RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread Mike Lee
David Hobby makes the debatable point:

 I've often wondered about this idea of winning a debate.  
 Some people seem to actually judge the winner on the basis of 
 snappy lines like the following, regardless of the facts:
 I KNEW Jack Kennedy, and you're no Jack Kennedy.
 If it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, ... then it 
 is a duck.  (Sorry about the mess I made of the last one!)

Maybe we can have a Special Debating Olympics and then you can be a winner


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread JDG
At 07:52 AM 4/28/2004 -0400 David Hobby wrote:
As I recall, John Doe and Mike Lee appeared at about the same
time.  In my mind, this has turned into Mike Lee appeared as
a response to John Doe.  (Look at the similarity of the names,
for instance.)

For what's it worth, I have Mike Lee arriving about one month before John
Doe.   Both seemed to have arrived rather quietly before eventually turning
on the heat.   And like you, I did note that Mike Lee appeared to be the
perfect foil for John Doe.Almost like somebody wanted to see if a
right-winger on the List could get banned as easily as a left-winger.



Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Nick Arnett wrote:
  What I see is
  attempts to demonize Mike because, well ... He's winning...
 If he wins, then perhaps he'll realize that he's on a list with a
 bunch of losers, so he'll leave.

Heh.  On another list I'm on, people will go on about the victories of
their ideas, and end with, We are Winning!  So when someone there
starts complaining, the response is, We are Whining!


rather be Winning that Whining, so I'll think about all the things that
went right today and not the things that went poorly

Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread David Hobby
JDG wrote:
 At 07:52 AM 4/28/2004 -0400 David Hobby wrote:
 As I recall, John Doe and Mike Lee appeared at about the same
 time.  In my mind, this has turned into Mike Lee appeared as
 a response to John Doe.  (Look at the similarity of the names,
 for instance.)
 For what's it worth, I have Mike Lee arriving about one month before John
 Doe.   Both seemed to have arrived rather quietly before eventually turning
 on the heat.   And like you, I did note that Mike Lee appeared to be the
 perfect foil for John Doe.Almost like somebody wanted to see if a
 right-winger on the List could get banned as easily as a left-winger.

Unfortunately, John Doe seems to have been unmasked.  Could we 
tell Mike Lee that the Troll Experiment is over?


Mike Lee hasn't started spamming people offlist.  Or should I not
have mentioned that?  : )

Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread David Hobby
Mike Lee wrote:
 David Hobby makes the debatable point:
 Maybe we can have a Special Debating Olympics and then you can be a winner

That would be Debating Special Olympics?  Pretty lame (sic), can't
you do better?


RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread Mike Lee
The list's general fascination with my shock and awe approach to rancid
liberal hypocrisy, stupidity and self-loathing continues to build momentum:
  For what's it worth, I have Mike Lee arriving about one 
 month before John
  Doe.   Both seemed to have arrived rather quietly before 
 eventually turning
  on the heat.   And like you, I did note that Mike Lee 
 appeared to be the
  perfect foil for John Doe.Almost like somebody wanted 
 to see if a
  right-winger on the List could get banned as easily as a 

And, yes, since you were wondering, it was me on the grassy knoll.

Mike Lee
Islamic Moderate

So do you know who really killed JFK Maru?
No, I'm just glad someone did Maru.


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-29 Thread Julia Thompson
Mike Lee wrote:

 And, yes, since you were wondering, it was me on the grassy knoll.

Damn.  And here I had $5 on you helping Oswald with his ammo.


RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-28 Thread Andrew Paul
 From: David Hobby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you have 
   taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor that you 
   are an alter ego of an established list member.
  I have no idea who he is or even if he's a real 
 conservative venting 
  his anti-social views or someone doing a caricature of a 
 right winger.
  Maybe we should start a pool.
   Not a bad idea, but how would we settle the bet?  If he
 wants to claim he is a real person, all he needs to do is 
 find a Mike Lee somewhere and claim to be him.  This 
 doesn't sound too hard, since Mike Lee must be a pretty common name.
   ---David Hobby
 (The mathematician, not the golfer, not the Australian geologist.)

How about this one : Mike Lee - Professional Bull Rider. Or should that be Bull Writer?

Andrew (the Australian Geologist one)

RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-28 Thread Mike Lee
Wow, I can't believe it's taken me this long to become a thread subject.
Thank you thank you thank you. You really like me!

