Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-25 Thread Travis Siegel

Interestingly enough, I don't know if it's because it handles links
differently or what, but lynx doesn't treat these as clickable links.
Normally when encountering a mailto link it allows you to click on it to
email.  Because this is imbedded in an src tag though probably makes it
ignore it.  All I get on the screen is a couple hundred crash words and
that's it. :)
Guess there is something to be said for text-based browsers after all.

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-25 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, John Percival wrote:

 I'm going to try and throw another issue into this discussion now too:
 denial of service. We have discussed it for attacking remote servers, but
 not for the client viewing the image. It's something else that I spotted
 while I was playing around with this issue just now.

 If you have images that include a mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] source,
 then the default handler for mailto: links is opened up. Be that Outlook,
 Netscape Composer, Eudora, or whatever else you care to use.

 So if someone embedded 100 (arbitrary figure) mailto: images in a page, then
 this would do a lot of harm to the user's computer. At best, it would get
 very busy for a few minutes creating new emails, and would be a pain to
 clear up. At worst, it could bring the whole system crashing down.

This is a user agent problem.  Since the mailto scheme can't be used to
fetch an image, script, style sheet, object, or anything else, mailto URIs
should be ignored in the img, object, link, script, and other elements.

I just checked Mozilla and it ignores them.

HTML is loaded with these kinds of hazards.  img src=file:///dev/zero,
microsoft's con\con problems, etc.  Careful user agent design is required.


Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-24 Thread Michal Szokolo

John Percival wrote:
 I'm going to try and throw another issue into this discussion now too:
 denial of service. We have discussed it for attacking remote servers, but
 not for the client viewing the image. It's something else that I spotted
 while I was playing around with this issue just now.
 If you have images that include a mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] source,
 then the default handler for mailto: links is opened up. Be that Outlook,
 Netscape Composer, Eudora, or whatever else you care to use.
 So if someone embedded 100 (arbitrary figure) mailto: images in a page, then
 this would do a lot of harm to the user's computer. At best, it would get
 very busy for a few minutes creating new emails, and would be a pain to
 clear up. At worst, it could bring the whole system crashing down.

Netscape 4.77 crashes at about 50 such IMG tags, IF they are different
(simply putting mailto:fakeluser@fakedomain 100 times won't work (opens
only 2 message windows)), but if you go with some script... instant
crash (try it now free of charge at ;-)).

I'm an ugly boy| Nie wchodzic na
My face makes you hurl | REKLAMY:
I'm a relation |Dla snobow:
To Frankenstein's creation | Wypij za mnie:

Re: [BUGTRAQ] Re: never-ending Referer arguments (The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images)

2001-06-22 Thread CDI

On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, Peter W wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 03:44:10PM +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
   Folks are missing the point on the Referer check that I suggested.
  I intentionally selected to not go down that path in my message as there
  are quite a bit of pitfalls with Referer, and it can easily be
  misunderstood allowing the application designer falsely think they have
  done a secure design using Referer.
 You also revealed your lack of understanding the Referer check logic when

Snide commentary aside, there seems to be a misunderstanding about
Referers and their use in any type of validation or check.

Let me see if I can make this as clear as possible:

Using the referer for anything other than statistics gathering to show the
marketing wonks who is linking to your site would be, and is, a mistake.

Whether the referer exists or not, is correct or not, or is even the
correct format for a URI should be completely irrelevant. If the referer
is relevant in -any- way to the integrity of the data you are attempting
to validate then your security model is broken.

 All this chatter about Referer checks amounts to two things:
  - some folks not understanding the model

I understand your model perfectly well and I see it for the fallacy that it
is. That you apparently cannot see this for yourself is distressing.

I do not see the logic in validating user submitted (form) data with yet
more user submitted data. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding why you (or anyone
for that matter) would blindly put any credibility what-so-ever in any user
input, which includes the Referer.

Your three-stage security model has but 1 stage that I can see.  The
other two steps are sugar coating that add no further benefit to your
security model. From one of your previous emails...

 An attacker can trick the victim's browser into sending 1 + 2. Or the
 attacker himself can send 2 + 3. But the attacker cannot get the victim to
 send 1 + 2 + 3, unless the application is poorly designed.

By definition an exploitable web application is poorly designed. I can and I
have written exploits to re-produce not only valid input, but valid cookies
and referer data all in the same instant. The victim didn't even need to
click a link - they just opened their webmail and the application was
instantly compromised - I had their cookies, the URL data and the referer
all rolled into one. The webmail was compromised because my exploit
successfully reproduced all three of your security stages.

Every single crack out there - from brute forcing passwords to overruning
buffers is dependant upon one thing: Improper validation of user supplied or
manipulated data. If you decide to treat the Referer as anything other than
what it is, untrustworthy user data, you do so at your peril.

  - folks legitiately disagreeing on the number of user who might be
locked out by a Referer check.

Those that check the referer for purposes beyond statistical or marketing
needs are just wasting time. It can not and will not make the data any safer
or more trustworthy.


The Web Master's Net
 I would imagine even a trained MSCE-monkey can run a virus scan...
  OW! What the hell? Ack! Help! Idealism is biting me on the ass!   
  Get it off! Get it off!  -- Andrew Boring in the Monastery

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-22 Thread John Percival

I'm going to try and throw another issue into this discussion now too:
denial of service. We have discussed it for attacking remote servers, but
not for the client viewing the image. It's something else that I spotted
while I was playing around with this issue just now.

If you have images that include a mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] source,
then the default handler for mailto: links is opened up. Be that Outlook,
Netscape Composer, Eudora, or whatever else you care to use.

So if someone embedded 100 (arbitrary figure) mailto: images in a page, then
this would do a lot of harm to the user's computer. At best, it would get
very busy for a few minutes creating new emails, and would be a pain to
clear up. At worst, it could bring the whole system crashing down.

