Re: Sleep apnea (was something else)

2004-09-01 Thread Jim Burton
On Sep 1, 2004, at 8:52 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:
There's surgery that's 90 percent effective, but it involves moving 
one's upper and lower jaw forward, which means breaking various bones, 
then orthodontics to correct the bite... and adds up to being out of 
commission for a month.  It's quite expensive and insurance is very, 
very reluctant to pay for it.

Another surgical option involves a laser that sears the obstructing 
flesh. Unfortunately I tried it -- even with the codiene-based pain 
meds it was the worst pain I have ever known (and you're talking to a 
former cancer patient here) This hell went on for two weeks.

It did work, though. But for only about six months.
I was told that insurance wouldn't cover it because the effects were 
often temporary, but it sounded better to me than CPAP.

Not worth it!

Re: Ethics

2004-08-26 Thread Jim Burton
On Aug 26, 2004, at 10:55 AM, Doug Pensinger wrote:
It seems eminently logical to me that ethics evolved in part as a 
survival mechanism for those that had a physical disadvantage and an 
intellectual advantage.  For instance, a shaman that convinced his 
community that the spirits punished those who killed their spiritual 
leaders would stand a better chance of survival and would increase his 
power within the community.  Thus, imposing ethics upon a community 
becomes not only a means to create order, but also a means for 
intellectuals to thrive.

Something like this is explored quite nicely in a part of Stephen 
Baxter's _Evolution_.


Re: Olympics, opening ceremony, opening number

2004-08-15 Thread Jim Burton
On Aug 15, 2004, at 3:27 AM, Jean-Marc Chaton wrote:
* Jim Burton [Fri, 13/08/2004 at 20:24 -0600]
Just watched from the start to the parade of atheletes.
Amazing! Uplifting!
(except for the damn commercials every 5 minutes)
How do they play the show with commercials : do They miss some parts 
parts or do
they delay them ?

Mostly, they actually cut the show, so one missed parts. During the 
parade of nations they did recap what was missed.

I've seen the whole show without a single break
I'll have to order the vid to see it without the breaks and NBC 


Olympics, opening ceremony, opening number

2004-08-13 Thread Jim Burton
Just watched from the start to the parade of atheletes.
Amazing! Uplifting!
(except for the damn commercials every 5 minutes)

Re: Brin: Fight The Future: Encrypted Screws

2004-08-11 Thread Jim Burton
On Aug 11, 2004, at 1:41 PM, Davd Brin wrote:
My biggest example is the silent, unnoticed vanishing
of any programming language from personal computers.
It has taken 2 years, and I hope to get an old pentium
machine soon with DOS 6.2 and BASIC aboard, so I can
teach him the fundamentals of moving a dot via a
simple algorithm.  Silently, unnoticed, this has
happened and a new generation will be able to make web
pages and fancy Flash digitals... but without any
grasp of the line coding underneath.
Very disturbing.

Good 'ole BASIC has gone bye-bye -- there is Visual Basic of course, 
but it's certainly not for children.

There is a free GNU Java IDE that the writers claim to be good for 
teaching  programming. Versions are available for Windoze, Linix and 
Haven't used it myself, but if it can really give kids a good 
foundation in Java, that would be a Good Thing, IMHO


Re: Brin: BASIC, Java Etc.

2004-08-11 Thread Jim Burton
On Aug 11, 2004, at 6:55 PM, Davd Brin wrote:

I shall try ybasic, thanks.
But after the horror of trying xbasic and qbasic and
all the others, I do not expect much success.  All
were created by techies who suffer from
techie-disease... an absolute assumption that
everyboddy who downloads their compiler will instantly
and miraculously know how to use it.  The manuals are
gibberish. There is nothing at all resembling a simple
place to write line by line code and simply typr
Hmm, if you use a modern BASIC be prepared for more frustration. 
There are many, many different flavors of BASIC and there's no 
guarantee they'll be compatible with your books.

On the other hand, there's only one flavor of Python and one flavor of 


Enterprise - was: Stargate SG-1

2004-03-15 Thread Jim Burton
On Mar 15, 2004, at 4:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


BTW anyone see the Enterprise Season Final? Enterprise is getting its 
kicked... Very cool.

My local station decided to pull it for the current season, the 

Is Enterprise being carried on UPN?


Re: Mac users are nuttier than a fruitcake

2004-02-08 Thread Jim Burton
On Feb 8, 2004, at 7:37 PM, The Fool wrote:,2125,62157,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2


Yes, some Mac users are dangerously unstable -- no doubt by the insane 
fact that 90+ percent of the computer-using public has opted for an 
inferior platform :-)

(Me, I use both)


Re: v*r*s question

2004-02-07 Thread Jim Burton
On Feb 7, 2004, at 2:32 PM, Kevin Tarr wrote:

 Or third option, is this a backwards way to get a person to open 
mail, it sends you a bogus e-mail claiming to be a delivery failure?

This is the operandi of the latest mail virus, W32/MyDoom.B


Re: Lith ab-Lesh

2004-02-02 Thread Jim Burton
On Feb 2, 2004, at 12:13 AM, Trent Shipley wrote:

Proto-Lith were largely vegetarian foragers, supplementing their diet 
with the
occasional snail or amphibian.
When did snails and amphibians make the journey to the Lith homeworld?


Probably should say snail-like creatures or somesuch.

What is the proper scientific way to say that an creature looks similar 
to a Terran animal? Analogous (sp)?


Re: Janet Jacksons Right Breast Provokes Outrage

2004-02-02 Thread Jim Burton
[oops, sorry for earlier non-content posting if you see it -- 
accidently hit Send before I was ready]

On Feb 1, 2004, at 8:00 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:

Top CBS executives approved a musical skit where Janet Jackson would
expose her breast during the MTV-produced Super Bowl half-time
concert, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Of course, CBS, Janet, Timberlake and MTV are all saying it was a 

I suppose Janet wears nipple covers all the time, just in case?
