Re: [Caml-list] Re: Generalized Algebraic Datatypes

2010-10-30 Thread Jacques Carette

On 30/10/2010 1:14 AM, Jacques Garrigue wrote:

On 2010/10/30, at 8:01, Jacques Le Normand wrote:

Note that, as in Jacques's examples, the constructor function was not curryfied. 
(type t = A of bool * int) would generate a function (A : bool * int ->  t).

Actually, curryfied constructors are not allowed, so this is not accepted.
(Existential types are allowed, which may have confused the other Jacques)

I was not confused at all.

Jacques Carette

PS: ;-)

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Re: [Caml-list] Why is this allowed?

2010-06-09 Thread Jacques Carette

bluestorm wrote:

It is actually not the case that type structure items can be shadowed :

# module A = struct type t = int;; type t = int end;;
Error: Multiple definition of the type name t.
   Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.

Exactly.  My desired would be for this non-shadowing restriction to be 
extended to all types, not just type structure items.

Shadowing at the value level is an entirely different issue, and is 
perfectly fine as it is.


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Re: [Caml-list] Why is this allowed?

2010-05-31 Thread Jacques Carette
Nice trick - but my 'problem' [1] regards arbitrary valid OCaml code and 
how to serialize code values.  The issue seems to be that one needs to 
attach an arbitrarily large typing environment to each part of a value, 
as there is no global typing environment which will do the job (because 
of shadowing).


[1] Actually 'our' problem, in that this arose from some issues in 
metaocaml, and I am working with Oleg to figure out what is going on.  
Interestingly, this never arose in 3.09 and before.

Till Varoquaux wrote:

AFAIK you are allowed to shadow just about anything in
implementations. If you wanted to keep the exact same interface but
retain the ability to avvoid the shadowing issue on the labels you
could do:

module Foo = struct
  type t = Foo
type foo = Foo.t = Foo

module Foo2 = struct
  type t = Foo | Bar

type foo2 = Foo2.t = Foo | Bar


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Jacques Carette  wrote:

type foo = Foo
let x = Foo

type foo2 = Foo | Bar
let y = Foo
let z = (x,y) ;;

I thought that re-using of algebraic labels was not allowed - but apparently
it is?  Note that this means that it is impossible to "text" print such
structures and hope to recover them uniquely.  This also causes very subtle
issues when Marshal'ing, and grave issues for code generation [think


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Re: [Caml-list] Why is this allowed?

2010-05-31 Thread Jacques Carette

Lukasz Stafiniak wrote:

But what when someone includes or opens a module with Foo after "type
foo = Foo"? What when someone opens it locally in an expression?

I would be fine if type-level shadowing was disallowed for all those cases.

Does a variant value have a unique type with a unique path so that it
would be possible to guarantee that within this unique path there are
no type *definitions* that override a variant name?

That would be nice.


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Jacques Carette  wrote:

type foo = Foo
let x = Foo

type foo2 = Foo | Bar
let y = Foo
let z = (x,y) ;;

I thought that re-using of algebraic labels was not allowed - but apparently
it is?

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[Caml-list] Why is this allowed?

2010-05-31 Thread Jacques Carette

type foo = Foo
let x = Foo

type foo2 = Foo | Bar
let y = Foo
let z = (x,y) ;;

I thought that re-using of algebraic labels was not allowed - but 
apparently it is?  Note that this means that it is impossible to "text" 
print such structures and hope to recover them uniquely.  This also 
causes very subtle issues when Marshal'ing, and grave issues for code 
generation [think metaocaml].


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[Caml-list] Unicode solutions

2010-04-12 Thread Jacques Carette

I need to be able to lex/parse and pretty-print unicode with caml.

I am aware of several 'solutions' for each part, but I would choose to 
use whatever library seamlessly allows me to both parse and build 
pretty-printers for unicode-based input.

For example, it is unclear to me that module Print in Batteries 
integrates well with UTF8.t - but that could just be a documentation 
issue.  Camomile seems to be good for the representation part, but does 
not seem to offer lex/parse and pretty-print modules.

It seems like ulex + dypgen works for the front-end part.  Back-end?
[It's not clear to me that ulex + menhir works]


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Re: [Caml-list] Compiling 3.11.2 using cygwin

2010-03-19 Thread Jacques Carette
Sorry, in that first paragraph it should be "build/ 
can't find config/".


