Re: musicxml2ly

2020-05-25 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Mon, 25 May 2020, Valentin Villenave wrote:

Thanks Martin; I’ve opened this tracker page:

It seems weird that such a problem wasn’t caught by our
pretty-extensive test suite, so I’m wondering what might be particular
to your test file.

My first guess would be it might be related to some Python2 vs Python3 


bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: abc2ly script doesn't support dynamics

2020-03-09 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

(My comments are below the quoted message)

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020, alex wrote:

I am using `abc2ly`, provided in the lilypond packaging, to convert the 
following ABC to Lilypond:

C: Alex Hansen
L: 1/128

V:TI clef=treble name="Voice 1" snm="V.1"

V:TII clef=bass name="Voice 2" snm="V.2"

[V:TI] d32d32a32a32b32b32!p!a64g32g32^f32^f32e32e32d64


Hi Alex,

I tried the ABC -> abc2xml -> musicxml2ly -> LILYPOND method and it works. 
But before that, be sure to input valid ABC code. Most important you can't 
put empty lines between the lines in ABC syntax, unlike lilypond. In ABC 
an empty line terminates a song. And you need an X: field to start the 
header (recommended), and a K: field to mark the end of the header 

See here:

Your code in valid ABC would look something like

T:Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
C:Alex Hansen
V:TI clef=treble name="Voice 1" snm="V.1"
V:TII clef=bass name="Voice 2" snm="V.2"
[V:TI] d32 d32 a32 a32 | b32 b32 !p!a64 | g32 g32 ^f32 ^f32 | e32 e32 d64 |
[V:TII] d,,128 | g,,128 | b,,128 | a,,64 d,,64 |

After these corrections I could use abc2xml and produce valid lilypond 
output, including the \p dynamics.


bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: abc2ly script doesn't support dynamics

2020-03-07 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020, alex wrote:

Are there plans to implement dynamics? In the ABC standard, it is noted 
that while not all attributes are considered required when parsing ABC, 
dynamics are part of the core set.

I don't think abc2ly is very actively supported and developed currently.

The future is in improving musicxml in/export for LilyPond.

There is xml2abc and xml2abc by Wim Vree, these are quite good:

And there is musicxml2ly to convert musicxml to lilypond. 
This probably works better now already than abc2ly.

And MusicXML can be imported in all major Music typesetting programs like 
Finale, Sibelius, Dorico, and MuseScore.



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Midi block gives errors with bar number checks

2019-11-27 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Wed, 27 Nov 2019, Peter Toye wrote:

I'm not sure how many LP user use the MIDI output anyway, given its 
restrictions. Personally, I use it for proof-reading only, so lack of repeats 
isn't an issue.

I use MIDI output mainly for proofreading, but at occasions where I need 
better MIDI output I always create separate scores for layout{} and 
midi{}. In the midi-only version I copy/paste all music in the correct 
order instead of using any repeat instructions. Also suitable for complex 
Da Capo / Segno / Coda types of repeats. If I arrange my music in blocks 
using variables and use my favorite texteditor it really isn't that much 
extra work and it is a usable workaround for Lilypond's restrictions.

Sometimes even \unfoldRepeats doesn't do the trick.



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: rest + fermata

2019-04-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Sun, 14 Apr 2019, Malte Meyn wrote:

 r1\fermata works fine, R1\fermata doesn't. No fermata sign is printed.
 Is this a bug?

That’s the third time in a few weeks that someone asks why that doesn’t work 
at a list/forum/… that I read.

Looks like I should continue my work on issue 5486 
( and maybe find a way 
that \fermataMarkup isn’t needed anymore and R1\fermata works instead …

Everyone thanks for the easy solution.

Easy but ugly. Would be nice if R1\fermata would simply work. No big deal 
though, no need to hurry to make this possible,

bug-lilypond mailing list

rest + fermata

2019-04-14 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


This is strange:

%%% start of tiny example

\version "2.19.83"

%%% end of tiny example

r1\fermata works fine, R1\fermata doesn't. No fermata sign is printed.
Is this a bug?



