Hoon soccer FOOTBALL game

2003-06-13 Thread Medievalbk
Well, Alvin tried to have the Hoon play basketball, but too many players were 
grabbing another player's throat-sac instead of the rebound.

But any bipedal race should be able to play soccer.

For fencing, I've already figured out that the extra joint will give a 
greater terminal velocity to the blade.

What will a longer leg and extra joint do for a soccer kick?

Any sports experts out there?

Is there a name for a shot where the ball is cradled on the ankles and both 
legs are lifted and snapped in a whip-like motion?

Add the extra joint. How much faster-deadly would that shot be?

Textual ideas so far.  From the journal of Dor-hinuf.

Today, of course was a non-work day.

Today we played football, or soccer if you go by the name used by a past 
political faction of only a fraction of one of Earth's continents. That part is 
all confusing to me. My husband just gave out one of his human-like laughs. Of 
course it's confusing, he said. They are humans. Earthclan and all.  And 
'What in Ifni are these humans talking about.'

That line's actually beginning to get tiresome.  Mudfoot should be hired to 
come up with a new tagline for the comic. 

Then again maybe not. Mudfoot is after all Mudfoot.

Just to show how unfair it would be, they played 5 minutes of hoon versus 

They should have stopped after the fourth goal.

William Taylor

As an added joke, if a human manages to 
score a goal, the referee is going to hold
up a white card.

Re: Hoon soccer FOOTBALL game

2003-06-13 Thread TomFODW
 Is there a name for a shot where the ball is cradled on the ankles and both
 legs are lifted and snapped in a whip-like motion?

Yeah: Falling On Your Ass. It's vaguely similar to the bicycle kick or 
overhead though.

Tom Beck


I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last. - Dr Jerry Pournelle

Re: Hoon soccer FOOTBALL game

2003-06-13 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 6/13/2003 10:28:45 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

  Is there a name for a shot where the ball is cradled on the ankles and 
   legs are lifted and snapped in a whip-like motion?
  Yeah: Falling On Your Ass. It's vaguely similar to the bicycle kick or 
  overhead though.
  Tom Beck

I was thinking the Hoon might be better able to do a three point landing: 
hand, hand and ass.

I want something unexpected. A human will know that this silly shot won't 
deliver very much power. So they won't expect it from a hoon until it's too late.

I'm also wondering if they can do a sweep kick like a sling...

The stranger the better.

William Taylor