At 04:52 PM Monday 8/29/2011, Jon Louis Mann wrote:
> > Keith, are you with Alcor?

> Yes.

> > I've been thinking about it for years, but haven't
> > seen anyone at cons lately to sign people up.

> If you are serious about it, at least get insurance
>(unless you can afford it out of pocket, and even then,
> insurance is a good way to assure the funding will be
> there).

> > I'm curious why
> > so many deceased SF authors never signed up...

> They don't seem to be much more likely to sign
> up than the rest of the population.
> As for why, ask them, but expect
> rationalizations rather then reason.
> Keith

I spoke to Diane and she referred me to an attorney in San Diego County, whose practice is too busy for Alcor. I'm trying to convince a friend who is an estate planner to step up. I have to write a will and make arrangements to move to Oregon in the event I get a terminal illness. If I end up with something like Alzheimer's it would be pointless to freeze a vegetable.

Since no one else has done it: "Insert your own Bird's-Eye or Green Giant reference here."

. . . ronn!  :)

Hoe, Hoe, Hoe Maru


  • Alcor Jon Louis Mann
    • Re: Alcor Ronn! Blankenship
    • Re: Alcor Keith Henson

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