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Dispositioned notehead in chord when staffsize=14 and clef=bass

2019-03-24 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Sun, 24 Mar 2019, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:

See attached example "" and "staffsize14.pdf" output.
Using lilypond 2.19.82 on Linux Fedora.

What's happening here?

I tried some more staffsizes. I'm seeing dispositioned noteheads when 
staffsize is 13, 14, or 19. No problems when staffsize is 12, 15, 16, 18, 
20. See new attached examples.



Description: Adobe PDF document
\version "2.19.82"

mymusic = \relative {
  \clef treble
4   | |

\paper {
  indent = 0

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "default staffsize" }
  \layout {}

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 19" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 19)

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 18" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 18)
\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 17" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 17)

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 16" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 16)

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 15" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 15)

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 14" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 14)

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 13" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 13)

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 12" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 12)

bug-lilypond mailing list

Dispositioned notehead in chord when staffsize=14 and clef=bass

2019-03-24 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


A bumped into a strange bug with a dispositioned notehead.

See attached example "" and "staffsize14.pdf" output.
Using lilypond 2.19.82 on Linux Fedora.

What's happening here?


MT\version "2.19.82"

mymusic = \relative c{
  \clef bass
  4| |

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "default staffsize" }
  \layout {}

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 16" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 16)

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 14" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 14)

\score {
  \new Staff { 
  \header { piece = "staffsize 12" }
  \layout {
#(layout-set-staff-size 12)

Description: Adobe PDF document
bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: obstacles to installation

2018-10-07 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

BTW, if you google "lilypond install", that is the second page listed after 
downloads page.

Let me remind you that Google might not give identical search results to 
different persons/computers even when they type the exacts same search 
string. If I type "Lilypond" I get stuff related to our beloved engraving 
software. Google "knows" I am a musician. Someone else will probably first 
find something like which is about ... lilyponds 
and swimmingpools.



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: midi2ly: Fraction Reduction + 2 minor issues

2017-04-16 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Thu, 13 Apr 2017, Christopher Heckman wrote:

I have written a patch to fix this. Inside of the class Duration (line
129), replace the dump function with:

Hi Chris, thanks for trying to improve the midi2ly tool.

I like the idea and really appreciate your efforts, but I tried your patch 
and it doesn't seem to work (yet), at least not on my system. I can't 
convert a midifile after applying your patch. Did anyone try Christophers 
proposal succesfully? (I installed modified version of midi2ly as 
/usr/bin/midi2ly_ on my system)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 1241, in 
main ()
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 1238, in main
convert_midi (f, o)
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 1050, in convert_midi
s += t.dump (i)
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 968, in dump
return dump_track (self.voices, i)
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 881, in dump_track
s += '  ' + dump_voice (voice, skip)
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 781, in dump_voice
lines[-1] = lines[-1] + dump_chord (ch[1])
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 695, in dump_chord
s = s + dump (notes[0])
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 684, in dump
return d.dump ()
  File "/usr/bin/midi2ly_", line 304, in dump
s = s + self.duration.dump ()
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Fwd: Problem with one staff

2016-04-04 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Mon, 4 Apr 2016, Maria Jesus Marin wrote:

Good afternoon,

I have one problem with one composition. My problem is that I have writted
the composition in Musescore, but when I export to xml and I import the xml
file in to Frescobaldi the staff duplicate lines.
I attach the musescore file, xml file, and pdf file for your information.
Can you help me? Can you tell me why the process is not working well?
Best regards,

MusicXML export from MuseScore isn't perfect, MusicXML import from 
Frescobaldi (musicxml2ly) isn't perfect either. Double imperfection.



bug-lilypond mailing list

verkeert is wrong

2015-09-22 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

Where do I report translation errors?

Please in nl.po:3700 replace "verkeert" by "verkeerd"

verkeert is wrong.
wrong is verkeerd 



bug-lilypond mailing list

inconsistent handling of articulations with slurs

2015-08-31 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


Try to compile the following example:

\version "2.19.25"

\relative {
  d''-.( d-. d-. d-.)
  d-_( d-_ d-_ d-_)
  d--( d-- d-- d--)
  d-^( d-^ d-^ d-^)
  d-+( d-+ d-+ d-+)
  d-!( d-! d-! d-!)
  d->( d-> d-> d->)
  \override Slur.outside-staff-priority = #500
  d-.( d-. d-. d-.)
  d-_( d-_ d-_ d-_)
  d--( d-- d-- d--)
  d-^( d-^ d-^ d-^)
  d-+( d-+ d-+ d-+)
  d-!( d-! d-! d-!)
  d->( d-> d-> d->)

Why are the articulations in bars 2, 7, 9, 14 treated differently? It seems 
they are aligned with the slurs instead of the notes. Should I forward this to 

See also attachment for additional strangeness.


