Hello all,

This was my second year for MSWE and it seemed like conditions were worse
than last year, but my persistence was up.

I got started at my Woodville QTH about 3 hours after the event started and
logged 17 ships by 2300 UTC on Sunday.

The majority of those were on my Maxcon 80-6 OCF dipole at 35'. However, i
did get 5 total contacts on my PAR Electronics 20m Omni. at 25'.  Nice when
I can use that antenna as it drops the noise about 5 S units.

All but one of my contacts were at 100w.  One of them I got at 20w as I
forgot to switch the power back to 100w after finding out PSK31 still isn't
working on my Kenwood.

I know what I need to do better next year are antennas with GAIN.

Thanks to Rick, the op on the Elissa, I think that was my 15th ship. I know
getting to Galveston was a bit dangerous due to the high water.

Next year I'd like to do more digital on MSWE, like RTTY and PSK31, if I
can ever get the bugs out of my HRD + Kenwood setup. And i'd like to try a
magnetic loop antenna when using those modes.

I am curious, did anyone else in the club participate and if you did, what
was your setup and how did you do?

73, Rob, KC5RET
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