Jacques Carette wrote:
I am trying to compile 3.11.2 using cygwin, with a non-standard 
-prefix.  I have tried various prefixes, all unsuccessfully.  
Everything seems to proceed fine during compilation, the only hiccup 
is that "make install" complains it can't find build/, but 
otherwise everything seems 'fine'.

But if I try to start the newly installed binary, it immediately dies 
because it can't find pervasives.cmi (even though it is there, in 
lib/ocaml/pervasives.cmi right beside bin/ocaml).  I looked on the 
archives of caml-list and on mantis, and did not find anything 
helpful.  I am at a loss as to what to do now.  Any ideas?


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[Caml-list] Compiling 3.11.2 using cygwin

2010-03-19 Thread Jacques Carette
I am trying to compile 3.11.2 using cygwin, with a non-standard 
-prefix.  I have tried various prefixes, all unsuccessfully.  Everything 
seems to proceed fine during compilation, the only hiccup is that "make 
install" complains it can't find build/, but otherwise 
everything seems 'fine'.

But if I try to start the newly installed binary, it immediately dies 
because it can't find pervasives.cmi (even though it is there, in 
lib/ocaml/pervasives.cmi right beside bin/ocaml).  I looked on the 
archives of caml-list and on mantis, and did not find anything helpful.  
I am at a loss as to what to do now.  Any ideas?


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Re: [Caml-list] general question, was Re: OCaml is broken

2009-12-21 Thread Jacques Carette
I agree with most of what Dario Teixeira wrote, except for one small 

Dario Teixeira wrote:

Last but not least, Ocaml plays a central role in multiple INRIA
projects, which means its creators have all the reason to continue
maintaining it and improving it for the foreseeable future (and there's
some interesting goodies in the upcoming 3.12 release, for example).
Actually, this gives these projects an incentive to insure that Ocaml 
survives, which gives an incentive for some 'maintenance engineers' to 
be kept on-staff to insure that Ocaml does not bit-rot.  This gives only 
quite partial incentive to a team of researchers (the creators of Ocaml) 
to do maintenance (as that is usually not research, thus not the kind of 
work of interest to researchers).  And entropy is a real problem -- 
Ocaml is now quite mature, which means that radical changes are well 
nigh impossible; this is a serious disincentive for researchers.  End of 

Personally, I would really really want to see a 4.00 release which 
really warrants that name.  The 3.XX line can be maintained for a few 
more years while people switch, in the same way gcc did this. 

In any case, I have nevertheless voted with my time and effort: I have 1 
large project being implemented in Ocaml, 3 medium ones in metaocaml, 
although I must admit that I have some 'research' code in Haskell (and 
in Maple, but that's another story).


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Re: [Caml-list] Ocaml clone detector

2009-09-02 Thread Jacques Carette
Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Maybe it would help if you explained what a "clone detector"
> is.
A "clone" is software-engineering speak for "duplicated code".  Exactly
what qualifies as 'duplicated code' and how to efficiently find such
(without too many false positives nor false negatives) is still fairly
active research.  This is a huge issue in languages without decent
abstraction features, and less so otherwise (or so it seems).


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Re: [Caml-list] Width subtyping

2009-05-29 Thread Jacques Carette

Dario Teixeira wrote:

In other words, polymorphic variants provide a very elegant solution for 
with sum types.  Is there some brilliant idea that could do the same for 
product types?
The dual of sums is products.  Open (labelled) sums are "polymorphic 
variants".  Their duals are open (labelled) products are "rows" (which 
O'Caml already supports, through its objects).

See TAPL for a nice introduction to the type theory of labelled records 
with subtyping (i.e. rows).


PS: note that O'Caml's products are positional while its sums are 
labelled, so the duality present in the theory isn't as clear there.  
The better dual for O'Caml's sums is really records.

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Re: [Caml-list] Shared types: dependency in modules with polymorphic type

2009-05-13 Thread Jacques Carette
One modification which will get you a long way towards your goal is to 
remove the : VB from

Hugo Ferreira wrote:

module VB1 : VB
= struct  ...
While this may look like it is just "type checking", it in fact does 
more and makes sure that VB1.t, to the outside world, is abstract.  This 
stops any possibility of unification with 'like' types.  Same with Make_U.