\version "2.19.25"

\relative {
  d''-.( d-. d-. d-.)
  d-_( d-_ d-_ d-_)
  d--( d-- d-- d--)
  d-^( d-^ d-^ d-^)
  d-+( d-+ d-+ d-+)
  d-!( d-! d-! d-!)
  d->( d-> d-> d->)
  \override Slur.outside-staff-priority = #500
  d-.( d-. d-. d-.)
  d-_( d-_ d-_ d-_)
  d--( d-- d-- d--)
  d-^( d-^ d-^ d-^)
  d-+( d-+ d-+ d-+)
  d-!( d-! d-! d-!)
  d->( d-> d-> d->)
  \override Script.outside-staff-priority = #1000
  d-.( d-. d-. d-.)
  d-_( d-_ d-_ d-_)
  d--( d-- d-- d--)
  d-^( d-^ d-^ d-^)
  d-+( d-+ d-+ d-+)
  d-!( d-! d-! d-!)
  d->( d-> d-> d->)

bug-lilypond mailing list

Good news for Fedora 22 users (fwd)

2015-06-05 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


I just updated fontconfig from 2.11.93 to version-2.11.94 (now in 
updates-testing) on Fedora 22

$ sudo dnf update --enablerepo=*testing update fontconfig*

And a quick test shows Lilypond started working again :-)



bug-lilypond mailing list

Good news for Fedora 22 users (fwd)

2015-06-05 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


I just updated fontconfig from 2.11.93 to version-2.11.94 (now in 
updates-testing) on Fedora 22

$ sudo dnf update --enablerepo=*testing update fontconfig*

And a quick test shows Lilypond started working again :-)



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: lilypond 2.19.20 on fedora gs bug

2015-05-29 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
so why is it not failing with Fedora 21? Fedora 21 and 22 use the same 
Pango version?


On 29 mei 2015 2:05:16 PM Jon Ciesla wrote:

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 9:04 PM, Masamichi HOSODA

  The Fedora 22 package fails for everyone, the version
  I tried this minimal example:
  \version 2.19.21
  And then did
  $ lilypond --ps --verbose  f22test1.txt
  $ ps2pdf14 f22test.pdf  f22test2.txt
  results: see attachment.
  f22test1.txt f22test2.txt

 Thank you for your files.

 I suspect an issue of pango package of fedora 22.

 First, I've tried your on my environment with gs-9.15.
 It is failed. That is, it is not gs-9.16's issue.
 The result is following.

 $ ps2pdf14 f22test.pdf
 Error: /undefinedresult in --glyphshow--
 Operand stack:
0.6146   5.6906   -2.8453   space
 Execution stack:
%interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
  --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
  --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1967   1   3   %oparray_pop
  1966   1   3   %oparray_pop   1950   1   3   %oparray_pop   1836   1   3
  %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   %errorexec_pop   .runexec2
  --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push
  --nostringval--   0   --nostringval--   %repeat_continue   --nostringval--
 Dictionary stack:
--dict:1186/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:108/200(L)--
 Current allocation mode is local
 Last OS error: No such file or directory
 Current file position is 131424
 GPL Ghostscript 9.15: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1


 Then, I've found problems of
 Broken sets font size to zero.
 Using the patch file for that is attached to this mail,
 ps2pdf14 is succeed.

 If I understand correctly, LilyPond gets the font size from pango. version LilyPond bundles pango that has no problem,
 and always uses it.

 Fedora 22's packaged LilyPond uses fedora 22's packaged pango?

 bug-lilypond mailing list

 Yes, it does.  I'll add the above to the bug report and reassign to pango.



in your fear, seek only peace
in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: musicxml2ly tremolo tag on notes shorter than quarter

2015-05-12 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Tue, 12 May 2015, pls wrote:

For example what happened with the Philomenos musixcml2ly-dev fork?

