Le 14/11/2023 à 19:22, Derek Tombrello a écrit :
I appreciate that. I'll check that out. In the mean time, I came up with
a bash script to fix the issue with the ones I've already downloaded. In
case anyone else is interested or needs it, two simply commands run in
the same directory as the index.html files:

rename 's/index\.html\?page=([0-9]+)\&/index$1.html/' *
sed -Ei 's/index\.html\?page=([0-9]+)\&/index\1.html/' *.html

Hi, that's the sort of things I do too. In a lot of the huge on-line archives of the Web of the past I've made the lasts years, even when sucking has worked mostly right, there are always some corrections like this to be done.

/"First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did

Very long quotations(longer than the actual content). In french, we've got a little book telling this story, called "Les matins bruns". It sold well, but sadly without great effects on people's minds. A derivative short film, with the same title, very strange, has been made from it too.
Sincerely, Stephane Ascoet

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