Automated IMAP Expunge

2003-10-02 Thread Travis Beal
I solved the automated expunge problem this way.
1.  Create user postmaster.
2.  Create group mailadm.  Anyone in this group can work with user's
IMAP folders.
3.  Add postmaster to group mailadm.
4.  Run script 1 as cron job.  Script 1 shuts down mail and web
services, generates a list of mailbox lists to process, calls the
processing script, deletes the list of mailbox lists, and then restarts
all services.  Script 2 expunges all messages marked for deletion from
IMAP folders and the regular /var/spool/mail inbox.  It also moves
messages in the Sent folder more than N days old to the trash.

As you may expect, there is no guarantee that this will work for anyone
else.  It works on my system, but it should be used on other systems at
one's own peril.  It may cause data loss, mail corruption, and a plague
of locusts o'er the land.  I accept no responsibility for this script
other than use on my own system.

#This script, run as a cron job, will expurge messages marked for
deletion from IMAP mailboxes.
#The Perl script below does the actual expurging.
#Version 1.0 26 Sept 03
#broadcast stop
echo 'Starting purge of folders.'

#stop internet services
/etc/init.d/httpd stop
/etc/init.d/sendmail stop

#generate list of IMAP mailboxes
ls /home/*/.mailboxlist > /root/listofmailboxlists

#Perl purge

#start services
/etc/init.d/sendmail start
/etc/init.d/httpd start

#remove the list
rm -rf /root/listofmailboxlists

echo 'Purge of folders complete.'

#get the Perl tools
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use Date::Manip;

#this is the perl script that purges the folders.  Works with
print "Entering Perl section.\n";

$AGE = 60;  #how many days a message may stay in Sent

#read only open this list of mailbox lists
   #load next line in file
   #parse out next data file
($mailboxlisttoscan) = $_;
($file_prefix,$junk) = split (/\/.mailbox/,$mailboxlisttoscan);
($trash, $user_name) = split (/ome\//,$file_prefix);
   # (returns a new, authenticated Mail::IMAPClient object)
$host = "localhost";
   $id = "$user_name*postmaster"; #logging in with postmaster for
$pass = "XXX";  #postmasters password
   $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  
   Server => $host,
   User=> $id,
   Password=> $pass,
   )   or die "Cannot connect to $host as $id: $@";

#expunge the normal mail spool
$imap->expunge("/var/spool/mail/$user_name") or die "Could not
expunge: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

#read only open this mailbox lists
open (MAILBOXLIST, "<$mailboxlisttoscan");
#go through this list
#load next line in file
 $mailboxtopurge = $_;
   $folder_to_expunge = "$file_prefix/$mailboxtopurge";
 #check to see if this is Sent
 $sentcheck = index($mailboxtopurge,"Sent"); 
 $truthcheck = ($sentcheck != -1);  #kluge, but it works
 if ($truthcheck != 1) {
 #if not Sent folder, expurge normally
  #determine if the file exists
  if (-e "$folder_to_expunge"){
  #if it exists, expunge it
   }  #end of exists check if
  else {print "$folder_to_expunge does not exist.\n";}
  }  #end of exists check else
 else {
 #if the folder is Sent, then clean it out
 #determine where the trash is
 #chop Sent off folder location
   ($trash_location,$junk) =
   $trash_location = "$trash_location/Trash";

   #return message ID numbers
   #select this folder
   $imap->select("$folder_to_expunge") or die "cannot select
the Sent folder for $user_name: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
   #calculate cutoff date
   #figure out today in seconds
   $right_now = time;
   #subtract the age difference in seconds
   $cutoff_date = $right_now - ($AGE * 24 * 3600);
  #convert to RFC2060 format
$Rfc2060_date = $imap->Rfc2060_date($cutoff_date);
#fetch all messages before that time
   @message_list = $imap->search("before",$Rfc2060_date) or
warn "No messages found before $Rfc2060_date.\n";
   #how many messages are in the list
   $number_of_messages = @message_list;
   #pack this list to the trash
   for($counter = 0; $counter < $number_of_messages;
   $msg_id = @message_list[$counter];
   my $yes = $imap->move($trash_location,$msg_id);
#see if th

Automated IMAP Expunge

2003-09-22 Thread Travis Beal
I am sysadmin of a small mail server with around 15 users, about half of
which maintain IMAP mailboxes (vice pop). I am running Red Hat 8 distro,
with the IMAP (which is believe is UW IMAP) right out of the box. My
users are uneducated/uninterested in expunging their email instead of
just deleting it, and a lot of server space is taken up with deleted
email that is never expunged.  Quotas are not a good option because my
users receive rather large attachments.  Also, they are not computer
literate enough to grasp the concept and need of delete vs.
delete/expunge, despite my best efforts at education.  Regrettably, many
of them use Outlook, which does not offer an expunge on exit option.
I would like to execute a script as a cron task to find all IMAP mail
boxes and expunge deleted mail.  I have written the two scripts below.
The first is a script to generate the list of mailboxes and then call
the second. The second is a perl script that actually expunges the
boxes.  This solution does not work because I cannot log into the IMAP
server as root, and I can't extract each user's password to log on as
each user.
Is there a method for automatically expunging deleted mail from an IMAP
Travis Beal

#broadcast stop
echo 'Starting purge of folders.'

#stop internet services
/etc/init.d/httpd stop
/etc/init.d/sendmail stop
/etc/init.d/xinetd stop

#generate list of IMAP mailboxes
ls /home/*/.mailboxlist > /root/listofmailboxlists

#Perl purge script

#start services
/etc/init.d/xinetd start
/etc/init.d/sendmail start
/etc/init.d/httpd start

#remove the list
rm -rf /root/listofmailboxlists

echo 'Purge of folders complete.'


#get the IMAP tools
use Mail::IMAPClient;
print "Entering Perl section.\n";

#read only open this list of mailbox lists
#load next line in file
#parse out next data file
($mailboxlisttoscan) = split (/\n/, $_);
#debug print "Next is $mailboxlisttoscan.\n";
#get absolute address prefix
($file_prefix,$junk) = split (/\/.mailbox/,$mailboxlisttoscan);
#parse out user_name
($trash, $user_name) = split (/ome\//,$file_prefix);

# (returns a new, authenticated Mail::IMAPClient object)
$host = "";
$id = "$user_name";
$pass = "?";
$imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new( 
Server => $host,
User => $id,
Password=> $pass,
) or die "Cannot connect to $host as $id: $@";

#read only open this mailbox list
open (MAILBOXLIST, "<$mailboxlisttoscan");
#go through this list
while( ){
#load next line in file
#parse out based on CSV
($mailboxtopurge) = split (/\n/, $_);
#debug print "Purging $mailboxtopurge for user $user_name.\n";
$imap->expunge($file_prefix/$mailboxtopurge) or die "Could not expunge:
} #end of mailboxlists while
} #end of listofmailboxlists while

print "Exiting Perl section.\n";

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