   I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you 
 have taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor 
 that you are an alter ego of an established list member.  

A few minutes ago, I started trolling (ahem) through past list messages
looking for examples of rhetoric at least as intemperate as mine. After a
couple of minutes, I had these recent examples:

 Those who idintify themselves along that one-dimensional insipidity only
advertise that they are idiots. (Brin)

This, in response to Americans who think the two party system is A-OK. But
shouldn't they all be ideots?

 The latest, attacking Kerrey's war record, shows just how biliously crazy
[the right wing] are. (Brin)

Wow, it's been a bad newsday for this quote, hasn't it? Waiting breathlessly
for Brin's biliously crazy post about John Kerry.

 All of which is to say that we are due for an insane season of outright
lies and incredible character assasination. These friends of ous (remember
that!) on the right are ill, folks. So don't hold it against them that they
MUST see all opposition as hateful, evil, filled with lust for utter
destruction of every decent human value. (Brin)

This, in a post about how awful it is to demonize your political enemies.

 Of course what a snot nosed kid whose idea of being poor is having to eat
raman for diner for a few nights because his allowance ran out early
wouldn't understand is that  (pensinger)

I think he was referring to me. It's hard to tell. Doug's not articulate,
but he does try hard and he always wants to sit in the front of the short

See, the point was, but is no more, that I was going to go through all the
last few weeks of posts and point out the hundreds of cases where the pet
posters said things in language at least as intemperate as mine, but they
got a pass. But I'm easily bored and a few dead fish in this barrel were
enough to make me want to stop plunking and start drinking. 

(Yes, of course, I was going to exclude everything The Fool says. Without
doing that, not only would this be the longest post ever, but it would
probably exceed available server storage.)

Anyway, the fuckit factor quickly outweighed the funny factor, so contrary
to my initial intention, this will not be longest message ever posted to the
Brin list. Why the hell should I do your research for you, you lazy liberal
layabouts? Here's a helpful hint though: the fastest way to find your own
mouth-foaming is to search for posts with the word Bush in them. Or
Brin, surprisingly.

Am I saying here that you are a cozy little clique that resents the
intrusion of newcomers? 

A little bit, but you're no worse than any high school pep squad suspicious
of the new smart kid.

Am I saying here that y'all have double standards? 

Well, kinda, but that's not that big a deal either. You're snotty when you
criticize snottiness. You're aggressive when you criticize aggressiveness.
Unfortunately, you're not clever when you criticize cleverness. Really, I've
never seen a group of people so slow to get a joke. Y'all thud.

So what exactly am I saying here?

Pissing on hothouse flowers is my hobby. If the tinkling noise on your
craniums drives some of you to suicide, that's fine with me as long as I do
it before you vote for Kerry. After that, I don't care if you live or die.

Mike Lee
Islamic Moderate


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-28 Thread David Hobby
  I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you have
taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor that you
are an alter ego of an established list member.
   I have no idea who he is or even if he's a real
  conservative venting
   his anti-social views or someone doing a caricature of a
  right winger.
   Maybe we should start a pool.
 On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 09:41:52PM -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:
  I thought Erik hinted that he and John Doe were the same person early
  on, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case.

But Erik says he didn't do this.  I called it a rumor,
since I'm way too lazy to go through the archives for this.
As I recall, John Doe and Mike Lee appeared at about the same
time.  In my mind, this has turned into Mike Lee appeared as
a response to John Doe.  (Look at the similarity of the names,
for instance.)
I don't recall Mike Lee introducing himself either,
although I might have missed it.  He does seem to have started
right in posting as if he had been here for years.  And how 
did he know that Julia was the heart and soul of the list?
We didn't put that in the FAQ recently, did we?


And Mike Lee goes off into legend, the way of Mike Fink... (?)

Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-28 Thread Julia Thompson
David Hobby wrote:
   I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you have
 taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor that you
 are an alter ego of an established list member.
I have no idea who he is or even if he's a real
   conservative venting
his anti-social views or someone doing a caricature of a
   right winger.
Maybe we should start a pool.
  On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 09:41:52PM -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:
   I thought Erik hinted that he and John Doe were the same person early
   on, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
 But Erik says he didn't do this.  I called it a rumor,
 since I'm way too lazy to go through the archives for this.
 As I recall, John Doe and Mike Lee appeared at about the same
 time.  In my mind, this has turned into Mike Lee appeared as
 a response to John Doe.  (Look at the similarity of the names,
 for instance.)
 I don't recall Mike Lee introducing himself either,
 although I might have missed it.  He does seem to have started
 right in posting as if he had been here for years.  And how
 did he know that Julia was the heart and soul of the list?
 We didn't put that in the FAQ recently, did we?

