RE: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread John Tsangaris

Can someone remind me why Perl needs to be more popular?  What actual
problem will be solved?  Are we running low on module developers?  Running
low on core developers?  Is the existing code-base evaporating?  Are there
not enough t-shirt and book sales?  How will we know when Perl is popular
enough?  Wouldn't it be easier to just trash the reputations of other
languages?  Should we have existing Perl users use Perl more often?

I think your target audience is a little skewed from the original threads 
purpose.  I don't recall anyone claiming 
that their are not enough programmers.  I believe the problem was not enough 
unknowledgable, perl-accepting decision 

It doesn't need to be more popular though.  Nor does it need to be accepted by 
non-technical decision makers.  These 
are not necessities.  I just really liked programming in Perl for all those 
years, but since having a job means more 
to me than being able to choose which language I use in my job, I am now a C# 
programmer.  This because perl was not 
popular enough to be supported by my non-technical and technical managers.  I'm 
not complaining about learning a new 
language, I just really liked perl.  It's almost like being laid off from a 
corporation because not enough customers 
wanted to purchase their product.  So it is that I am no longer a perl 
programmer (defined by the language I use 50 
hours a week as opposed to the language I use 5 hours a week on side projects). 
 I am confident that, had perl more 
acceptance by those not in the know, the decision would have been made 
differently.  And it's like they had to choose 
between the two languages as all of our legacy code is written in perl.  Almost 
everything in-house is.  It still did 
not prevent them from deciding that Perl was not supported enough to continue 
using it.

How will we know when Perl is popular enough?

Oooh.. this ones easy.  When my boss comes to me and says use Perl for this 
next project.  I wouldn't ask for more 
perl popularity than that.

I hope I made the problem at hand more clear.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Duane Bronson

5. Clean up CPAN. The egalitarian nature of CPAN is commendable.
However, quality and activity vary widely and redundancy is rampant. A

baitPerhaps we should require people to hold certifications before they
contribute code./
You are right about CPAN.  CPAN's hugeness and uneven quality is
intimidating -- I can't learn Perl!  Look at all the modules I have to know
how to use! -- and impenetrable -- How can I know if Bob's brand new
version 0.03 module is better than Joe's 3-year old version 9.72 module?  I
see this problem as insoluble, but it'd be great if someone solved it

My beef with CPAN is the fact that there is some administrative work 
involved with writing a perl program that uses a CPAN module.  After I 
write it, I can't email it to a perl neophyte and say here, run this.  
Instead, I have to say first you need to get an admin to install a 
bunch of modules.  Once I get to the word admin, I get laughed at.

Is there a CPAN distribution just as there are Linux distributions?  
In other words, a collection of CPAN modules that one can install as a 
bundle rather than having to use the perl -MCPAN install 
module_that_wont_compile?  ActiveState provides PPM which take a lot 
of pain out of CPAN since so much stuff just doesn't compile on Windows, 
but modules that don't compile are simply excluded from the PPM 
database.  Also, some Linux distributions have packages that bundle a 
bunch of perl modules together, unfortunately, they only work with that 
Linux distro.  I would prefer a standard distribution of modules for all 
platforms beyond the limited stuff that comes with the perl install.

 , , , |  Duane Bronson
/|/|/| ,   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
( ( ( |/|   |
\( |   |  453 Washington St. #4A, Boston, MA 02111
 |/|  (617) 515-2909
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread John Saylor

( 05.03.01 14:21 -0500 ) Greg London:
 What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
 did free (or low cost) online certification?

what if you did that.

 What it requires is a community spirit,
 and a little bit of generousity from its
 members to grant it the possibility of being.

i don't think so.

what it requires is for somebody to *do the work*. as you've found out,
this [and other] topics can generate a lot of postings to an email list.
but you won't get any closer to your holy grail of perl certification
without somebody actually doing something besides posting to an email

\js oblique strategy: openly resist change
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London

John Saylor said:

 ( 05.03.01 14:21 -0500 ) Greg London:
 What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
 did free (or low cost) online certification?

 what if you did that.

brilliant. Rather than focus on the goal,
shift focus on how impossible it appears
to get there. never mind that the Bazaar model
might actually produce an answer that you
never thought of. Just kill the conversation.
Obstruct it. confound it. get it off the list.
Turn it into a cathedral model. require that
the person asking the question also provide
the answer. don't allow discussion. Demand
the individual do the work themselves. don't allow
the bazaar to produce a result you can't control.

 strategy: openly resist change

yeah, I get that about you.

