Re: After all documentation about grub, yes I need help with multiboot with grub

2006-08-27 Thread adrian15

Web Clark (RR) wrote:
To zero the MBR S/N, boot your favorite linux CD and run the following 

   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1 count=4 seek=440

This of course zeros /dev/hda.  For another disk, put /dev/hdb, etc.

That's interesting Web Clark (RR). I've recently added the dd command to 
my super grub disk. So if you could teach me more trick about dding the 
MBR and installing more than one windows xp on a pc...

I could add nice features based on dd to the super grub disk.


Bug-grub mailing list

Re: After all documentation about grub, yes I need help with multiboot with grub

2006-08-25 Thread Web Clark (RR)

adrian15 wrote:

Tomislav Vucic wrote:

Hello, I found GRUB very helpfull, but I need to do one more thing, 
but how???

first of all I have 3 OS-s (2 of them are win xp, plz don't ask why, 
and third is Ubuntu 6.06 as default for booting)

*How to hide one xp partition from another with grub?
**Is it possible to do so if I have only one hard disk? Or is it 
somehow connected with it?


Check the hide and unhide commands.

It would be something as this:

title Boot 1
unhide (hd0,0)
hide (hd0,1)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Boot 2
unhide (hd0,1)
hide (hd0,0)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

The problem with some xps is that even if you do this trick they 
remember the partitions that were before the hiding.
I think there's a solution about editing I don't know what about the 

Or... if you do not mind working... you hide the 2nd windows.
You install the 1st windows. You hide the 1st windows.
And then you install the 2nd windows. Then... you use these commands
from grub console and you're done.

If you do not mind reinstall Windows you can recover your grub with my 
Super Grub Disk (

You can also use Super Grub Disk to hide and unhide partitions and 
boot whatever you want to (in theory, I haven't tried it myself in a 
real system).

The option is found inside the Special Boot menu. Hide and Unhide 
and... boot option I think it is called.


Bug-grub mailing list

I did alot of work along these lines... I got it all figured out, but 
have not actually done a clean sweep to get my own system up.  
Eventually I hoped to write it up and get it to the list, but my notes 
are poor and I don't remember everything.  I had 10 Win2K systems on one 
PC, including out of logical partitions, on both hda and hdb.  (10 is 
a limit of NTLDR, else you could have alot!  Perhaps you could have 
another grub entry that chainloads a hacked pbr that load a second NTLDR 
(NTDLR2) which is in turn hacked to load boot2.ini instead of boot.ini 
with 10 more?).

Anyway, the trick is that they have to be completely hidden from each 
other, and Win2K is very good and cleaver at figuring things out and 
remembering.  Sometimes I had systems that APPEARED to be running 
indpendently, but in reality were accessing files from another Windows 
partition!  Don't be fooled - it is easy.  Once you think it is working, 
try trashing the other windows installation and see if the one you think 
you are running still runs.  (You cat dd if=/dev/hdX | gzip -c  
/nfsmount/save.tgz pretty fast on a 100MBit net to save a partition, 
then restore it later with the inverse).

I had grub fiddle the hiding, then start the NT loader, which gave me a 
choice of partitions to boot Win2K from.  NTLDR was in its own fat32 
partition.  grub was chainloading a file with the NT boot sector (pbr) 
from that partition.  All my Win2K installations were to FAT32, not 
NTFS.  You would have to study the Starman stuff to see about the length 
of the NTFS PBR.

I am quite sure that everything I learned applies to XP also, although I 
have to stop short because I don't have XP.  I learned much from the 
Starman's pages about MBRs.

With regards to your question, the problem, as Adrian indicated, is that 
Windows remembers everything it has ever seen, even if it is now 
hidden.  I have even wiped out the PBR (which has critical information 
about the file system) and had Windows 2K still happily and successfully 
use the partition.  What you need to do is to get Windows 2K to believe 
that everything it knows about a disk may be invalid.  To do this you 
need to hide all of the partitions except for the one you want to be 
visible to the copy of XP you are about to boot, then zero the serial 
number in the MBR of every disk that you want Windows to re-ennumerate.  
When you boot Win2K it will invalidate everything it knew about the 
disks with the zeroed SN and reenumerate the partitions.  Hidden ones 
will not be noticed.  You will have to go through this for each XP system.

