Re: [] Perl community The Rising Costs of Aging Perlers

2013-07-27 Thread John Tsangaris
 are behind the curve on marketing, so 
we can't simply say it's the same for all languages, it isn't, and the 
presentation for Perl particularly, almost consistently, reads like a 
text book)  I think that may be part of the problem.  I just watched a 
video lesson today on how to program the kinect which broke down the 
lessons to capturing images recognizing the skeleton responding to 
commands.  It used C# for the api though it listed other languages that 
could be used. However, you didn't hear about programming theory or 
language internals. It was, to do this, you write this command. The 
majority of the population that has a great idea only wants to know how 
do I do x not what an array is. If they learn an array along the way, 
so be it. It's part of the solution.

I'd guess this may be a starting point. That the language be presented 
as a method to solve a problem. Currently it's presentation is academic 
and guess what? That's where people are using it.   We need tutorials 
and websites focused on how to build a login, how to build an add 
item page, how to save peoples information.  They are looking for 
solutions to their business problems, and I'm going out on a limb, but I 
can't imagine Mary the Restauranteur who has an incredible idea on how 
to build a website for restaurants is going to ever include the words 
array, scalar, subroutines, or referencing in her search for how to do 
that. Yet, on the first page of how to use perl results, that's all I found.

When Perl is viewed as a solution to someone's business problem or more 
particularly, their business idea , then they will hire Perl programmers 
to use that forward that solution. Right now, in the marketing sense, 
it's only a language, not a way to make $500,000 a month with this new 
website idea I came up with.

If I were to wager a method to do this, I'd say take the word Perl out 
of the equation, just like the build with Kinect lesson did with C#. 
Don't sell the language, sell the solution. Don't teach them arrays, 
teach them how to build a login mechanism.

Anyways, that felt like more of a rambling diatribe than anything, so 
I'll only partially apologize. :-)


John Tsangaris
| Deputy Jasper County Sheriff's Office |
| Member Infragard, Kansas City Chapter |
| MemberFraternal Order of Police, Lodge 27 |
| Junior Warden AFAM Fellowship Lodge #345 |
| 32°   Scottish Rite, Valley of Joplin |
| Member  Knights of St. Andrew |

Boston-pm mailing list

[] Net::Google::Calendar help

2011-02-15 Thread John Tsangaris
I have an issue with a number of events on a google calendar which are 
two weeks off.  The original events were entered manually from 02/07/11 
to about 05/28/11 and frequent about 4 / week.  I need to shift the 
entire calendars events two weeks into the future.

Net::Google::Calendar appeared to do what I want (yes i know it's 
alpha) and almost did.  I have it getting a list of events and time 
shifting them.  Before I update my calendar with the new times though, I 
need to get past a bug | user-ignorance.  The class has very few but 
simple to use methods, one of which, -get_events, returns only events 
from 4/14/11 through 5/26/11.  It's missing the first two months as well 
as the last day's events.  There is nothing else in this calendar as 
it's specific to this project.

I've tinkered with options, etc, but am confident that the way I'm 
using it should return what I want.  It is not.

The docs uses this line (and so do I) for the example:

for ($cal-get_events) { }

This is only returning 25 of my ~65 events.  I've even set that 
max-results parameter to 1 just in case there was a 25 event default 
limiter to no avail.


Did I hit the alpha wall?

Am I screwing something up?

Is there another easy-to-use package out there that gives sweet sweet 
access to google calendar?


John Tsangaris

| Software Engineer  Aries Digital Technologies |
| Deputy Jasper County Sheriff's Office |
| President Faithful Aid Foundation |
| ChairmanWays and Means Committee, NAMI Joplin |
| Junior Deacon AFAM Fellowship Lodge #345 |
| 32°   Scottish Rite, Valley of Joplin |

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Re: [] Recursion Problem

2006-10-27 Thread John Tsangaris

 perhaps you forgot to turn on warnings?


I'm a bad person.  Thanks, Ronald et al!

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[] Trying out CGI::Application

2005-09-13 Thread John Tsangaris
I'm in need of some upper level wisdom sharing.

I've been playing around with CGI::Application and while I've made it do
what I want it to, there seems to be some things missing (either from it's
capabilities, or mine).

