SUV's on the hybrid/green bandwagon.

2007-08-19 Thread Gary Nunn
I was just reading about the new hybrid SUV's that are about to hit the
market.  The Dodge Durango typically gets 14 mpg, and the hybrid version
MIGHT get 18 or 19 mpg (The keyword there is MIGHT).  
I love the marketing dogma that is used to mislead car buyers:
Both companies say that their full-size SUV hybrid models will be 
up to 25 percent more fuel-efficient, putting them in the ballpark 
of 20 miles per gallon combined city and highway.
The phrases up to 25% more efficient and in the ballpark of 20 mpg are
very misleading.
This seems like a lot of lip service with little or no benefit just for the
sake of jumping on the hybrid/Green bandwagon.

RE: Am I married to a terrorist?

2007-08-19 Thread Gary Nunn

 Today, when we [me + wife + 3 kids] went to watch the 
 Pseudo-Para Pan American Games, my wife was barred
 at the door. She was hiding a WMD inside her purse, so hidden 
 that she herself wasn't aware of it. It was a very lethal 
 small left-handed scissors covered with rust and with a 
 no-longer sharp blade. In other words, a terrorist's weapon!
 Abdullah Mahmoud


At that point, you had two options:

1. Have your wife claim it was a religious artifact that is integral with
practicing her religion.

2. Go to Wal-Mart, but a towel, make a turban and conceal that hideous
weapon inside, along with the four course meal that would fit in there. Of
course, being a turban, it would never be questioned or searched. Racial
profiling you know.


Bak. Derk-derk-Allah. Derka derka, Mohammed Jihad. Haka sherpa-sherpa.
Abaka-la Maru

PS: My apologies to anyone that may have been offended by suggestion #2.
That's a little bit of a WTF attitude after watching Homeland Security
personnel at the airport search my 11 year old daughter and her 16 year old
half sister while allowing the 5 Muslim businessmen to pass through security
wearing turbans without as much as a second glance, and board the plane.

PSS: I must be tired this morning. When I made suggestion #2, I had this
silly picture in my head of the scene from Team America where the hero
infiltrates the Arab stronghold and fakes the local language. (hence the
quote included) I was picturing a soccer stadium with Alberto's wife having
that conversation with the security people ... Well, you get the picture :-)

PSSS: The quote put my spell checker into convulsions. Now I KNOW I'm
tired..I'm going back to bed!:-)


Space race

2007-08-19 Thread Nick Arnett
Just watched the ISS, chased closely by the Shuttle, cross the sky here.
Very cool.  Very bright at their highest points.  The ISS appeared to
maintain its lead nicely.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198