D25423: Fill table cells with color for ODS and XLSX files

2020-01-06 Thread Mikhail Philippov
mphilippov added a comment.

  In D25423#586953 , @pvuorela wrote:
  > Not sure about all the details but two things look suspicious here:
  > 1. Above this there's handling for transparent and now the handling isn't 
symmetric for background brush.
  > 2. There's some handling on the file for KoXmlNs::draw / style-name & 
KoXmlNs::calligra / fill-style-name which do background brush setting. What's 
the relation between these three?
  1. I see it. Ok
  2. loadTableCellProperties() is a method for applying styles for table cells, 
i.e. cell background. There is no handling for cell background in the place you 

  R8 Calligra


To: mphilippov, denexter, pvuorela, davidllewellynjones, dcaliste
Cc: dcaliste, davidllewellynjones, denexter, Calligra-Devel-list, 
#calligra:_3.0, ognarb, cochise, vandenoever

Karbon improvements

2020-01-06 Thread JZA
Hi I'm an avid kde user but I still keep some gtk apps like gimp (althought
using krita more and more), another one is Inkscape and here is where maybe
Karbon could improve to compete for further ease of use.
Is a bit ironic that inkscape is one of the few gtk apps that make use of
panes, something that is very well used in Calligra office apps. Yet in
Karbon, the panes look a bit lacking on the UX.

Also Karbon looks more like a Vision/UML editor than a publishing
(Scribus), drawing (design) tool.

It also lacks the use of plugins and effects, that could be a great space
to grow and explore. Specially if there is a support for scripting
languages such as JavaScript, Python and Ruby. (Maybe Go and Rust)
Finally a redesign of the UX that prevent things like 'fat' widget groups
that make the pane dimensions grow indefinetly.

I'm new to the list so don't have much context for current topics being
dealt currently but wonder if some of the issues are being discussed
