*Cambodia's Culture of No Dialogue*
2016-06-22 RFA

[image: Cambodia's Culture of No Dialog]

Sam Rainsy Party Sen. Hong Sok Hour is escorted from the supreme court back
to Prey Sar Prison where he is being detained, June 22 , 2016.RFA/Rann

There is little hope that a “culture of dialogue” will return to Cambodia
anytime soon as the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) appears unwilling
to open discussions with its rivals as long as the government’s various
cases against opposition party officials are wending their way through the

CPP spokesperson Sok Eysan told RFA listeners during a June 21 call-in show
that the talks will remain in limbo until the court cases are settled.

“If the cases of those offenders is over, then we will look into the
possibility of negotiations,” he said. “But it has to be done under a
condition that does not include negotiations for the release of the people
in jail.”

The government is pursuing a number of cases against high-profile
opposition party officials and rights workers, drawing widespread
condemnation from the international human rights community as well as
foreign aid donors, excluding China.

Among those cases is the push by Hun Sen’s government and the ruling CPP to
bring Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) leader Kem Sokha before the
courts for questioning regarding his alleged affair with a young

That case has seen the arrest of four employees of the human rights group
ADHOC and a member of the National Election Commission (NEC), while an
arrest warrant was also issued for a U.N. worker. Heavily armed police also
attempted to arrest Kem Sokha at CNRP headquarters for failing to appear in
court in a pair of cases related to the alleged affair

The case of the Kem Sokha Five is not the only one that is tied up in the
Cambodian judicial system. About a dozen opposition party members are
imprisoned in Prey Sar including Hong Sok Hour, a member of the senate from
the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, which merged with the Human Rights Party
to form the CNRP.

Police arrested Hong Sok Hour in 2015 after he posted comments on social
media that claimed an article in the 1979 Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship
Treaty was meant to dismantle, rather than define, the border between the
two countries.

*‘It’s politics, and everyone knows it.’*

On Wednesday Cambodia’s supreme court denied Hong Sok Hour’s appeal of a
lower court decision denying bail.

“No surprise,” he told reporters after the hearing. “It is politics, and
everyone knows it.”

When asked if there is a “political solution,” he answered: “Not yet known.”

CNRP President Sam Rainsy has been staying in France or traveling since an
arrest warrant was issued for him in November over a 2008 defamation case
and he was removed from his office and stripped of his parliamentary
immunity. After Sam Rainsy left the country, the CNRP named Kem Sokha its
acting president.

The litany of cases, and CPP insistence that they run their course before
the party negotiates with the CNRP, makes it unlikely that the two sides
will have serious talks anytime soon.

“If there are any changes before the court’s decision, it seems that the
CPP will lose face, or that it is proof that what has happened was
certainly politically motivated,” said independent analyst Meas Ny. “I
think that sometimes the CPP wants to take its time.”

CNRP spokesperson Yim Sovanna told RFA on Wednesday there has been no
response from the CPP regarding any resumption of “the culture of dialogue.”

“I have not received any word from the other party,” he said.

“Culture of dialogue” was the tag given to the uneasy political truce Hun
Sen and Sam Rainsy forged in the aftermath of 2014’s bloody post-election
season and a tense 10-month political standoff.

*Thumbprint trouble*

There are other indications that the government and the CPP have little
interest in restarting talks as RFA's Khmer Service has learned that
Cambodian authorities are preparing to seek legal action against opposition
party officials who they accuse of fraudulently collecting thumbprints on
petitions asking King Norodom Sihamoni to intervene in the nation’s
political upheaval.

Ministry of Interior spokesman General Khieu Sopheak told reporters that
investigators have thoroughly reviewed the 17,000 thumbprints collected by
the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) on petitions seeking the king’s
assistance. Thumbprints often take the place of signatures in Cambodia.

The government claims that 88 thumbprints on the petitions came from the
same individual, that some thumbprints lacked corresponding names, and that
the thumbprints did not come from all 25 of the nation’s provinces.

Khieu Sopheak said the government is looking into charges related to the 88
thumbprints that lacked a corresponding identity, and charges related to
presenting fraudulent documents to the king.

He singled out CNRP lawmaker Nhem Ponharith, who is also the current party
spokesman, saying that he now faces government scrutiny for leading the
group that presented the petition to the king.

“Nhem Ponharith presented the king with the fake thumbprints. He will not
go unpunished,” he said. “I will have to leave it up to the court to decide
on this.”

*Reported by RFA’s Khmer Service. Translated by Yanny Hin and Nareth Muong.
Written in English by Brooks Boliek.*


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