I heard about this a few weeks ago, but didn't run across the article until
this morning.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.  I guess I've read too many science
fiction stories about a good virus gone bad and taking down a significant
portion of humanity :-)  

As unlikely as the scenarios are, I read a couple of good sci-fi books with
this as the primary plot.

The first was a story called "The Return" about a spaceship crew that
returns after a 10 year voyage to find the Earth back to the stone age and
eventually finding out that an additive similar to fluoride, was added to
food and water and made pregnancy almost impossible, decimating the

I also read a story, but can't remember the name, about an enzyme that was
created to remove toxic paper pulp waste, that mutated and attacked live
trees. Of course the result was the extinction of life on Earth because all
plant life died. Millions of years later, an alien exploratory vessel found
a base on our moon that contained hundreds of frozen zygotes.


 + + + + article + + + + 

FDA approves viruses as food additive
Bacteriophages meant to kill harmful bacteria on lunch meats

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A mix of bacteria-killing viruses can be safely sprayed
on cold cuts, hot dogs and sausages to combat common microbes that kill
hundreds of people a year, federal health officials said Friday in granting
the first-ever approval of viruses as a food additive.

The combination of six viruses is designed to be sprayed on ready-to-eat
meat and poultry products, including sliced ham and turkey,.......

Complete article.....



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