So there's something else that needs to be checked in webmail clients in
incoming mail, or user submitted content on forums, guestbooks, etc.
Blocking mailto: in image tags seems like the best solution for us at
vBulletin, so that is probably what we will do. In most general cases, only
allowing mailto: in a href=... tags seems like the best solution, or at
least not allowing it in images, iframes, embed, object, javascript, etc,
etc. I have a feeling that accessing news: or nntp:// might have a similar
undesirable effect, but I have not tested this.

Finally, another problem that we had to address a while ago in vBulletin was
the use of the about: 'handler' in Internet Explorer. Try viewing this URL
from your faviourite version of IE (tested on 6.0 beta)


This allows anyone to insert their very own HTML, unchecked for nasties,
javascript, or anything else, directly into the client's browser. Note that
it may need to be 'url encoded' according to RFC1738. This will work for an
a tag, and I guess that if would probably work for an iframe. In vBulletin,
we test against that by adding a space between about and the colon, which
effectively disables any problems.

A few that I did test within images in Internet Explorer 6.0, but did not
come out with anything useful, are:

Anyway, a few more things to discuss and chew over there!

John Percival
Product Manager, vBulletin

vBulletin: Community Instantly

[Fwd: Re: Cross-Site Request Forgeries (Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images)]

2001-06-19 Thread Peter W

Regarding IMG tags in HTML email, here is a good point I received off-list.
The sender did not wish to post directly, but approved forwarding this note.


- Forwarded message (anonymous, forwarded with permission) -

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 22:55:41 +0200
From: anonymous
Subject: Re: Cross-Site Request Forgeries (Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post 

On 2001-06-15 at 09:26 -0400, Peter W gifted us with:
   I wonder how it would work in HTML mail clients, though? You
 could restrict to the sender's domain, but email is the easiest thing in
 the world to spoof. (And an effective attack vector, especially against
 things like messageboards that expose email addresses.) HTML email is just
 evil evil evil. I can't see much need for HTML email to reference *any*
 external documents, or to allow, as Jay Beale suggested, the use of things
 like META refresh tags to effect client-pull CSRF attacks.

Personally, I loath HTML email.  However, surely a better approach for
this is simply to restrict IMG links by insisting that the source be
inline to the email.

RFC 2112, multipart/related.  Require that email IMG URLs start cid:;
in order to be automatically rendered.  Whether or not to _allow_ the
rendering of other IMGs is a more contentious issue.

(Just one of those ideas which I've had floating around for a while,
 mainly to stop tracking of who's reading spam HTML email)

- End forwarded message -

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-19 Thread Sverre H. Huseby

(First, thanks a _lot_ for Squid, Henrik!)

[Henrik Nordstrom]

|   Further, if you pass around the ticket in URLs then this class of
|   attacks will also have full access to the ticket from the referer
|   URL, so if you only base your security on these two measurements
|   (client IP + ticket present in the URL) then your are most likely
|   at risk here.

There are, of course, no reason to add a ticket to off-site links.
The tickets are only understandable by our web application.

Tickets should only be tied to actions that have side effects on our
server (for which GET may be Wrong Thing anyway).  If this principle
is followed, I can't see how anyone would be able to pick up Referers
containing tickets without having access to our server.  Please
enlighten me if I've misunderstood anything here.



Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-19 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

Sverre H. Huseby wrote:

 There are, of course, no reason to add a ticket to off-site links.
 The tickets are only understandable by our web application.
 Tickets should only be tied to actions that have side effects on our
 server (for which GET may be Wrong Thing anyway).  If this principle
 is followed, I can't see how anyone would be able to pick up Referers
 containing tickets without having access to our server.  Please
 enlighten me if I've misunderstood anything here.

If the your page for some reasons references an external object (page,
image or whatever) then this external object will get the refeferer
header indicating the full URL of your page. If this URL (the URL of
your page) includes the users ticket then the ticket is exposed to that
external object.

From this simple reason, my the guideline is to never include tickets in
URL's. Always pass them around using (hidden) form fields sent via POST.

Henrik Nordstrom
Squid HTTP proxy developer

Re: never-ending Referer arguments (The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images)

2001-06-19 Thread Peter W

On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 03:44:10PM +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
  Folks are missing the point on the Referer check that I suggested.
 I intentionally selected to not go down that path in my message as there
 are quite a bit of pitfalls with Referer, and it can easily be
 misunderstood allowing the application designer falsely think they have
 done a secure design using Referer.


You also revealed your lack of understanding the Referer check logic when
you wrote It is well known that Referer can be forged, and to further add
to this some browsers preserve Referer when following redirects, allowing
this kind of attacks to bypass any Referer check if your users follows URL's
(direct or indirect via images) posted by other users or even your own staff
when linking to external sites. Neither forging Referers nor preserving
Referers across redirects threatens the model I suggested.

 Also, as shown earlier in the thread, using Referer may render the
 service less useful for some people. There are people who filter out
 Referer from their HTTP traffic becuase there is too many bugs in
 user-agents showing Referer to things it should not expose externally.

I mentioned that myself, as you may recall.

As for recommending one-time tickets, we agree there.

All this chatter about Referer checks amounts to two things:
 - some folks not understanding the model
 - folks legitiately disagreeing on the number of user who might be
   locked out by a Referer check.

Web applications designer and Squid user :-)

Re: [Fwd: Re: Cross-Site Request Forgeries (Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images)]

2001-06-19 Thread Lincoln Yeoh

Re: images in html email. 

It's not just images. There are other tags - embed, etc.

And if Microsoft Word becomes very intertwined with IE (word uses IE to
fetch stuff) then word documents with image/object links will also be an
issue. Mix well and add a few macros to taste ;).


Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-18 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

Unfortunately, using client IP in access controls/sessions will render
your service unusable for some people behind load balanced proxies. In
such environment the source IP is not tied to the user, and will change
every now and then between a set of different IP's (not to mention that
there may be thousands of other users using the same IP).

Also, please note that the class of attacks described here uses the
users own browser, so your IP check won't do any good here as the
attacks comes from the users own browser with his IP. Further, if you
pass around the ticket in URLs then this class of attacks will also have
full access to the ticket from the referer URL, so if you only base your
security on these two measurements (client IP + ticket present in the
URL) then your are most likely at risk here.