Note that VB1 will still be of type VB, and you can be sure of that 
because the constraint in Make_U's signature will enforce it -- only a 
bit later than at declaration time, at use-time.

My question is: is their any way I may organize the modules or
indicate shared types in order to use a (very extensive) VB
interface (Or VB1 module)? Specifically how do I enforce the
shared type:

 U1.instance VB1.t = U1.t = Make_U(VB1).t
First, try the above.  It may help.  If it does not, then you will need 
to add explicit sharing constraints.  But which sharing constraints are 
*really* needed will be the ones revealed by first removing the type 
annotations you currently have.

Note that you should not have to re-organize your modules at all to 
achieve this [at least, not in this example].


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Re: [Caml-list] Defining a family of functors

2009-01-27 Thread Jacques Carette

Andrej Bauer wrote:

Because of problems like these I sometimes wish I had first-class
modules. I wonder how different that is from having first-class
polymorphic records, actually. Perhaps a bit of camlp4 to wrap up
records in module-like notation would do the trick.
If your modules do not define new types, then the main difference is 
that of name spaces (records pollute the global namespace, modules 
define local namespaces).  However, I could not get far with modules 
that only define new values (functions).

Bottom line: I too very much wish for first-class, higher-order 
modules.  As O'Caml already has open and closed products (viz rows and 
records), open and closed sums (viz polymorphic and 'normal' variants), 
the resulting system could steal back the 'elegant' monicker that has 
drifted towards Haskell.


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[Caml-list] ocaml 3.11, Vista 64/cygwin/gcc4

2009-01-26 Thread Jacques Carette
Has anyone managed to compile 3.11 on Vista 64 under cygwin using gcc4 
[and without flexlink]?

Compilation of byterun/interp.c fails miserably, with most _caml_ 
symbols returning 'undefined reference's. 

Strangely, configure thinks that my system is 32 bits, which is quite 
possibly another source of problems.


PS: I'll soon enough install some flavour of Ubuntu on this machine too, 
which should fix my problems.  But in the meantime, I would still like 
to be able to keep on working!

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Re: [Caml-list] Defining a family of functors

2009-01-26 Thread Jacques Carette
Without the projections, you can do it via a higher-order Functor which 
does a fold, ie lifting to the Functor level what one usually does to 
get an n-ary product out of a binary product.

With the projections, as this involves name-generation, I don't see how 
to do it without using camlp4.  Even my favourite sledgehammer, 
metocaml, can't help here.


Michaël Grünewald wrote:
I am facing a situation that could be solved by ``defining a family of 
functors'', I describe the problem and would be very glad to get your 
views about it.

To illustrate the situation, I will suppose A1, ..., An are modules 
implementing the same signature S, let's say S contains the usual 
opertations on groups (mathematical groups, you can replace this by 
vector spaces, or whatever). It is easy to write a Product2 functor

Product2: A1:S -> A2:S -> S2

producing an implementation for the direct product (with signature S) 
of the groups A1 and A2, plus injections j1 : A1.t -> S2.t and j2: 
A2.t -> S2.t and corresponding projections (the type t denotes the 
module thingie, as usual). This extension of S is here written S2.

My problem is ``how do I remove the 2'' ? Would it be possible to 
define a functor scheme [:)]

Productn: A1:S -> .. -> An:S -> Sn

able to instantiate concrete functors for any value of n ?

It is possible to generate automatically appropriate code for small 
values of n, but I am looking for a better approach. It is simple to 
get close of the solution in the object paradigm, since I can simply 
put objects in an array and iterate over this array (IIRC this is the 
aggregate design pattern), but I do not see an easy way to define 
injections and projections.

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Re: [Caml-list] polymorphic variants, long form

2009-01-20 Thread Jacques Carette

Luc Maranget wrote:

What is the proper 'long name' of a polymorphic variant?
module S = struct type a = [`Foo of int] end

How do I refer to `Foo without opening S?  Both S.`Foo and `S.Foo are 
syntax errors.


'Foo does the job, it does not refer to any previous type definition.

