CVE-2013-6825 DCMTK Root Privilege escalation

2014-06-04 Thread Hector Marco

CVE-2013-6825 DCMTK Root Privilege escalation

About DCMTK:

DCMTK is a collection of libraries and applications implementing large parts
the DICOM standard. It includes software for examining, constructing and
converting DICOM image files, handling offline media, sending and receiving
images over a network connection, as well as demonstrative image storage and
worklist servers


A bug in DCMTK for versions prior to 3.6.1 allows to do a privilege 
All DCMTK versions since 1993 to the current 3.6.1 (released 
February-2014) are

affected. The vulnerable packages are:

- dcmpsrcv
- dcmprscp
- movescu
- storescp
- dcmqrscp
- wlmscpfs
- dcmrecv

Details, patches, discussion and strategy to exploit at:

Hector Marco

CVE-2013-6825 DCMTK Root Privilege escalation

2014-06-03 Thread Hector Marco

CVE-2013-6825 DCMTK Root Privilege escalation

About DCMTK:

DCMTK is a collection of libraries and applications implementing large parts
the DICOM standard. It includes software for examining, constructing and
converting DICOM image files, handling offline media, sending and receiving
images over a network connection, as well as demonstrative image storage and
worklist servers


A bug in DCMTK for versions prior to 3.6.1 allows to do a privilege 
All DCMTK versions since 1993 to the current 3.6.1 (released 
February-2014) are

affected. The vulnerable packages are:

- dcmpsrcv
- dcmprscp
- movescu
- storescp
- dcmqrscp
- wlmscpfs
- dcmrecv

Details, patches, discussion and strategy to exploit at:

Hector Marco