Re: [Bug-wget] Wget 1.13.4 v. VMS -- Various problems

2011-09-29 Thread Steven M. Schweda
   2   24135   confval = long_options[longindex].val;
 Apparently, referencing long_options[-1] causes more trouble in a VMS
 environment than it does on a typical UNIX(-like) system.  [...]

   I still haven't looked at the details here, but I did notice that the
_second_ getopt_long() loop does things like:

  /* If LONGINDEX is unchanged, it means RET is referring a short
 option.  */
  if (longindex == -1)

rather than jumping right in and using longindex as a subscript. 
Perhaps the first getopt_long() loop should be so careful.

   Other helpful changes:

ALP $ gdiff -u src/log.c_orig src/log.c
--- src/log.c_orig  2011-07-29 08:43:44 -0500
+++ src/log.c   2011-09-29 08:43:17 -0500
@@ -573,14 +573,14 @@

-/* Close LOGFP, inhibit further logging and free the memory associated
-   with it.  */
+/* Close LOGFP (only if we opened it, not if it's stderr), inhibit
+   further logging and free the memory associated with it.  */
 log_close (void)
   int i;

-  if (logfp)
+  if (logfp  (logfp != stderr))
 fclose (logfp);
   logfp = NULL;
   inhibit_logging = true;

(This is particularly helpful if one is putting in debugging code like
fprintf( stderr, [...]), but closing stderr seems like a poor idea in
any case.)

ALP $ gdiff -u src/main.c_orig src/main.c
--- src/main.c_orig 2011-09-06 08:50:11 -0500
+++ src/main.c  2011-09-29 09:15:31 -0500
@@ -1467,7 +1480,7 @@
 xfree (url[i]);
   cleanup ();

-  return get_exit_status ();
+  exit (get_exit_status ());
 #endif /* TESTING */

   On VMS, return x from main() and exit(x) are not equivalent, and
only exit(x) can deal with status codes other than EXIT_FAILURE and
EXIT_SUCCESS in a reasonable way.  (exit(x) is used in many other
places, so I wouldn't expect any damage from using it in one more.)

   Steven M. Schweda   sms@antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street(+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

Re: [Bug-wget] Wget 1.13.4 v. VMS -- Various problems

2011-09-29 Thread Steven M. Schweda
2   24135   confval = long_options[longindex].val;
  Apparently, referencing long_options[-1] causes more trouble in a VMS
  environment than it does on a typical UNIX(-like) system.  [...]
I still haven't looked at the details here, [...]

   Now I have.  Adding a test on longindex seems to fix the problem
without causing any obvious (to me) damage:

ALP $ gdiff -u src/main.c_orig src/main.c
--- src/main.c_orig 2011-09-06 08:50:11 -0500
+++ src/main.c  2011-09-29 14:28:28 -0500
@@ -945,8 +945,8 @@

   init_switches ();

-  /* This seperate getopt_long is needed to find the user config
- and parse it before the other user options. */
+  /* This separate getopt_long is needed to find the user config file
+ option (--config) and parse it before the other user options. */
   longindex = -1;
   int retconf;
   bool use_userconfig = false;
@@ -957,20 +957,25 @@
   int confval;
   bool userrc_ret = true;
   struct cmdline_option *config_opt;
-  confval = long_options[longindex].val;
-  config_opt = option_data[confval  ~BOOLEAN_NEG_MARKER];
-  if (strcmp (config_opt-long_name, config) == 0)
-  userrc_ret = run_wgetrc (optarg);
-  use_userconfig = true;
-  if (!userrc_ret)
+  /* There is no short option for --config. */
+  if (longindex = 0)
-  printf (Exiting due to error in %s\n, optarg);
-  exit (2);
+  confval = long_options[longindex].val;
+  config_opt = option_data[confval  ~BOOLEAN_NEG_MARKER];
+  if (strcmp (config_opt-long_name, config) == 0)
+  userrc_ret = run_wgetrc (optarg);
+  use_userconfig = true;
+  if (!userrc_ret)
+  printf (Exiting due to error in %s\n, optarg);
+  exit (2);
+  else
-  else

   /* If the user did not specify a config, read the system wgetrc and 
~/.wgetrc. */

[Plus the same return - exit() change as reported earlier.]

   I still have some VMS-specific builder changes to make, but the
changes to src/connect.c, src/log.c, and src/main.c seem to be all
that I've needed in the common code (so far).  For completeness:

ALP $ gdiff -u src/connect.c_orig src/connect.c
--- src/connect.c_orig  2011-08-07 15:55:23 -0500
+++ src/connect.c   2011-09-29 09:23:37 -0500
@@ -36,8 +36,13 @@
 #include unistd.h
 #include assert.h

-#include sys/socket.h
-#include sys/select.h
+# include sys/socket.h
+#endif /* def HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H */
+# include sys/select.h
+#endif /* def HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H */

 #ifndef WINDOWS
 # ifdef __VMS

   Assuming that I eventually get satisfactory VMS builders constructed,
is there any interest in including the VMS-specific files in the main
wget distribution kit, or should I assume that the victim will need to
obtain and unpack a suplementary VMS-specific kit (scattered VMS
builders, vms/ directory) onto a normal wget source directory?  (Or a
complete VMS-compatible kit, as in the past.)

   Steven M. Schweda   sms@antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street(+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

[Bug-wget] Recursive wget: change in handling of file permissions?

2011-09-29 Thread Metzler, Chris

I'm experiencing some odd behavior with recursive ftp wgets.  In a more
recent version, the recursive wget appears to ignore the umask and gives
the downloaded files the same permissions as on the remote machine,
despite not requesting this via a command line argument.

