Re: Cancer Drug: $100,000 / Year

2006-02-16 Thread Dave Land

On Feb 16, 2006, at 1:52 AM, The Fool wrote:



Doctors are excited about the prospect of Avastin, a drug already
widely used for colon cancer, as a crucial new treatment for breast  

lung cancer, too. But doctors are cringing at the price the maker,
Genentech, plans to charge for it: about $100,000 a year.

I can attest to the high price of cancer meds... Although it was all
covered by my insurance (I am extremely rare in being a person grateful
for insurance companies), the high-dose Temodar regimen that I took two
years ago for my brain cancer was $9,000 a month. Without insurance,
we'd have been financially ruined. Without the drug, I might have been
dead, or brain-damaged.

Friends have said that it would have been hard to notice the latter.



Cancer Drug: $100,000 / Year

2006-02-16 Thread The Fool


Doctors are excited about the prospect of Avastin, a drug already
widely used for colon cancer, as a crucial new treatment for breast and
lung cancer, too. But doctors are cringing at the price the maker,
Genentech, plans to charge for it: about $100,000 a year.

"How noble libertarianism, in its majestic equality, that both rich and
poor are equally prohibited from peeing in the privately owned streets
(without paying), sleeping under the privately owned bridges (without
paying), and coercing bread from its rightful owners!" 
--Anatole France 