declare -p my_function does not print its definition. A bug?

2014-10-18 Thread Tim Friske

when I define the following function:

  $ function foo {
  >  echo bar
  > }

and try to run it, I get:

  $ foo

but try to print its definition with "declare", I get:

  $ declare -p foo
  bash: declare: foo: not found
  $ declare -pf foo
  bash: declare: foo: not found
  $declare -pF foo
  bash: declare: foo: not found

but try to print its definition with "type", I get:

  $ type foo
  foo is a function
  foo ()
  echo bar

I'm running the above commands in the following environment:

  * Fedora Linux 20 "Heisenbug"
  * BASH_VERSION => 4.2.53(1)-release
  * bash --version => GNU bash, version 4.2.53(1)-release

Any clue why the declare built-in does not print a function's definition?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Feature request: Add "import" built-in.

2014-08-24 Thread Tim Friske

as I see it the "source" built-in is perfect for embedding a sourced
Bash script into the sourcing one while preserving as much of the
environment, specifically the positional and special parameters, as

What I am missing is the "import" built-in that passes only the
explicitly given arguments from the importing to the imported Bash script.

I currently emulate the behavior I seek for with the following function:

function _import {
  local -r file="$1"
  set -- "${@:2}"
  source "$file" "$@"

For details please see my question and the answers on Unix & Linux
Exchange [1].



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Bug or feature: Why does Bash's "printf" define global variables?

2014-08-03 Thread Tim Friske

my assumption was that Bash's "printf" builtin implicitly defines a local
variable when used inside a function like so:

function foobar { printf -v foo bar; }
declare -p foo
# Prints "bar" from the global "foo" variable.

But instead I have to declare the "foo" variable to be a "local" member of
the "foobar" function like so:

unset -v foo
function foobar { local foo=; printf -v foo bar; }
declare -p foo
# Prints an error message saying that there is no "foo" defined.


Re: Possible bug when combining Bash's process substitution with HERE-document?

2014-06-19 Thread Tim Friske

first I want to thank you for your help.

While searching for an alternative I came up with the following code
which does not work when I have the "shopt -os errexit" command line
at the top of my script:

read -d '' -r foobar <:
> On 6/18/14, 4:27 PM, Dan Douglas wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Chet Ramey  wrote:
>>> Yes, since bash can parse the same construct without any problems if you
>>> use command substitution, it looks like a bug.  I'll take a look.
>> It brings to mind all those unbalanced paren case..esac bugs that
>> affected every shell ever.
>> I suppose this might qualify as a bug too?
> Yes, with the same fix.
> Chet
> --
> ``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
>  ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
> Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRUc...@case.edu

Possible bug when combining Bash's process substitution with HERE-document?

2014-06-17 Thread Tim Friske

see my question
for a description.

Could the described behavior be a bug?

Kind regards

Re: Bash's declare -p HISTIGNORE brings bash to a halt! Why?

2014-01-11 Thread Tim Friske
Hi Chet,

apparently bash does not recognize the ":" colon characters in POSIX
character classes when assigned to the "HISTIGNORE" variable.

I tried to set the "HISTIGNORE" variable directly from within a
non-login, interactive session. But still I cannot convince bash's
history with the following definitions:

1.) HISTIGNORE="+([[:word:]])"

2.) HISTIGNORE="+([^[:space:]])"

On the other hand such simple definitions work:

1.) HISTIGNORE="+([a-z])"

2.) HISTIGNORE="+([-0-9A-Z_a-z])"