Using a one-time ticket embedded in forms (not URL's) as key to enable
actions, submitted only via POST (not GET), combined with proper
protection from the cross-site-scripting family of vulnerabilities
should render the service quite secure against these classes of
vulnerabilities, assuming there is no cross-site vulnerabilities in the
browsers used.

In most applications only actions needs to be protected with tickets,
not information retrieval. In such cases, the ticket should be created
when the user initiates an action, and only be valid for that specific

Lets take a discussion forum as an example. There the ticket should be
created when the user selects to create a message or reply. This ticket
then enables the user to submit this message to the forum. While the
user is only browsing the discussion forum there should not exists any

To be friendly to your users a limited set of tickets should be allowed
to be active (i.e. more than one but less than many). How many depends
on how many actions (composing messages or whatever) you allow the user
to perform in parallel.

Regarding the discussion on Referer checks. These are quite weak and
won't necessarily gain you anything in terms of security. It is well
known that Referer can be forged, and to further add to this some
browsers preserve Referer when following redirects, allowing this kind
of attacks to bypass any Referer check if your users follows URL's
(direct or indirect via images) posted by other users or even your own
staff when linking to external sites.

My recommendations in short:

1. Use one-time tickets to verify then intent whenever a user performs
an action that modifies data.

2. Make sure the application is fully protected from
cross-site-scripting (and in this case cross-user-scripting) issues.

3. If your intention is that the users are not allowed to link directly
into your application then use Referer checks, but do not rely on this
for verifying intent. There are other measurements much more reliable.

4. Do not rely on the client IP in session management. There are plenty
of legitimate cases where the client IP is not static and may change in
between two requests of the same session.

5. Use SSL to encrypt the traffic. However, compared to the basic risks
discussed here encryption is only a minor thing, and won't by itself
solve anything.

Henrik Nordstrom
Squid HTTP proxy developer

Tim Nowaczyk wrote:

 My company  implemented this but went one more step.  They
 created a file that had (IP, ticket) pairs. The ticket was
 passed around in URLs, but wasn't valid unless it came from
 the specific IP.  To pretend to be someone else, one would
 have to spoof their IP and guess the value of their (10 hour
 life-cycle) ticket.  We did this, originally, because we
 wanted to support web browsers that didn't use cookies.
 The file was, actually, more like (IP, ticket,
 cookie-type-options-and-settings). It worked well for us.
   Tim Nowaczyk

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-18 Thread Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov

On 15 Jun 01 at 12:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  When the request comes in, check if the incoming ticket matches the
  one stored in this user's session.  If it does, this particular user
  was given the offer by our server, and not by anyone else.  To spoof
  this system, someone would have to guess or otherwise find out what
  ticket value the victim was given by the server.
  To make it harder to find the ticket value given to a user, you could give
  the user many tickets, one for each possible action.  This solution would
  require a ticket pool in the user's session.  I've implemented the
  latter solution in both PHP and Java.  Let me know if you would like some
  code.  (It's not at all hard to implement, of course.)
   My company  implemented this but went one more step.  They created a file
   that had (IP, ticket) pairs. The ticket was passed around in URLs, but
   wasn't valid unless it came from the specific IP.  To pretend to be
   someone else, one would have to spoof their IP and guess the value of
^^(2)  ^^^(3)
   their (10 hour life-cycle) ticket.  We did this, originally, because we
   wanted to support web browsers that didn't use cookies.  The file was,
   actually, more like (IP, ticket, cookie-type-options-and-settings).  It
   worked well for us.

(2) should be extended with or to use the same proxy.

(3) becomes much more simple due to (1), especially because if you allow
inline images, the browser will supply the ticket in Referer: header when
requesting the image.

So, in many cases this extra step gives more cons than pros.  But if
sending such tickets via POST instead of URLs, this step is a good thing.

   Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov  |  Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
   phone (383-2)-39-49-56 |  The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
  |  Lab. 5-13

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-18 Thread Brett Lymn

According to Tim Nowaczyk:

  My company implemented this but went one more step.  They created a
  file that had (IP, ticket) pairs. The ticket was passed around in
  URLs, but wasn't valid unless it came from the specific IP.  To
  pretend to be someone else, one would have to spoof their IP and
  guess the value of their (10 hour life-cycle) ticket.  We did this,
  originally, because we wanted to support web browsers that didn't
  use cookies.  The file was, actually, more like (IP, ticket,
  cookie-type-options-and-settings).  It worked well for us.

You are lucky.  There are two cases which will invalidate this

1) A bunch of users are behind a single web proxy (such as squid) so
   they all appear to come from the same IP address.  This means you
   will have multiple tickets for the same IP.

2) A bunch of users are behind a multi-parented web proxy, in which
   case the users will appear to come from one of a number of
   addresses.  This leads to bizarre behaviour - the user
   authenticates successfully but gets kicked off later because the
   ticket/IP pair don't match because a different parent to the one
   the user authenticated on happened to handle the request.

Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, BAE SYSTEMS

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-16 Thread Marc Slemko

(replying to two messages at once here)

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Ben Gollmer wrote:

 This is not a big deal if you use some validation on images (in PHP at 
 Try the function getImageSize(); it will return an array containing the 
 size of the image, as well as the format. If the file specified is not a 
 GIF, JPEG, PNG, or SWF, getImageSize() returns null.

Simply verifying it once before you accept the post is not sufficient.
It is easy to point to something that is a valid image at the time of
the post, but then later change that to be a redirect to a 
compromising URL.

And verifying it every time or uploading the image to be stored on the
server can be quite slow or resource intensive, respectively.

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Richard M. Smith wrote:

 This is a *very* interesting finding.  It seems
 kind of obvious too.  I wonder why no one seems
 to have run across it before.  

People have.  It just isn't something the world in general cares much
about, like most other security vulnerabilities that aren't presented in
the way of a particular, high profile, example.  A lot of these issues are
fairly closely related to cross site scripting related issues that are
still rampant on many sites.

