*January 14th and 15th weekend comes one of the more exciting events in
which to volunteer your Ham Radio capabilities.   Lee Gaspard, WA5QXE, and
Frank Robichaux, N5EJX, are looking for Hams to lend a hand(held) and a
mobile rig for 2 M and 440. *

*Full instructions are just below to inform you of what is required and how
to register to serve the Ham Radio and Houston runner communities.*

*GL and have fun......Rick -- W5RH *


Subject:  Houston Marathon - Registration Request Email for 2017 Amateur
Radio Registration

November 11, 2016

Dear BVARC Member,

Thank you in advance for volunteering for the Amateur Radio Service
activities for the 2017 Houston Marathon or the ABB 5K Race as an Amateur
Radio Operator and Communications volunteer.

The *2017 Houston Marathon (SUNDAY)* needs the participation of *150
Amateur Radio Operators *and other volunteers to provide public service
communications and related support. This is the 45th consecutive year for
this event.  Last year over 100 communications volunteers helped assure the
safety and welfare of the runners and uncounted number of spectators
watching the race.  This year, 33,000 participants, 7,500 volunteers, and
250,000 spectators are expected.

The *ABB 5K* will be held *Saturday, January 14, 2017.   *Hams
participating need to arrive at 5:00 a.m. and will be released between 10
am to 2 pm depending on assignment.

The *Chevron Houston Marathon* and Aramco Houston Half Marathon will be
held *Sunday, January 15, 2017. *Hams volunteers need to arrive at 4:30
a.m. and will be released between noon to 4:00 pm depending on assignment.

*Categories of Amateur Radio Support Needed*

*Saturday – 5K (5:00 am until noon)*

·         *Amateur Radio Operator - Course*

·         *Amateur Radio Operator - Net Control Operator/ Logging*

·         *Amateur Radio Operator – Race Official Shadow*

*Sunday – Half and Full Marathon (4:30 am – 4:00 pm)*

·         *Amateur Radio Operator - Course*

·         *Amateur Radio Operator - Net Control Operator/ Logging*

·         *Amateur Radio Operator -  SAG Vehicle*

·         *Amateur Radio Operator - TIMING and PACE Vehicles*

·         *Amateur Radio Operator – Race Official Shadow*

Amateur Radio Operators provide:

·         tactical communications for race status and operational
information using 2 m and 70 cm voice and data communications and tracking
via APRS ;

·         status information for public safety agencies and request to
public safety agencies on behalf and at the direction of race officials;

·          logistics coordination and support for SAG and race operations;

·         course observation and information as part of the safety
operations for race participants,  volunteers, and general public;

·         Communications facilitator and personal assistance for race
officials (Shadow)

*Amateur Radio Operator volunteers must register** on the both the **Houston
Marathon’s Volunteer web site* to complete required legal paperwork for the
event, and to facilitate marathon interfaces for credentials and other
matters and the *Houston Marathon Hams Website*  www.hmhams.org web
site to *provide
pertinent information for Amateur Radio Operator roles*.

 *NOTE:  The Ham Registration Details on the Chevron Houston Marathon’s
Volunteer web page are private and can be accessed via the following link
which contains an embedded code and automatically gets you to the correct
page. **Ham volunteer pages cannot be found without this link or the
code **RADIOPS* *in the general signup page**.*

NOTE:  You may receive a warning about IE – either used alternate browser
or click through; Internet Explorer 10 or 11 worked fine when I did the Ham
Registration process.
*Volunteer Registration for 2017 Chevron Houston Marathon*

*Houston Marathon Registration Preferred Access Method*

*1.      **If you are already registered into system last year, you can
update your profile by requesting login link (which will be sent to the
email address you submitted during registration process) *


*If you receive a link with an imbedded “RADIOPS” in it, you are ready to
complete the registration process described below.*

Ø  Click the link if you need to *update your profile once you have
completed the registration process, such as uploading a picture*

Ø  Next, enter your email and you will receive a link via email for your

Ø  Enter the 2017 *RADIOPS* code to access the assignment list for changes/

Ø  Select your *desired 2017* *choices on* the assignment list.

