Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-22 Thread jdiebremse
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Charlie Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's another, to illustrate the point - a fertility clinic is
 on fire. The fire service is 20 minutes away, and can't help. On
 one floor, there are 100 infants. On another, is the frozen
 embryo storage facility, with 100 liquid nitrogen storage
 containers, each containing 100 embryos. You can only keep the
 fire from getting to one of the floors long enough to clear it,
 the other will be lost.
 What do you do?

 I'd be willing to bet that nearly everyone would save the 100
 infants  over the 10,000 embryos. Because, no matter how much
 the right to life is espoused, no matter how much some people
 talk of embryos as  children and claim they see them as equal,
 people do value babies more. And if you can understand why, then
 you can understand why
 abortions up to 1/3 to 1/2 of the way through pregnancy are not
 considered murder by a lot of people.

This is, of course, an absurd hypothetical, sort of like the
questions we used to ask as a kid - would you rather slide down a
set of razors into a pool of rubbing alcohol or be burned alive?

Anyhow, if one changes the example such that on the second floor are
150 Senior Citizens, I suspect that most people save the infants
first.   Of course, I doubt that you would then be reaching the
conclusions that Senior Citizens don't have the right to live or
that Senior Citizens aren't equal, and that killing a citizen isn't




Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread jdiebremse
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I give about 40 speeches a year, in red states to Republican
 audiences, and I get the same enthusiastic responses from those
 audiences as I get from Liberal college audiences. The only
 difference is, is that the Republicans often say to me, 'How come
 we've never heard this before?'
 The Democrats as a whole had a much more accurate view of
 those events. And then PIPA went back twice to these same people.

Of course your found it intriguing.  I am sure it is a very comforting
bedtime story that Democrats are smart and Republicans stupid, and
that if everyone had access to the truth, then we'd all be Democrats.




Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread Nick Arnett

On 7/22/06, jdiebremse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Of course your found it intriguing.  I am sure it is a very comforting
bedtime story that Democrats are smart and Republicans stupid, and
that if everyone had access to the truth, then we'd all be Democrats.

Aside from the fact that it wasn't about smart and stupid or access to
truth... You seem to be saying that I only found it intriguing because it
fits my view of the world.  So, you think it's bad to focus on sources of
information that tell you what you want to hear?  Which was the point, of

Poll after poll shows that a lot of people in this country believe important
things that are factually incorrect... things that the White House, Fox and
others have said were true and/or refuse to disavow.  That seems like a
rather large problem for a democracy.  Don't you think so?  Or maybe that's
just the way things have always been and democracy has survived it, so we
shouldn't be particularly concerned?


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-22 Thread Brother John

Gary Denton wrote:

Technically, 10,000 frozen embryos could be considered equal to 1,666
children considering the success rate of implantation.  You could make
a case to rescue those instead of a hundred infants but in nearly all
foreseeable circumstance I wouldn't.

I don't consider frozen dots human... These periods are the size of a
frozen human embryos.

There are 400,000 frozen embryos in the United States.  Suppose I save
Bush and the Snowflake clinic a lot of time and just run around and
adopt them all.  I'll store them in an ice cream container in my
freezer. While trying to decide how to choose who I'll give them to my
freezer gets too hot. It may be just the normal temperature I run it
at could be too warm for long term embryo viability, but it looks like
they spoil.  I don't want spoiled stuff in my freezer. I have also
been getting afraid anyway I might confuse it with ice cream in the
dark and am worried what they would taste like. So I toss them into my
garbage.  One melting pail of 400,000 embryos, adios.

Now, am I the individual biggest mass murderer in US history?  Or am I
someone who just took out the garbage?

On 7/21/06, Charlie Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 20/07/2006, at 12:23 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

 So, I don't think it is helpful to make arguments based on one's
 own axiom
 set and then expect them to sound reasonable to someone who holds a
 different axiom set.  What we can do is look at the consequences of

This is the point I was heading for.