 This same weakness can be exploited from an
 HTML email message also.  The bottom line is that
 a privileged operation should always require
 an HTTP POST and never allow a GET.  Hmm, I wonder how many
 Web sites break this rule?
 At least in Outlook 2002, cookies are disabled
 in HTML email messages by default.  With other
 email readers, cookies are likely turned on 
 by default.
 Interesting how cookies continue to bite us in the butt!  
 In this situation, it is third-party cookies
 that are doing the biting.

It isn't cookies that are the problem in particular.  The same
issues come up regardless of what automatic long-lived login (or
even session logins in the case of a message board where the viewing
of HTML that results in the browser performing an action with
unexpected results) authentication scheme is being used.  This can
be an issue with cookies.  This can be an issue with HTTP basic
auth, digest auth, NTLM auth, and even SSL client certificates.
All provided they are setup to automatically send the authentication
to the server without prompting the user, or that the user accepts
any dialog box because that is what they normally do.

Actually, using SSL client certificates for strong authentication,
given weak UI implementations in today's clients, really scares
me.  Not because the authentication isn't cryptographically strong,
but simply because it is too transparent to the user.

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-16 Thread Ryan Kennedy

 The interesting part of this bug is the fact that its exploitable on some
 very large sites, and is open to a large number of users. Bulletin boards in
 particular allow inline image posting, and this is what creates the
 problem...inline images in a system with cookie based authentication.

One system that has been entirely ignored in the conversation thus far
is webmail services. Many webmail clients inline HTML parts leaving
themselves susceptible to attack. More importantly, systems that provide
single sign on to several services through cookie based systems (i.e. a
portal) make themselves even more vulnerable. Imagine a portal with
webmail. A user receives an inlined image which has it's source URL
pointing to some service on that portal's network. That request is now
authorized as far as the portal's concerned. Even if the mail
application is secure from attack, there's no guarantee that all other
services on the portal network are secure.

 This technique has more issues than just false authentication, though, and
 could possibly be used towards distributed DoS type attacks. Some forums
 have 50k+ users, and each user who viewed a certain thread could be
 accessing some resource intensive script on a remote server. If posted on
 several highly trafficed forums, the victimized server would go down in no

The DoS attack is actually much worse than it sounds. Imagine posting an
HTML message with an image tag to a newsgroup, instead of a web forum,
with heavy traffic (some porn images group). If the image tag had it's
source pointing to a common URL, it could quickly bring that site down
due to the volume of people downloading the message from the newsgroup
and referencing the image tag contained within.

Ryan Kennedy

Re[2]: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-16 Thread Alexander K. Yezhov

Following upon the letter of Friday, June 15, 2001:

RMS This  is  a  *very* interesting finding. It seems kind of obvious
RMS too. I wonder why no one seems to have run across it before.

It  reminds me Client Side Trojans thread. Also similar problem with
authorization  have  been  described  at  (Web and your
privacy  section). The problem is that once authorised you don't have
to  enter  password  again  if  you are redirected to some form inside
protected (via .htaccess, cookie, etc) area.

Best regards, Alexander   

MCP+I, MCSE, BrainBench certificates

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-16 Thread Peter W

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 09:12:05PM -0400, Chris Lambert wrote:

 would it be safe to check
 that if a referer is present, it contains the sites' domain name,


 but if it
 isn't, it most likely wouldn't have been referenced in an img tag or
 submitted via JavaScript?

You mean it's safe/legitimate? No. Client-pull META tags generate requests
without Referers, as I've said a couple times in this thread, and in
previous Bugtraq discussions, too. :-)

If you don't see the Referer, you can't trust the request. Your best bet is 
to lock out users who won't pass Referers.

Or at least, when you initialize a user session, note if they seem to be
passing Referer values. If they are, then you should certainly reject any
later request that seems to be theirs, but lacks a Referer header.

Note that in some cases, MSIE won't send a Referer if the TARGET of a link 
is a different window, or that used to be the case. 

This is messy.


Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-16 Thread Tim Nowaczyk

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 08:34:33PM +0200, Sverre H. Huseby wrote:
 A possible solution (for web developers) seems to be to make sure the
 user has been given an offer to do something before letting him do it:
 Give each user a unique ticket, and for each action on a web page,
 bind this ticket to it.  Examples on URL an form follow:
   input type=hidden name=ticket value=9871398747
 When the request comes in, check if the incoming ticket matches the
 one stored in this user's session.  If it does, this particular user
 was given the offer by our server, and not by anyone else.  To spoof
 this system, someone would have to guess or otherwise find out what
 ticket value the victim was given by the server.
 To make it harder to find the ticket value given to a user, you could
 give the user many tickets, one for each possible action.  This
 solution would require a ticket pool in the user's session.  I've
 implemented the latter solution in both PHP and Java.  Let me know if
 you would like some code.  (It's not at all hard to implement, of
  My company  implemented this but went one more step.  They created a file that had 
(IP, ticket) pairs. The ticket was passed around in URLs, but wasn't valid unless it 
came from the specific IP.  To pretend to be someone else, one would have to spoof 
their IP and guess the value of their (10 hour life-cycle) ticket.  We did this, 
originally, because we wanted to support web browsers that didn't use cookies.  The 
file was, actually, more like (IP, ticket, cookie-type-options-and-settings).  It 
worked well for us.

  Tim Nowaczyk


Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images (fwd)

2001-06-16 Thread Lincoln Yeoh

At 10:29 AM 6/15/01 -0400, Shafik Yaghmour wrote:
   Yeah this is kind'a old if you have been developing sites for a
while, you also need to consider that someone can also do this off the
site as well. So if they have the ability to link to a site from your
site they can get people to go to that site and then do the post from that
site and this defeats this protection. Therefore, although, everyone
HTTP_REFERER checking, in this case it will protect the innocent user.

I agree, it's an old problem (well as long as the web has been around :) )
and there are various ways to try to solve it depending on the
circumstances. I did post to vuln-dev regarding this last year - asking for
other people's ideas on how they solve it (Subject: How to prevent
malicious linking/posting to webapps?).