Yes, Philomelos is still alive and I’m about to update the musicxml2ly-dev 
Github repo.  Over at least three years I have written almost 100 bug
reports  and many test cases for Philomelos and I will try to publish them as 
well.  We have fixed quite a few of these bugs.  I just implemented
a solution to the tremolo bug reported here.

Sound promising!

Allow to me to do a drastic suggestion. Wouldn't it be much simpler to 
replace the current musicxml2ly from the official LilyPond development 
tree with the one from Philomenos entirely and allow the Philomenos guy(s) 
to continue the work there, if he/they wants to?

I never quite understood why this fork was needed. And if the Philomenos 
version is the only one that has been actively developed since a few years 
now I don't see why not everyone who installs the official LilyPond should 
not have the latest and greatest musicxml2ly tool without extra effort?


bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: musicxml2ly tremolo tag on notes shorter than quarter

2015-05-11 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Mon, 11 May 2015, James Lowe wrote:

Bug reports are a good thing, but is anyone actually working on 

For example what happened with the Philomenos musixcml2ly-dev fork?



bug-lilypond mailing list

intermediate ps file overwrites existing one

2015-05-03 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

bugreport / change request

%%% tiny example %%%

\version 2.19.19
{c' d' e' f'}

%%% commandline actions -- result %%%
$ lilypond --ps -- creates, which I want to keep
$ lilypond -- creates example.pdf, without telling me it
  -- brutally overwrites and then deletes

%%% change request: %%%
Maybe lilyPond should create a unique temporary filename using something 
like mktemp to create the intermediate files.

P.S. As a side-effect this would also solve a funny issue that's happening 
on systems when using a filename like The intermediate 
filename confuses Ghostscript, as there is also a 
file in the Ghostscript library path.


bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: my favorite bug :-)

2015-05-01 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

for example create a file with a minimal content

\version 2.19.19
{c' d' e' f'}

and compile ...

I'm trying to narrow down the issue
It seems that on some systems (like mine).

# gs

is expanded to something like

# gs /usr/share/ghostscript/9.15/


# gs /complete/path/to/

is not.

When compiling a file, is produced as an intermediate 
file before ghostscript converts this to lines.pdf

The bug would be fixed if lilypond would make ghostscript use a complete 
path to the intermediate file for the ps to pdf conversion.



bug-lilypond mailing list

my favorite bug :-) (fwd)

2015-05-01 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 09:47:25 +0200 (CEST)
From: Martin Tarenskeen
To: lilypond-user mailinglist
Subject: my favorite bug :-)

This issue has been reported in the mailing list some time ago - I think it was 
David Kastrup who discovered it - but I can't find it anywhere in the buglist 
or in the docs.

Did you know it is not possible/allowed to name a lilypond file or On my Fedora system I can find all the names that suffer from this 
bug by typing

#ls /usr/share/ghostscript/9.15/lib/*.ps

all these filenames (minus .ps) can not be used as lilypond inputfiles (plus 

for example create a file with a minimal content

\version 2.19.19
{c' d' e' f'}

and compile ...

Fortunately there are no,, or in the ghostscript 
files ;-)



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: my favorite bug :-)

2015-05-01 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Fri, 1 May 2015, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:

The bug would be fixed if lilypond would make ghostscript use a complete path 
to the intermediate file for the ps to pdf conversion.

The issue has brought me to another problem:

LilyPond by default takes *.ly file as input and produces a *.pdf file as 

$lilypond --- result: example.pdf

In this case, as an intermediate file is used. This is a 
problem if a file named already exists in my working 
directory. This file is brutally overwritten and deleted when I run 
lilypond without any warning or option to cancel, nor is a backup copy of 
the old file made.

If the intermediate file would be given a unique, not already existing, 
temporary filename, not only this issue would be solved but also the 
original - - lines.pdf issue that started this 
thread would not be a problem anymore.

I'm not a (LilyPond) developer but does it makes sense what I am 



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: abc2ly big files

2014-10-29 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Wed, 29 Oct 2014, Gerard wrote:

I think the file is too large...