Note that you CAN use the storage management stuff under XP to assign 
a drive letter to a hidden parition - then you have let the cat out of 
the bag, and you will have to hide it and clear the disk SN again to get 
XP to forget about it.

To zero the MBR S/N, boot your favorite linux CD and run the following 

   dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1 count=4 seek=440

This of course zeros /dev/hda.  For another disk, put /dev/hdb, etc. 

Hope this helps.  Sorry I can't give you a complete dump at this time.  
I wish I had written it up when it was fresh in my mind.


Bug-grub mailing list

After all documentation about grub, yes I need help with multiboot with grub

2006-08-24 Thread Tomislav Vučić
Hello, I found GRUB very helpfull, but I need to do one more thing, but how???
first of all I have 3 OS-s (2 of them are win xp, plz don't ask why, and third is Ubuntu 6.06 as default for booting)
*How to hide one xp partition from another with grub?
**Is it possible to do so if I have only one hard disk? Or is it somehow connected with it?Thanks in advance..New Linux User
Bug-grub mailing list

Re: After all documentation about grub, yes I need help with multiboot with grub

2006-08-24 Thread adrian15

Tomislav Vucic wrote:
Hello, I found GRUB very helpfull, but I need to do one more thing, but 

first of all I have 3 OS-s (2 of them are win xp, plz don't ask why, and 
third is Ubuntu 6.06 as default for booting)

*How to hide one xp partition from another with grub?
**Is it possible to do so if I have only one hard disk? Or is it somehow 
connected with it?


Check the hide and unhide commands.

It would be something as this:

title Boot 1
unhide (hd0,0)
hide (hd0,1)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Boot 2
unhide (hd0,1)
hide (hd0,0)
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

The problem with some xps is that even if you do this trick they 
remember the partitions that were before the hiding.
I think there's a solution about editing I don't know what about the 

Or... if you do not mind working... you hide the 2nd windows.
You install the 1st windows. You hide the 1st windows.
And then you install the 2nd windows. Then... you use these commands
from grub console and you're done.

If you do not mind reinstall Windows you can recover your grub with my 
Super Grub Disk (

You can also use Super Grub Disk to hide and unhide partitions and boot 
whatever you want to (in theory, I haven't tried it myself in a real 

The option is found inside the Special Boot menu. Hide and Unhide and... 
boot option I think it is called.


Bug-grub mailing list

Urgerntly need help on GRUB problem.

2004-06-07 Thread Its me, Sunil
 Ihave a system (with single hard disk) installed with RedHat 9.0 and WindowsXP professional. I was using GRUB as my bootloader. It was working fine but all of a sudden, I am seeinga strange problem.

The GRUB screen does not wait for my input to choose the OS to boot. It just vanishes and boots the default OS. I have set enough delay in the grub.conf file (500 seconds). Also, I have marked that if I go to the BIOS setup and comeback without doing any change ofcourse, the grub screen appears allowing me to choose the OS from the menu. I have no idea what might have caused it but I do remember that a system hang had occured and I have to hard boot my system. 

Please let me know what do I do to solve this problem and what might have caused it.
Thanking you in advance.

With warm regards
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Bug-grub mailing list

Need help!

2004-02-15 Thread ananya trivedi
   I know it might not be a bug in GRUB itself but I
need guidance.
   I have a dual boot-loader with Windows XP and Linux
on my PC. When I turn it on, it comes up with GRUB
hard disk error. Anybody can guide me to how to fix
this error.

