Thankfully we have such a Liberal Media, to point out to us how principled
republicans really are and how racist and unprinicpled democrats really are:


By Richard Morin (Moron)

Miserly Republicans, Unprincipled Democrats
Are Republicans stingy but principled while Democrats are generous but

Yes republiKKKlans are principled, like in how they block things like the
reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

But you wont hear much about those principles in the "liberal Media".

"I wouldn't put it quite so starkly," said Stanford University professor
Shanto Iyengar. He would prefer to call Democrats "less principled" rather
than bigoted,


Like the less principled stances democrats ussually take which tend to help
black people, poor people,  and minorites.  Like the increase to the minimum
wage bills in the senate and house that are put forward _every_ year.

But you wont hear much about those principles in the "liberal Media".

We all know why 95% of blacks and large majorities of other minorities voted
for Kerry.  Because democrats are just so bigoted and racist and
unprincipled;  Unlike those Stingy principled republiKKKlans.

based on his analysis of data collected in a recent _online_ experiment that
he conducted with The Washington Post and


We all know how accurate and scientific and representative these online polls

As reported in this column a few weeks ago, the study found that people were
less likely to give extended aid to black Hurricane Katrina victims than to
white ones. The race penalty, on average, totaled about $1,000 per black
As Iyengar and his colleagues subsequently dug deeper into these data,
another finding emerged: Republicans consistently gave less aid, and gave
over a shorter period of time, to victims regardless of race.


According to this online study: republicans hate to give to poor people and
give $1000 less on average to a black person.

Democrats and independents were far more generous; on average, they gave
Katrina victims on average more than $1,500 a month, compared with $1,200 for
Republicans, and for 13 months instead of nine.


19,500 vs 10,800.

But for Democrats, race mattered -- and in a disturbing way. Overall,
Democrats were willing to give whites about $1,500 more than they chose to
give to a black or other minority. (Even with this race penalty, Democrats
still were willing to give more to blacks than those principled Republicans.)


Did some simple math (using the implied fact that they used a even
distribution of races in this "study"): democrats were likely to give $2250
to whites and $750 to blacks.  wheras republicans were likely to give less
than $1700 to whites and $700 to blacks.  

These are estimates only and ignore other races etc.

1000 / 1500 = .666666666 -----The numbers the article wants you to see

750 / 1500 = .5  ------ my estimate numbers for dems

700 / 1200 = .58888888888 ----- my estimate numbers for republicans

Also no data on # of Dems vs. # of Inds vs. # of Thugs (the article seems to
group dems and independents together, which is interesting as it would likely
significantly skew the numbers for democrats to seem more racist).

Also no data on racial makeup of participants.  Democrats have a large
proportion of minorities as members, and republicans are primarily white.

Do Blacks and other minorities give more or less to Blacks and other

See how easy it is to lie with statistics?

"Republicans are likely to be more stringent, both in terms of money and
time, Iyengar said. "However, their position is 'principled' in the sense
that it stems from a strong belief in individualism (as opposed to handouts).
Thus their responses to the assistance questions are relatively invariant
across the different media conditions. Independents and Democrats, on the
other hand, are more likely to be affected by racial cues."


Remember those principled ads about black welfare queens the Republicans ran
in the 80's?

To test the effects of race, participants in the study were asked to read a
news article about Katrina victims. Some read a story featuring a white
person. Some read identical stories -- except the victim was black, Asian or
Hispanic. Then they were asked how much assistance they think the government
should give to help hurricane victims. Approximately 2,300 people
participated in the study.

Iyengar said he's not surprised by the latest findings: "This pattern of
results matches perfectly an earlier study I did on race and crime" with
Franklin D. Gilliam Jr. of UCLA. "Republicans supported tough treatment of
criminals no matter what they encountered in the news. Others were more
elastic in their position, coming to support more harsh measures when the
criminal suspect they encountered was non-white."


So if democrats are so super racist, why is it:

The deep south white vote is republican.  

Neo-Nazi / Klan groups tend to oppose democrats and are more likely to
support republicans.  Dick Cheney had to personally go to (montana?) and
convince a neo-nazi to not run in a political race (apparently the republican
in that race needs the neo-nazi vote to win).

Republicans are blocking the reauthorization of the voting rights act.

Something is rotten at the Washington post.

"I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to
say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so
obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any
gentleman will deny it."  
--John Stuart Mill's March 1866 letter to Sir John Pakington


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