[Bug-wget] Info wget

2016-10-26 Thread Daniele Dinaro
I have a question about using wget. Now I am days that I can not all in
vain, my aim is to download a file from a website that is generated through
a form.

For example the site is this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30431

To the bottom of the page there is the link for download, is a simple
"submit" button belonging to the form that will attract directed, via the
"action" this address: "

the form is this:

> http://www.armaholic.net/downloader.php?download_file=chili/addons/units/BTC-Militia-version-1.1.7z
> ">
> What is two plus two?

I have write this command for my .bat file

> %WGET%  --http-user=Mozilla/5.0 --save-cookies=cookies.txt
> --keep-session-cookies --header="Content-Type:
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -c --no-check-certificate
> --post-data=--post-data="captcha=I am a human^!=3910CD8F" -c
> http://www.armaholic.net/downloader.php?download_file=chili/addons/units/BTC-Militia-version-1.1.7z

I hope you manage to help me, I have not slept in days.

Thank you

[Bug-wget] --unlink is ineffective

2016-10-26 Thread Piotr Figiel
there seem to be an issue with wget. Whenever you run it with --unlink and
the file already exists locally the file is not overwritten. It appears
that the decision whether to unlink is made after a new numbered name is
generated and stored in hs->local_file. As before unlink() a check is done
vs the new name the file with original name is never deleted.

Per wget manual:
   Force Wget to unlink file instead of clobbering existing file.
This option is useful for downloading to the directory with hardlinks.

I'd expect it to unlink the file instead of creating a new name for it.
This was reproduced with http on wget 1.15 and 1.17.1.