Did I mention I'm done trying to move the unmovable?
Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Cause all you're doing right now is obstructing.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread John Saylor

  ( 05.03.01 14:21 -0500 ) Greg London:
  What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
  did free (or low cost) online certification?

 John Saylor said:
  what if you did that.

( 05.03.01 15:59 -0500 ) Greg London:
 brilliant. Rather than focus on the goal,
 shift focus on how impossible it appears
 to get there.

i'm sorry but you appear to be of your mind. i thought that *was* the
goal [for you], certification. i'm not saying anything's impossible, i'm
just tired of hearing you gripe about the fact that not everyone sees
things the same way you do.

i think we can both agree that perl certification won't get done on the mailing list. all i'm saying is stop complaining and *do*
something about it beside try to convince people on this list that you
are 'correct'.

and i think you've completely misread the cathedral and the bazaar. have
you ever heard, 'release early and often'? well, i was saying release

  strategy: openly resist change

 yeah, I get that about you.

btw- they are OBLIQUE strategies, from brian eno. 

 Cause all you're doing right now is obstructing.

all you're doing is whining. and all we're doing is calling each other
names on a public mailing list. see, we have something in common after
all ...

\js oblique strategy: adding on
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London
John Saylor wrote:
   ( 05.03.01 14:21 -0500 ) Greg London:
   What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
   did free (or low cost) online certification?
  John Saylor said:
   what if you did that.
 ( 05.03.01 15:59 -0500 ) Greg London:
  brilliant. Rather than focus on the goal,
  shift focus on how impossible it appears
  to get there.
 i'm sorry but you appear to be of your mind. i thought that *was* the
 goal [for you], certification. i'm not saying anything's impossible, i'm
 just tired of hearing you gripe about the fact that not everyone sees
 things the same way you do.

certification is the goal.
I don't know how to get there.
I thought maybe some folks on
the list might be able to come
up with an answer if we put
our heads together and brainstorm.

My only gripe is that  
it never gets to that point
of an actual brainstorm.

Instead, some people feel the need to
bring up socialists and fractured 
communities, and now your demand
that I do it myself (dont ask,
just do it), before an actual
brainstorming bazaar can occur.

My question is what if someone 
provided certification that was
free to programmers but caused
the corporate world to adopt perl?

I never claimed to have the answer.
I was asking the list an open
ended question. Must you stand in
the way of some people even having
a simple conversation about it?

This list is boiling down to the
lowest common denominator.
Unless everyone agrees to allow 
the conversation, a single person
can obstruct the whole thing.
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London

Sean Quinlan said:
 OK. Please bear with me as I think while I type (brainstorm). How many
 under-employed Perl Mongers do we have in the Boston area who would be
 willing to semi-volunteer?

 Suggestions? Would anyone be interested in participating in this?

I did three in-house training courses at my current job.
It was basic perl for non-perl programmers.
They were two-hour sesssions, once a week for 7 weeks.
about 20 students per class.

After that, I wrote Impatient Perl as an attempt to
create a teach-yourself-perl-in-N-days book.
It's about 130 pages long. Still an intro to perl,
but takes the student/reader all teh way to
object oriented programming and advanced regular

It's licensed GNU-FDL, with the idea that while it
might not be perfect, it should be a good place to start.

I never broke the book into training sessions, so I'm
not sure how long a course would be, but I wrote it
as a text book of sorts, so it should break into a course
fairly well.

I could teach a course if it were in the evening or something.
Not sure how I could work it into the 9-5 routine since
I'm working full time.

That's what I've got.


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Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London

Greg London said:
 After that, I wrote Impatient Perl as an attempt to
 create a teach-yourself-perl-in-N-days book.
 It's about 130 pages long. Still an intro to perl,
 but takes the student/reader all teh way to
 object oriented programming and advanced regular

 It's licensed GNU-FDL, with the idea that while it
 might not be perfect, it should be a good place to start.

