[bug #60930] Integrate Peter Schaffter's font installer script into groff

2024-03-09 Thread Peter Schaffter
Follow-up Comment #17, bug #60930 (group groff):

[comment #16 comment #16:]
> > Branden mentioned two more to-do items in the email cited in comment #5:
> > * giving it a less name-space-stomperific name ("groff-font-install" or
"groff-install-font" would be clear enough, but I think either would annoy me
[and other users] when tab-completing "groff")
> My suggestion for a name is *fforg*.

Too many letters in common with fontforge, of which it looks like an
abbreviation.  Also, the name gives no indication of the script's function or
domain of operation.  Cute idea, though.


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[bug #60930] Integrate Peter Schaffter's font installer script into groff

2024-03-09 Thread G. Branden Robinson
Follow-up Comment #16, bug #60930 (group groff):

[comment #7 comment #7:]
> Branden mentioned two more to-do items in the email cited in comment #5:
> * giving it a less name-space-stomperific name ("groff-font-install" or
"groff-install-font" would be clear enough, but I think either would annoy me
[and other users] when tab-completing "groff")

My suggestion for a name is *fforg*.

You might pronounce this as "F-for-G", or the same as "fork", but with a
voiced final stop consonant.

1.  It's short for "*f*onts *for* *g*roff".
2.  It's "groff" spelled backwards.
3.  Anyone frustrated with the tool can call for us to be burned/hanged/shot


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[bug #65354] Using -mspdf with -Tpdf signals error: pdfhref:init: unknown feature '-PT'

2024-03-09 Thread G. Branden Robinson
Update of bug #65354 (group groff):

Severity:  3 - Normal => 2 - Minor  
  Status:None => Confirmed  


Follow-up Comment #1:

This appears to be because the "pdf.tmac" file, which partially copies and
partially reimplements Keith Marshall's pdfmark API from
contrib/pdfmark/pdfmark.tmac, does not copy or reimplement the latter's
'pdf*href-PT.init' macro.

Keith Marshall is no longer participating in _groff_ development (see bug
#63827), and the maintainer of "pdf.tmac" is on sabbatical.

The purpose of this feature would appear to be suspending the active link text
while a page-breaking trap is being sprung, which is a perfectly reasonable
thing to do.

And the package does actually seem to do so.

Here's my input.

$ cat EXPERIMENTS/overflowing-link-text-in-pdf.ms
.DA "9 March 2024"
Beginning of document.
Much space follows.
.sp 8i
Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem
accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab
illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt,
explicabo.  Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur
aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione
voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum,
quia dolor sit amet consectetur
.pdfhref W -D https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/ -- \
Read about GNU \fIroff\fR here, it's really great, yeah. \
I mean, seriously, I could spend line after line of \fIroff\fP input \
singing its praises.
End of document.

On U.S. letter paper, I get a break in the midst of the link text, but the
page footer and header in the transition from page 1 to 2 is not hyperlinked. 
That looks like correct behavior to me.

I get an additional diagnostic, likely because I often use _groff_'s `-ww`
option, and Keith may have developed "pdfmark.tmac" without it.

error: pdfhref:init: unknown feature '-PT'
troff: backtrace:
trap-called macro 'pdf@exit'
troff: warning: macro 'pdfsync' not defined

Since these appear to be merely issues of spurious diagnostics being thrown,
and the rendered document is fine, I am setting the severity to "Minor"

That doesn't mean we won't fix it.

I have no ETA though.


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