I had almost forgotten about the existence of abc2ly.
I am not sure it is very actively maintained. (Is it?)

Have you tried

1. abc2xml (
2. musicxml2ly

The result from this 2-step conversion might be better than abc2ly.
Willem Vree's abc2xml is really quite good. (Much better than 
Frescobaldi's very unfinsihed and experimental MusicXML export for 



bug-lilypond mailing list

misplaced composer field

2014-09-22 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


Using Lilypond 2.19.14 I see the composer field is completely misplaced 
in the output.

 short example showing misplaced composer field 

\version 2.19.14

\header {
  title = title
  subtitle = subtitle
  poet = poet
  meter = meter
  piece = piece
  composer = composer
  arranger = arranger
  opus = opus

\score {
  \new Staff {
{ s1 }
  \layout {}

\version 2.19.14

\header {
  title = title
  subtitle = subtitle
  poet = poet
  meter = meter
  piece = piece
  composer = composer
  arranger = arranger
  opus = opus

\score {
  \new Staff {
{ s1 }
  \layout {}

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: misplaced composer field

2014-09-22 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Mon, 22 Sep 2014, David Kastrup wrote:

Martin Tarenskeen writes:


Using Lilypond 2.19.14 I see the composer field is completely
misplaced in the output.


Will be fixed in 2.19.15.  I quote the announcement of 2.19.14:

I already guessed a bug like this would not stay unnoticed very long :-)



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: midi2ly produces 8*5, can we do better?

2014-07-19 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Sat, 19 Jul 2014, Francisco Vila wrote:

Sure?  I know there is a message for encoding the key signature, but the clef?

Yesterday I was messing with a MIDI imported in Rosegarden and edited
a bass segment with the event editor, and one of the first events was
a clef event. Let me look at it again tonight.

Maybe the clef event was generated by Rosegarden on import?

As far as I know there is not a commonly accepted MIDI file event for 
Clefs, like there is for Time Signature (FF 58 04) and Key Signature (FF 
59 02). But I guess it is possible for a Sequencer like Rosegarden to put 
a special message in a Sequencer Specific Meta-Event (FF 7F). Or in a 
text event (FF 01) which, according to the Standard MIDI-File Format Spec 
1.1 that I'm looking into now, can contain Any type of text containing 

Personally I would not choose to let Lilypond/midi2ly be able to export or 
import such a non-standard Clef event.



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: merging philomelos musicxml2ly-dev

2014-07-13 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Sun, 13 Jul 2014, James wrote:

I have no preferences either way - we have done this for
for instance - but unless we know that philomelos and LilyPond's
versions are reasonably close to start with we could end up with each
version becoming so far apart in terms of codebase that nothing gets
fixed or that LilyPond's musicxml2ly becomes so far behind philomelos to
be worse than useless and we might as well remove musicxml2ly from the
code and just point to Philomelos.

Would it be an idea to freeze development of musicxml2ly until the 
Philomenos improvments have been merged with Lilypond's official 

This is already the defacto situation? There haven't been 
much changes for months on both sides I think?



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: lilypond-ftplugin.vim

2013-12-30 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Mon, 30 Dec 2013, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:

 F6  view ps with ghostview
map buffer F6 :!gv --watch %.pdf Return

the comment should be fixed also :-) :

 F6  view pdf with ghostview

(Personally I would choose another PDF viewer, but that's another story.)



bug-lilypond mailing list

lilypond --warranty

2013-12-30 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


If I type:
lilypond -w

I see (among other things):
Copyright (c) 1996--2012

If I type:
convert-ly -w

I see (among other things):
Copyright (C) 2001--2012

Shouldn't 2012 be bumped to 2013, or better yet, 2014?



bug-lilypond mailing list


2013-11-26 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

I'm not top-posting


Usage manual, 4.4 (Lilypond 2.17.96) says:

Inserting LilyPond output into
LilyPond notation can be added to with OOoLilyPond.

Maybe these days it should be or LibreOffice ?

