Green Ham and Eggs

2006-01-12 Thread Travis Edmunds

Scientists in Taiwan have successfully bred three pigs which glow 
fluorescent green in the dark, marking a potential breakthrough for stem 
cell research, a professor said Thursday.

The team from Taiwan, where the world's first genetically engineered 
fluorescent fish were created in 2003, injected a protein extracted from 
jelly fish into the nucleus of a pig embryo to breed three male transgenic 
pigs, said Professor Wu Shinn-Chih, of National Taiwan University's 
Institute and Department of Animal Science and Technology.

It was hoped that the pigs would eventually enable reserachers to trace the 
development of tissues when stem cells are used to repair damaged organs, Wu 

"Yes, this is really important. It should be helpful in the acceleration of 
clinical research of human stem cells as it is generally believed that 
physically pigs are among the animals which are most similar to human 
beings," he told AFP.

"I'm not sure if there are fluorescent green pigs elsewhere in the world, 
but so far, in the photos available in the field, I have never seen such 
pigs, whose whole bodies can glow green in the dark," Wu said.

"I was shocked when I saw the animals (glowing) the first time."

Wu dismissed concerns that the technology could endanger the ecosystem.

"There is no need to worry about that because, unlike fish, the confined 
green pigs have no way to crossbreed with wild species and produce 
'Frankenpigs'," he said.

Conservationist groups warned of potential serious consequences to the 
eco-system after Taiwan's Taikong Corp in 2003 became the world's first 
company to sell transgenic  fluorescent fish, which was listed as one of the 
"coolest inventions" that year by Time magazine.

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Re: My Uncles Website

2006-01-12 Thread Travis Edmunds

From: Steve Sloan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion 
To: Killer Bs Discussion 
Subject: Re: My Uncles Website
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 21:09:11 -0600

Robert G. Seeberger wrote:


> Its..well.its a worm call.
> For fishing worms.
> No kidding!
> And it works

Pretty cool. Wonder if it works on Arrakis... ;-)

An Arrakisworm!


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A clone's best friend

2006-01-12 Thread Maru Dubshinki

*Stem Cell Researcher Hwang Faked All Human Papers, Panel Says*

"Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- South Korean scientist Hwang Woo Suk faked
both his first and second papers on human stem-cell research, dashing
hopes that his work is a breakthrough in treatments for diabetes and
Parkinson's disease.

Stem cells stored at Seoul National University, DNA fingerprints and
photographs submitted to Science magazine for its 2004 paper were
found to be fabricated, the university said in a statement after a
monthlong investigation. The panel backed Hwang's claim that he cloned
the world's first dog. "

I would have been crushed if it were all vile damnable lies.


Brin: Scientific American about Asimov

2006-01-12 Thread Alberto Monteiro
The brazilian version of Scientific American includes an "Asimov Timeline"
that is taken from "Foundation's Triumph", the third book of the
"Foundation and Robots" Trilogy [:-)].

I saw the magazine, but I did not get it, so I couldn't check if credit
was given.

Has anyone else seen this, or is it a brazilian only edition?

Alberto Monteiro


Re: Brin: Scientific American about Asimov

2006-01-12 Thread David Brin

I am very interested in this!  Thanks Alberto.  But
then... why not get the issue?  It's a great magazine,
and then you could copy those pages!

hoping you all have had a happy new year.

With cordial regards,

David Brin

--- Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The brazilian version of Scientific American
> includes an "Asimov Timeline"
> that is taken from "Foundation's Triumph", the third
> book of the
> "Foundation and Robots" Trilogy [:-)].
> I saw the magazine, but I did not get it, so I
> couldn't check if credit
> was given.
> Has anyone else seen this, or is it a brazilian only
> edition?
> Alberto Monteiro
> ___


Re: Fwd: How Texan Are You?.

2006-01-12 Thread Julia Thompson

OK, I'll answer a few of these.

On Sun, 8 Jan 2006, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

[Don't blame me.  I'm only forwarding it . . . ]

7) How many cars and/or trucks are parked in your yard?
a) 15-20
b) 21-25
c) 26-30
d) beer


9) Country music is so great because...
a) it makes me cry
b) it goes good with fried food
c) they play it at all our favorite truck stops
d) Black people can't dance to it

Of course, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement

12) Complete the sentence: "That ole boy
a) is slipperier than snot on a door knob."
b) is tougher than prison bacon."
c) is uglier than a mud fence."
d) is one little fork short of a fondue party"


13) Women should...
a) never clean house unless they're naked
b) put gravy on everything
c) cost less
d) bait their own hook