Best regards

2014/1/12 Tim Friske :
> Hi Chet,
> hmm ... I simplified the pattern to "+([^[:space:]])". It works on
> when I let bash expand files but it does not keep bash from adding
> "word" commands such as "cd", "pwd", etc. My history related settings
> are as follows:
> shopt -s extglob
> declare -x HISTSIZE="1"
> declare -x HISTFILESIZE="1"
> declare -x histchars="!^#"
> declare -x HISTIGNORE="+([^[:space:]])"
> declare -x HISTCONTROL="ignorespace:ignoredups:erasedups"
> declare -x HISTTIMEFORMAT="%FT%T  "
> declare -x HISTFILE="/home/tifr/.cache/bash/history"
> Any ideas as to how to correctly assign the "+([^[:space:]])" pattern
> to the "HISTIGNORE" variable? By the way I'm setting the history
> related variables from my ".bash_login" file. That is why I'm
> exporting them.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Kind regards
> Tim
> 2014/1/11 Tim Friske :
>> Hi,
>> executing the following code in GNU bash, Version 4.2.45(1)-release
>> (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu), Fedora 19 ...
>> shopt -s extglob
>> export 
>> HISTIGNORE="!(+(!([[\:space\:]]))+([[\:space\:]])+(!([[\:space\:]])))"
>> declare -p HISTIGNORE
>> ... brings bash to a full stop. It does not print a command prompt
>> hereafter. Why is that.
>> Background:
>> All I want to tell bash is to ignore any simple, i.e. one word
>> command. Bash should not remember command lines like `cd`, `pwd`,
>> `history`, etc. My original definition of the `HISTIGNORE` variable
>> looked like this:
>> export HISTIGNORE="!(+(!([[:space:]]))+([[:space:]])+(!([[:space:]])))"
>> I added a `\` backslash character before each `:` colon character
>> because according to the `bash` info pages the latter separates each
>> (extended) shell glob, i.e. pattern from another. Without escaping the
>> single pattern does not have any effect and a simple command still
>> makes it into history.
>> Cheers
>> Tim

Re: Bash's declare -p HISTIGNORE brings bash to a halt! Why?

2014-01-11 Thread Tim Friske
Hi Chet,

hmm ... I simplified the pattern to "+([^[:space:]])". It works on
when I let bash expand files but it does not keep bash from adding
"word" commands such as "cd", "pwd", etc. My history related settings
are as follows:

shopt -s extglob

declare -x HISTSIZE="1"
declare -x HISTFILESIZE="1"
declare -x histchars="!^#"
declare -x HISTIGNORE="+([^[:space:]])"
declare -x HISTCONTROL="ignorespace:ignoredups:erasedups"
declare -x HISTTIMEFORMAT="%FT%T  "
declare -x HISTFILE="/home/tifr/.cache/bash/history"

Any ideas as to how to correctly assign the "+([^[:space:]])" pattern
to the "HISTIGNORE" variable? By the way I'm setting the history
related variables from my ".bash_login" file. That is why I'm
exporting them.

Thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards

2014/1/11 Tim Friske :
> Hi,
> executing the following code in GNU bash, Version 4.2.45(1)-release
> (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu), Fedora 19 ...
> shopt -s extglob
> export 
> HISTIGNORE="!(+(!([[\:space\:]]))+([[\:space\:]])+(!([[\:space\:]])))"
> declare -p HISTIGNORE
> ... brings bash to a full stop. It does not print a command prompt
> hereafter. Why is that.
> Background:
> All I want to tell bash is to ignore any simple, i.e. one word
> command. Bash should not remember command lines like `cd`, `pwd`,
> `history`, etc. My original definition of the `HISTIGNORE` variable
> looked like this:
> export HISTIGNORE="!(+(!([[:space:]]))+([[:space:]])+(!([[:space:]])))"
> I added a `\` backslash character before each `:` colon character
> because according to the `bash` info pages the latter separates each
> (extended) shell glob, i.e. pattern from another. Without escaping the
> single pattern does not have any effect and a simple command still
> makes it into history.
> Cheers
> Tim

Bash's declare -p HISTIGNORE brings bash to a halt! Why?

2014-01-11 Thread Tim Friske

executing the following code in GNU bash, Version 4.2.45(1)-release
(x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu), Fedora 19 ...

shopt -s extglob
declare -p HISTIGNORE

... brings bash to a full stop. It does not print a command prompt
hereafter. Why is that.


All I want to tell bash is to ignore any simple, i.e. one word
command. Bash should not remember command lines like `cd`, `pwd`,
`history`, etc. My original definition of the `HISTIGNORE` variable
looked like this:

export HISTIGNORE="!(+(!([[:space:]]))+([[:space:]])+(!([[:space:]])))"

I added a `\` backslash character before each `:` colon character
because according to the `bash` info pages the latter separates each
(extended) shell glob, i.e. pattern from another. Without escaping the
single pattern does not have any effect and a simple command still
makes it into history.


Why can't I say "&>&3"? Bug or feature?

2012-12-06 Thread Tim Friske
Hi folks,

why is it that I can't say:

exec 3>/dev/null
echo foobar &>&3
# Error: "-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&'"

but the following works:

echo foobar &>/dev/null
echo foobar >&3 2>&3

I think the succinct notation "&>&N" where N is some numbered file
descriptor should work also. Is this behavior a bug or feature?