Now, I don't think it's wrong to say that human life starts at
conception, but I just think it's meaningless, as a zygote isn't
actually any more human than an ovum - it's still a single cell.
Sure, it's been given the infusion of extra DNA and the biological
kick that'll

You can say it's not human if you like, but genetically you are just 
wrong.  It is distinctly human and not of any other living species.  
Furthermore, it is alive.  If it were not, there would be no need to 
kill it. --JWR


Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread Doug Pensinger

JDG wrote:

Of course your found it intriguing.  I am sure it is a very comforting
bedtime story that Democrats are smart and Republicans stupid, and
that if everyone had access to the truth, then we'd all be Democrats.

I don't think its a matter of smart or stupid as much as a tendency to 
filter information such that it supports an established POV. Do you have a 
critique of the poll 
[] that establishes 
that its results are biased or wrong?  The above post implies that it is 
complete fiction.

From tha analysis of the poll:

Another possible explanation is that Bush supporters cling to these 
beliefs because they are necessary for
their support for the decision to go to war with Iraq. Asked whether the 
US should have gone to war with
Iraq if US intelligence had concluded that Iraq was not making WMD or 
providing support to al Qaeda,
58% of Bush supporters said the US should not have, and 61% assume that in 
this case the president
would not have. To support the president and to accept that he took the US 
to war based on mistaken
assumptions is difficult to bear, especially in light of the continuing 
costs in terms of lives and money.
Apparently, to avoid this cognitive dissonance, Bush supporters suppress 
awareness of unsettling



Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread Doug Pensinger

Dan wrote:

RFK Jr's statement didn't adress this at all.  I'd argue that both
Democrats and Republicans give half truths that favor their position.  
It's not that RFK Jr. is a champion of truth against those lying 

Have you looked at the poll RFK refered to?


Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you looked at the poll RFK refered to?

That link is broken, but I've seen polls that indicate that sort of denial
of facts by Republicans.  I also have seen it by Democrats.  All it
indicates to me is that it is not unusual for folks to be in a state of

Dan M.

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .


Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-22 Thread Gary Denton

On 7/22/06, Brother John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gary Denton wrote:

 Technically, 10,000 frozen embryos could be considered equal to 1,666
 children considering the success rate of implantation.  You could make
 a case to rescue those instead of a hundred infants but in nearly all
 foreseeable circumstance I wouldn't.

 I don't consider frozen dots human... These periods are the size of a
 frozen human embryos.

 There are 400,000 frozen embryos in the United States.  Suppose I save
 Bush and the Snowflake clinic a lot of time and just run around and
 adopt them all.  I'll store them in an ice cream container in my
 freezer. While trying to decide how to choose who I'll give them to my
 freezer gets too hot. It may be just the normal temperature I run it
 at could be too warm for long term embryo viability, but it looks like
 they spoil.  I don't want spoiled stuff in my freezer. I have also
 been getting afraid anyway I might confuse it with ice cream in the
 dark and am worried what they would taste like. So I toss them into my
 garbage.  One melting pail of 400,000 embryos, adios.

 Now, am I the individual biggest mass murderer in US history?  Or am I
 someone who just took out the garbage?

 On 7/21/06, Charlie Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 20/07/2006, at 12:23 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

  So, I don't think it is helpful to make arguments based on one's
  own axiom
  set and then expect them to sound reasonable to someone who holds a
  different axiom set.  What we can do is look at the consequences of

 This is the point I was heading for.

 Now, I don't think it's wrong to say that human life starts at
 conception, but I just think it's meaningless, as a zygote isn't
 actually any more human than an ovum - it's still a single cell.
 Sure, it's been given the infusion of extra DNA and the biological
 kick that'll

You can say it's not human if you like, but genetically you are just
wrong.  It is distinctly human and not of any other living species.
Furthermore, it is alive.  If it were not, there would be no need to
kill it. --JWR

It is not a free-standing individual but is at the stage of a
symbiotic parasite.   My definition of live human begins at a  later

 -isn't this picture of frozen embryos cute.

Gary Denton
OddsEnds -
Easter Lemming Liberal News -  June 22-24, 2007

Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread William T Goodall

On 22 Jul 2006, at 7:27PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Have you looked at the poll RFK refered to?