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Bug-grub mailing list

need help for modifying GRUB

2004-01-13 Thread Beppe


I'm new in this Mailing List and I need your 

In my University We're developing a mobile terminal but, for 
some hardware problems,
we need to modify the date to avalid one: because The 
machine put
00/00/ in the Date field of the BIOS and the OS hangs 
(Windows, unfortunately). 

Unfortunately, this problem is not in my skills, so i'm in 

Some people told me that modifying GRUB sources, i should be 
able to
change the date before the OS starts, putting the right 
at the beginning of GRUB code...

I've already dowloaded GRUB sources files but, sincerly, I 
think that
without any help, I won't solve this problem...

Could anyone give me any helps, hints, links, 

Thanks in advance
Bug-grub mailing list

i need help

2003-09-14 Thread Phroxen Phroxen
i have a TOSHIBA laptop (satelite)
i installed your boot loader at the same time as my linux distrib(RH9).
i needed to reinstall windows so i used the emergency backup that toshiba 
provided me with.
now when i try to boot nothing happens: my screen is all black and it says:


What should i do?

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Bug-grub mailing list

Need help booting 3 OS

2003-07-10 Thread Riboy Reyes
Gud day,

I have two hard drives. 1st drive has only 1 partition w/c 
is an ntfs with windows xp. I, then add a 2nd drive with 4 
partitions: fat32, fat32, fat32, linux. What I did was 
first disabled (from bios) the 1st drive then booted from 
CD and installed Windows 98 on drive E:\, w/c is the 3rd 
partition of the 2nd drive. Rebooted and win98 works fine 
with windows directory on drive e:\ and io.sys (file) on 
drive c:\. Rebooted again and disabled all drives (hdd) 
and booted from Mandrake v9.0 installation CD and 
installed it on the 4th partition of the second drive. 
Installation complete! Reboot... enabled all drives... and 
now, by default, Mandrake uses LILO... booted Mandrake and 
changed LILO to GRUB coz LILO won't boot win98 but booted 
winxp. After changing LILO to GRUB and edited menu.lst 
still can't boot win98. I tried map hd0 to hd1 and 
vice-versa, even hiding hd0,0... what happens is that 
it'll boot on the second drive but cannot load win98 coz 
drive E:\ does not exist. Although it's there! Tried 
working around some editing on menu.lst but still can't 
boot win98 on the second drive.

I even come up with a drive C and D with the same content, 
drive E and H with the same content drive F and I also 
with the same contents. Funny... my wind98 directory is 
now at drive F where it should be on drive E. hahaha

Will you please help me? Winxp on the 1st drive booted 
well and also Linux. But how can I boot win98 on the 2nd 
drive with 4 partitions and my win98 directory is at the 
3rd partition of the second drive? We all know that if I 
disable the first drive, GRUB is non existing and it'll 
boot win98. hahaha. Will you plz help me?


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Bug-grub mailing list

Need help with GRUB

2003-01-07 Thread Ron Meddin

Someone installed RedHat on my hard drive and GRUB ver. 0.5.95 as
multibooter over my existing Win2000 O/S. I was able to remove the Redhat
OS, but GRUB comes up during boot-up and defaults to Redhat boot up, since
it is the first item on the menu.
How can I remove GRUB and have Windows 2000 as my default Boot up OS?
I looked at the answer on your web site in the FAQ, but FDISK.exe is not
even available in Win2000.
If not possible to use win2k as default boot up, as a last resort can you
tell me how to change the default boot in GRUB from Linux to Win2K?
Please send your response to this e-mail and [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug-grub mailing list

Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread RD Lawrence

I apologize in advance if this topic has been beaten to death.  I've
reviewed at least 100+ articles on usenet and haven't found a
satisfactory answer for a recurring problem.

Under the heading How to Uninstall GRUB from my hard disk drive?, the
FAQ states that there is no concept uninstall in boot loaders, because
if you uninstall a boot loader, an unbootable machine would simply
remain.   This isn't always true.