   For critical areas you could also force the user to enter their
password or something similar which will also prevent this attack from

This does work reasonably well, but I'd reserve this for very critical
areas only (Are you sure you want to buy 10 million shares of Company X).
This is used in at least one local bank. If you use this too often the
users get annoyed, but so far they like it when it's used judiciously.

For less critical but still important things, I've been using confirmation
pages and checksums.

Basically, the cgi parameters are passed to the app. If there's no
confirmation value, a confirmation value is generated using a cryptographic
hash of the active session's random string, the relevant cgi parameters,
and a secret, then a confirmation form is displayed with hidden fields
containing those parameters. If the user clicks yes, the values are
resubmitted along with the new valid confirmation value. If the user clicks
no, the user is returned to the calling page using the decoded stack cgi
parameter (if present) .

If an invalid confirmation value is provided, the app logs the attempt and
the HTTP-Referer, and displays the confirmation form with a warning as well.

Only if the confirmation value is correct will the action take place.

One problem of linking confirmation values to the session is that if the
user times out the forms have to be reloaded, regenerated and some info
might be lost. 

For example, if user is typing out a message in a form containing the
confirmation value but times out, if the user clicks submit, the user has
to log in again. If it weren't for the confirmation value being tied to the
session, the user's data could be submitted automatically after a
successful login. I still prefer it being tied to the session tho, because
that reduces further the chance of replay attacks - once the session is
invalid, you can't use that confirmation value anymore, even if it's for
the same action and same objects.


Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-15 Thread Sverre H. Huseby

[www-mobile-code would probably be a more appropriate list for this]

It seems to me that what you talk about is Client Side Trojans,
which were discussed in the Zope forum in May last year.

This is a far reaching security problem.  The links you talk about may
just as well be sent in mail, or they may be viewed from a different
web site.  Mails and different web sites may include JavaScript that
posts prefilled forms on behalf of the user, so using POST rather than
GET will not fully solve the problem.  As long as the user is already
authenticated to the site in questions.  Some sites offering always
logged in, and intranets using eg. NTLM authentication are
particularly vulnerable to this kind of attack.

A possible solution (for web developers) seems to be to make sure the
user has been given an offer to do something before letting him do it:
Give each user a unique ticket, and for each action on a web page,
bind this ticket to it.  Examples on URL an form follow:

  input type=hidden name=ticket value=9871398747

When the request comes in, check if the incoming ticket matches the
one stored in this user's session.  If it does, this particular user
was given the offer by our server, and not by anyone else.  To spoof
this system, someone would have to guess or otherwise find out what
ticket value the victim was given by the server.

To make it harder to find the ticket value given to a user, you could
give the user many tickets, one for each possible action.  This
solution would require a ticket pool in the user's session.  I've
implemented the latter solution in both PHP and Java.  Let me know if
you would like some code.  (It's not at all hard to implement, of



RE: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-15 Thread Richard M. Smith

This is a *very* interesting finding.  It seems
kind of obvious too.  I wonder why no one seems
to have run across it before.  

This same weakness can be exploited from an
HTML email message also.  The bottom line is that
a privileged operation should always require
an HTTP POST and never allow a GET.  Hmm, I wonder how many
Web sites break this rule?

At least in Outlook 2002, cookies are disabled
in HTML email messages by default.  With other
email readers, cookies are likely turned on 
by default.

Interesting how cookies continue to bite us in the butt!  
In this situation, it is third-party cookies
that are doing the biting.

Of course, with JavaScript enabled in email,
a malicious message can still do a POST.  Yet
another reason to turn off JavaScript in email.

Richard M. Smith
CTO, Privacy Foundation

-Original Message-
From: John Percival [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 2:33 PM
Subject: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

This exploit shows how almost any script that uses cookie session/login
data to validate CGI forms can be exploited if the users can post

One of our developers, Chris 'stallion' Lambert (
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ), discovered this exploit in a routine internal
security audit.

Allowing users to post inline images is potentially a bad thing. Having
the user authentication based solely on cookies is another potentially
bad thing. When you put them together, it gets a whole lot worse. I will
explain this problem with reference to a typical forum system, but
naturally, it can be extended to almost any other CGI script, not just
limited to PHP scripts. We have also tested this with Infopop's Ultimate
Bulletin Board 6.04e, ezboard 6.2 and WWW Threads PHP 5.4, and at the
time of writing, all three were susceptible to attack.

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-15 Thread Ben Gollmer

This is not a big deal if you use some validation on images (in PHP at 

Try the function getImageSize(); it will return an array containing the 
size of the image, as well as the format. If the file specified is not a 
GIF, JPEG, PNG, or SWF, getImageSize() returns null.

This is also beneficial if you don't want users posting huge images to 
your forum. In this code, the image must be 800x600 or less.

//quick sample code follows
//$imagePath is the URL provided; doesn't matter if its via GET or POST

$imageInfo = getImageSize($imagePath);

print(Sorry, image cannot be opened or is not a valid image type.);
elseif($imageInfo[0] = 800 || $imageInfo[1] = 600)
print(Sorry, image too big);

//and so on

More info here:

Ben Gollmer
Jatosoft, LLC

Re: Cross-Site Request Forgeries (Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images)

2001-06-15 Thread Chris Lambert

- Original Message -
Subject: Cross-Site Request Forgeries (Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to
Post Images)

| I hope you don't mind if I expand on this a bit. You've come across the
| tip, in my opinion, of a rather large iceberg. It's another
| Web/trust-relationship problem. Many Web applications are fairly good at
| identifying users and understanding requests, but terrible at verifying
| origins and intent.

Yes, and oddly enough, its an iceberg thats been floating all around us for

| The problem isn't the IMG tag on the message board, it's the backend app
| you seek to attack via the IMG tag. And I suspect lots of Web apps are
| vulnerable. Lots. I've been to training on highly-regarded, widely-used,
| expensive Web app development frameworks, and none of the classes taught
| how to avoid the problems I will attempt to describe. In fact, they all
| seem to teach the easy way of handling what look like user requests,
| which is, of course, the vulnerable way.