Uh, that was Rob who said that.

You know, I bet a noticeable portion of the miscommunication here could
be avoided if people would double-check as to who said what before
making statements about other participants.

Not that I have a perfect record or anything, but the last time I
remember majorly misattributing something, Erik was right on top of it
and we got that straightened out in fairly short order.


RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-28 Thread Travis Edmunds

Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Mike Lee quotes
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 08:17:52 -0700
Who on this list can compare in terms of his writing skill? WHO I ASK!!!
I can name at least three.

However, methinks the question itself is flawed. Or at least put to the 
table at an inopportune time, and under less than amiable circumstances 
given the current disposition of certain (if not a 50% + 1 majority of!) 
list members regarding the irrepressible and dare I say, sometimes loveable, 
Mike Lee.

In contrast, if you had asked something to the effect of - Who on this list 
can compare in terms of his entertainment value? - which is quite 
deliberate I might add - then the answer would be, to put it mildly, a 
no-brainer, which could be summed up in one simple word - NONE.

From what I have observed in my relatively short tenure here as a list 
member in regard to the above question, is that not one person on this list 
currently competes with Mike and his satirical prowess. The man is a 
veritable fount of satire in the most fundamentally literal definition of 
the word.

There is however a catch. Specifically being, that in my relatively short 
tenure here as a list member, I have not yet witnessed anyone actively 
TRYING to compete with Mike and his satirical rhetoric. Is it that no one 
can? I think not, as I have been duly impressed by the command that some 
list members have over the English language. As a side note, allow me to say 
that I am not easily impressed. In any case, the ability to construct 
compound sentences (and anything better than -The dog is brown) does not 
construe true greatness in the field of the written word. On the contrary, 
it shows only that a particular monkey can climb trees just as good as a 
helluva lot of other monkeys can. True greatness, or rather true worth in 
words, comes from what's behind those words, and consequently what those 
words turn into at the conclusion of a thought and perhaps even at the 
conclusion of a coherent piece of writing, if one were so inclined to put 
SOME degree of effort into what they write.

In the case of Mike, he's just another monkey. Albeit a monkey that has a 
knack for climbing a specific tree. And for that alone (notwithstanding his 
permanent vacation from the concept commonly known manners) he should be 

As for him being 'better' than everyone else...please. In our collective 
pool of intellectual prowess (always wanted to use that word twice in one 
post!!) here on the list, Mike but scratches the surface of the depths in 
which I know some people play. Such people are infinitely more interesting, 
but sadly not as fun.

-Travis neutral Edmunds

Support bacteria, they're the only culture some people have. - Stephen 

MSN Premium includes powerful parental controls and get 2 months FREE*


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread Doug Pensinger
David wrote:

I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you have
taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor that you
are an alter ego of an established list member.
If so, would it be O.K. if I killfiled you?  Your main
persona could always post for you once you rediscovered your
I have no idea who he is or even if he's a real conservative venting his 
anti-social views or someone doing a caricature of a right winger.

Maybe we should start a pool.


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread JDG
At 10:28 PM 4/26/2004 -0700 Doug Pensinger wrote:
I have no idea who he is or even if he's a real conservative venting his 
anti-social views or someone doing a caricature of a right winger.

Maybe we should start a pool.

I suggested a ways back that this guy showed all the classic signs of being
a troll.

JDG - Just in case anyone is wondering why I haven't responded to his most
outrageous stuff, Maru.


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread David Hobby
Doug Pensinger wrote:
 David wrote:
I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you have
  taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor that you
  are an alter ego of an established list member.
 I have no idea who he is or even if he's a real conservative venting his
 anti-social views or someone doing a caricature of a right winger.
 Maybe we should start a pool.

Not a bad idea, but how would we settle the bet?  If he
wants to claim he is a real person, all he needs to do is find
a Mike Lee somewhere and claim to be him.  This doesn't sound
too hard, since Mike Lee must be a pretty common name.

---David Hobby

(The mathematician, not the golfer, not the Australian geologist.)

Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread Tom Beck
Not a bad idea, but how would we settle the bet?  If he
wants to claim he is a real person, all he needs to do is find
a Mike Lee somewhere and claim to be him.  This doesn't sound
too hard, since Mike Lee must be a pretty common name.

I know a Mike Lee in Minnesota, but he wouldn't have written this kind  
of nonsense.


Tom Beck

my LiveJournal:

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd  
see the last. - Dr. Jerry Pournelle


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread Travis Edmunds

From: David Hobby [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Mike Lee quotes
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 23:23:14 -0400
I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you have
taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor that you
are an alter ego of an established list member.
Based on the rumor, who's the leading candidate for Mr. Hyde?

-Travis someone's hyding Edmunds

MSN Premium with Virus Guard and Firewall* from McAfee® Security : 2 months 


RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread ChadCooper
 I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you have 
   taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor that you 
   are an alter ego of an established list member.

I'm now curious... Who is Mike Lee? Who could he be? What rumors? I have not
hear any rumors... Am I out of the loop here? Hello? 

Putting aside my insignificant social role here (that role would be Baghdad
Bob of the Brin List) I must say that Mike could not really be someone on
the list.
Who on this list can compare in terms of his writing skill? WHO I ASK!!!
It would be obvious that Mike Lee would be a shadow of the real Slim Shady.
So who exactly can compete in writing against him? A artist pretending to be
another artist is some artist. How could a puppet act better than the real
So far I have not seen anyone really hold a strong stick against Mike.
People are spitting and kicking dirt on the umps shoes, relying upon a hope
that maybe he is He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,  so we can dismiss his
rantings as the acts of a sad and hopeless, unrecognized (yet sensitive)

So the mystery thickens. Everyone is screaming troll under the bridge out of

The argument is that Mike is one of us.. (sorry Mike, don' mean to
discriminate you vs. us but, I have a point to make here ...) yet he is
kicking some serious liberal butt. When the Fool himself, the other masked
avenger of our group start to whine about Mike the Troll, I get a good
chuckle. Who is this Masked man? Or should I say Who is Mike Lee?

I have to take a stand here and say to everyone Give Mike a Chance... And
I Like Mike. It could be that Mike is really just a normal guy who is the
fair victim of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (love saying that!). What I see is
attempts to demonize Mike because, well ... He's winning...

Nerd Who Must Not Be Named


RE: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread Richard Baker
Chad said:

 What I see is attempts to demonize Mike because, well ... He's

...even if he is weak on terrorism. I mean, did you see how he totally
ignored my suggestion of an Alaskan gulag for liberals?


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread Nick Arnett

What I see is
attempts to demonize Mike because, well ... He's winning...
If he wins, then perhaps he'll realize that he's on a list with a 
bunch of losers, so he'll leave.


Nick Arnett
Director, Business Intelligence Services
LiveWorld Inc.
Phone/fax: (408) 551-0427


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-27 Thread David Hobby

 What I see is
 attempts to demonize Mike because, well ... He's winning...

Hi, Chad/Nerd.  Good to hear from you.
He's winning?  It depends on how one keeps score.  In my book,
going for cheap shots that make good soundbites can be construed
as an admission that one can't argue things on their merits.

I've often wondered about this idea of winning a debate.  Some
people seem to actually judge the winner on the basis of snappy
lines like the following, regardless of the facts:

I KNEW Jack Kennedy, and you're no Jack Kennedy.

If it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, ... then it 
is a duck.  (Sorry about the mess I made of the last one!)


Re: Mike Lee quotes

2004-04-26 Thread David Hobby
Mike Lee wrote:
 Well, when you appeal to a constituency that doesn't do a lot of meaningful
 work, you can get a lot of them to show up in the middle of the day for a

and in another post:

 I guess your point is (I shudder to speak for you, but must do so because
 you didn't speak for yourself, but at least I'll probably speak for you
 better than you could have yourself)

I wouldn't want to offend you after all the care you have 
taken not to hurt anyone's feelings, but there's a rumor that you
are an alter ego of an established list member.  
If so, would it be O.K. if I killfiled you?  Your main 
persona could always post for you once you rediscovered your 