I've been thinking that maybe this would be better served
if I put it on a wiki or something that allowed people to
add corrections and improvements.  But I have no idea how a
wiki works or how I would convert one large Open Office
document into a wiki, and then how to convert it back
to Open Office again. The point of that being to be able to
upload the changes to Lulu and offer a book version of the

Can a wiki keep track of changes, and undo some and keep

Anyway, it was intended to be a one-stop-shopping for
someone who wanted to learn perl from zero.
i.e. this would get you up and running to the point that
you understood all the basic concepts of perl.
It doesn't go into web programming or anything like that,
it's all generic perl that pretty much anyone could use.

Boston-pm mailing list

[] Bottom Up

2005-02-28 Thread Bogart Salzberg
An (improved) argument for a bottom-up approach to boosting Perl...
A bottom-up approach does not directly address the issue at hand, 
Perl's reputation among important decision-makers. But as an indirect 
factor it may be more effective than the top-down buzz of a Perl 
Inside marketing campaign.

The popularity of PHP, for example, was built from scratch on bottom-up 
buzz. It had so little hope of ever being widely used that its creator 
named it Personal Home Pages. But it caught fire for two reasons: 1) 
it's friendly to newbies, and 2) it's web-centric. (And hosting 
providers supported it, as Ben pointed out). When you've got a lot of 
wide-eyed, excited newbies giggling over their first sticky widget, you 
might not have much talent but you've got tons of buzz. When you also 
consider that the World Wide Web was simultaneously the subject and 
medium of this buzz, it becomes hyper-buzz. The newbies turned into 
real programmers, started real business and made real money. And now 
PHP is taken seriously by the PHB in the corner office. No one had to 
advertise PHP. The environment was simply saturated with buzz about it.

How can Perl get buzz? Get newbies. This won't help Perl in the short 
run, but it will be vital in the long run to breed a new generation of 
Perl hackers, and could provide a solid boost to Perl's reputation 
within a few years. How can Perl get newbies? Others have pointed out 
that Perl is not the typical academic language. That's why I would 
propose targeting not the CS students but the vast superset of computer 
users. Realistically, only a small portion would be interested in 
evolving into power users. But for this portion (still huge in absolute 
terms), the ubiquitous utility of Perl is only a few lessons away.

So here's a few carrots for those kids:
1. Make Perl easier to find. The Unix core of Mac OS X is a HUGE 
opportunity for Perl to be introduced to a new, and growing, community 
of users. But most Mac users ignore the Terminal, even those with the 
aptitude to quickly learn how to use it. A free light-weight Cocoa 
wrapper around Perl could tip the balance. Rather than a full-blown 
IDE, it would be a text editor that mediated the input, execution and 
output of the script, changed mode transparently, etc.

2. Make Perl easier to learn. In terms of utility and usability, outshines any perl reference site. By a lot. Even without the 
type of GUI proposed above, a high-quality online Perl reference would 

3. Make Perl CGI easier to use. The aid of CGI::Carp 
qw(fatalsToBrowser) should be built-in and ON by default. (How hard is 
it for perl to figure out that it was called in a CGI context and 
prepend a header upon expiring? For that matter, how hard is it for 
Apache to do?) 500 Server Error is NOT helpful. Sure, you could check 
the error log. But some ISPs don't even allow access to the error log. 
When you're smart enough to turn it OFF, you'll be smart enough to turn 
it OFF.

4. Make Perl fun. Celebrate the elements of sport and humor latent in 
Perl (or Perl hackers, anyway). Perl puzzles. Perl duels. The 
Obfuscated Perl Contest is a great example.

5. Clean up CPAN. The egalitarian nature of CPAN is commendable. 
However, quality and activity vary widely and redundancy is rampant. A 
little moderation could tidy it up a bit without ruffling too many 
feathers. How about a distinction for the most downloaded modules in 
each class? Sort by number.

6. Add features. PHP is certainly obese, but Perl never pretended to be 
a Spartan, either. How about pulling some of the most widely used and 
most stable module features into the perl executable? PHP has a major 
convenience edge over Perl. When you're a newbie, convenience trumps 
performance. Perhaps some of these new features could be flagged at 

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