That link is broken, but I've seen polls that indicate that sort of  

of facts by Republicans.  I also have seen it by Democrats.  All it
indicates to me is that it is not unusual for folks to be in a  
state of



Try this one

William T Goodall
Web  :
Blog :

It was the pseudo-religious transfiguration of politics that largely  
ensured [Hitler's] success, notably in Protestant areas. - Fritz  
Stern,  professor emeritus of history at Columbia


Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread Doug Pensinger

Dan wrote:

Have you looked at the poll RFK refered to?

That link is broken,

Try this.

but I've seen polls that indicate that sort of denial of facts by 
Republicans.  I also have seen it by Democrats.

Can you show me one. I haven't seen anything like this poll.


Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread The Fool

difficult for non-citizens to vote.  One example that I just read was the
opposition to a picture ID voting card, which requires proof of citizenship
to vote.  

Requiring citizens to get an ID card from one single statewide office that is
never open, to be able to vote is the essence of jim crow.

Which is why that law has bee struct down, in both state and federal court.

Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-22 Thread John W Redelfs

On 7/22/06, Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can say it's not human if you like, but genetically you are just
 wrong.  It is distinctly human and not of any other living species.
 Furthermore, it is alive.  If it were not, there would be no need to
 kill it. --JWR

It is not a free-standing individual but is at the stage of a
symbiotic parasite.   My definition of live human begins at a  later

If there is a God, I wonder where his definition of a live human being
begins, and does he feel it is morally OK for each of us to have our own
personal definition that is different from his?  Is there any way to find
out without merely guessing or theorizing?  If we place the point at which
the organism is viable, and can survive outside the womb without a
mother's love and care, then we deny the label human to many children and
even some adults.  Perhaps we should just kill every human organism that is
helpless and cannot sustain itself.  It would certainly solve a lot of the
problems with the elderly, the homeless, the handicapped, and the starving
poor of Africa and North Korea.  I'm not sure that even atheists and
agnostics would find that morally acceptable, although I cannot imagine why
not.  From my perspective, God is the source of all moral law.  And if there
is no God, or if his will is unknowable, then all things are equally moral.
And to be more precise, the concept of morality ceases to exist.  Of course,
that is just from my perspective.  People think and believe in a marvelous
variety of ways.  It seems to be as much a unique quality for each
individual as his face or his fingerprints.  We love to think that our
attitudes are all the result of reason, logic and carefully though out
positions.  But my observation over 61 years indicates to me that people
don't even know why they feel and believe as they do.  It is all determined
by mental processes that take place far deeper than that part of the mind
which we are aware of or have conscious control of.  And happiness for each
individual depends on how well we are able to live according to what we
really believe on this deeper, involuntary level.  People who outrage their
inner most convictions, the ones we are not even aware of on a conscious
level, can never be happy and often end up either suicidal or
self-destructive or both.

Just to be on the safe side, I personally opt for preserving all human life
from a zygote to a completely senile person well over a hundred years of
age. Why kill them?  They are going to die anyway.  Every living thing
does.  All we have to do is be more patient.  That some are unwilling to
wait for natural death seems morally risky to me.  Some women who abort
their children never recover emotionally but spend the rest of their lives
agonizing over the choice they made.  And this is undoubtedly true
regardless of what stage of development the unborn child was.  Not being a
woman who has ever aborted an unborn child, I cannot speak from experience.
But I imagine that for some women recovering from a youthful and foolish
decision to get an abortion is like trying to recover from sexual child
molestation.  There is a sense in which all of us are children and always
will be.

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread John W Redelfs

On 7/22/06, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


difficult for non-citizens to vote.  One example that I just read was the
opposition to a picture ID voting card, which requires proof of
to vote.

Requiring citizens to get an ID card from one single statewide office that
never open, to be able to vote is the essence of jim crow.