OooLilypond works equally fine in Libreoffice.



bug-lilypond mailing list

musicxml2ly output indentation style

2013-11-26 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

I'm not top-posting

The *.ly files that are produced using musicxml2ly use an indentation 
style that does not conform to LilyPond's common practice.

Musicxml2ly does not un-indent closing brackets.


Martin Tarenskeen

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Error when dragging Finale Allegro 2007 MIDI export onto LilyPond 2.16.2-1

2013-08-30 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Fri, 30 Aug 2013, Zack Macomber wrote:

Thanks.  Guess I should have read the manual a little closer...if I update
my path (I'm on Windows) to include the LilyPond bin directory, should I be
able to run muxicxml2ly anywhere?

I am not a Windows user, but I guess musicxml2ly is also in that LilyPond 
bin directory? (It's a Python script). I am sure one of the Windows users 
on this list can tell you more.


bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Error when dragging Finale Allegro 2007 MIDI export onto LilyPond 2.16.2-1

2013-08-29 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Thu, 29 Aug 2013, Zack Macomber wrote:

I have several Finale Allegro 2007 compositions that I would like to see in
LilyPond.  I can save my compositions as a MIDI file.  When I drag that MIDI
file onto the LilyPond shortcut on my desktop, a file gets written to where
the MIDI file is with this message in it:

You can not drag a midifile to lilypond. Use the midi2ly tool to convert a 
midifile to a *.ly file. After that you can process this file with 
Lilypond. But don't expect miracles. You probably have to do some editing 
to the *.ly file first to get a good result. Maybe lot's of editing...

Sometimes it's even easier/faster to re-write the score completely in 
Lilypond syntax from scratch. MIDI is not the best format for musical 

A better way would be to export as MusicXML and use musicxml2ly before 
using Lilypond.



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: problem with lilypond-book (with TeX Live on Win 7 (x64))

2013-08-21 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Wed, 21 Aug 2013, der_jo wrote:

OK, I've installed Python (3.3.2 x64) ... no changes.

Don't know if it will fix anything, but LilyPond uses Python 2.x as far as 
I know. Try Python 2.7



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: à in title makes damaged pdf

2013-02-25 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Mon, 25 Feb 2013, David Kastrup wrote:

Francisco Vila writes:

2013/2/25 David Kastrup

I think this mainly depends on the version of Ghostscript that is being
used for converting PS to PDF (used internally by LilyPond when
generating PDF).  The version of LilyPond, in contrast, is mostly
irrelevant with respect to the problem.

OK; so if Ghostscript is embedded in lilypond, and besides I have
Ghostscript installed, how could I check the embedded GS version?

Would the problem be solved - for the time being - if ghostscript would be 
called with parameters that would produce a PDF version 1.3 document like 
my experiments seem to indicate?

(I called lilypond with --ps first, and then used ps2pdf13 to produce a 



bug-lilypond mailing list

collision: system-separator and rehearsal mark

2012-11-07 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

In the following example the boxed rehearsal marks collide with the 
slashSeparator at the beginning of each system

%%% start of tiny example %%%

\version 2.16.0

\paper {
  system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator

example = \relative c' {
  \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
  \repeat unfold 4 {
\mark \default {
  \repeat unfold 4 { c1 | }

\score {
\new GrandStaff
\new Staff \example
\new Staff \example
\new Staff \example

%%% end of tiny example %%%

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: NR 3.5.7: the articulate script: why not suggesting two \score blocks?

2012-10-03 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Wed, 3 Oct 2012, Marek Klein wrote:

2012/9/30 Federico Bruni

In NR 3.5.7, The Articulate script:

After altering your input file this way, the visual output is heavily
altered, but the standard \midi block will produce a better MIDI file.

This alteration refers to the use of \unfoldRepeats, I suppose.

In fact much more things are altered than just \unfoldRepeats
Just give it a try on a score with trills and different articulations like 
staccato and legato for example.

Why don't we suggest to use two score blocks, one for \layout and one for

So the visual output won't be altered.

Good point. In fact that's what I always do already when using



bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Angry Birds - musicxml2ly errors

2012-05-24 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Thu, 24 May 2012, Janek Warchoł wrote:

I need help on this one, too. Does LilyPond support .MXL to .ly to .pdf
conversion? In other words, I guess, is .mxl equivalent to .xml?