Yes, you're correct that its the target of the exploit which needs to be
protected. However, the reason we originally related it to message boards
was because the source and the target were tightly related. I could use an
image on a message board to, as you suggested, make an online transaction at
an online store. However, only users who had registered and logged in at
that store would be effected. With message boards, or any other script with
cookie based authentication AND inline image support, the exploit will
suceed every time.

In PHP especially, the ability to access variables via $theirname regardless
of whether they are POST, GET, COOKIE, or SERVER creates a problem. Its
easily fixed, though, by simply referencing the respective predefined array
for the element ($HTTP_POST_VARS[], $HTTP_GET_VARS[], etc...) but the
problem will remain simply because its what makes PHP easy for the beginner.

| Right. There's something much larger going on here. Darnit, I wanted to
| make a nice formal paper out of this, but you're forcing my hand. :-) The
| problem is what I call CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgeries.

You going to the O'Reilly Conference in San Diego? We should meet up to
discuss this further...maybe setup a BOF to brainstorm the far reaching
effects of CSRF and all the possible solutions for it.

|  img src=;
|  img src=;

Eek! While its a problem, the user exposed WOULD have to be registered on
the target site, and unless the target site is the source site, its not as
much of an issue as inter-system attack would be. Inter-system being, for
example, an image referenced on an EBay product page which bids on the item
featured on the page.

| Since HTML documents are popping up everywhere (even in corporate email
| systems!!!), and it's impossible to discern what IMG or HREF values might
| direct CSRF attacks, or redirect users to unwittingly do dangerous things
| via CSRF redirects, the fix has to be in the applications that do the
| interesting things.


| That's it. When your client requests /logo.gif -- exposing no cookies --
| server redirects you to a URL like the one you show, above. So
| the end result us the same as if the attacker had embedded the more
| URL inside the IMG tag.

Opera lets you disable automatic 302 redirection. Probably a good idea if
the redirect takes you off site.

| If an attacker wants, he can also use a simple, innocent looking hyperlink
| and hope the victim clicks on it (
| don't allow hyperlinks? Well, someone might copy/paste the link, and be
| stung that way. They'd notice? Maybe not -- the URL could be a mostly
| page, with a tiny frameset sliver that loads your attack URL.

This has always been a problem, and as you mentioned above, the target site
has to implement the fix. However, with the many scripting tricks available
today, we're not being left with many options.

| The fix MUST be implemented on the backend that's being attacked. In your
| example, newreply.cgi needs to be intelligent enough to detect and stop
| attacks.

| We've talked about how an attacker can post a message to the messageboard
| with innocent looking URLs. But an attacker can also simply send the
| victim a piece of HTML email including the full attack IMG URL. No amount
| of IMG tag filtering in your messageboard posting system can stop that.

We haven't implemented any img tag filtering, IIRC. John just wanted to
throw out a bunch of ideas as to what was possible.

| ** The 90% solution: Referer tests

This would work, but not all clients pass referers. For referer checking,
I'd suggest validating the form if the referer matches correctly, or if no
referer exists. Although not the perfect solution, I think that it'd be a
safe bet. Let's say 1% of all clients don't pass

Re: Cross-Site Request Forgeries (Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images)

2001-06-15 Thread Peter W

On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 02:09:57AM -0400, Chris Lambert wrote:

 Yes, you're correct that its the target of the exploit which needs to be
 protected. However, the reason we originally related it to message boards
 was because the source and the target were tightly related.

Yes, of course. It's a ripe target. Low-lying fruit. Worth special concern.

 |  img src=;
 |  img src=;
 Eek! While its a problem, the user exposed WOULD have to be registered on
 the target site, and unless the target site is the source site, its not as
 much of an issue as inter-system attack would be. Inter-system being, for
 example, an image referenced on an EBay product page which bids on the item
 featured on the page.

Yes, the tightly coupled attack is definitely more effective. I can
imagine a fair number of shenanigans on Slashdot et. al. if they're
vulnerable, e.g., Anonymous Cowards posting links to what purports to be
useful information... but I'm more concerned about things like commerce
sites and webmail sites. As one pf the long messages reference in my long
bugtraq post points out, I expect on many webmail systems an attacker
could use CSRF to make a victim send abusive email without their
knowledge. With more governments like that of the United Kindom bringing
transactional capabilities to the Web, I hope developers will pay serious
attaention to the problems of verifying origin and intent.

 Opera lets you disable automatic 302 redirection. Probably a good idea if
 the redirect takes you off site.

Yes, that does sound like generally a good idea, but it would frustrate
some applications that expect the usual behavior (I've written some such
apps myself). I wonder how it would work in HTML mail clients, though? You
could restrict to the sender's domain, but email is the easiest thing in
the world to spoof. (And an effective attack vector, especially against
things like messageboards that expose email addresses.) HTML email is just
evil evil evil. I can't see much need for HTML email to reference *any*
external documents, or to allow, as Jay Beale suggested, the use of things
like META refresh tags to effect client-pull CSRF attacks.

 | ** The 90% solution: Referer tests
 This would work, but not all clients pass referers. For referer checking,
 I'd suggest validating the form if the referer matches correctly, or if no
 referer exists. Although not the perfect solution, I think that it'd be a
 safe bet. Let's say 1% of all clients don't pass referers. The 1% would be
 validated, therefore preventing them from getting an error when simply
 interacting as usual.

I haven't thought this through very much. But check the securityfocus URL
in my post; in my testing, 100% of clients will not send Referer
information in client-pull (META refresh) scenarios. So be careful when
working with your 1% rule: with client-pull, an attacker can make anyone
suppress Referer information.

 | snipped Passing tokens or tokenized field names /snipped
 Good idea, looks to be the best solution yet.