Which is why that law has bee struct down, in both state and federal

Maybe it would make more sense to shoot down the laws that permit a state
government to keep difficult office hours.  Why don't the people in this
country stop kidding themselves about states rights and just admit that the
various states are administrative units of the federal government?  The
Tenth Amendment is obviously repealed without due process simply by ignoring

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-22 Thread Charlie Bell

On 22/07/2006, at 8:14 PM, Brother John wrote:

Now, I don't think it's wrong to say that human life starts at
conception, but I just think it's meaningless, as a zygote isn't
actually any more human than an ovum - it's still a single cell.
Sure, it's been given the infusion of extra DNA and the biological
kick that'll

You can say it's not human if you like, but genetically you are  
just wrong.  It is distinctly human and not of any other living  
species.  Furthermore, it is alive.  If it were not, there would be  
no need to kill it. --JWR

Again I refer to HeLa cells. I haven't had a chance yet to respond to  
JDG's point, so I will here, because it's an important issue - being  
a human cell and being a human being are not the same thing.

A reminder, I referred to to show a  
case of free-living human cells.

JDG replied thus, a valid objection:

It would seem to me that cancer cells likely fail at least one of  
the two tests, or both.  For one, many cancer cells do not seem to be  
individuals, any more than a free-floating blood cell is an individual.

True, many cancer cells do not. But some cancer cells are very close  
to amoebae in structure and behaviour, and multiply by binary  
fission. Is that not individualism?

His second objection was not valid.

For two, the wikipedia entry you posted says that these cells in  
this case are not human, but are instead of another genera.

This using of what things are called to define what they are is a  
classic trick, but it's also a serious error. The map is not the  
territory. The same trick is used by creationists arguing against  
human evolution. As hominid fossils are divided by the genus _Homo_  
and others such as _Australopithecus_, and newly discovered fossils  
in the hominid family are placed in one of these groups, it's used as  
an argument that there are no transistional fossils between ape and  
human. If it's in _Homo_, it's human, if it's not, it's not. Even a  
cursory look at the fossils shows you the stupidity of this line of  
reasoning, just as a walk across the border between two countries  
shows the arbitrariness of human national borders - there's rarely a  
geological or topological boundary, unless it's a coastline or a  
river, and even then it's still arbitrary.

HeLa cells have human DNA. They're tumour cells from a human cervical  
cancer patient. It has been proposed that as these cells are free- 
living that they could constitute an incidence of speciation, and a  
new name has been suggested (but is not universally accepted).

But the point remains. These are free living human cells, with a full  
complement of human DNA. That someone has suggested they're a new  
species is beside the point - these are free-living human cells... so  
why aren't they human beings with the same rights as the rest of us?

So, back to the start... Genetically, you are just wrong. I'm not  
saying it's not a human cell. I'm not saying it's not human. I'm  
saying it's not the same as a human being, just as an egg isn't a  
chicken, and an acorn isn't an oak tree, and just as a HeLa cell  
isn't a human, even though it is genetically human and not of any  
other living species.

Killing a cell and killing a person aren't the same thing either.

Just to make it clear, this is what we're talking about having full  
human rights:

That's it. That's what these frozen embryos are.



Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-22 Thread Charlie Bell

On 23/07/2006, at 12:07 AM, jdiebremse wrote:

This is, of course, an absurd hypothetical, sort of like the
questions we used to ask as a kid - would you rather slide down a
set of razors into a pool of rubbing alcohol or be burned alive?

Maybe so.

Anyhow, if one changes the example such that on the second floor are
150 Senior Citizens, I suspect that most people save the infants
first.   Of course, I doubt that you would then be reaching the
conclusions that Senior Citizens don't have the right to live or
that Senior Citizens aren't equal, and that killing a citizen isn't

Nice sidestep, and nice way to avoid the answer.

And this:

is not a citizen.


Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread Charlie Bell

On 23/07/2006, at 2:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

RFK Jr's statement didn't adress this at all.  I'd argue that both
Democrats and Republicans give half truths that favor their  
position.  It's
not that RFK Jr. is a champion of truth against those lying  

He certainly isn't. His recent pieces on Thisemero/autisml and on  
Bush stealing the election both contained so many factual and  
analytical errors that I have to doubt a lot of what he says.

Stay off my side, in other words.
