Re: bash 5.0.2(1) multiline command in history bug

2019-02-05 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Thank you, but it definitely happens in the up-to-date MacPorts
bash-5.0.2(1) distribution,
I'll try looking at their patches, building a completely unpatched 5.0.2, and
contact the MacPorts developers to let them know if it is a problem with their
patches. It uses Apple's EditLine, not readline, which could be something to do
with it.
Thanks & Best Regards,

On 04/02/2019, Chet Ramey  wrote:
> On 2/4/19 3:22 AM, Jason Vas Dias wrote:
>> Good day -
>>   Under bash 4.4.23, with emacs history editing enabled, I can do:
>>$ echo '1
>> > 2
>> > 3
>> > '
>> 1
>> 2
>> 3
>>and I can then press the  (move-up / history-previous) key,
>>and the same command, including embedded new lines in the arguments,
>>is echoed back to me, and I can press  to repeat exactly that
>>command (scroll up in history and repeat last command).
>>Now, with bash-5.0.2,  this capability is removed: scrolling up in
>> the history,
>>if the previous command had a multi-line argument, shows the multiline
>>argument folded, like:
>> $ echo '1 2 3 '
> I can't reproduce this. I get:
> $ echo $BASH_VERSION
> 5.0.2(2)-release
> $ echo '1
>> 2
>> 3'
> 1
> 2
> 3
>   [C-P here]
> $ echo '1
> 2
> 3'
> --
> ``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
>``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
> Chet Ramey, UTech, CWRUc...@case.edu

bash 5.0.2(1) multiline command in history bug

2019-02-04 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Good day -

  Under bash 4.4.23, with emacs history editing enabled, I can do:
   $ echo '1
> 2
> 3
> '
   and I can then press the  (move-up / history-previous) key,
   and the same command, including embedded new lines in the arguments,
   is echoed back to me, and I can press  to repeat exactly that
   command (scroll up in history and repeat last command).

   Now, with bash-5.0.2,  this capability is removed: scrolling up in
the history,
   if the previous command had a multi-line argument, shows the multiline
   argument folded, like:
$ echo '1 2 3 '
   and,  even worse, it has actually edited the command to remove the
   new lines, so it runs a different command (without new lines)
   when repeating a historical command - very bad! History is now
   unreliable and broken in bash!

   I use multi-line sed commands frequently, which bash 5.0.2 now
   stores incorrectly in the history file and is incapable of repeating.

   So bash-5.0.2 has been made essentially unusable for entering commands
   that have arguments which contain new lines, and now edits
historical commands
   unconditionally & automatically without user initiation of command editing.

   Can either of these new behaviors be disabled in bash 5.0.2 ?

Thanks & Best Regards,
Jason Vas Dias

q// / qq// syntax or built-ins please ?

2017-03-23 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Please , in some future versions of bash, could it provide
support / help for avoiding "quoting hell", in such situations
as :

$ echo "

Error: Cannot find file '/missing/file_1'.

Error: Cannot find file '/missing/file_2'.

"  |  while read line; do
   cmd='if [[ '$'"'"$line"$'"'' =~
^[^'"\\'"']*['"\\'"']([^'"\\'"']+)['"\\'"'][^'"\\'"']*$ ]]; then echo
${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; fi;';
  echo "$cmd" | bash -;

See what I have to do to match lines containing a non-empty
single-quoted string ?
ie. I just want to cut-and-paste such lines from the output of some
application, and
weed out the empty lines and print the  single-quoted string in lines
containing them (only!), with a simple bash command. If you replace
"echo $cmd | bash -" with
'eval "$cmd"' , it does not work, because the double-quotes which I
had painstakingly inserted with '$'"''  get removed somehow by eval -
why is this?
ie, only if "$line" is empty, does bash evaluate the text:
   'if [[ "" = ... ]]; then ...'
else, for the lines I want to match, it would evaluate eg. :
+ eval 'if [[ Error: Cannot find file '\''/missing_file_1'\''.\" =~
^[^\\\'\'']*[\\\'\'']([\\\'\'']+)[\\\'\''][^\\\'\'']*$ ]]; then echo
${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; fi;'
+ set +x
( nothing printed - the single quotes are stripped)
+ eval 'if [[ \"\" =~
^[^\\\'\'']*[\\\'\'']([\\\'\'']+)[\\\'\''][^\\\'\'']*$ ]]; then echo
${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; fi;'
++ [[ "" =~ ^[^\']*[\']([\']+)[\'][^\']*$ ]]
+ set +x

I think bash needs some kind of "q/.../'" and 'qq/../' syntax / built-ins, or
whatever syntax its author likes,  like PERL has, whereby the  single quote
("'") or double quote ('"') respectively are totally ignored within
'/.../'  parameter
strings, which should use a different quoting character than '"' or
"'" to delineate

If the author won't develop these, I will & will send a patch.


Re: 4.3.42 : shopt -s lastpipe & "no record of process" warnings

2016-06-05 Thread Jason Vas Dias
OK, I found one fix - you probably
won't like it, but it fixes the oroblem,
and all the test cases run in
'make test' still work - especially
'run_jobs' and  'run_lastpipe' -
the patch simply removes the error
from the FIND_CHILD macro in jobs.c,
so it noe reads ;
jobs.c @ line 2377:
#define FIND_CHILD(pid,child) \
  do \
child = find_pipeline (pid, 0, (int*)NULL); \
if ( child == 0 ) \
   { \
  give_terminal_to (shell_pgrp, 0); \
  UNLOCK_CHILD (oset); \
  restore_sigint_handler (); \
  return (termination_state = 0): \
   } \
 } \
  while (0)

So  I've removed the manufactured
"No record of process X" error altogether,
and yet all test cases still pass - it seems
it was unecessary.

