Seq Segment Fault.

2009-09-18 Thread Ryan Whited
Here is my code.


echo Add directions here.

read  URL
read  NUM1
read  NUM2
read  EXT
echo Please choose a folder name.
read NAM
mkdir $HOME/$NAM

for i in $(seq -w $NUM1 $NUM2); do wget $URL${i}$EXT; done

I was testing out my script, and I came across an instance where I had
a large i (it started at 00 and went to 99). It
processed for a few minutes (my poor intel atom) and returned with a
Segmentation fault. From what I know from Assembly, I think this is
a buffer overflow which could allow for malicious code injection.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Peace Out and Rock On,
 Ryan Whited

Re: Seq Segment Fault.

2009-09-18 Thread Eric Blake
Hash: SHA1

According to Ryan Whited on 9/18/2009 4:38 AM:
 for i in $(seq -w $NUM1 $NUM2)

Are you sure your segfault is in seq, or is it in bash?  You neglected to
mention which versions you were using:

bash --version
seq --version

However, it seems to me that your problem is that bash tries to slurp all
of $() into memory, and seq generated so much data that bash ran out of
memory (or overflowed its stack).  In other words, it is not a segfault in
seq, but bash that crashed, and because you exceeded the limits of what
your machine will support.

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
Comment: Public key at
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Seq Segment Fault.

2009-09-18 Thread Philip Rowlands

On Fri, 18 Sep 2009, Eric Blake wrote:

However, it seems to me that your problem is that bash tries to slurp all
of $() into memory, and seq generated so much data that bash ran out of
memory (or overflowed its stack).

It's certainly possible for bash to run out of stack and crash with 

$ bash -c 'recurse() { recurse; }; recurse'
Segmentation fault

for i in $(seq -w $NUM1 $NUM2); do wget $URL${i}$EXT; done

This could be rewritten as

seq -w $NUM1 $NUM2 | while read i ; do wget $URL${i}$EXT; done

to prevent all of seq's output having to be buffered at once.
