapper script, like the one below,
around your CGI might work.

#!/usr/local/perl/5.8.1/bin/perl -w
$ENV{PERLDB_OPTS}='NonStop=1 LineInfo=db.out AutoTrace';
system('/usr/local/perl/5.8.1/bin/perl', '-dw', 

Jumping is a lot like flying, except the sudden fall at the end.
-- Samantha Langmead, age 6.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Damien's book OOP - OOP?

2003-10-09 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Thu, Oct 09, 2003 at 10:55:45AM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 I'm pretty sure there's no second edition in the works -- more likely it's
 just a 4 year old book that distributors are deciding not to stock any

Even when it is the best book on the subject and all the information
in the book is relavent to the  current version of the language? I'll
never understand the book publishing business.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] mimes!

2003-01-15 Thread Andrew M. Langmead
On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 07:50:45PM -0500, Joel Gwynn wrote:
 I'm working on an email app using use Mail::POP3Client to get emails off a
 pop server and store the messages in a database.  So I get my message body
 like this:

There are headers that you are dropping when you say $pop-Body() that
you need in order to correctly decode the body. Can you pull them out
and store them in the database as well?

I think at the minimum you need MIME-Version, Content-Type, and

For a slightly more robust solution, you might want to look at the
MIME encoding/decoding utilities in MIME::Tools.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Content management system

2002-09-22 Thread Andrew M. Langmead

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 12:32:51AM -0400, Sherm Pendley wrote:
 Just to pick nits - only the local Boston-area WGBH site at 
 is managed by ArsDigita. The content that's created by WGBH's 
 Interactive department for PBS, and posted to and is 
 managed by a diverse collection of ad hoc systems, using an assortment 
 of tools including MySQL, FileMaker Pro, Word, Excel, and (of course!) 
 both Perl and MacPerl.

Thanks, for the clarification. 

The point I was trying to make, and it is somewhat embarrassing that I
got through the list and forgot to make it, is that the difference
corporations all had different needs and they decided on systems that
have nearly no common features, (Except for some peripheral items like
templates) and no common general concepts (except a 10,000 ft view of
data comes in, data sits, data goes out) 

When was researching content management vendors, there were
a few of them that considered the ability to injest MS-Word and Excel
documents, and the ability to connect to ODBC resources important
feature of a CMS, saying you can't really manage content if you need
to convert it before importing it into the system (which then leads to
two copies, the one on the authors disk, which they go back to for
edits, and the one in the system, which is used by everyone but the
author.) For others, all data input is through HTML forms. Now that
I've been playing around with zope a bit, I find the WebDAV and
external editor support a neat compromise between the two. But this is
just showing that once you dip below they 10,000 feet, even the data
in step of the three step process above is remarkably different.

It was probably the requirements process that gave me the
tendency to respond to any content management question with what does
the term content management mean to you, and what do you want it to do
for you?

I know a grown up word, its Magnetitious. It means when a magnet can
stick on something.. -- Samantha Langmead, age 5.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Content management system

2002-09-20 Thread Andrew M. Langmead

On Fri, Sep 20, 2002 at 04:29:23PM -0400, Ranga Nathan wrote:
 I am looking for a content management system. There are many of them on
 freshmeat. Wonder if people had experience with them and what the
 experiences have been.

The term Content Management System is vague enough to be nearly

Some people take it to mean a document workflow system, to make sure
documents correctly go through the writing, editing, layout, approval

Some people take it to mean a collaborative publishing environment.

Some people take content management as database backed content
delivery system.

I'd suggest that try to be a little more descriptive on what sort of
problem you want to solve, and then look at package which have
features that solve that problem. Once you find it, it will probably
call itself a content management system, but that doesn't mean that
some other content management system would fufill the same needs.

O'Reilly based their O'Reilly Network on a product called Community
Server Application Software. Slashdot runs off of
slashcode. Activestate uses Zope as a backend production for part of
their site. (Which is interesting, since Zope wants to be involved
through the web delivery end.) CMSWatch runs on Midgard. WGBH runs
ArsDigita Collaberation System, which is now owned by Red Hat.

What content do you have to work with, and what do you want to do with it?

Dreams feel like a cloud inside a bubble inside my head. 
-- Samantha Langmead, age 5.
Boston-pm mailing list