Chances of second reelection (was: reelecting bush is evil, why it must be eradicated)

2004-11-03 Thread Ruben Krasnopolsky
Alberto Monteiro wrote:
The saddest thing about Bush's reelection: after 4 years, there's no way 
someone can come up with an original and funny joke about him. Kerry would be 
a new source of jokes :-/ 

Alberto, you are misunderestimating Bush and his
powers to cause hilarity in others :-)

Beware people, if you keep doing that misunderestimation,
he'd get to be reelected once more ... and perhaps deserve it.
You don't believe that can happen?

Take Menem as a sobering example, just across the border from Brazil...
(Explanation for non-South-Americans: Menem, an Argentine politician
now famous for suspected corruption, pulled off a constitutional
amendment allowing his reelection.  People liked him enough for that.)


Re: Chances of second reelection (was: reelecting bush is evil, why it must be eradicated)

2004-11-03 Thread Dave Land
On Nov 3, 2004, at 2:50 PM, Ruben Krasnopolsky wrote:
Alberto Monteiro wrote:
The saddest thing about Bush's reelection: after 4 years, there's no 
someone can come up with an original and funny joke about him. Kerry 
would be
a new source of jokes :-/
Alberto, you are misunderestimating Bush and his
powers to cause hilarity in others :-)
Beware people, if you keep doing that misunderestimation,
he'd get to be reelected once more ... and perhaps deserve it.
You don't believe that can happen?
Take Menem as a sobering example, just across the border from Brazil...
(Explanation for non-South-Americans: Menem, an Argentine politician
now famous for suspected corruption, pulled off a constitutional
amendment allowing his reelection.  People liked him enough for that.)
There was idle talk of amending the constitution after both Reagan's
and Clinton's second terms to allow three or more terms, due to their
popularity. Frankly, I think we're about as likely to see the 
amended to allow Arnold Schwarzenegger to run as we would be to allow
a third term for Bush.

At least I'd believe *his* bad-ass act.

Re: Chances of second reelection (was: reelecting bush is evil, why it must be eradicated)

2004-11-03 Thread Alberto Monteiro
Ruben Krasnopolsky wrote:

 Take Menem as a sobering example, just across the border from Brazil...
 (Explanation for non-South-Americans: Menem, an Argentine politician
 now famous for suspected corruption, pulled off a constitutional
 amendment allowing his reelection.  People liked him enough for that.)

And he even tried to get re-re-elected again - but he managed to
be kicked out (democratically!) before he finished with Arg... oops...
before he finished his 2nd mandate.

And remember Alberto Fujimori in Peru, that changed the Constitution
so that he was re-elected several times, with dictatorial powers. Worse:
it seems that Fujimori was not born in Peru, like the Guvernator :-)

Alberto Monteiro