So, I've searched the net for some good CGI::App examples of how the pros
use it, but I'm met with the same simple examples over and over.  These
examples show that if you have a large program with 1000 different run
modes, well.. you end up with 1000 line of  mode1 = \mode1,.

On top of that.. all examples show the mode1 as being coded inside your
main package.

Now, while I know that you can clean stuff up by moving the subs to
various other modules which can be used in your main package, there
doesn't seem to be an easy way of loading only the modules you need based
on the run mode.  The program assumes the run mode sub is available and
runs it.

This seems to be extremely unweildy for any large number of subs and run

I've looked for examples of a better way to use CGI::Application than the
simple run_mode = \sub in the main package way but can't find any.

In the past I used a super simple framework, not as full featured, but at
least it had the capability to dynamically load parts of the program when
needed, rather than the whole shebang.

Am I missing something or does CGI::Application seem to fall short on the
organizational level?

Also, what is the standard (or several of the better ways) of using the
run modes?  For instance, to create a register function I have two
choices, create a page template using one run mode to display and another
to process it, or use the same run mode to display and process it
determining which to do by watching which button was clicked (which seems
to make the whole run mode idea pointless).  But, while I run through my
scratchpad of pieces to build, I find myself running the almost identical
pattern for each fairly simple feature by writing: run mode to display,
run mode to process, web template.

After writing my third copy of that pattern I figured there must be a
better way of handling requests for display / processing purposes in

Can anyone pop a kernel my way on how I can make better use of this
package?  I'm looking for more of an architectural-leveled answer, please.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] why popularity matters

2005-03-03 Thread John Tsangaris
I've *never* been hired to do perl coding.  I've been hired to write
software to solve problems.

I think that he didn't mean that literally, but more of a general statement of 
solving problems specifically using 
perl. :-/

Sneaking in perl code is unprofessional.  All code you write should be
subject to code review, and if your company's guidelines say thou shalt
not use perl then you will fail the review.  Even if your company
doesn't do code reviews right now (and they should) that doesn't mean
that they won't in the future.  And when they do start, you'll be up
shit creek for deploying stuff without appropriate authorisation and
quality control.

Again, you may be taking the statement a little too literally.  Not to be 
offensive, but you seem to be taking a high 
horse stance on this.  You just may be the first person I've met (virtually) 
that has never had to take an order from 
a business supervisor which trades doing it right for do it now.  I guess I 
had the luxury, or the bank account, 
where I could tell me supervisor that I absolutely refuse to do what he is 
asking unless I get to do it the right way.  
I have a feeling my career at that employment would be short lived.

Anyways, perhaps you are not taking the sneaking in of perl in the right 
context.  I've snuck a linux server into my 
last employers network, because I could.  It was a decision left to me, which 
went against what the company was 
moving to but not against company rules.  And in fact, the server has been 
very popular.  Also, I sneak perl in all 
the time.  Any side half/un-official project or automation, I use perl.  Even 
though it's not the company language 
anymore.  I won't lose my job, nor will people send me up shit creek because 
I had the opportunity to use perl and I 
did.  Perhaps you need to take a step back and realize that english is not a 
programming language, and you do not have 
to interperet every line literally.


Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread John Tsangaris

Can someone remind me why Perl needs to be more popular?  What actual
problem will be solved?  Are we running low on module developers?  Running
low on core developers?  Is the existing code-base evaporating?  Are there
not enough t-shirt and book sales?  How will we know when Perl is popular
enough?  Wouldn't it be easier to just trash the reputations of other
languages?  Should we have existing Perl users use Perl more often?

I think your target audience is a little skewed from the original threads 
purpose.  I don't recall anyone claiming 
that their are not enough programmers.  I believe the problem was not enough 
unknowledgable, perl-accepting decision 

It doesn't need to be more popular though.  Nor does it need to be accepted by 
non-technical decision makers.  These 
are not necessities.  I just really liked programming in Perl for all those 
years, but since having a job means more 
to me than being able to choose which language I use in my job, I am now a C# 
programmer.  This because perl was not 
popular enough to be supported by my non-technical and technical managers.  I'm 
not complaining about learning a new 
language, I just really liked perl.  It's almost like being laid off from a 
corporation because not enough customers 
wanted to purchase their product.  So it is that I am no longer a perl 
programmer (defined by the language I use 50 
hours a week as opposed to the language I use 5 hours a week on side projects). 
 I am confident that, had perl more 
acceptance by those not in the know, the decision would have been made 
differently.  And it's like they had to choose 
between the two languages as all of our legacy code is written in perl.  Almost 
everything in-house is.  It still did 
not prevent them from deciding that Perl was not supported enough to continue 
using it.