Ø  Complete all the required information and waivers and push the
“register” button.

2.      If you are *not registered or do now have access to that email
account*, complete the Marathon Volunteer Registration Form using the link
with the imbedded ham link code.   *Amateur Radio signup for* *Houston
Marathon’s Volunteer* is


Note *“Amateur Radio Operator”* positions do not show on the Houston
Marathon Volunteer public site and *require a special access code of
RADIOPS *on the regular volunteer page*.*

a)       *Enter your personal data in the Volunteer Application*

BASED ON A PREVIOUS YEAR’S REGISTRATION.  Please receive the email and
click the embedded link that should pull up your Houston Marathon profile
and this year’s Amateur Radio registration page.*

b)       *Click the Expand All tab if necessary*

·         The *ABB 5K* will be held *Saturday, January 14, 2017 *Hams need
to arrive at 5:00 am and will be released between 10 am to 2 pm depending
on assignment.

·         The *Chevron Houston Marathon* and *Aramco Houston Half
Marathon* will
be held *Sunday, January 15, 2017. *Hams need to arrive at 4:30 am and will
be released between noon to 4:00 pm depending on assignment.

3.      *Click boxes corresponding to your desired assignment: *

·         *Saturday (**ABB 5K) – 5K (5:00 am until noon)*

§  *Course Assignment*

§  *Net Control Operator/ Logging Assignment*

§  *Race Official Shadow Assignment*

·         *Sunday – Half and Full Marathon (4:30 am – 4:00 pm)*

§  *Course Assignment*

§  *Net Control Operator/ Logging Assignment*

§  *SAG Vehicle (BUS or VAN) Assignment*

§  *Timing and Pace Vehicle Assignment*

§  *Race Official Shadow Assignment*


·         *Click an assignment for both days if you want to work each day.*

4.      *Read and Accept the Waiver*

5.      *Review and Submit the Registration using either the “Submit” or
“Save” button on the bottom of the form.*

6.      *Remember to enter the value in the “Image to Text” into the
Security code box.*

If you successfully register will get on the web page:


Thank you for your registration. You will receive an email with further
information as soon as we confirm your data.

*You will then receive an email from the Houston Marathon Race Crew mailbox
{Houston Marathon Race Crew [ev...@emos1.com <ev...@emos1.com>]} confirming
your successful registration thanking you for volunteering similar to the
one below.*

*Hello Your Name*,

Thank you for volunteering for the 2017 Chevron Houston Marathon, Aramco
Houston Half Marathon, ABB 5K and Memorial Hermann IRONMAN Sports Medicine
Institute EXPO. We appreciate your support! You are now registered for the
following event:

*Amateur Radio Operator / Saturday, January 14, 2017 5:00 AM-12:00 PM ** xxxx
* Amateur Radio Operator / Sunday, January 15, 2017 4:30 AM-4:00 PM **xxxx

You can update your details on

*CPR Awareness*

The Houston Marathon Committee is dedicated to the advancement of race
medicine and to the safety of all participants. We encourage you to watch
this short instructional video on hands-only CPR
<http://youtu.be/t9O463gsDsY> to assist in our efforts.

You will be contacted by your captain within a month from your scheduled
shift. He/She will provide you with further instruction on parking, meeting
locations and more. Please contact volunte...@houstonmarathon.com

if you have any questions.

Thank you,

*Houston Marathon Committee, Inc.         *

*Race Crew perks include:*

   - Race Crew T-shirt
   - Race Crew Jacket*
   - Volunteer Certificate
   - Virtual Event Bag
   - Entry into RunFest festivities upon completion of volunteering
   - Free parking provided to Race Crew

**Available for shifts that take place on Sunday only. Limited quantities
available, on a first come, first serve basis. Size not guaranteed December
30, 2016.