Imagine a working system with three drives: hd0, hd1, and hd2 with grub
and linux installed on (hd1,1).  For various reasons, the user does
*not* want to install grub in the mbr of hd0.  The user adds a fourth
drive to the system (hd3) and wants to use it to install a linux system
that will ultimately replace the linux install on hd1.  However, he
wants to retain the redundant linux partition on hd1 for reasons of
safety.  He can install grub on the new disk (hd3) but this won't have
much impact since hd1 will be first in line at boot time. Perhaps I'm
mistaken but it seems to me that the ideal solution would be to install
a boot loader on hd3 after *REMOVING* the boot loader from hd1.
Removing the old grub bootloader DOES NOT result in an unbootable
system.  Rather, it allows the user to boot the system that he prefers.

In briefly reviewing previous discussions on this list and on usenet,
I've come across the suggestion to use DOS fdisk /mbr.  I'm not sure
that this would work in the aforementioned scenario, and in any case, it
seems a bit lame to fall back on DOS in order to remedy a flaw in linux

Do a search through the usenet archives on google and you'll turn up a
gezillion posts asking how to remove grub.  The standard replies are:
Why would you want to? and Use DOS fdisk /mbr.   Neither of these
replies will adequately resolve the problem outlined above.   Could
someone suggest another solution???

It seems to me that it would be easy enough for someone familiar with
disk geometry (not me :-)) to add an argument to grub (--erase)
permitting grub to be cleanly removed from an MBR and a partition boot
record.   Alternatively, 'dd' could probably do the trick.  Could some
kind soul recommend the proper lengths and offsets?  Comments?

RD Lawrence

Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer

Boot from a dos floppy and:
fdisk /mbr

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (RD Lawrence) writes:
 I apologize in advance if this topic has been beaten to death.  I've
 reviewed at least 100+ articles on usenet and haven't found a
 satisfactory answer for a recurring problem.
 Under the heading How to Uninstall GRUB from my hard disk drive?, the
 FAQ states that there is no concept uninstall in boot loaders, because
 if you uninstall a boot loader, an unbootable machine would simply
 remain.   This isn't always true.
 Imagine a working system with three drives: hd0, hd1, and hd2 with grub
 and linux installed on (hd1,1).  For various reasons, the user does
 *not* want to install grub in the mbr of hd0.  The user adds a fourth
 drive to the system (hd3) and wants to use it to install a linux system
 that will ultimately replace the linux install on hd1.  However, he
 wants to retain the redundant linux partition on hd1 for reasons of
 safety.  He can install grub on the new disk (hd3) but this won't have
 much impact since hd1 will be first in line at boot time. Perhaps I'm
 mistaken but it seems to me that the ideal solution would be to install
 a boot loader on hd3 after *REMOVING* the boot loader from hd1.
 Removing the old grub bootloader DOES NOT result in an unbootable
 system.  Rather, it allows the user to boot the system that he prefers.
 In briefly reviewing previous discussions on this list and on usenet,
 I've come across the suggestion to use DOS fdisk /mbr.  I'm not sure
 that this would work in the aforementioned scenario, and in any case, it
 seems a bit lame to fall back on DOS in order to remedy a flaw in linux
 Do a search through the usenet archives on google and you'll turn up a
 gezillion posts asking how to remove grub.  The standard replies are:
 Why would you want to? and Use DOS fdisk /mbr.   Neither of these
 replies will adequately resolve the problem outlined above.   Could
 someone suggest another solution???
 It seems to me that it would be easy enough for someone familiar with
 disk geometry (not me :-)) to add an argument to grub (--erase)
 permitting grub to be cleanly removed from an MBR and a partition boot
 record.   Alternatively, 'dd' could probably do the trick.  Could some
 kind soul recommend the proper lengths and offsets?  Comments?
 RD Lawrence
 Bug-grub mailing list

Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer  E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It is exactly because a man cannot do a thing that he is a
  proper judge of it.
  -- Oscar Wilde

Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread RD Lawrence

Thanks for the suggestion, but we don't have any DOS floppies.   Is there a
way that this problem can be fixed *WITHOUT* purchasing an MSDOS 6.x license
from microsoft?

Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer wrote:

 Boot from a dos floppy and:
 fdisk /mbr

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (RD Lawrence) writes:
  In briefly reviewing previous discussions on this list and on usenet,
  I've come across the suggestion to use DOS fdisk /mbr.  I'm not sure
  that this would work in the aforementioned scenario, and in any case, it
  seems a bit lame to fall back on DOS in order to remedy a flaw in linux
  Bug-grub mailing list

 Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer  E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It is exactly because a man cannot do a thing that he is a
   proper judge of it.
   -- Oscar Wilde

Russell Lawrence
WP Group

You can reach me for the next four weeks by simply replying to the return
address embedded in the header of this message.  However, future
correspondence should be addressed to my permanent mailbox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread Iain Rae

Hash: SHA1

RD Lawrence wrote:

|Thanks for the suggestion, but we don't have any DOS floppies.   Is there a
|way that this problem can be fixed *WITHOUT* purchasing an MSDOS 6.x
|from microsoft?


- --
Iain RaeTel:01316505202
Computing OfficerJCMB:2148
Division of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread RD Lawrence

Even if we had DOS floppies, I'm not sure this solution would work without
juggling the cable connections.  Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I've heard that
Microsoft's fdisk program makes the ASSUMPTION that the boot disk is hda0,0.  In
the situations that I keep coming across, this isn't the case.

RD Lawrence wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestion, but we don't have any DOS floppies.   Is there a
 way that this problem can be fixed *WITHOUT* purchasing an MSDOS 6.x license
 from microsoft?

 Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer wrote:

  Boot from a dos floppy and:
  fdisk /mbr
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (RD Lawrence) writes:
   In briefly reviewing previous discussions on this list and on usenet,
   I've come across the suggestion to use DOS fdisk /mbr.  I'm not sure
   that this would work in the aforementioned scenario, and in any case, it
   seems a bit lame to fall back on DOS in order to remedy a flaw in linux
   Bug-grub mailing list
  Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer  E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  It is exactly because a man cannot do a thing that he is a
proper judge of it.
-- Oscar Wilde

Russell Lawrence
WP Group

You can reach me for the next four weeks by simply replying to the return address
embedded in the header of this message.  However, future correspondence should be
addressed to my permanent mailbox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread Kingsly John

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, RD Lawrence wrote:

 |Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer wrote:
 | Boot from a dos floppy and:
 | fdisk /mbr
 |Thanks for the suggestion, but we don't have any DOS floppies.   Is there a
 |way that this problem can be fixed *WITHOUT* purchasing an MSDOS 6.x license
 |from microsoft?

Whoever said DOS == MS-DOS only ??

Take a look at FreeDos it should be having the same fdisk features and is


PS: I suppose you can do it with a MS Windows license too.. ;-)

Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread Pavel Roskin


 Thanks for the suggestion, but we don't have any DOS floppies.   Is there a
 way that this problem can be fixed *WITHOUT* purchasing an MSDOS 6.x license
 from microsoft?

Get OpenDOS:

Pavel Roskin

Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (RD Lawrence) writes:
 Even if we had DOS floppies, I'm not sure this solution would work without
 juggling the cable connections.  Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I've heard that
 Microsoft's fdisk program makes the ASSUMPTION that the boot disk is hda0,0.  In
 the situations that I keep coming across, this isn't the case.

Correct. So I really don't get why you want to remove grub from hd1 if
you plan to boot from hd3... Boot from hd3 and don't give a damn about
Perhaps I don't see the whole picture, excuse me in advance if it is the

Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer  E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It is exactly because a man cannot do a thing that he is a
  proper judge of it.
  -- Oscar Wilde

Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread Yoshinori K. Okuji

At 04 Apr 2002 15:22:30 -0500,
Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer wrote:
 Correct. So I really don't get why you want to remove grub from hd1 if
 you plan to boot from hd3... Boot from hd3 and don't give a damn about

You are right. Russell just said nonsense.


Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread RD Lawrence

Yoshinori K. Okuji wrote:

 At 04 Apr 2002 15:22:30 -0500,
 Mathieu Chouquet-Stringer wrote:
  Correct. So I really don't get why you want to remove grub from hd1 if
  you plan to boot from hd3... Boot from hd3 and don't give a damn about

 You are right. Russell just said nonsense.


Many thanks to John Kingsly for posting pertinent  info on a promising
method for removing grub.

I'm not at liberty to divulge too many technical details, but I'm
figuratively looking at a set of machines whose bios's appear to ignore boot
flags and load the first boot loader encountered in the chain from hd0 to
hd(n) without any regard whatsoever for the state of the boot toggle in the
BR.   All the machines share some common features, including the bios,
recently installed ATA100 controllers, so-called huge ATA100 disks, and
all of them were initially built on linux 2.2.x platforms circa 2.2.14 when
both the ide drivers and fdisk had problems with drives exceeding 32G.  My
suspicion is that earlier versions of fdisk may have marginally corrupted
the boot records... perhaps causing the bios to think that all boot flags
are toggled on.  When I have spare time , I'm planning to definitively track
down the basic cause of the problem.  Meanwhile, some of my customers can't
seem to boot the last disk in the drive chain because grub was previously
installed on a lower numbered drive.  I'd like to solve their problem
without rebuilding a gezillion partitions (ie, many days of work) or
fiddling with the cable layouts (many hours of work) , and the EASY solution
is to UNINSTALL grub on lower numbered drives (a few minutes of work).   In
principle, as well as in practice, it would make sense for grub code to be
removable... regardless of the fact that the grub maintainers and some grub
users can't fathom the need for such a capability.   As I said before, the
notion of using DOS software (whether free or otherwise)  to accomplish this
is unacceptable to many linux users for both political and technical

Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread Yoshinori K. Okuji

Ok, now what you mean is worth considering. I couldn't figure out why
you wanted to remove GRUB. Sorry, if my reply sounded offensive.

I understand GRUB should make a backup before installing itself, and
if a backup is made, writing grub-uninstall would be very easy. I'll
investigate how backup/uninstall should work, since there are some
situations where it is not very clear what that looks like (e.g. When
one installed GRUB into the boot block of a partition and then
installed GRUB into a MBR, which block should grub-uninstall recover?

As for your problem, I don't have much to say, because I don't know
how your BIOS checks if a drive is bootable. If it just checks the
signature 0xAA55 at the end of the MBR, you could invalidate the MBR,
by running dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdb bs=1 count=2 seek=510, which
fills the signature with zero.


Bug-grub mailing list

Re: Need Help on Removing Grub (Again)

2002-04-04 Thread RD Lawrence

Yoshinori K. Okuji wrote:

 I understand GRUB should make a backup before installing itself, and
 if a backup is made, writing grub-uninstall would be very easy. I'll
 investigate how backup/uninstall should work, since there are some
 situations where it is not very clear what that looks like (e.g. When
 one installed GRUB into the boot block of a partition and then
 installed GRUB into a MBR, which block should grub-uninstall recover?

All three cases should be selectable by the user: 1) MBR alone; 2) PBR
alone; and 3) Both.   Otherwise, problems will inevitably arise from
unforseeable circumstances. :-)   However, I don't think the ability to
restore a boot record is nearly as important as the ability to just
clean away the existing boot loader code.  A user could always go back
and re-install an older boot loader if necessary.   As others have
observed, the save, restore, and clean operations could easily be
accomplished with dd, and wrapped up in a very small shell script.   I
would call it grubmagic. :-) but I suppose PowerQuest would sue us for
ripping off their claim on software magic this and that. :-).  If
possible, the ability to (at the very least) clean the BRs  without
disturbing the partition table should be built into grub to reduce
confusion and extra baggage for naive end-users.