How will we know when Perl is popular enough?

Oooh.. this ones easy.  When my boss comes to me and says use Perl for this 
next project.  I wouldn't ask for more 
perl popularity than that.

I hope I made the problem at hand more clear.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-02-26 Thread John Tsangaris
Have any great advances been made with a perl gui which can be used on multiple 
platforms?  I have to say, I just 
wrote my first ASP.NET application in C# over the last 3 weeks, and while I had 
many complaints on having to write 
several lines of code to accomplish what I could have in 1 line of perl, as 
well as shortcuts that I could have taken 
in perl which don't even seem to exist in C#, I must say that I actually 
enjoyed the WYSIWYG editor.

If I could write standalone programs for windows in perl, and be able to share 
those programs with my non-perl 
collegues at work without over head of them having to install perl separately, 
would work wonders for general 
acceptance of the language.  I understand that I can bundled perl itself as an 
executable.  But the WYSIWYG IDE and 
easy to use executables just seem to make the language more palatable for 
knowledgeable, non-technical users.


On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 19:18:54 -0500, Bogart Salzberg wrote:

On Feb 25, 2005, at 6:08 PM, Alex Brelsfoard wrote:


How about an alliance with Apple? Ditch AppleScript and replace it with 
Perl, marry Perl to a GUI and turn Mac users into Perl-hacking 

Does anyone know of a good book on database theory? Really.


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Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-02-25 Thread John Tsangaris
Truly, I was simply looking for a way to advertise Perl as being something
serious in today's technology.  Guess it's back to the drawing board.

I'm motivated to not let this die at the certification sucks stage, since 
perl popularity means more money in my 
pocket (and I'm assuming it is the same for most people on this list).

I've recently been moved to C# which was a company decision.  The decision 
makers chose this as they stated they have 
had a much easier time finding C# developers than Perl developers (their 
results have apparently come via responses to 
various local posting methods including perl jobs).  And while people can argue 
that this isn't so, it really was for 
this one company (and this was mutliple postings over several years).

I'm sure I could push back a little, but the general tide seems to be going 
that way and I know my efforts will be in 

So... we all know perl can do what other languages can do and sometimes better 
(in the context of web languages of 
course).  The question is, how to persuade the decision makers to make the 
right decision.

I agree that a nice list of super corporations that use perl would lend some 
legitimacy to the language, but I don't 
think that will have the definitive effect we, or at least I, am hoping it will.

Sure, certification would probably make executives pay more attention, but as 
we've seen by many arguments, 
certification is a waste.  It's non-representative of actual skills, 
corporately biased, not 'monitored' enough, etc.  
So what to do then?  I guess I am not that convinced that certification is such 
a crap shoot.  Of course all these 
down-sides of certification are there, so is Java really a better language 
because its supporters were able to come up 
with certification program and pursuade executives to use the language?

I think in talking about certification, the whole purpose gets lost very 
quickly in the geeks mind of why waste the 
time if it's a waste of time?

The purpose of certification in the context with which it was introduced in 
this thread is not an added ability for 
us, the geeks, to judge other geeks to determine if they have met certain 
spiritual and linguistic criteria.  The 
purpose of said certification was to pursuade executives who make language 
decisions that perl does have credibility 
behind it.

If all these negative things about perl certification is true, then it is true 
for all language certification.  Yet, 
someone recently got a job somewhere in this great union, or india, because 
they had certification.  I don't mean to 
imply that a certificate is the only variable managers evaluate when hiring, 
but have you noticed that no matter how 
much more you may know than the kid who just got his Bachelor of Computer 
Science, unless you have that B.Sc, doors 

So, the Java certified get more jobs than the plain Java knowledgeable.  Ok.  
Therefore we should not have perl 
certification because, why?