*Houston Marathon Hams Registration Process*

7.      Register on www.hmhams.org *Houston Marathon Hams’* web site
to *provide
pertinent information for Amateur Radio Operator roles*.  The site enables
one to volunteer by providing *Amateur Radio specific information* required
for a “ham” Houston Marathon assignment.  You will provide equipment
details and to receive explicit instruction on how to register with the
Houston Marathon Volunteer web site for Amateur Radio Operators (step two).

a.       Please complete the Volunteer Information section of the *Houston
Marathon Hams* on the right side of the *Welcome* page.

b.       Enter your preferred e-mail address and cell phone numbers, as a
cell phone is more helpful during the race event.  Indicate the kinds of
radios *you will use* and mark your assignment preference.*   In the
comment section of Houston Marathon Hams indicate additional equipment and
special information, the position you held last year and if you want to be
reassigned that position.  In most cases, I will ask you to accept the
assignment you had last year*.  Indeed, many of us have developed
friendships with other Marathon volunteers, which we renew annually.  *If
you wish to change,* please indicate that in the Comments Section of the
“Hams” web page and I will work to accommodate your preference.

c.        Click the *“Register”* button when you have completed filling the

d.       You will receive a *confirmation email*.  Please *IMMEDIATELY
respond** to this confirmation email* to validate your registration.

e.        If you have not done so, go to the steps listed above for the
Houston Marathon Volunteer web site or follow the details in a subsequent
email from www.hmhams.org site and on-line instructions for completing the
“second” web site registration process.

*8.      * *Amateur Radio Equipment needed*

Amateurs Radio Operators must provide their own multi-band radio equipment
packages with tone (CTCSS) capability.

We will operate on 2 meters and 70 centimeters, both on simplex and through
repeaters using tone access.  We will use APRS to track vans and other race
vehicles.  To enable me to determine the kinds of assignments you might be
asked to accept, indicate the kinds of radios *you will use by *indicating
your *handheld or mobile equipment when registering on the “Hams” web page*.
Indicate the band(s) 2m or 70cm (or both), the unit’s APRS capability and
other capabilities.  Use the *comments section for additional
information r*elating
to equipment or operational capabilities:

*Houston Marathon Hams Equipment *

*Hand Held Equipment*

2 meter / 146 MHz 70 centimeter / 440 MHz

·          APRS

·          Headset (high noise capable in some assignments)

*Mobile Equipment*

2 meter / 146 MHz 70 centimeter / 440 MHz

·          APRS

·          Usable in another vehicle?

·          Have your own Battery Power?

*Assignment Preferences*

·         Houston Marathon

·         ABB 5K Run

·         Early Release

·         Late Start

·         Course Monitor

·         SAG

·         Sector Captain Shadow

·         Shadow an Official

·         Aid (Medical) Station

·         Water (Refueling) Station

·         Lead Pack

·         Turtle


H/H -- A hand-held radio capable of transmitting at 5 watts with sufficient
batteries power to operate over 7 hours or more transmitting now-and-then.
Indicate if you have *headsets or other high noise capable accessories in
the comments section.*

PORTABLE (stationary mobile unit) -- Any kind of radio that can be quickly
set up in a vehicle and that has an externally mounted antenna; may either
have self-contained battery pack or draw on vehicle's battery (directly or
through 12 VDC power receptacle).

MOBILE -- A radio mounted in a vehicle with an external antenna; capable of
25+ watts output using vehicle supplied power or ham provided battery pack.

APRS—1) Fully integrated into handheld or mobile transceiver; 2) Tracker
station— GPS receiver, TNC, & transceiver; 3) Receiving station— TNC,
computer, WinAPRS or APRS+

You will receive additional emails in the future with additional/ updated

Thank you again for your help in the past.  I look forward to working with
you again this year.


Lee Gaspard, WA5QXE  { wa5...@arrl.net ; 713-248-8853 cell}

Frank Robichaux, N5EJX {n5...@arrl.net}

*Marathon Information:* http://www.chevronhoustonmarathon.com/

*Houston Marathon Hams:*  www.hmhams.org
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