I suppose so: MXL = MusicXmL = .xml
but i'm guessing, too.

.xml and .mxl are both filename extensions for MusicXML files.

.mxl = compressed xml. Was invented to reduce the size of musicxml files 
.xml = normal MusicXML file. Bigger, but human-readable (well, sort of 
..., if you really want to)


bug-lilypond mailing list

vertical spacing below last staff on page and lyrics

2010-09-30 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
 I'm not top posting


In the following example the spacing between the last staff on the page and the
lyrics below it( in this case only ---, but that does not matter ) is too
small. It does not collide, but I think the spacing should be identical to the
other staves on the the page. AT least that is what I would like. Identical
staves with identical notes and lyrics should have identical spacing, no matter
if it is the last staff on the page or not ?

In 2.12.3 the example looks fine, in 2.13.35 not, which I consider to be a

( BTW: Also still has the
colliding tagline using 2.13.35, just like I reported for 2.13.34. )

-- 8 --

\version 2.13.35
\paper {
% I think this line causes my problem:

\score {
 \new Staff {
   \relative c' {
 \repeat unfold 10 {
   c1 | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | \break
 \new Lyrics {
   \lyricmode {
 \repeat unfold 80 { ---1 }

bug-lilypond mailing list

overflow message and collision with tagline

2010-09-23 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
I am (still) having a overflow warning using 2.13.34 with one of my scores:

GNU LilyPond 2.13.34
Verwerken van `'
Vertolken van muziek...[8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64][72][80]
Voorbewerken van grafische objecten...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 or 2 pages...
Tekenen van systemen...
waarschuwing: couldn't fit music on page: overflow is 4.084461
Opmaakuitvoer naar `'...
Converteren naar `./khatch-err.pdf'...
success: Compilation successfully completed

I don't know how to create a real tiny example that reproduces my error: The
problem is visible only at the bottom of a my score page, where my tagline and
my music clearly and completely collide. This needs a full page of staffs and
notes to demonstrate.

For the time being the problematic page can be downloaded from here:

I hope this report will be helpful anyway.


Martin Tarenskeen

bug-lilypond mailing list

overflow message: tagline collision

2010-09-23 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
 I'm not top-posting

Using 2.13.34 I'm stil seeing an overflow message in one of my scores.
In the resulting PDF there is a clear and ugly collision between the last staff 
on my page and the tagline in the footer.

Since this can only be reproduced with a full page of music, I do not know how 
to create a proper tiny example to demonstrate the problem.

For the time being the problematic example can be downlaoded from here:

I hope this helps.


Martin Tarenskeen

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: error message from PDF viewer

2010-04-20 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Mon, 19 Apr 2010, Graham Percival wrote:

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 07:25:29PM +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:

OK. Here is a tiny example (attached).

Thanks!  This looks like a great report.  Bug squad, could
somebody add this to the tracker?

To add one remark: It might have something to do with the Dynamics 
context. If I comment that one out, the messages disappear.


Martin Tarenskeen

- Graham

1. I use Lilypond 2.13.18 on Fedora 12 to compile
2. I start Evince from my terminal to view the pdf. Looks fine to me.
3. I close Evince.
4. I see that Evince has left some messages in my terminal:

** (evince:8380): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for
org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name
'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap
Error: Illegal entry in bfrange block in ToUnicode CMap

Press ENTER or type command to continue


Martin Tarenskeen

\version 2.13.18

upper = \relative c' { \clef treble c1 }
lower = \relative c { \clef bass c1 }
dynamics = { s1\mf }

\score {
  \new PianoStaff {

  \new Staff { \upper }
  \new Dynamics { \dynamics }
  \new Staff { \lower }
  \layout {}

bug-lilypond mailing list

\easyHeadsOn sharp/flat collisions (lilypond 2.13.7)

2009-11-19 Thread Martin Tarenskeen
The following example demonstrates a problem with \easyHeadsOn in combination
with sharps or flats. This problem was introduced recently: I'm having no such
problems with lilypond 2.12.3.

\version 2.13.7
\relative c' {
  c d ees fis
  c d ees fis

bug-lilypond mailing list