Re: [Caml-list] Generating coinductive elements

2012-04-30 Thread Xavier Leroy
Hello Jean-Baptiste,

 Let us take an example using streams (infinite lists) of numbers:
 type stream = Cons of int * stream

You won't go far with this type for integer streams, as the only way
to construct values of this type is let rec, and it's severely
restricted (because of call-by-value requirements).  For instance, you
can't even define the stream of all integers

The proper OCaml type for integer streams is

type stream = Cons of int * stream Lazy.t

and with this type you should be able to do pretty much everything you
want to do with your equations.


- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] Re: [oss-security] CVE request: Hash DoS vulnerability (ocert-2011-003)

2012-03-12 Thread Xavier Leroy
On 03/10/2012 08:31 AM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:

 Rather than changing every app that uses Hashtbl, I'd prefer to fix
 this upstream by choosing a random seed for hash tables unless the
 caller explicitly sets one or sets an environment variable to disable

 In Perl, the seed is a random number chosen when the Perl interpreter
 starts up.  This is low overhead, but still leaves a (much more
 theoretical) attack where someone can determine the seed from a
 long-running process using some other method and still attack the hash

 In Python there is an environment variable you can set to disable
 randomized hash tables.  Further Python discussion here:
 No comment at all?  This is an exploitable CVE ...

As you and Gerd said, the new Hashtbl implementation in the upcoming
major release has everything needed to randomize hash tables by
seeding.  The question at this point is whether randomization should
be the default or not: some of our big users who don't do Web stuff
value reproducibility highly...  We (OCaml core developers) will take
a decision soon.

Musing: there is something strange about saying that a data structure
has a DOS vulnerability.  It's a bit like saying that a steak knife
has homicidal intent.  Web-facing applications that use the wrong data
structure have vulnerabilities; the data structure does not.  And,
even randomized, a hashtable still has O(n) worst-case behavior...

Gerd Stolpmann adds:

 Currently, the only way for library developers to fix their product for
 3.12 is to restrict the size of the hashtables coming from untrusted

A much better fix is to replace your hash tables with references to
AVL maps.  Guaranteed O(log n) is the way to go for Web app developers
to sleep soundly at night.

Resignedly awaiting a CVE about association lists,

- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] Association lists

2012-03-12 Thread Xavier Leroy
On 03/12/2012 07:12 PM, Lukasz Stafiniak wrote:

 Resignedly awaiting a CVE about association lists,
 Is using association lists a lot poor style? Wouldn't it be better
 to use maps -- which would make it possible to throw in different
 implementations to tune performance?

I was joking, but to answer seriously:

Association lists have O(1) insertion time but O(n) lookup time.  So,
you can use them as long as you're sure they are pretty short.  If
you're not sure, e.g. if malicious users of your program can grow the
a-list as much as they want, better use maps, indeed.

The joke was that we don't need a CVE to know this, just basic
algorithmic reasoning.

- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] Custom let bindings

2012-01-22 Thread Xavier Leroy
On 01/20/2012 01:39 PM, Mehdi Dogguy wrote:

 I noticed that Alain Frisch tried to add custom let bindings (see r11894
 and r11906) but it was reverted later on (see r11960) because no
 consensus was reached (among OCaml Core team, I guess). 

Yes.  We Caml developers spent a lot of time arguing about the merits and
demerits of various syntaxes for monadic lets and other forms of
generalized let bindings, discussing usability, generality, etc.
There were some unexpected surprises, e.g. Lwt's concurrency monad
needing a special monadic let ... and ... in ...  binding, which
makes sense for this particular monad but not for others.

In the end, we decided that none of the proposals is something we can
commit on and put (forever) in the core language.  This is one of the
cases that is currently best handled by Camlp4 syntax extensions,
either specific to a monad (Lwt) or more general (pa_monad).


- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] Hashtbl and security

2011-12-30 Thread Xavier Leroy
On 12/30/2011 05:44 PM, Gerd Stolpmann wrote:

 1) Avoid hash tables in contexts where security is relevant. The
 alternative is Set (actually a balanced binary tree), which does not
 show this problem.

Highly recommended.  Nothing beats guaranteed O(log n) operations.

 2) Use cryptographically secure hash functions.

Hopeless: with a hash size of 30 bits, as in Caml, or even 64 bits,
there are no cryptographically secure hash functions.

 3) Use randomized hash tables. The trick here is that there is not a
 single hash function h anymore, but a family h(1)...h(n). When the hash
 table is created, one of the functions is picked randomly. This makes it
 impossible to craft an attack request, because you cannot predict the

Indeed.  The optional seed parameter to Hashtbl.create does exactly
this in the new implementation of Hashtbl (the one based on Murmur3).

 So, the question is how to do 3). I see two problems here:
 a) how to define the family of hash functions. Is it e.g. sufficient to
 introduce an initialization vector for the Murmurhash algorithm, and
 fill it randomly?

IIRC, the Web pages for the Murmur family of hashes gives some
statistical evidence that this approach works.

 How to get a random number that is good enough?

Hmm.  /dev/random is your friend on the platforms that support it.
Otherwise, there's always the Random module, but Random.self_init
isn't very strong.

- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] OCaml maintenance status / community fork (again)

2011-12-10 Thread Xavier Leroy
 on the PRs in Mantis, to express
support or disagreement, or to ask for clarifications.

