Re: [Callers] thanks again for all the help with Rory O'More

2008-03-07 Thread Beth Parkes
Zesty Contras is on this page:

It is a steal at $10.00. If you also do not have Give and Take, the sequel
to Zesty Contras, it is listed on this page as well.

Hope this helps,
Beth Parkes

> Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 5:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Callers] thanks again for all the help with Rory O'More
> Thank you all, again, for all the help with Rory O'More. Apparently the
> decision on how or even whether to call it has been postponed for me by
> the weather- our dance for tonight was snowed out!! (My kids are
> thrilled, the jonquils maybe less so.)

> If anyone would be willing to post "More For Your Neighbor" by Al Olson
> I'd appreciate it!!
> I already tried looking it up on the net, which insists it is by Al
> Olson rather than Roger Diggle. It was published in "Zesty Contras"
> which I unfortunately do not own. "Zesty Contras" is not currently
> available on Amazon, and while NEFFA publishes it and says it is
> available through CDSS, I couldn't find it there.

[Callers] thanks again for all the help with Rory O'More

2008-03-07 Thread
Thank you all, again, for all the help with Rory O'More. Apparently the 
decision on how or even whether to call it has been postponed for me by the 
weather- our dance for tonight was snowed out!! (My kids are thrilled, the 
jonquils maybe less so.)  

I'm not supposed to call again till April 18th, I will think on it till then, 
but I'm still not convinced that having all hands in for the Rory O'More line 
wouldn't work- can you tell stubborn runs in the family!? 

Is the momentum from cast off proper really any different from a ladies chain 
into long lines forward and back? 

If Rory O'More LWL work in modern dances, why wouldn't there be space for 

Is there just not enough time for the 2's to back out? The hand grips in the 
LWL seem perfect for a little push off momentum for the 2's  walking back, and 
their presence does not interfere with the 1's being in the right place. 

You'd even get a little A2 preview of your corners in B1: 1's have P in R hand, 
2nd corner in L, then after the first (8) P in L hand, 1st corner in R.

Ah well, I will give y'all a report when I get a chance to try it. Hopefully a 
glowing one rather than crash and burn! 

If anyone would be willing to post "More For Your Neighbor" by Al Olson I'd 
appreciate it!! 

I already tried looking it up on the net, which insists it is by Al Olson 
rather than Roger Diggle. It was published in "Zesty Contras" which I 
unfortunately do not own. "Zesty Contras" is not currently available on Amazon, 
and while NEFFA publishes it and says it is available through CDSS, I couldn't 
find it there. 

Thank you again for all the encouragement, advice and insight.
Alison Murphy

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land,
 it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
~ James Madison 

Click here to obtain free information on accredited degrees.

Re: [Callers] Rory/Rich Hart

2008-03-07 Thread
"Inactives sometimes (often?) try to fill in the quieter times with 
additional swings. With Chorus Jig, inactives will often swing their 
partner while the actives walk down the outside. Then, while actives 
walk down the center, inactives may swing the inactive in the next set 
behind them, breaking the swing just in time to cast off with the active 
returning back down the center. Inactive indeed! - actually not at all 
inactive in deed..."

Thanks Rich, ya got me thinking
Last year a the Down East fest (it's coming up at the end of this month!)
a caller announced that the next dance would be Chorus Jig There was a
of Cheers and Groans the young man across from me proclaimed that he 
could not stand proper dances, the woman I (quickly) asked to dance, agreed 
with him. I inquired as to why?  Because, there is too much standing around 
was the response. 
My reply; Than you’ve been dancing C J with the wrong people.
With the aide other dancers who really enjoy Chorus Jig we showed the
Just what a vigorous dance it can be. Including the points you’ve made 
It is just a heck of a dance for kicking up your heels. 
I must add, when I started dancing the “chestnuts “ were danced with
 Dancers really came to appreciate them because there was a chance to rest 
and watch 
(Thanks to Pater Yarenski and the LRB!) - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider -

Re: [Callers] need (more) help with Rory O'More

2008-03-07 Thread cathy jones
I'll be sure to contact the Kellys.

--- "" 

> Susan, 
> I've replied to you offlist, but I'll reiterate for
> anyone else who may be passing through Memphis,
> Tennessee: This is the Volunteer state and we love
> volunteer guest callers in Memphis, and the people
> to contact about calling here are Joan and Ernest
> Kelly. Contact info may be found here on the Memphis
> Contra Dancers webpage:

> Can this dance work if the inactives are included in
> the Rory O'More line? So at the end of A1, instead
> of actives only, everyone would come forward into a
> LWL, taking hands with their partner and a neighbor
> or the opposite gender. Balance, balance, and twirl,
> repeat, then the initial call for B1 would be
> something like: 
> 1's by the right whilethe 2's back out, 1st corners
> alle-mande 
> Has anyone tried it this way? I think this is what I
> will do, if I don't end up scrapping it all together
> due to nervousness or time constraints. 

I would strongly recommend against doing this.  It's
important to let people experience our dance history. 
In fact, many of the chestnuts were originally done as
triple minors; I occasionally call a triple minor
(almost never Sackett's Harbor, more typically Beaux
of Albany) just to go even further back into that

By the way, Rory O'More has no twirl written into it. 
It's a recent addition, as is the "Petronella clap".

Susan Elberger

> Thank you so much for your input!!
> Alison Murphy
> "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land,
>  it will be in the guise of fighting a
> foreign enemy."
> ~ James Madison 
> Click for free info on online masters degrees and
> make up to $150K/ year
> ___
> Callers mailing list


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