On 4/18/06, Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I may be among the few humans who like _both_ cats and dogs.
> I admire dogs because they are loyal and trustful, and I admire
> cats for their independence and irreverence.

We had cats and a dog when I was a kid.. and I have had cats as an adult.
But a few weeks ago, we got our first dog, Kairo, who is a Maltese (though a
big one at 13 lbs.).  We've been calling him Fluffy the last few days after
using stuff called D-Mat on him to help remove and prevent mats in his hair
(it's hair, not fur, which is why my wife's allergies aren't going crazy).

Dogs certainly are different from cats.  I like both, too.  One of the most
entertaining parts of my day is walking Kairo past Joey's house.  Joey is a
black-and-white cat who apparently loves dogs.  The two of them wrestle for
a while and then we continue our walk.  Kairo tries to get romantic with
Joey sometimes, even though he no longer has all the parts necessary for
reproduction even within his species.

He's still young enough that he's chewing everything.  It's a bit of a
battle to stay ahead of what he finds.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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