The suggestion that we can pick up our certificates at the next meeting may not 
be far from what is necessary for 
certification to accomplish the originally proposed goal.  I'm not suggesting 
you pay $5 and pickup your piece of 
pizza, a coke, and a certificate simply for sitting in on the session.  But... 
it simply feels like people are 
thinking more like software engineers than executives.

If not certification, what else could we do?  I am interested in what the more 
experienced developers have considered 
to be a better method of increasing perl popularity than certification.

Is a group needed specifically for the promotion of perl?  Perhaps to raise 
money through events and such in order to 
turn around and advertise perl generally?  There are dairy farmers who do that. 
 Tourism spots tend to pool money in 
order to promote general spending in their area.  So why not a Chamber of Perl? 
(I may be joking about the name but 
not the idea).

Is an occasional radio or tv advertisement that bad of an idea that we shut 
that down too?  Advertising works for 
Java, but it couldn't possibly work for perl, right?

Remember, we are not trying to convince the smart people who already know perl 
is good.  Our solid logic proving perl 
is the best and only choice for all things is in great need of viagra when 
placed next to the hot look and feel of 
the advertised or certified languages.  If you have seen most executives, they 
don't drive the logical cars, they 
drive the hot cars, regardless of how illogical it may be.

So let's hear it.  Not accepting that perl is doomed to forever be the 
'unpopular' choice, I'd like to hear from 
others ideas that would really work to raise general social/corporate awareness 
of the language.

Sorry... I had some lint in that $.02... but I'm sure you'll understand. :-)



Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Serious upload help needed

2005-02-08 Thread John Tsangaris
So, if they can't click on a link to an ftp server, type a password and 
drag-drop the files where they belong, how do they manage to get clean 
underwear on every morning?  IE isn't the greatest browser, but it looks 
like the familiar Windows Explorer when viewing an FTP site.  The only 
thing you should be worrying about is clear text passwords over the 

I think business requirements should be left to the knowledgable.  Those are 
the things that typically drive decisions.  Perhaps I 
didn't state it clearly enough (though I did), ftp was not an option and I 
didn't want to go into details because it was a waste of 
time. (No, Tom.. not nefarious.. just a waste of time.. decision made and it 
wasn't up to me :-) )  I'm still baffled that their are 
responses out there that follow precisely the opposite of what the business 
requirements dictate, such as an ftp server and client do 
not provide close to the functionality of the system that I was supposed to 
build.  Especially on shared host systems.

I do appreciate all the other helpful responses though! The roll your own 
server may take a front seat.



Boston-pm mailing list

[] Serious upload help needed

2005-02-07 Thread John Tsangaris
I have a client that has specific needs for an upload utility. They don't care 
what language I use, they simply want it webbased.  
They can't use ftp (the users are not knowledgeable enough, nor do they want to 
use client apps other than browsers).  I can't go into 
the rest of the details as to why they want a system like this, but they need 
upload capabilities in the hundreds of MB on a variety 
of shared hosting systems.

Soo php has a 2 MB default Apache limit.  Perl seems to simply cut off at 
1216 B on one server and times out on another (was 
using a 23MB file for test purposes).

What can I do to get around this?  I'm even looking at Java Servlets which I 
will explore tomorrow.. but since I have never cracked my 
Java Servlets book until tonight, I'm afraid that I won't know if that will 
allow me to do what I want until I try it tomorrow.

So I am asking all the knowledgeable and wise gurus out there.  What language 
do I use (please say perl) and what settings do I set in 
order to facilitate the upload of 100MB files through a web interface on a 
hosting system that I have no configurational control 

Or do I simply inform my client that this kind of capability does not exist 
with current technologies?



Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Help using LWP to change password Q's?

2004-08-26 Thread John Tsangaris
I'm not sure this answers your question... but I always do this whenever trying to 
figure out form data being sent to 
the server for LWP purposes.  Use a simple proxy server and log the requests.  I used 
the chance to roll my own (about 
20 lines, now up to about 100) that keeps three different types of logging, one for 
sites visited, one for form post 
data, and one for everything under the sun.  I manually interact once with the site I 
am trying to LWP, with logging on.  
I also take a look at the html source for other options, but whatever comes through 
the log gets cut-and-pasted into my 
LWP calls for the basis of my interaction.  I've never had to get around javascript 
before, but I'm sure you can 
simulate the transform pretty easily.


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