Will a fix for this issue appear in a 'bash43-43+' patch
file or in the forthcoming bash-4.4 release ?
I think it should, as it is rather unfair of bash to make its
internal bookkeeping errors appear as if they could be
user programming errors.


On 05/06/2016, Jason Vas Dias <> wrote:
> The strace log shows that process 8277 is the
> bash subshell that runs f() , forks to create 8278,
> which forks to execve "some_executable" ;
> process 8277 then eads the 8278  output on a pipe,
> so it knows when the pipe is closed, amd the strace
> log shows 8277 first does a wait4, which returns 8278,
> but does NOT get a SIGCHLD event for 8278.
> Maybe this is the problem? Since the wait has
> already succeeded, no SIGCHLD will be generated.
> 8277 evidently is not aware that its 8278 child has exited,
> and goes on to issue a further wait4 for it which
> returns -1 with errno==ECHLD and then emits the
> message:
> " line 46: No record of process 8278" .
> Line 46 in my script consist of
>   function f()
> .
> This seems buggy to me - I'll try developing a
> patch to fix it and will post back here.
> Regards, Jason
> On 05/06/2016, Jason Vas Dias <> wrote:
>> With a build of bash 4.3 patchlevel 42
>> on a Linux x86_64 system I am getting
>> warning messages on stderr when
>> running a certain script like:
>>"wait_for: no record of process 8278" .
>> Running bash with the script as
>> input under strace shows that process 8277
>> does a successful wait4(-1,...) which DOES
>> return pid 8278 . So why is bash complaining
>> it has no record of it ?
>> Is bash getting its book-keeping wrong here?
>> The script is not using any background
>> jobs with '&' or using the 'wait' built-in.
>> It is simply doing something like:
>> shopt -s lastpipe;
>> set -o pipefail;
>> function f()
>> { some_executable "$@" | {
>>  while read line; do { ... ; } done;
>>return 0;
>> }
>> ...
>> f  $args | { while read result; do
>> ...; done ; }
>> So I'd expect the initial bash process to run
>> a subshell bash to invoke the f() function,
>> which runs a command child that execve-s
>> "some_executable', parsing its output and writing
>> to the subshell bash on a pipe, which writes to the
>> parent bash on a pipe, which parses it & does whatever.
>> Without the lastpipe option, this would be the
>> other way round - the parent would run f, and
>> its output would be parsed in the subshell
>> running the f output parsing loop.
>> All this seems to work OK, but why the warning
>> message about "no record of process X"?
>> Or is this message indicating something has
>> gone seriously wrong ?
>> Thanks in advance for any replies,
>> Regards,
>> Jason

Re: 4.3.42 : shopt -s lastpipe & "no record of process" warnings

2016-06-05 Thread Jason Vas Dias
The strace log shows that process 8277 is the
bash subshell that runs f() , forks to create 8278,
which forks to execve "some_executable" ;
process 8277 then eads the 8278  output on a pipe,
so it knows when the pipe is closed, amd the strace
log shows 8277 first does a wait4, which returns 8278,
but does NOT get a SIGCHLD event for 8278.
Maybe this is the problem? Since the wait has
already succeeded, no SIGCHLD will be generated.
8277 evidently is not aware that its 8278 child has exited,
and goes on to issue a further wait4 for it which
returns -1 with errno==ECHLD and then emits the
" line 46: No record of process 8278" .
Line 46 in my script consist of
  function f()
This seems buggy to me - I'll try developing a
patch to fix it and will post back here.

Regards, Jason
On 05/06/2016, Jason Vas Dias <> wrote:
> With a build of bash 4.3 patchlevel 42
> on a Linux x86_64 system I am getting
> warning messages on stderr when
> running a certain script like:
>"wait_for: no record of process 8278" .
> Running bash with the script as
> input under strace shows that process 8277
> does a successful wait4(-1,...) which DOES
> return pid 8278 . So why is bash complaining
> it has no record of it ?
> Is bash getting its book-keeping wrong here?
> The script is not using any background
> jobs with '&' or using the 'wait' built-in.
> It is simply doing something like:
> shopt -s lastpipe;
> set -o pipefail;
> function f()
> { some_executable "$@" | {
>  while read line; do { ... ; } done;
>return 0;
> }
> ...
> f  $args | { while read result; do
> ...; done ; }
> So I'd expect the initial bash process to run
> a subshell bash to invoke the f() function,
> which runs a command child that execve-s
> "some_executable', parsing its output and writing
> to the subshell bash on a pipe, which writes to the
> parent bash on a pipe, which parses it & does whatever.
> Without the lastpipe option, this would be the
> other way round - the parent would run f, and
> its output would be parsed in the subshell
> running the f output parsing loop.
> All this seems to work OK, but why the warning
> message about "no record of process X"?
> Or is this message indicating something has
> gone seriously wrong ?
> Thanks in advance for any replies,
> Regards,
> Jason

4.3.42 : shopt -s lastpipe & "no record of process" warnings

2016-06-05 Thread Jason Vas Dias
With a build of bash 4.3 patchlevel 42
on a Linux x86_64 system I am getting
warning messages on stderr when
running a certain script like:
   "wait_for: no record of process 8278" .
Running bash with the script as
input under strace shows that process 8277
does a successful wait4(-1,...) which DOES
return pid 8278 . So why is bash complaining
it has no record of it ?
Is bash getting its book-keeping wrong here?
The script is not using any background
jobs with '&' or using the 'wait' built-in.
It is simply doing something like:

shopt -s lastpipe;
set -o pipefail;
function f()
{ some_executable "$@" | {
 while read line; do { ... ; } done;
   return 0;
f  $args | { while read result; do
...; done ; }