The problem with tokenized argument names is the /logo.gif 302 attack. If
an attacker embeds an IMG reference to /logo.gif on their server, then
their server is passed a Referer (in most cases, probably 99%+) that
exposes the argument names used to read the CSRF message. I suspect you
would not be (socially) able to rename the arguments with each page
delivered. Doing things like that really frustrates users. I've tried it,
and had to back out such protection on applications used by regular folks.

The one-time-use authorization tokens seem to be solid, though. And easy 
to use, once you've got the basic Create/Verify/Invalidate methods written.

 | I'm afraid CSRF is going to be a mess to deal with in many cases.
 | Like trying to tame the seas.
 I'm in the process of launching a company that will secure web enabled
 applications from these, and other, types of attacks. CSRF seems to be one
 of the more generic types of holes which can be exploited, but there are
 certainly plenty more when dealing with user input, file handling, and
 database access.

A pattern I've seen in Web deveopment over the years -- and I suspect it's 
not just the relatively young Web area that exhibits this -- is that 
developers tend to be more paranoid when building applications for pulic / 
unathenticated access. They tend to let their guards down when writing 
applications for users who are logged in. The thinking often goes 
something like this: Well, if the site's editor is logged in and asks to 
do something stupid, that's *her fault* and I'm not going to make this 
management application idiot-proof. Hopefully this discussion of CSRF 
helps explain the importance of making sure the HTTP request your 
application handles really is the site's editor asking to do somethign 
stupid, and not simply reading an HTML email with a CSRF IMG 

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images (fwd)

2001-06-15 Thread Shafik Yaghmour

Yeah this is kind'a old if you have been developing sites for a
while, you also need to consider that someone can also do this off the
site as well. So if they have the ability to link to a site from your
site they can get people to go to that site and then do the post from that
site and this defeats this protection. Therefore, although, everyone disparages
HTTP_REFERER checking, in this case it will protect the innocent user.

For critical areas you could also force the user to enter their
password or something similar which will also prevent this attack from

You also need to filter out javascript if you allow the user to
craft their own image tags, this is a much worse problem becasue they can
then claim the users cookie, encryption won't help you here. Of course
they could also do other bad things with javascript. ( It has been pointed
out to me that most tools out there already filter, I am just trying to be
complete, there may be some following the discussion that this is not
clear to )

As well if you do encypt cookies and you use lets say Mcrypt_CFB
be careful, if data items fall within a block they can twiddle bits and
corrupt data, in that block while leaving other blocks intact so I would
advise attaching a HASH of all the data in the  cookie at the end, so if
you use a good HASH like MD5 it should be impossible for them to corrupt
cookie without you knowing, if you check. 

I had at one point thought it would be useful to use IPs to verify
users identity but AOL proxies do not maintain IP Addresses so a users IP
can change rapidly as well they vary over the whole 2 last octets of the
IP so you can't even validate that they come from the same C class
network. AOL is far from the only one that does this, I have even seen a
users IP vary over different A class networks, IIRC they where from

Take care

Wed, 13 Jun 2001, John Percival wrote:

 How can it be fixed? Well, there are a couple of ways to stop it, but the
 easiest (in PHP at least) seems to be to have most of the variables used by
 scripts be used through $HTTP_POST_VARS. So instead of checking for $action
 in a script, $HTTP_POST_VARS['action'] would be checked. This forces the
 user to use a POST request, not a GET. Alternatively, the sessionid could be
 required to come with the GET/POST request variables, rather than by cookie.
 Finally, in the specific case of [img] tags, the use of ? or  in the img
 URL can be disabled by some regexes.

--the more you know and understand the more you must know and understand
   .. knowledge is an unsatiable hunger .. which makes life easier and at
   the same time harder  knowledge is a paradox w/ no resolution just
   a boundless function of human nature  knowledge is a trap which we
   embrace and which we run away from  and in the end the only escape
   is death  or maybe not grin--
 -This message transmitted on 100% recycled electrons-
 -Save the whales, Feed the hungry, Free the mallocs-

Two cats on a roof,
Which one falls off first?
The one with the smaller mew.

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-15 Thread David Dreezer

 This exploit shows how almost any script that 
uses cookie session/login data
 to validate CGI forms can be exploited if the 
users can post images.
 One of our developers, Chris 'stallion' Lambert 
 discovered this exploit in a routine internal 
security audit.
 Allowing users to post inline images is 
potentially a bad thing. Having the
 user authentication based solely on cookies is 
another potentially bad
 thing. When you put them together, it gets a 
whole lot worse. I will explain
 this problem with reference to a typical forum 
system, but naturally, it can
 be extended to almost any other CGI script, not 
just limited to PHP scripts.
 We have also tested this with Infopop's Ultimate 
Bulletin Board 6.04e,
 ezboard 6.2 and WWW Threads PHP 5.4, and at the 
time of writing, all three
 were susceptible to attack.
 What is the problem? Well, by using an [img] (or 
HTML img or iframe or
 script src=) tag, the user is having anyone 
who views the thread access
 that image - that is perform an HTTP GET on the 
URL specified for the image.
 Even if its not an image, it still can be 
accessed, but will display a
 broken image. This means that the user can put a 
CGI script inside [img]
 tags. This script will be called by whoever 
views that thread. When used
 maliciously, it could force the user to: 
unknowingly update their profile,
 respond to polls in a certain way, post new 
messages or threads, email a
 user with whatever text they want, the list goes 
on. This would be
 particularly worrying for a 'worm' to spread 
through a forum, filling it
 with rubbish posts.
 For example, if a user posted something along 
these lines:
 Then the post would go through, under the name 
of whoever viewed the image.
 This is of particular danger when an 
administrator views an image, which
 then calls a page in an online control panel - 
thus granting the user access
 to the control panel.
 How can it be fixed? Well, there are a couple of 
ways to stop it, but the
 easiest (in PHP at least) seems to be to have 
most of the variables used by
 scripts be used through $HTTP_POST_VARS. So 
instead of checking for $action
 in a script, $HTTP_POST_VARS['action'] would be 
checked. This forces the
 user to use a POST request, not a GET. 
Alternatively, the sessionid could be
 required to come with the GET/POST request 
variables, rather than by cookie.
 Finally, in the specific case of [img] tags, the 
use of ? or  in the img
 URL can be disabled by some regexes.
 If the software that you run is not secure, we 
recommend that you disable
 HTML and/or [img] tags, until the fixes have 
been implemented.
 Known Vulnerable: Infopop's UBB 6.04e (probably 
the whole 6.xx series),
 ezboard 6.2, WWW Threads PHP 5.4, vBulletin 
2.0.0 Release Candidate 2 and
 before (later versions are safe). Probably many 
more bulletin boards and CGI
 scripts out there, but those are the main ones 
that we have been tested
 John Percival
 Product Manager, vBulletin
 vBulletin: Community Instantly
 Copyright 2001 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd

Infopop Corporation's current version of the 
Ultimate Bulletin Board™ Version, 6.04f (released 
06-12-2001 05:58 PM), does not have this 
vulnerability. Our OpenTopic™ product has never 
had this vulnerability.

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-15 Thread Chris Lambert

Unfortunately, there are way too many sites which simply use HTTP GET. Why?
Well, in PHP, variables submitted to the form are all accessible via
$theirname upon start of execution. This is a feature for the lazy, as they
don't have to reference array $HTTP_POST_VARS, array $HTTP_GET_VARS, or
array $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS. So, most PHP scripts taking user input (chat
scripts, message boards, poll scripts, user comments, anything...) will
consider a POST var the same as a GET var.

In Perl, because it wasn't originally tailored to the web (although I don't
have much experience with it), I believe that GET is seperated from POST.

Yes, it is surprise that this hasn't posted before. The Zope page Sverre
linked to is similar, but didn't make the connection with inline images.
WhiteCrown Networks - Web Application Security - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ Chris Lambert - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|- ICQ #: 16435685 - AIM: ClipperChris
`- Cell: (401) 743-2786 -

- Original Message -
From: Richard M. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

| This is a *very* interesting finding.  It seems
| kind of obvious too.  I wonder why no one seems
| to have run across it before.

| This same weakness can be exploited from an
| HTML email message also.  The bottom line is that
| a privileged operation should always require
| an HTTP POST and never allow a GET.  Hmm, I wonder how many
| Web sites break this rule?

| Richard M. Smith
| CTO, Privacy Foundation

Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-15 Thread Chris Lambert

Most message boards filter out JavaScript by default. About referer
checking, there are many clients which either do not send, or give the user
the option to not send, HTTP_REFERERs. Therefore, it wouldn't be a good move
to rely solely on checking the referer. However, would it be safe to check
that if a referer is present, it contains the sites' domain name, but if it
isn't, it most likely wouldn't have been referenced in an img tag or
submitted via JavaScript?
WhiteCrown Networks - Web Application Security - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ Chris Lambert - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|- ICQ #: 16435685 - AIM: ClipperChris
`- Cell: (401) 743-2786 -
- Original Message -
From: Shafik Yaghmour [EMAIL PROTECTED]

| Yeah this is kind'a old if you have been developing sites for a
| while, you also need to consider that someone can also do this off the
| site as well. So if they have the ability to link to a site from your
| site they can get people to go to that site and then do the post from that
| site and this defeats this protection. Therefore, although, everyone
| HTTP_REFERER checking, in this case it will protect the innocent user.

| You also need to filter out javascript if you allow the user to
| craft their own image tags, this is a much worse problem becasue they can
| then claim the users cookie, encryption won't help you here. Of course
| they could also do other bad things with javascript.

The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

2001-06-14 Thread John Percival

This exploit shows how almost any script that uses cookie session/login data
to validate CGI forms can be exploited if the users can post images.

One of our developers, Chris 'stallion' Lambert ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ),
discovered this exploit in a routine internal security audit.

Allowing users to post inline images is potentially a bad thing. Having the
user authentication based solely on cookies is another potentially bad
thing. When you put them together, it gets a whole lot worse. I will explain
this problem with reference to a typical forum system, but naturally, it can
be extended to almost any other CGI script, not just limited to PHP scripts.
We have also tested this with Infopop's Ultimate Bulletin Board 6.04e,
ezboard 6.2 and WWW Threads PHP 5.4, and at the time of writing, all three
were susceptible to attack.

What is the problem? Well, by using an [img] (or HTML img or iframe or
script src=) tag, the user is having anyone who views the thread access
that image - that is perform an HTTP GET on the URL specified for the image.
Even if its not an image, it still can be accessed, but will display a
broken image. This means that the user can put a CGI script inside [img]
tags. This script will be called by whoever views that thread. When used
maliciously, it could force the user to: unknowingly update their profile,
respond to polls in a certain way, post new messages or threads, email a
user with whatever text they want, the list goes on. This would be
particularly worrying for a 'worm' to spread through a forum, filling it
with rubbish posts.

For example, if a user posted something along these lines:
Then the post would go through, under the name of whoever viewed the image.
This is of particular danger when an administrator views an image, which
then calls a page in an online control panel - thus granting the user access
to the control panel.

How can it be fixed? Well, there are a couple of ways to stop it, but the
easiest (in PHP at least) seems to be to have most of the variables used by
scripts be used through $HTTP_POST_VARS. So instead of checking for $action
in a script, $HTTP_POST_VARS['action'] would be checked. This forces the
user to use a POST request, not a GET. Alternatively, the sessionid could be
required to come with the GET/POST request variables, rather than by cookie.
Finally, in the specific case of [img] tags, the use of ? or  in the img
URL can be disabled by some regexes.

If the software that you run is not secure, we recommend that you disable
HTML and/or [img] tags, until the fixes have been implemented.

Known Vulnerable: Infopop's UBB 6.04e (probably the whole 6.xx series),
ezboard 6.2, WWW Threads PHP 5.4, vBulletin 2.0.0 Release Candidate 2 and
before (later versions are safe). Probably many more bulletin boards and CGI
scripts out there, but those are the main ones that we have been tested

John Percival
Product Manager, vBulletin

vBulletin: Community Instantly

Copyright 2001 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd