Uplift Patronymics

2004-02-02 Thread Trent Shipley
a modification of

This is needed for a planned writeup on the Heebi.


Rules of Patronymics

a- used in patronymics to indicate (any sub-set of) a race in formal address. 

ta - used in patronymics to indicate (any sub-set of) a race in informal 
address.  In formal address a is used. 

ab- used in patronymics to indicate Patrons.  Listed in reverse historical 
order; that is, starting with the species' immediate Patron, then the 
Patron's Patron, and so on.  The list extends back to the most senior race 
still having an O-2 existence.  Used to establish identity and status. 

absu- prefix for an extinct or Retired Patron survived by Patron species 
senior to it. 

ul- used in patronymics to indicate Clients.  Listed in historical order of 
development.  A long list of sucessful clients is also a symbol of status. 

ulsu- for an extinct or Retired Client. 

Example: Fagin, a-Kanten, ab-Linten ab-Siqul ul-Nish. 

wol: indicates a secondary patron line.  Use of 'wol' is usually the result of 
some sort of uplift fosterage.  Patron lines mentioned later in the full 
patronymic have lower prestige.  Unlike 'ab' and 'ul' 'wol' is strongly 
prestige oriented and only weakly historical.  A race lists its patron lines 
in the order it wants them mentioned.  If patron lines tie for prestige a 
race usually lists its most recent sponsor first.  Some races prefer to drop 
patron lines in diplomatic discourse.  In these cases there is no linguistic 
indicant; one must simply know the preferred protocol.  Note also that in 
practice all patrons tend to mention the client in their patronymics. 

Examples: Heebi ab-Lesh ab-Erbl ab-Kosh ab-Rosh ab-Tothtoon  
   wol: ab-J'8lek ab-Khilp ab-Brawch

  Bahtwin ab-Gello ab-Soro ab-Hul ab-Puber
 wol: ab-Soro ab-Hul ab-Puber

The case of the Bahtwin is particularly unusual.  They were effectively 
fostered to their grand-patrons.  The Soro do not list the Bahtwin as 
clients, the Bahtwin list the Gello first and strongly discourage use their 
full patronymic.  This is because fosterage is considered an embarrassment.


Re: Uplift Patronymics

2004-02-02 Thread Alberto Monteiro
Trent Shipley wrote:

 a modification of

 This is needed for a planned writeup on the Heebi.

I would like to make a suggestion, in order to justify some numerical
absurdities in _CA_ [namely: that the older the patron, the longer
it took to raise the client, with an almost _linear_ proportion between
those two numbers].

The suggestion is that the -absu extinct or retired Patron can
[and must] be dropped unless this is the Patron or the Grandpatron.

BTW, I think we need some nomenclature. _The_ Patron is the
race that Uplifted that species. _A_ Patron is any race in the
Chain of Uplift. _The_ Grandpatron, a grandpatron, the grand-grandpatron,
etc are obvious.

Alberto Monteiro