So I'd expect the initial bash process to run
a subshell bash to invoke the f() function,
which runs a command child that execve-s
"some_executable', parsing its output and writing
to the subshell bash on a pipe, which writes to the
parent bash on a pipe, which parses it & does whatever.
Without the lastpipe option, this would be the
other way round - the parent would run f, and
its output would be parsed in the subshell
running the f output parsing loop.
All this seems to work OK, but why the warning
message about "no record of process X"?
Or is this message indicating something has
gone seriously wrong ?
Thanks in advance for any replies,

bash-4.3.33 regexp bug

2015-03-05 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Good day list, Chet -

I think this is a bug:
( set -x ;  tab=$'\011';  s=some text: 1.2.3;
  if [[ $s =~ ^some text:[\ $tab]+([0-9.]+) ]]; then
echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]};
-bash: syntax error in conditional expression
-bash: syntax error near `$tab]+([0-9.]+)'

Do you agree ?
If not, what sort of regexp should I use to match ':[spacetab]+[0-9]+' ?
The problem happens regardless of whether I use the $tab variable or
a literal '\'$'\011' sequence (sorry, I can't type tab in this mailer).

Thanks in advance for any replies,

[contrib]: setpgrp + killpg builtins

2015-01-31 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Dear bash developers -

It is very difficult to overcome the problems caused by
the scenario described within this email without something the
enclosed setpgrp pid pgrp and killpg pgrp sig
bash loadable builtins .

Without them, or options to change signal handling for simple
commands,  it is too easy to create orphan processes,
and too difficult to find a workaround to prevent
orphan processes being created, as in the following

1. An process runs a bash script in a separate
   process which runs a long-running (or non-terminating!)
   'Simple Command' (not a shell Job) (call it

2. After a while, the originator decides that the job has timed-out,
   and kills its process (the instance of bash running, and
   then exits.

3. The long-command process is left still running as an orphan,
   and would become a zombie if it tries to exit.

I tested this with lastest bash-4.3.33 and with bash-4.2 .

The problem is most shell scripts use just simple commands and not
background jobs - changing a large number of scripts to use
asynchronous background jobs for every simple command that may
potentially not terminate due to for example NFS hangs is not
an option. Simple commands will run in their
own process groups in interactive mode, or that of the parent
in non-interactive mode, and will not be killed when
their parent  exits because the parent has no
background pid to wait for so cannot wait for them.

This is demonstrated by the attached shell scripts in the
 nterm-demo.tar file (nterm-demo/*) : forks off, waits for it to timeout, and kills it runs as a simple command  : a non-terminating process
 killpg.c  : killpg built-in

To demonstrate:

$ tar -xpf nterm_demo.tar
$ cd nterm_demo

Example output is :
gcc  -fPIC -O3 -g -I. -I/home/jvasdias/src/3P/bash
-I/home/jvasdias/src/3P/bash/lib -I/home/jvasdias/src/3P/bash/builtins
-I/home/jvasdias/src/3P/bash-4.30-ubuntu/builtins  -c -o setpgid.o
gcc  -shared -Wl,-soname,$@  setpgid.o   -o setpgid
gcc  -fPIC -O3 -g -I. -I/home/jvasdias/src/3P/bash
-I/home/jvasdias/src/3P/bash/lib -I/home/jvasdias/src/3P/bash/builtins
-I/home/jvasdias/src/3P/bash-4.30-ubuntu/builtins  -c -o killpg.o
gcc  -shared -Wl,-soname,$@  killpg.o   -o killpg
bash -c ./ 0- 21 | tee
./ hB : 11524
JOB: 11528
./ 11528: pgid : 11510
./ 11528: pgid now : 11528
./ hB: 11535 : pgid: 11528
non-terminating command 11535 (11528) still running.
./ timeout - killing job: 11528
./ 11535: exits 143
./ 11528: exits 143
./ 11524: exiting.

To demonstrate the problem, make the built-ins not be found:
$ make show_the_bug
unset BASH_LOADABLES_DIR; ./  0- 21 | tee
./ hB : 11670
Demonstrating the bug. Please kill the process manually.
JOB: 11672
./ 11672: pgid : 11668 will be killed, but will not.
./ hB: 11676 : pgid: 11668
non-terminating command 11676 (11668) still running.
./ timeout - killing job: 11672
non-terminating command 11676 (11668) still running.
non-terminating command 11676 (11668) still running.
^Cmake: *** [show_the_bug] Interrupt

Fortunately, make carefully cleans up and kills 11676 silenty.
If one types at the command line or in a shell script:
then it is really hard to kill the resulting process -
one has to use kill -9 $nterm_pid .

So, please give scripts some means of saying
if I am killed, kill my current simple command,
even in interactive mode, with some new shopt option,
or provide something like the killpg / setpgid built-ins attached.

Thanks  Regards,

Description: Unix tar archive

test '-v' - associative vs. normal array discrepancy - a bug ?

2014-11-19 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Good day -
Please could anyone explain why the first command below produces no output:
$ ( declare -A a=([a]=1);   if [ -v a ]; then echo yes; fi )
$ ( declare -a  a=([0]=1);  if [ -v a ]; then echo yes; fi )
There does not appear to be any documentation about
different behaviour of -v for associative vs. normal arrays:

   -v varname
  True if the shell variable varname is set (has been
assigned a value).

Should that be ammended to :
-v varname
  True if the shell variable varname is not an associative
array and is set
  (has been assigned a value).
or is this a bug with -v ?

I'm using bash-4.3.30(1) , but it appears also to be an issue  with
bash-4.3.11(1) .


Re: test '-v' - associative vs. normal array discrepancy - a bug ?

2014-11-19 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Thanks to all who replied.

