New York Times,  May 11, 2005

Wanted: Responsible Demagoguery

You'd never guess from the Democratic hysteria that President Bush's
plan to "progressively index" Social Security is an idea we liberals
may one day want to embrace. So farsighted Democrats who want to (1)
win back power and (2) use that power to fix big problems should quit
carping about Bush's evil "cuts" and punish him instead with what I call
Responsible Demagoguery: harsh politics that leaves sound policy intact.

Why do I say this? Start with this poorly understood fact: Under today's
system of "wage indexed" benefits, every new cohort of retirees is
guaranteed a higher level of real benefits than the previous generation.
Workers retiring in 2025, for example, are scheduled to receive payments
20 percent higher in real terms than today's retirees. Today's teenagers
are slated to get a 60 percent increase. When Democrats cry about
"cuts," they mean trims from these higher levels.

A Democrat might ask: Why would we ever change this way of calculating
benefits, other than from some Scroogelike desire to slow the rise in
future benefits? Well, we probably wouldn't think about it if we weren't
on the cusp of the biggest financial crunch in American history. But
we are. And with the baby boomers' retirement looming, Democrats need
to think beyond Social Security alone to think intelligently about
achieving progressive goals.

Indeed, if you care about social justice and economic growth, the big
policy question for the next generation is this: How do we square the
needs of seniors with the needs of the rest of America, at levels of
taxation that don't strangle the economy?

Those who say today's Social Security structure is sacred are arguing
that our top priority - before we even consider anything else - must
be to guarantee that every senior will enjoy real benefit increases in

But why is this fair or wise when there is no "trust fund" for the 45
million uninsured, or for the working poor or for poor children? Those
who say "hands off Social Security," but who (like me) want government
to spend big money on these other needs, are implicitly saying that
taxes as a share of G.D.P. will have to rise sharply.

Today, thanks to Bush's misguided tax cuts, federal taxes are around
16.5 percent of G.D.P., lower than at any time in 50 years. Even Newt
Gingrich admits that taxes must rise as the boomers age. But to pay for
a fuller progressive agenda while leaving Social Security and Medicare
untouched (and without running crazy Bush-style deficits), federal taxes
would need to rise past late-Clinton-era levels, 21 percent of G.D.P.,
toward something like 28 percent by 2030.

Maybe that makes sense. Or maybe it will mean a descent into tax-induced
sloth. Or maybe talking about such levels of taxation in the U.S. is a
political fantasy. The point is that Social Security is not something to
fix in a vacuum. Once Democrats adopt this broader vision, they may find
they're open to fair trims in future benefits as part of a blueprint
that sustainably pursues progressive goals for all Americans, not just
the elderly.

We know Democrats aren't making sense here because their chief argument
is that "progressive indexing" (to prices, not wages) would cut
retirement incomes too deeply by 2075. This may be true. But it's a
little like worrying that Captain Kirk's phaser may malfunction in that
year as well.

By 2075, for all we know, genetically engineered seniors may be living
in retirement utopias on Jupiter. Or people may be fit and routinely
working at age 90. A million things will have changed, just as Social
Security's benefit design has changed in the past. If, instead, you
look out 20 to 30 years, the benefit trims consistent with Bush's idea
are modest (and for low earners, unchanged). If there's a problem, 76
million stampeding boomers will make sure politicians fix it.

This isn't a case for joining hands with Mr. Bush; it's a case for
keeping political opportunism and policy conviction separate in the
Democratic mind. Responsibly Demagogic Democrats will blast Bush
for wanting to borrow fresh trillions to create dubious new private
accounts. But they won't dis "progressive indexing" on the merits, even
though it's a juicy gazillion-dollar pseudo-"cut."

I know this is asking a lot. Republicans didn't demagogue responsibly
when they caricatured Hillarycare as "socialist" back in the 1990's. But
being a Democrat may mean being a little better even when you're bad.

Note: Maureen Dowd is on book leave until July 6. Matt Miller, a senior
fellow at the Center for American Progress and the author of "The 2
Percent Solution," will be a guest columnist for the next four weeks.


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