Happy New Year BVARC!

I hope you all had a happy holiday season and I wish you all a happy new
year for 2024. We're starting the year off with a couple of special
events: *The
BVARC Awards Banquet and the BVARC Winter Field Day event*. The awards
banquet is an opportunity to honor club members who made a
difference helping the club and supporting our great hobby, and have some
great food while we're there as well. Our BVARC Winter Field Day event will
be taking place instead of a POTA event this month. But WFD will be an even
better opportunity to get on the air with the club. We will have at least 5
radios operating various modes with elmers there to help out. Details for
both of these events and more are below.

Please note that the deadline to RSVP for dinner and to get your awards
banquet award nominations in, is *January 3rd 2024 *(although I've heard a
rumor that you might get extra time if you missed the deadline). There are
also sign up sheets for operating positions and volunteers for WFD so if
you haven't signed up yet, do so now to secure your spot. Lastly (as
mentioned last month), we have a massive undertaking ahead for the club,
the *Greater Houston Hamfest!* Planning for the event is well underway,
please join the planning meetings so you can help out with our biggest
event of the year. The *GHHF will be held March 1st and 2nd this year at
The Fort Bend County Fairgrounds.* Contact Mike Hardwick N5VCX for more
info on the event and volunteering.

As always, please check out our website BVARC.org <http://bvarc.org/>
for updates,
and for information on our weekly in-person events, nets, and other
resources. The January Newsletter has been posted on the website (link here
<https://bvarc.org/newsletter/202401.pdf>). Don't forget about our social
media as well! We have a Facebook Page
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/bvarc/>, a Discord Server
<https://discord.gg/kwVGeXM7UH>, and YouTube channel
<https://www.youtube.com/bvarc> for the club. Add the BVARC Calendar to
your calendar app (by clicking the link here
all events for the next 30 days should be on that calendar as well as
others as we confirm their dates.

*BVARC Calendar for January 2024:*

*BVARC VE Test Session*
*Saturday January 6th at 10:30am*

You can sign up now on our website (BVARC.org
<https://bvarc.org/home/ham-radio-license-testing-houston/>) to take an FCC
license exam to get your ham radio license or upgrade to General or Extra.


Bayland Community Center
6400 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77074

*BVARC Board of Directors Meeting*
*Sunday January 7th at 5:00pm*

The BVARC BoD is now meeting on the Sunday before the Second Thursday of
the month at 5pm (with few exceptions). This meeting will take place on
Zoom only, and all members are encouraged to attend so they can check out
what the board is up to. The BVARC BoD is here to serve you, so please
attend and let your voice be heard..


On Zoom

See BVARC.org <http://bvarc.org/> or email reflector for the link on the
day of the meeting.

*Brews with BVARC*
*Tuesday January 9th at 6:30pm*

The next Brews with BVARC will be on Tuesday January 9th at 6:30pm. We will
be heading out to Urban South – HTX Brewery in Houston! Please come out if
you can. Urban South is a self proclaimed “R&D Brewery” creating various
one-off brews at this and their other facilities across the southern US.
They have seasonal, all-year, and hard seltzers, as well as
“Houston-Specific” brews here at our hometown location. They have a
rotation of food trucks, so the food will be a surprise (check their
Instagram for updates). All in all it looks like an interesting place and a
great start to our 2024 rotation.

Urban South - HTX
1201 Oliver St.
Houston, TX 77007

*No January BVARC General Meeting*

As per tradition, we will be hosting our annual awards banquet in January
and will not have a general meeting. See details about the awards banquet

*BVARC Annual Awards Banquet*
*Thursday January 18th, 5:45pm (meal served at 6:30pm)*

>From the BVARC website:
"The banquet, besides having great food, is a time to honor club members
that have excelled helping the club and supporting amateur radio. Besides
awards of appreciation and presidential certificates, awards are also
presented to those members that have excelled in their service over the
past year." Our guest speaker for the Banquet will be Jeff Walter, KE5FGA,
ARES South Texas Section Emergency Coordinator. Jeff has been a ham for
twenty years and the STX coordinator since 2008. Make sure you come to
the banquet for Jeff’s presentation and honor those club members that have
worked hard and have been diligent in providing support for the club and
the amateur radio service.

*The awards are:*
*The LOOP AND ZEPP *– A club member excels on promoting HF operation
*The K1JT* – A club member excels on promoting VHF and UHF operation
*The DOCTOR BILL* – A club member excels in their service for amateur radio
*The ORDER OF THE KEY* – The club’s highest honor – A club member excels in
supporting amateur radio and the club.

"If you would like to nominate someone for an award, please let someone on
the board of directors know. All nominations must be received no later than
January 3rd, 2024. There can be multiple winners of all awards except for
the Order of the Key. If you have any questions about the awards, please
contact Mike Hardwick or Rick Hiller, W5RH. Let’s give those who promote
various aspects of the hobby the recognition they deserve."


Bayland Community Center
6400 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77074

*BVARC W**inter Field Day Event!*
*Saturday January 27th - Sunday January 28th*

For January we will not be hosting a BVARC POTA event, but will instead be
participating in Winter Field Day! Winter Field Day will be held at
Duhacsek Park in Sugar Land, TX. Winter Field Day is a great opportunity
for the club to set up our radios, test our emergency preparedness skills
out, and have fun on the air. This event is very similar to ARRL Field Day
in the summer, however the rules differ slightly and we will be focusing
our efforts on maximizing our score (and having FUN of course). We will
need lots of operators and folks to help out and make this event a success.
This is a two day event spanning from Saturday January 27th – Sunday
January 28th. We plan to operate the full 24 hour event period. This event
is a great opportunity to bring out family members who may be interested in
amateur radio and show them the awesome radio capabilities on display and
try it out for themselves. There will also be some great food for lunch
(fajitas and sides) and dinner (chicken, beef, and vegetarian curries)
Saturday and Sunday for breakfast (eggs, sausage, and pancakes).T*he n**ext
BVARC WFD Planning Meeting: January 5th at 7pm on Zoom *(link posted day of
and on email reflector).

*Station Sign-Up Sheet:*

*Volunteer Sign-up sheet:*


Duhacsek Park
17034 Old Richmond Rd.
Sugar Land, TX


That's the rundown that I have for now. I will keep the updates coming
throughout the month, so stay tuned. Please reach out to me or
any BVARC board member if you have any questions or concerns about our club
events, volunteering, or anything else ham radio related. We're here for

Thanks for being a member. Thank you for your time. I hope you have a great
2024. 73 everybody!

Kori Rahman, WX5KR
*Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club*

*Vice-President and Club Call Sign KK5W Trustee*
Cell: (770) 298 8516

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

BVARC mailing list
Publicly available archives are available here: 

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