I would really like -v to do as it documented to do :
   True if the shell variable varname is set (has been assigned a value)

To me, the fact that -v does not return true if the variable is an array
and does not have element 0 - or element '0' in the case of assocs -
means it does not behave as documented.
Either its behaviour should be changed to return true if an array is
non-empty (contains ANY non-empty element) or the documentation should
be changed to document '-v's behaviour for both normal and associative

This is the function I was using to replace -v if bash version  4.3
is detected -
it does more than -v in that it actually returns the value of the variable,
but it works for any array or array member, and does not care if
the array does not have element 0 or member '0' :
function is_defined
   if (( $# == 0 )); then
  return 1;
   local v=$1;
   if [[ $v =~ \[ ]]; then
   local val;
   eval  'val=${'$v'}';
   if [ x$val = x ]; then
  return 1;
   echo -n ${val//[\'\]/};
   return 0;
   local val=$(declare -p $v 2/dev/null);
   if [[ $val =~ ^declare[\ \ xaAgri\-]+[\ \  ]*[^\ \
\=]+[\=]([^\=].*)[\ \   ]*$ ]]; then
   return 1;
   echo -n ${val//[\'\]/};

I thought the intent of -v was to free us of such code .

I think there is a need for some built-in or test option
that can tell us if a variable has been set or not, regardless
if it is an array or if its 0th element or member '0' is set or not.
To get this currently, we'd have to test if the variable is an
array, if it is an associative or normal array, and have different
methods for each case .   [ ${#v[@] -gt 0 ] does not work
if $v is a  normal variable.

It would be nice if -v could mean 'has any non-empty member' for
both associative and normal arrays - I think Piotr's suggestion
to make it do this is a good one.

Thanks  Regards,

On 11/19/14, Piotr Grzybowski wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 8:25 PM, Chet Ramey wrote:

 No.  There's a way to test for a non-zero number of elements directly.

  Sure thing, I just had a feeling that Jason wants to use -v instead.
 I can turn it into

 -E VAR True if the shell variable VAR is an empty array



Re: Bash-4.3 Official Patch 25

2014-09-25 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Good day Chet, bash-list -

I just checked out the latest git head, applied the bash43-025 patch, and built
$ ./bash --version
  GNU bash, version 4.3.25(3)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
which PASSED its 'make check' test suite, both under Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
and under RHEL-6.5+ , on an x86_64 (Haswell) 8-core platform .

But now there is an issue - bash seems to lose its idea of stdout / stderr being
a terminal within read loops, as illustrated by this test script (/tmp/

echo $'1\n2'  test.list;
while read line; do
done  test.list

Its output illustrates the problem:

$ ./bash /tmp/
not a tty
not a tty

This bug seems to have infected the latest Ubuntu bash release also,
which was created and pushed out  today with the  bash43-025 fix
for the CVE-2014-6271 issue :
$ /bin/bash /tmp/
not a tty
not a tty
(/bin/bash is from the bash-4.3-7ubuntu1.1 package) .

But /dev/fd/1 remains the same file :
ls -l /dev/fd/1;
echo $'1\n2'  test.list;
while read line; do
ls -l /dev/fd/1;
done  test.list
Its output under Ubuntu bash:

$ /bin/bash /tmp/tsh
lrwx-- 1 jvasdias jvd 64 Sep 25 14:47 /dev/fd/1 - /dev/pts/6
not a tty
lrwx-- 1 jvasdias jvd 64 Sep 25 14:47 /dev/fd/1 - /dev/pts/6
not a tty
lrwx-- 1 jvasdias jvd 64 Sep 25 14:47 /dev/fd/1 - /dev/pts/6

This is rather confusing !
Any ideas what may the the issue here ?

Thanks  Regards,

On 9/24/14, Chet Ramey wrote:

 Bash-Release: 4.3
 Patch-ID: bash43-025

 Bug-Reported-by:  Stephane Chazelas


 Under certain circumstances, bash will execute user code while processing
 environment for exported function definitions.

 Patch (apply with `patch -p0'):

 *** ../bash-4.3-patched/builtins/common.h 2013-07-08 16:54:47.0
 --- builtins/common.h 2014-09-12 14:25:47.0 -0400
 *** 34,37 
 --- 49,54 
   #define SEVAL_PARSEONLY 0x020
   #define SEVAL_NOLONGJMP 0x040
 + #define SEVAL_FUNCDEF   0x080   /* only allow function 
 definitions */
 + #define SEVAL_ONECMD0x100   /* only allow a single command 

   /* Flags for describe_command, shared between type.def and command.def */
 *** ../bash-4.3-patched/builtins/evalstring.c 2014-02-11 09:42:10.0
 --- builtins/evalstring.c 2014-09-14 14:15:13.0 -0400
 *** 309,312 
 --- 313,324 
 struct fd_bitmap *bitmap;

 +   if ((flags  SEVAL_FUNCDEF)  command-type != cm_function_def)
 + {
 +   internal_warning (%s: ignoring function definition attempt,
 +   should_jump_to_top_level = 0;
 +   last_result = last_command_exit_value = EX_BADUSAGE;
 +   break;
 + }
 bitmap = new_fd_bitmap (FD_BITMAP_SIZE);
 begin_unwind_frame (pe_dispose);
 *** 369,372 
 --- 381,387 
 dispose_fd_bitmap (bitmap);
 discard_unwind_frame (pe_dispose);
 +   if (flags  SEVAL_ONECMD)
 + break;
 *** ../bash-4.3-patched/variables.c   2014-05-15 08:26:50.0 -0400
 --- variables.c   2014-09-14 14:23:35.0 -0400
 *** 359,369 
 strcpy (temp_string + char_index + 1, string);

 !   if (posixly_correct == 0 || legal_identifier (name))
 ! parse_and_execute (temp_string, name, SEVAL_NONINT|SEVAL_NOHIST);
 !   /* Ancient backwards compatibility.  Old versions of bash exported
 !  functions like name()=() {...} */
 !   if (name[char_index - 1] == ')'  name[char_index - 2] == '(')
 ! name[char_index - 2] = '\0';

 if (temp_var = find_function (name))
 --- 364,372 
 strcpy (temp_string + char_index + 1, string);

 !   /* Don't import function names that are invalid identifiers from the
 !  environment, though we still allow them to be defined as shell
 !  variables. */
 !   if (legal_identifier (name))
 ! parse_and_execute (temp_string, name,

 if (temp_var = find_function (name))
 *** 382,389 
 report_error (_(error importing function definition for `%s'),
 -   /* ( */
 -   if (name[char_index - 1] == ')'  name[char_index - 2] == '\0')
 - name[char_index - 2] = '('; /* ) */
   #if defined (ARRAY_VARS)
 --- 385,388 
 *** ../bash-4.3-patched/subst.c   2014-08-11 11:16:35.0 -0400
 --- subst.c   2014-09-12 15:31:04.0 -0400

Re: Bash-4.3 Official Patch 25

2014-09-25 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Oops, sorry, this issue is nothing to do with the  bash43-025 patch -
I just verified that the same issue occurs with bash 4.1.2(1) .
The issue was that a script that does an 'stty' command was
failing when run in a 'while read ... ' loop. It wasn't using
'stty -F', so was trying to stty on stdin, which was the list file.
Sorry, my mistake - a nasty coincindence that it was the first
thing I tried with the new bash version.

On 9/25/14, Jason Vas Dias wrote:
 Good day Chet, bash-list -

 I just checked out the latest git head, applied the bash43-025 patch, and
 $ ./bash --version
   GNU bash, version 4.3.25(3)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
 which PASSED its 'make check' test suite, both under Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
 and under RHEL-6.5+ , on an x86_64 (Haswell) 8-core platform .

 But now there is an issue - bash seems to lose its idea of stdout / stderr
 a terminal within read loops, as illustrated by this test script

 echo $'1\n2'  test.list;
 while read line; do
 done  test.list

 Its output illustrates the problem:

 $ ./bash /tmp/
 not a tty
 not a tty

 This bug seems to have infected the latest Ubuntu bash release also,
 which was created and pushed out  today with the  bash43-025 fix
 for the CVE-2014-6271 issue :
 $ /bin/bash /tmp/
 not a tty
 not a tty
 (/bin/bash is from the bash-4.3-7ubuntu1.1 package) .

 But /dev/fd/1 remains the same file :
 ls -l /dev/fd/1;
 echo $'1\n2'  test.list;
 while read line; do
 ls -l /dev/fd/1;
 done  test.list
 Its output under Ubuntu bash:

 $ /bin/bash /tmp/tsh
 lrwx-- 1 jvasdias jvd 64 Sep 25 14:47 /dev/fd/1 - /dev/pts/6
 not a tty
 lrwx-- 1 jvasdias jvd 64 Sep 25 14:47 /dev/fd/1 - /dev/pts/6
 not a tty
 lrwx-- 1 jvasdias jvd 64 Sep 25 14:47 /dev/fd/1 - /dev/pts/6

 This is rather confusing !
 Any ideas what may the the issue here ?

 Thanks  Regards,

 On 9/24/14, Chet Ramey wrote:


 Bug-Reported-by: Stephane Chazelas


 Under certain circumstances, bash will execute user code while processing
 environment for exported function definitions.

 Patch (apply with `patch -p0'):

 *** ../bash-4.3-patched/builtins/common.h2013-07-08 16:54:47.0
 --- builtins/common.h2014-09-12 14:25:47.0 -0400
 *** 34,37 
 --- 49,54 
   #define SEVAL_PARSEONLY0x020
   #define SEVAL_NOLONGJMP 0x040
 + #define SEVAL_FUNCDEF  0x080   /* only allow function 
 definitions */
 + #define SEVAL_ONECMD   0x100   /* only allow a single command 

   /* Flags for describe_command, shared between type.def and command.def
 *** ../bash-4.3-patched/builtins/evalstring.c2014-02-11
 --- builtins/evalstring.c2014-09-14 14:15:13.0 -0400
 *** 309,312 
 --- 313,324 
struct fd_bitmap *bitmap;

 +  if ((flags  SEVAL_FUNCDEF)  command-type != cm_function_def)
 +  internal_warning (%s: ignoring function definition attempt,
 +  should_jump_to_top_level = 0;
 +  last_result = last_command_exit_value = EX_BADUSAGE;
 +  break;
bitmap = new_fd_bitmap (FD_BITMAP_SIZE);
begin_unwind_frame (pe_dispose);
 *** 369,372 
 --- 381,387 
dispose_fd_bitmap (bitmap);
discard_unwind_frame (pe_dispose);
 +  if (flags  SEVAL_ONECMD)
 *** ../bash-4.3-patched/variables.c  2014-05-15 08:26:50.0 -0400
 --- variables.c  2014-09-14 14:23:35.0 -0400
 *** 359,369 
strcpy (temp_string + char_index + 1, string);

 !  if (posixly_correct == 0 || legal_identifier (name))
 !parse_and_execute (temp_string, name, SEVAL_NONINT|SEVAL_NOHIST);
 !  /* Ancient backwards compatibility.  Old versions of bash exported
 ! functions like name()=() {...} */
 !  if (name[char_index - 1] == ')'  name[char_index - 2] == '(')
 !name[char_index - 2] = '\0';

if (temp_var = find_function (name))
 --- 364,372 
strcpy (temp_string + char_index + 1, string);

 !  /* Don't import function names that are invalid identifiers from the
 ! environment, though we still allow them to be defined as shell
 ! variables. */
 !  if (legal_identifier (name))
 !parse_and_execute (temp_string, name,

need ability to tell if array is associative or not - bug?

2014-08-29 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Good day list -

There seems to be no way of testing if an array variable is associative or not ,
yet attempting to make associative assigments to a normal array results in a
syntax error .

I have something like:

declare -xr TYPE_ARRAY=0 TYPE_ASSOC=1
function f()
{  declare -n an_array=$1;
   local type=$2;
   case $type in


Re: need ability to tell if array is associative or not - bug?

2014-08-29 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Sorry - forget the bit about indirect expansion - the error only
occurs if the array is originally declared not associative :

$ ( function f()  {   local an_array=$1; local value='1.0';
local ev='['''value''']=''$value'; eval
${an_array}='('$ev')'; }; declare -a my_array; set -x; f my_array )
+ f my_array
+ local an_array=my_array
+ local value=1.0
+ local 'ev=['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'''
+ eval 'my_array=(['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'')'
++ my_array=(['value']='1.0')
bash: 1.0: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is .0)

$ ( function f()  {   local an_array=$1; local value='1.0';
local ev='['''value''']=''$value'; eval
${an_array}='('$ev')'; }; declare -A my_array; set -x; f my_array )
+ f my_array
+ local an_array=my_array
+ local value=1.0
+ local 'ev=['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'''
+ eval 'my_array=(['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'')'
++ my_array=(['value']='1.0')
(no error) .

And just evaluating :
$ ( declare -a my_array; my_array=(['value']='1.0') )
gives no error either, but there is no 'value' subscript.

On 8/29/14, Jason Vas Dias wrote:
 Actually, this appears to be a bit more involved.
 What I was actually trying to work out was
 the bash error that occurs with :

 $( function f()
 local an_array=$1;
 local value='1.0';
 local v=value;
 local ev='['''value''']=''${!v}';
 eval ${an_array}='('$ev')';
   declare -a my_array;
   set -x; f my_array;
 + f my_array
 + local an_array=my_array
 + local value=1.0
 + local v=value
 + local 'ev=['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'''
 + eval 'my_array=(['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'')'
 ++ my_array=(['value']='1.0')
 bash: 1.0: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is .0)

 This error does not happen if the array was originally declared

 $ ( function f()  {   local an_array=$1; local value='1.0';
  local v=value; local ev='['''value''']=''${!v}';
 eval ${an_array}='('$ev')'; };
 declare -A my_array; set -x; f my_array )
 + f my_array
 + local an_array=my_array
 + local value=1.0
 + local v=value
 + local 'ev=['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'''
 + eval 'my_array=(['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'')'
 ++ my_array=(['value']='1.0')

 Nor does the error happen if indirect expansion is not used:

 $ ( function f()  {   local an_array=$1; local value='1.0';
  local v=$value;
  local ev='['''value''']=''$v';
  eval ${an_array}='('$ev')'; }; declare -A my_array; set -x; f
 my_array )
 + f my_array
 + local an_array=my_array
 + local value=1.0
 + local v=1.0
 + local 'ev=['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'''
 + eval 'my_array=(['\''value'\'']='\''1.0'\'')'
 ++ my_array=(['value']='1.0')

 So I was wondering if there is any way to determine if an array was
 declared associative or not.

 But it appears that there is a bash bug here that is triggered only if the
 array was originally declared not associative and an indirect expansion
 is involved in setting an array member.

 The end result expression being evaluated:
 ++ my_array=(['value']='1.0')
 should never involve an arithmetic expression,
 and should be valid regardless if the array is
 associative or not .

 Any ideas what might be going on here ?

 Thanks in advance,

 On 8/29/14, Jason Vas Dias wrote:
 Sorry, mailer sent previous mail before I was ready. Reposting.

 Good day list -

 There seems to be no way of testing if an array variable is associative
 not ,

 I have something like:

 declare -xr TYPE_ARRAY=0 TYPE_ASSOC=1
 function f()
 {  declare -n an_array=$1;
local type=$2;
case $type in

 Now, if I call :
declare -a my_array();  f my_array $TYPE_ASSOC;
 I'll end up with no 'some_value' subscript in array.

 It would be great if bash could provide some '-A'  conditional
 expression operator
 to test if a variable is an associative array or not .
 Or perhaps 'declare -A identifier' could return non-zero if
 'identifier' was not previously defined as an associative array, as
 declare -F does for functions ?
 Or is there some way to test if a variable is an associative array or

 Thanks  Regards,

 On 8/29/14, Jason Vas Dias wrote:
 Good day list -

 There seems to be no way of testing if an array variable is associative
 not ,
 yet attempting to make associative assigments to a normal array results
 syntax error .

 I have something like:

 declare -xr TYPE_ARRAY=0 TYPE_ASSOC=1
 function f()
 {  declare -n an_array=$1;
local type=$2;
case $type in


'declare' does not honor '-e' in command substituted assignments - a bug ?

2014-08-09 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Good day bash list -

I don't understand why this emits any output  :
 $ ( set -e;  declare  v=$(false); echo 'Should not get here'; )
 Should not get here

While this does not:
 $ ( set -e;   v=$(false); echo 'Should not get here'; )

Shouldn't declare / typeset behave like the normal variable assignment statement
wrt command substitution ?  It does not seem to be documented anywhere if
it is not.

I'm using bash-4.3.18(1)-release ,  compiled from GIT under RHEL 6.4
for x86_64 - I've also tested the default RHEL 6.4 bash-4.1.2(1)-release and the
latest  4.3.22(1)-release with the same results.

Actually , this problem seems to apply to all built-ins -
 $ ( set -e ; echo $(false); echo 'not ok')

 not ok

I can't seem to find this behaviour documented anywhere . The same behaviour
happens in posix mode .

I'd appreciate an explanation as to why this behavior is not a bug .

Thanks  Regards,
Description: Bourne shell script

unhelpful effect of '!' prefix on commands in conditionals - a bug ?

2014-06-13 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Having defined a function _F to return a non-zero return status :
  $ function _F () { return 255; }
I'd expect to be able to test this return status in an if clause - but
this is what happens:
  $ if ! _F ; then echo '_F returned: '$?; fi
  _F returned: 0
whereas if I just run F inline, the return status is available:
  $ _F; echo $?
Interestingly, if I don't use '!' in the conditional, I can access the
the return status:
  $  if  _F ; then echo OK; else echo '_F returned: '$?; fi
  _F returned: 255

This is with bash:
  $ bash --version
  GNU bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
  from an up-to-date copy of Scientific Linux release 6.5 for X86_64 .

This behavior seems to me to be an instant source of confusion and bugs -
does anyone agree with me that this is a bug ?

Is this really mandated by the standards ?

Is there some other variable I could test to retrieve $? if it has
been mangled by a '!'
in the conditional ?

Is there any other conclusion than : if you want to access the return
status of a
function in an if clause , don't use '!' in the conditional ?

Any responses / suggestions gratefully received.

Thanks  Regards,

bash-4.2(42) on AIX 6.1 has broken command expansion in double-quoted strings

2013-02-27 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Hi bash gurus - bash appears to be broken on AIX 6.1 - I'd really
appreciate some advice :

With bash-4.2 patchlevel 42 (the latest available as of today from ),
on AIX,  the resultant bash built with gcc-4.7.2 and system ld + as,
ends up being
broken wrt to command output in strings:
$ ./bash
bash-4.2$ echo $(echo hello)
bash: command substitution: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
bash: command substitution: line 2: `echo hello)'
bash-4.2$ v=$(date)
bash: command substitution: line 13: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
bash: command substitution: line 13: `date)'

I've tried compiling with / without libiconv and either to use AIX
or latest libncurses (from, with GCC - 4.7.2 and
the latest version of
m4 + bison and/or byacc, and with / without all combinations of the
 '--disable-nls --without-libiconv-prefix --enable-readline
--with-installed-readline' configuration options,
but with same result.

Also, the stock IBM /opt/freeware bash 4.1 comes with a bug that disables
 TAB-completion when the path resolves to an NFS mount point .
Does anyone know if there is a way to disable this ?

Thanks in advance for any response -

Best Regards,
Jason Vas Dias

Re: why must non-standard $IFS members be treated so differently ?

2012-07-29 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Thanks Dan -
 The plot thickens - Yes, you're right, I had $IFS mistakenly set to ':' in the
  shell in which I ran 'count_args' . Without this IFS setting, I get
a count of 4:
  $ env -i PATH=/bin:/usr/bin HOME=${HOME} /bin/bash --norc
  $ count_args 1 2 3\ 4
  $ IFS=: count_args 1 2 3\ 4
 This to me is strange , as I've asked bash not to use ' ' as a
delimiter, when $IFS==: , but it is doing so !
 And shouldn't '3\ 4' be a single string in any case, regardless of IFS ?
 If word splitting is not doing any escaping, why not - shouldn't it
be doing so?
 Escaping works in filenames, so why not in word-splitting ?
Thanks  Regards,

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Dan Douglas wrote:
 On Sunday, July 29, 2012 03:23:29 PM Jason Vas Dias wrote:
 echo $(count_args 1 2 3\ 4)

 I should also have mentioned that I couldn't reproduce this case. You should
 be getting 4 here in your example, not 3. I have the same Bash version. Are
 you sure you were echoing `${#v[@]} ' and not `${#@}', and also that you did
 not set IFS=: for count_args? If you use exactly the function you sent  with
 the default IFS then you should get 4 here.
 Dan Douglas
why must non-standard $IFS members be treated so differently ?
Jason Vas Dias 
3:23 PM (4 hours ago)

Good day Chet, list -
 I'm concerned about the difference in output of these functions with
the example input
 given on the '$' prefixed line below (with 4.2.29(2)-release

function count_args {v=($@);  echo ${#v[@]}; }

function count_colons {  IFS=':' ;v=($@);  echo ${#v[@]}; }

 $ echo $(count_args 1 2 3\ 4) $(count_colons 1:2:3\:4)
 3 4
 It appears to be impossible for an item delimited by 'X' to contain
 an escaped  'X' ('\X')  if 'X' is not
 a standard delimiter (' ', 'TAB') .  Quoting doesn't seem to help either:

 $ echo $(count_args 1 2 3\ 4) $(count_colons 1:2:3':4')
 3 4

To me, this appears to be a bug.

But I bet you're going to tell me it is a feature ?
Please explain.

Thanks  Regards,

BTW, documentation on $IFS does not appear to mention this issue:

   Word Splitting
   The shell scans the results of parameter expansion, command
   substitution, and arithmetic expansion that did not occur  within
   double quotes for word splitting.

  The  shell  treats  each  character of IFS as a delimiter, and
  splits the results of the other expansions into words on these
 characters.  If IFS is unset, or its value is exactly
 spacetabnewline, the default, then sequences of  space,
 tab, and newline at the beginning and end of the results of the
 previous expansions are ignored, and any sequence of IFS charac-
 ters not at the beginning or end serves to delimit words.  If
 IFS has a value other than the default, then sequences  of  the
whitespace  characters space and tab are ignored at the
beginning and end of the word, as long as the whitespace character is
in the value of IFS (an IFS whitespace character).  Any
character in IFS that is not IFS whitespace, along with any  adjacent
IFS whitespace characters, delimits a field.  A sequence of IFS
   whitespace characters is also treated as a delimiter.  If the
   value of IFS is null, no word splitting occurs.