 As for your problem, I don't have much to say, because I don't know
 how your BIOS checks if a drive is bootable. If it just checks the
 signature 0xAA55 at the end of the MBR, you could invalidate the MBR,
 by running dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdb bs=1 count=2 seek=510, which
 fills the signature with zero.

I apologize for my earlier (sleep-deprived) prose... which left out
details that caused some confusion.  I don't really think the bios is at
fault, and I don't have any reason to think that grub is at fault (apart
from extremely ambiguous documentation  and the inability to remove its
own code :-) ).  I'm inclined to suspect that the problem lies with a
previous version of 2.2.x fdisk that may have corrupted the boot records
because of the huge disk bug.  However, I'm assuming here that grub
(unlike lilo) normally honors the status of the (in)active flag.   If
that's *not* the case, then we *definitely* need a way to uninstall
grub.  Otherwise, problems could ensue each and every time a user
installs a new hard drive.  Even if grub does honor the (in)active
flag, it still makes sense to give it the capability to clean a BR for
a variety of reasons apart from the specific one that I've outlined in
the case at hand.

RD Lawrence
504-443-5000 (USA)

Bug-grub mailing list


2001-09-12 Thread Janlyons876
I have a Hewlitt Packard that used to run Windows ME. I tryed to partition my hard drive and install Linux but I think that I partitioned it wrong. So I used my system recovery cd that came with Windows Me. I clicked full restore to format my hard disk and restore it to how it came. But after I did that Windows did not come on when I started it up. Grub came on and now my restore discs don't work anymore and I have no clue as to how to get into Windows. I can't get past grub. Can you please help me as soon as possible!! Thank you.

Re: [Bug-grub] NEED HELP!

2001-09-12 Thread Jason Thomas

you need to create a dos boot disk that contains fdisk,
with this booted run 'fdisk /mbr' you should be back to where you were
before, then if your game you can try again!

On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 07:31:42PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Hewlitt Packard that used to run Windows ME.  I tryed to partition 
 my hard drive and install Linux but I think that I partitioned it wrong.  So 
 I used my system recovery cd that came with Windows Me.  I clicked full 
 restore to format my hard disk and restore it to how it came.  But after I 
 did that Windows did not come on when I started it up.  Grub came on and now 
 my restore discs don't work anymore and I have no clue as to how to get into 
 Windows.  I can't get past grub.  Can you please help me as soon as 
 possible!!  Thank you.

Jason Thomas   Phone:  +61 2 6257 7111
System Administrator  -  UID 0 Fax:+61 2 6257 7311
tSA Consulting Group Pty. Ltd. Mobile: 0418 29 66 81
1 Hall Street Lyneham ACT 2602

 PGP signature

need help with syntax

2000-02-04 Thread Simon Voigt

Hi folks,

I need a little help getting grub to work.

I have powerboot as a primary loader in the MBR to choose either the first
partition (win98) or the second partition which holds native linux. (I want
keep using powerboot in the MBR if possible since I paid 25 dollars for this
loader and want to get my moneys worth from it)

I would normally have used lilo in the second partition but its passed the
1024 limit and I dont want to change my partitions around.

I have tried using the install command of grub to install its loaders into
the superbock of the second partition (hopefully then powerboot can find
grubs loader and then grubsloader will load /vmlinuz) but .. I dont think
I'm getting the syntax for install in grub right...

I had stage1 and stage 2 sitting in /boot/grub
and in grub I tried
install (hd0,1)/boot/grub/stage1 (hd0,1) (hd0,1)/boot/grub/stage2

is that right?

or do I have to use stage1_lba (the disk is a 10.2 gig with the first
ending around the 8.5 mark)

Any help as to how to get grub to sit in the superblock of the second
partition and have it start linux /vmlinuz would be most appreciated..

At the moment  I'm having to rely on a floppy bootdisk for linux..