C92A E44E CC19 58E2 FA35 4048 2217 3C6E 0338 83FC

Strange re-initialization of array. Bug or feature?

2012-11-27 Thread Tim Friske
Hi folks,

I execute the following code with Bash version "GNU bash, Version
4.2.39(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)" on Fedora 17:

# Returns 0 else 1 if the sourcing (source) script isn't keyed by its base
name in the global "ONCE" array yet.
# A script should include this script near the top with "source me_once ||
return 0" in order to get sourced itself only
# once.
# @return 0 on success, n != 0 on failure.
function me_once {
  unset -f me_once
  if [[ ! -v ONCE ]]; then
echo AAA
declare -gAi ONCE=()
  echo BBB
  declare -p ONCE
  declare -r a="${BASH_SOURCE[2]##*/}"
  if (( ${ONCE[$a]:+1} )); then
return 1
echo CCC
declare -p ONCE

If sourced at least twice from another script I get the following output

declare -A ONCE='()'
declare -A ONCE='([std.bash]="1" )'
declare -Ai ONCE='()'
declare -Ai ONCE='([std.bash]="1" )'

If I remove the initialization "=()" from "declare -gAi ONCE" I get the
following output printed:

declare -Ai ONCE='()'
declare -Ai ONCE='([std.bash]="1" )'
declare -Ai ONCE='([std.bash]="1" )'

The "declare -gAi ONCE=()" seems to get executed every time although
surrounded by "[[ ! -v ONCE ]]" whereas "echo AAA" within the same if-block
only the first time.

Is this a bug or feature?


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How to presence-detect an array variable or subscript thereof with `test -v`?

2012-11-27 Thread Tim Friske
Hi folks,

I came accross the `-v` option of the `test` command and wondered how I
would possibly test not only string- and integer- but also array variables
as a whole and in parts.

I thought it should be possible to say:

declare -Ai foobar=([bar]=0)
test -v foobar[foo] && echo true || echo false
# Output: true
test -v foobar[bar] && echo true || echo false
# Output: true

Even quoting doesn't help here except for the opposite results:

test -v "foobar[foo]" && echo true || echo false
# Output: false
test -v "foobar[bar]" && echo true || echo false
# Output: false

Obviously the results should be "false" and "true", respectively.

Apart from arrays everything else works as follows:

test -v a && echo true || echo false
# Output: false
declare a=""
test -v a && echo true || echo false
# Output: true
test -v b && echo true || echo false
# Output: false
declare -i b=0
test -v b && echo true || echo false
# Output: true
test -v c && echo true || echo false
# Output: false
declare -a c=()
test -v c && echo true || echo false
# Output: true


C92A E44E CC19 58E2 FA35 4048 2217 3C6E 0338 83FC

Why is not every variable initialized to its data type specific default value upon declaration in Bash?

2012-11-27 Thread Tim Friske
Hi folks,

when I execute the following code in Bash version "GNU bash, version
4.1.10(4)-release (i686-pc-cygwin)", I get:

declare a
declare -p a
# Output: -bash: declare: a: not found
declare -i b
declare -p b
# Output: -bash: declare: b: not found
declare -a c
declare -p c
# Output: declare -a c='()'
declare -A d
declare -p d
# Output: declare -A d='()'

Arguably I think that the above variables should either be initialized
in all cases or in none of them. That would seem more consistent
rather than initializing only arrays upon declaration.

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How to initialize a read-only, global, associative array in Bash?

2012-11-26 Thread Tim Friske
Hi folks,

I execute the following code in Bash version "GNU bash, Version
4.2.39(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)":

function foobar {
  declare -rgA FOOBAR=([foo]=bar)
declare -p FOOBAR
# Output: declare -Ar FOOBAR='()'

Why doesn't Bash initialize FOOBAR with ([foo]=bar) according to
declare -p? The same declaration works outside of a function, e.g.

declare -rgA FOOBAR=([foo]=bar)
declare -p FOOBAR
# Output: declare -Ar FOOBAR='([foo]="bar" )'

Similarly the following code but without FOOBAR being read-only works:

function foobar {
  declare -gA FOOBAR
declare -p FOOBAR
# Output: declare -A FOOBAR='([foo]="bar" )'

Is this a bug or feature?


BTW: I couldn't find a "bashbug" RPM package in the Fedora 17
repositories; that's why I wrote this formless mail. Sorry for that.
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