5- Before embarking on patching the core Caml distribution, it wouldn't hurt
to ask (privately) where the priorities are.  For instance, I don't see the
point for a linear-scan allocator (Benedikt Meurer) or more efficient
compilation of value let-rec (Fabrice le Fessant), but anyone who would come
up with a GHC-quality function inliner would be welcome like the Messiah.
Likewise, for many years I've been looking for developers to work on the
Windows port(s) of OCaml and never found any.  Finally, at the latest OCaml
consortium meeting, the idea of splitting Camlp4 off the core distribution
was floated around; volunteers to take over its maintenance would be most

All right.  Let me stop here and pray for constructive, non-knee-jerk reactions.

- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] Some comments on recent discussions

2011-12-10 Thread Xavier Leroy
On 12/07/2011 12:18 PM, Gabriel Scherer wrote:

 The French book Le langage Caml is very great, althought it is quite old,
 and althought examples used in the book (write a pascal compiler, a grep
 tool and so on) is maybe too theoristic for engineer target.
 Maybe a translation would be sufficient ?
 I have contacted Xavier Leroy and Pierre Weis a few years ago to get
 the TeX sources of the book. I didn't intend to translate from French
 to English, but only, for a start, from Caml Light to Objective Caml.
 Neither of them could find the sources

There must have been a misunderstanding: I have the full LaTeX
sources, of course.  What may have been lost is Pierre's first cut at
an OCaml version of the book.

Alan Schmitt adds:

 Yes, it's a great start to write a course on Caml. (I realize that
 the online version is the second edition, yet it is shorter than the
 paper version I have here. Either some chapters were removed in the
 2nd edition or they are not available online.)

No, no, the online edition is identical to the 2nd edition, which has
one additional chapter.  It's just that pages are wider and taller
than those of the 1st edition, resulting in fewer pages overall.

David Mentré adds:

 Unfortunately, it is available under a non Free license (Non
 Commercial clause of CC-BY-NC-SA licence), this is a show stopper for
 me. I would like such a book to be included in Debian or other Free
 Software distributions.

I stand very firmly by the NC license.  If anyone wants to make money
out of this book or a derived work, the original authors and all the
future contributors should get their share, Debian orthodoxy

- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] How to simplify an arithmetic expression ?

2011-10-02 Thread Xavier Leroy
On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Gabriel Scherer wrote:
 One approach I like for such simplifications is the normalization by
 evaluation approach.

NBE is neat, but I'm skeptical that it will work out of the box here:
if you apply NBE to a standard evaluator for arithmetic expressions,
it's not going to take advantage of associativity and distributivity
the way Diego wants.

On 10/02/2011 05:09 PM, Ernesto Posse wrote:
 In general, whenever you have an algebraic
 structure with normal forms, normal forms can be obtained by
 equational reasoning: using the algebra's laws as rewriting rules. 

Yes, writing down a system of equations is the first thing to do.
But, to obtain a normalization procedure, you need to orient those
rules and complete them (in the sense of Knuth-Bendix completion) with
extra rules to derive a confluent, terminating rewriting system.

Here is a good, down-to-earth introduction to Knuth-Bendix completion:

A.J.J. Dick, An Introduction to Knuth-Bendix Completion

And here is a solid textbook on rewriting systems:

Franz Baader and Tobias Nipkow. Term Rewriting and All That.

Hope this helps,

- Xavier Leroy

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[Caml-list] [Ann] Zarith

2011-08-18 Thread Xavier Leroy
Dear list,

It is my pleasure to announce release 1.0 of Zarith, a new OCaml
library for exact, arbitrary-precision arithmetic on integers and
rationals.  Zarith was written by Antoine Miné with a little help from
me and feedback from Pascal Cuoq.

To download:

The implementation uses GMP (the GNU Multiple Precision arithmetic
library) to compute over big integers.  However, small integers are
represented as unboxed Caml integers, to save space and improve
performance. Big integers are allocated in the Caml heap, bypassing
GMP's memory management and achieving better GC behavior than e.g.
the MLGMP library.  Computations on small integers use a special,
faster path (coded in assembly for some platforms and functions)
eschewing calls to GMP, while computations on large intergers use the
low-level MPN functions from GMP.  As a consequence, Zarith is much
faster and more space-efficient than the Big_int module from OCaml's
standard distribution.

Additional niceties of Zarith include:
- short function names and infix operators, allowing one to write e.g.
Z.(~$2 + ~$5 * x)
- polymorphic comparisons (=, , , etc) work correctly on Zarith's
  big integers, provided OCaml 3.12.1 or later is used.

Feedback is welcome, preferably through the bug tracker at


- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] Val_int vs caml_copy_nativeint

2011-08-08 Thread Xavier Leroy
On 08/08/2011 10:03 AM, Guillaume Yziquel wrote:

 Then I do not see anything wrong if the code snippet you sent. However,
 when you change Val_int to caml_copy_nativeint, the layout of the tuple
 is different. [...] So if you keep the same OCaml code when reading
 the result value, it's no surprise that the pointer is shown in
 place of the integer you expected.

This is good advice indeed: make sure your Caml type declaration
matches the data representation that your Caml/C stub implements...

/* Package up the result as a tuple. */
v_response = caml_alloc_tuple (3) ;
Store_field (v_response, 0, Val_int (width)) ;
Store_field (v_response, 1, Val_int (height)) ;
Store_field (v_response, 2, caml_copy_string (code)) ;
CAMLreturn (v_response) ;

Additionally, do make sure that v_response is registered with the GC
(declared with one of the CAMLlocal macros).

If both conditions are met, your code should be all right.  If it
still misbehaves, feel free to post a repro case on the bug tracker

- Xavier Leroy

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