Re: why must non-standard $IFS members be treated so differently ?

2012-07-29 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Thanks Andreas -

I guess your answer mostly explains my issue - except for one thing:
  And shouldn't '3\ 4' be a single string in any case, regardless of IFS ?

 It is.  But if field splitting is applied to it it will be split in two
 words when $IFS contains a space.

This was really the point of my question - why, if escaping is permitted and
an escape is shell syntax,  does word-splitting not honor escapes, ESPECIALLY
if the character being escaped is a character in $IFS ?

Would it be much work to make word-splitting honor escapes ?

Why is this issue of escaping not being enabled during word-splitting
not documented anywhere ?

Thanks  Regards,

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 9:05 PM, Andreas Schwab wrote:
 Jason Vas Dias writes:

 Thanks Dan -
  The plot thickens - Yes, you're right, I had $IFS mistakenly set to ':' in 
   shell in which I ran 'count_args' . Without this IFS setting, I get
 a count of 4:
   $ env -i PATH=/bin:/usr/bin HOME=${HOME} /bin/bash --norc
   $ count_args 1 2 3\ 4
   $ IFS=: count_args 1 2 3\ 4
  This to me is strange , as I've asked bash not to use ' ' as a
 delimiter, when $IFS==: , but it is doing so !

 IFS does not change the shell syntax.  It only controls field splitting
 as applied to the result of expansions.  Compare:

 $ bash -c 'IFS=:; echo a:b:c'
 $ bash -c 'IFS=:; a=a:b:c; echo $a $a'
 a:b:c a b c
 $ bash -c 'IFS=:; a=a:b:c; b=$a; echo $b $b'
 a:b:c a b c

 In the last example the assignment b=$a doesn't undergo field
 splitting, so the colons are still preserved.

  And shouldn't '3\ 4' be a single string in any case, regardless of IFS ?

 It is.  But if field splitting is applied to it it will be split in two
 words when $IFS contains a space.

  If word splitting is not doing any escaping, why not - shouldn't it
 be doing so?

 Escape characters are part of the shell syntax.  They are never special
 when they result from expansions, unless they are reinterpreted as shell
 input through eval.


 Andreas Schwab,
 GPG Key fingerprint = 58CA 54C7 6D53 942B 1756  01D3 44D5 214B 8276 4ED5
 And now for something completely different.

Re: readline expansion: 'cp $v/TAB' - 'cp \$v/' (no expansion) - why?

2012-07-07 Thread Jason Vas Dias
Sorry,  I tried 4.2-29(2) at home and it DOES correctly complete
'$SRC/TAB'  - of
courrse,  it helps if $SRC contains the name of an existing directory,
 which it did not at work.
Thanks !  a most interesting list .
Next Question :
  - any plans to allow us to export array or associative store
variables ? ie. represent them in *environ passed to programs
 with an integration with glibc  getenv()  to support this ?
Thanks  Regards,

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Jason Vas Dias wrote:
 hi Eric - thanks for your response, but bash-4.2.29(2), just built from
 latest patches from gnu on x86_64 ubuntu,  does NOT
 restore the old behavior , but now refuses to tab-expand at
 all - 'cat $SRC/TAB' on the command line still produces no
 output.  Is there some option I need to give to enable it? Thanks!

 On 5 Jul 2012 13:24, Eric Blake wrote:

 On 07/05/2012 04:58 AM, Jason Vas Dias wrote:

  Now it changes the input string into
  'less \$SRC/' and prevents tab expansion
  as would be done without use of any variables.
  Would anyone know how to restore the old behavior
  with bash 4.2.2 + readline 6.2 (linux ubuntu 12.04) ?

 Yep - upgrade to bash 4.2.29 (that is, patchlevel 2 is missing the fix
 in patchlevel 29 that restores the behavior you want).

 This topic comes up frequently on this list.

 Eric Blake
 Libvirt virtualization library

readline expansion: 'cp $v/TAB' - 'cp \$v/' (no expansion) - why?

2012-07-05 Thread Jason Vas Dias
my #1 bash gripe is that newer versions do not
expand command lines containing '$' in emacs
readline editing mode.  I used to be able to do:
$ export SRC=../somedir
$ less ${SRC}/TAB
(TAB meaning press horizontal tab key )
and emacs mode readline would expand,
displaying the contents of ../somedir .
Now it changes the input string into
'less \$SRC/' and prevents tab expansion
as would be done without use of any variables.
Would anyone know how to restore the old behavior
with bash 4.2.2 + readline 6.2 (linux ubuntu 12.04) ?
Thanks  Regards, Jason

Re: readline expansion: 'cp $v/TAB' - 'cp \$v/' (no expansion) - why?

2012-07-05 Thread Jason Vas Dias
hi Eric - thanks for your response, but bash-4.2.29(2), just built from
latest patches from gnu on x86_64 ubuntu,  does NOT
restore the old behavior , but now refuses to tab-expand at
all - 'cat $SRC/TAB' on the command line still produces no
output.  Is there some option I need to give to enable it? Thanks!
On 5 Jul 2012 13:24, Eric Blake wrote:

 On 07/05/2012 04:58 AM, Jason Vas Dias wrote:

  Now it changes the input string into
  'less \$SRC/' and prevents tab expansion
  as would be done without use of any variables.
  Would anyone know how to restore the old behavior
  with bash 4.2.2 + readline 6.2 (linux ubuntu 12.04) ?

 Yep - upgrade to bash 4.2.29 (that is, patchlevel 2 is missing the fix
 in patchlevel 29 that restores the behavior you want).

 This topic comes up frequently on this list.

 Eric Blake
 Libvirt virtualization library