For example, on machine A (RHEL, wget 1.10.2), I execute the following

wget -v -nH -A SAO -T 60 -w 1

and download the file; the file is mode 664, which corresponds to the
umask of 002.  If I then add a recursive switch to the command line:

wget -v -nH -r -A SAO -T 60 -w 1

the directory structure in which the file is created is obviously
different, but the file permissions are the same:  664, or rw-rw-r--.

Now, I move to machine B, (Ubuntu, wget 1.12) and do the same two
commands -- the first without the -r flag, and the second with.  On
the first run, the file downloads with mode 664, agreeing with the umask
of 002.  When I run the second command, *with* the -r flag, in
addition to the different directory structure, the file permissions are
444, or r--r--r--, the same as they are on the remote machine.

(NOTE:  at this point you maybe asking why are you doing a recursive
download, or adding the -A flag, when you're only downloading one file?
In practice, I'm not downloading just one file -- a specific filename
won't be present, and the URL will end with the scaled subdirectory.
I just wanted to include examples that you could try yourself without
downloading 100 files.)

I need to be able to do recursive downloads while having the file
permissions match my umask.  Is that no longer possible in more recent
versions of wget?  Or am I doing something wrong here?



Chris Metzler
Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7669

Re: [Bug-wget] Wget 1.13.4 v. VMS -- Various problems

2011-09-29 Thread Steven M. Schweda
I still have some VMS-specific builder changes to make, but the
 changes to src/connect.c, src/log.c, and src/main.c seem to be all
 that I've needed in the common code (so far).  [...]

   Well, not quite.  In src/openssl.c:ssl_init(), there's this:

  SSL_METHOD const *meth;

which causes a problem with some older OpenSSL kits (0.9.8j, for
example), where the argument to SSL_CTX_new() was not declared as
const (as it is in a newer OpenSSL kit, like, say, 1.0.0e):

CC /float = ieee_float  /include = ([], [.ALPHAL],  [-.LIB], [-.LIB.ALPHAL], [-.
VMS])   /prefix_library_entries =  (all_entries, except = (utime , __UTC_UTIME))

  ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new (meth);
%CC-W-NOTCONSTQUAL, In this statement, the referenced type of the pointer value
meth is const, but the referenced type of the target of this assignment is not
at line number 204 in file ALP2$DKC0:[utility.source.WGET.wget-1_13_4.src]openss

Naturally, the latest HP-supplied SSL kit is based on some 0.9.8 kit, so
this would likely affect more users than one might expect.  I don't know
what the preferred solution would be.  Adding a type cast seems to fix
the problem here:

ALP $ gdiff -u src/openssl.c_orig src/openssl.c
--- src/openssl.c_orig  2011-08-29 03:01:24 -0500
+++ src/openssl.c   2011-09-29 17:40:09 -0500
@@ -201,7 +201,9 @@
   abort ();

-  ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new (meth);
+  /* The type cast below accomodates older OpenSSL versions (0.9.8)
+ where SSL_CTX_new() is declared without a const argument. */
+  ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new ((SSL_METHOD *)meth);
   if (!ssl_ctx)
 goto error;

but I haven't tried it in any other environments.

   And there's still that error message in src/init.c which uses
SYSTEM_WGETRC, whether or not SYSTEM_WGETRC is defined.

   Steven M. Schweda   sms@antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street(+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

Re: [Bug-wget] Wget 1.13.4 v. VMS -- Various problems

2011-09-29 Thread Steven M. Schweda
And there's still that error message in src/init.c which uses
 SYSTEM_WGETRC, whether or not SYSTEM_WGETRC is defined.

   One possible solution:

--- src/init.c_orig 2011-08-19 05:06:20 -0500
+++ src/init.c  2011-09-30 00:44:16 -0500
@@ -597,21 +597,34 @@
  variable has been set. For internal testing purposes only!  */
   env_sysrc = getenv (SYSTEM_WGETRC);
   if (env_sysrc  file_exists_p (env_sysrc))
-ok = run_wgetrc (env_sysrc);
+  ok = run_wgetrc (env_sysrc);
+  /* If there are any problems parsing the system wgetrc file, tell
+ the user and exit */
+  if (! ok)
+  fprintf (stderr, _(\
+Parsing system wgetrc file (env SYSTEM_WGETRC) failed.  Please check\n\
+or specify a different file using --config.\n), env_sysrc);
+  exit (2);
   /* Otherwise, if SYSTEM_WGETRC is defined, use it.  */
   else if (file_exists_p (SYSTEM_WGETRC))
 ok = run_wgetrc (SYSTEM_WGETRC);
   /* If there are any problems parsing the system wgetrc file, tell
  the user and exit */
   if (! ok)
   fprintf (stderr, _(\
-Parsing system wgetrc file failed, please check '%s'.   \
-Or specify a different file using --config\n), SYSTEM_WGETRC);
+Parsing system wgetrc file failed.  Please check\n\
+or specify a different file using --config.\n), SYSTEM_WGETRC);
   exit (2);
   /* Override it with your own, if one exists.  */
   file = wgetrc_file_name ();
   if (!file)

Aside from working when SYSTEM_WGETRC is not defined, it provides
distinct messages for the two different ways the system wgetrc file
might have been specified.

ALP $ define /user_mode system_wgetrc sys$manager:.wgetrcx
ALP $ wgx  --version
WGET: Syntax error in sys$manager:.wgetrcx at line 1.
Parsing system wgetrc file (env SYSTEM_WGETRC) failed.  Please check
or specify a different file using --config.

   Steven M. Schweda   sms@antinode-info
   382 South Warwick Street(+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547