Re: NYT: Weapons of Mass Confusion

2003-08-02 Thread Ray Ludenia

 This speculation raises several questions in my mind: if Saddam destroyed his
 nukes - WHY DIDN'T HE TELL US??? That's what we wanted, after all, what we
 were demanding, the ostensible reason for the invasion. Why do what he was
 supposed to but not gain any benefit from doing so? Let us invade anyway? He's
 a nutcase, but I don't see how this makes any sense from his point of view.
 Also, did we know he was doing it? (We meaning the CIA, the president, etc.)
 Could the destruction have been detected from outside Iraq's borders using spy
 satellites, etc.?
 And, if we did know - did we invade anyway because the president wanted his
 invasion? (This will piss off the Bush-is-wonderful-and-so-is-the-war crowd on
 this list, but it has to be asked in light of other suggestions that the
 president and his chickenhawk warmongers either cooked the intelligence books
 or ignored contradictory evidence or both.)

Come on Tom, think! If you know he has no WMD handy, isn't that the ideal
time to clobber him? It's a no-brainer.

Regards, Ray.


NYT: Weapons of Mass Confusion

2003-08-01 Thread TomFODW
From the NY Times 
(  - 
free registration required):

Weapons of Mass Confusion


CAMP DOHA, Kuwait, Aug. 1  There is a bold and entirely plausible theory that may 
account for the mystery over Iraq's missing weapons of mass destruction.   

Saddam Hussein, the theory holds, ordered the destruction of his weapon stocks well 
before the war to deprive the United States of a rationale to attack his regime and to 
hasten the eventual lifting of the United Nations sanctions. But the Iraqi dictator 
retained the scientists and technical capacity to resume the production of chemical 
and biological weapons and eventually develop nuclear arms.

Mr. Hussein's calculation was that he could restart his weapons programs once the 
international community lost interest in Iraq and became absorbed with other crises. 
That would enable him to pursue his dream of making Iraq the dominant power in the 
Persian Gulf region and make it easier for him to deter enemies at home and abroad.

'This is the leading theory,' said Gary Samore, director of studies at the 
London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies and a former 
nonproliferation expert on the National Security Council under President Bill Clinton.

American intelligence experts are still in Iraq trying to determine the status of Mr. 
Hussein's weapons programs, so it is premature to be too categorical about what they 
will find. What the theory offers, however, is a new way to make sense of the 
testimony of captured Iraqi officials who claim that weapons stocks were eliminated, 
Mr. Hussein's pattern of grudging and partial cooperation with United Nations weapons 
inspectors and his longstanding ambitions in the region.

If true, it means that the Iraqi threat was less immediate than the administration 
asserted but more worrisome than the critics now suggest. And it means the decision to 
use military force to pre-empt that threat was not an urgent necessity but a judgment 
call, one that can be justified as the surest way to put an end to Iraq's designs but 
still one about which ardent defenders of the United States' security can disagree.

It goes on; entire URL given above for those who want to read the rest of it.

This speculation raises several questions in my mind: if Saddam destroyed his nukes - 
WHY DIDN'T HE TELL US??? That's what we wanted, after all, what we were demanding, the 
ostensible reason for the invasion. Why do what he was supposed to but not gain any 
benefit from doing so? Let us invade anyway? He's a nutcase, but I don't see how this 
makes any sense from his point of view.

Also, did we know he was doing it? (We meaning the CIA, the president, etc.) Could 
the destruction have been detected from outside Iraq's borders using spy satellites, 

And, if we did know - did we invade anyway because the president wanted his invasion? 
(This will piss off the Bush-is-wonderful-and-so-is-the-war crowd on this list, but it 
has to be asked in light of other suggestions that the president and his chickenhawk 
warmongers either cooked the intelligence books or ignored contradictory evidence or 

Tom Beck

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the last. - 
Dr Jerry Pournelle