% ocaml
Objective Caml version 3.11.0

# `Foo;;
- : [> `Foo ] = `Foo
Just  a few minutes after I sent my email, I remembered the answer 
myself: unlike normal variants, polymorphic variants are not scoped but 
affect the namespace in a GLOBAL way.  Both extremely convenient and 
non-modular at the same time.


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[Caml-list] polymorphic variants, long form

2009-01-20 Thread Jacques Carette

What is the proper 'long name' of a polymorphic variant?
module S = struct type a = [`Foo of int] end

How do I refer to `Foo without opening S?  Both S.`Foo and `S.Foo are 
syntax errors.


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Re: [Caml-list] Private types in 3.11, again

2009-01-20 Thread Jacques Carette

Hmmm, a variant of your code may be exhibiting a bug in ocaml 3.11.0.

In your signature, change the +'a t signature to
   type +'a t = private [< elem_t ]
and remove all annotations from the definition of sprint2.  Then, as 
defined, one gets the error message

File "", line 26, characters 0-223:
Error: Signature mismatch:
  Modules do not match:
  val sprint2 :
([< `Bold of 'a list | `Text of string ] as 'a) -> string
  is not included in
sig val sprint2 : 'a Node.t -> string end
  Values do not match:
val sprint2 :
  ([< `Bold of 'a list | `Text of string ] as 'a) -> string
  is not included in
val sprint2 : 'a Node.t -> string

which is not very informative, especially since expanding 'a Node.t 
gives exactly what the compiler reports as the first argument of sprint2.

To coax the compiler to be more helpful, on places the definition of 
sprint2 outside a module (but still in the same file as Node), and 
instead the result is:

File "", line 30, characters 26-29:
Error: This expression has type Node.elem_t list but is here used with type
'a Node.t list
  Type Node.elem_t = [ `Bold of Node.elem_t list | `Text of string ]
  is not compatible with type
'a Node.t = [< `Bold of Node.elem_t list | `Text of string ]
  Types for tag `Text are incompatible

[That point to the seq in sprintf2 seq].  Here is where the 
potential bug is: how is string incompatible with string?

[If this is a bug, I'll add it to the database]


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[Caml-list] private types - suggestion

2009-01-20 Thread Jacques Carette

[See full code below]

I have encountered a fairly subtle issue with private types which 
doesn't occur otherwise.  The source of the issue, I believe, is 
actually the need to have a 'row variable' available to be able to use 
'private' on a polymorphic variant.

In the code below (a massive simplification of my actual case), f 
compiles, but g does not, with error

Error: This pattern matches values of type
[> `Operator of 'a * 'b list * 'c ]
but is here used to match values of types S.operator
   Types for tag `Operator are incompatible
(pointing to the line that starts with | `Operator ...)

First suggestion: could the error message please include what the 
incompatibility is? 
Second suggestion: could the type S.operator be (also) given in its 
'expanded' form?  It would be useful to know what the compiler thinks 
the type S.operator actually is.
Third suggestion: in this particular case, could the error message 
include some hints that the problem is one of [< ] vs [> ] ? [if my 
understanding of the issue is correct!]

I will add these suggestions to the bug system next, but I figured 
others on this list might benefit from my experience in debugging this 
issue in my code.


PS: I actually don't want the intermediate type pk, po, pb and ps to be 
visible at all outside of S, but I do not know how to achieve that 
without adding another layer of indirection.  Any advice along these 
lines would be appreciated.

PPS: I experimented with variance annotations too, thinking that that 
might do the trick, but to no avail. 

module S : sig
   type 'a pk = KType | KFormula | Kind of 'a pb
   and  'a po = [`Operator of string * 'a pk list * 'a pk ]
   and  'a pb = [`Thing of string]
   type 'a ps = ['a po | 'a pb]

   type se = se ps
   type operator = private [< se po]
end = struct
   type 'a pk = KType | KFormula | Kind of 'a pb
   and  'a po = [`Operator of string * 'a pk list * 'a pk ]
   and  'a pb = [`Thing of string]
   type 'a ps = ['a po | 'a pb]

   type se = se ps
   type operator = se po

open S

(* this one works *)
let f (o:operator) : string =
   match o with
   | `Operator(s, [], S.KType) -> s
   | `Operator(_,_,_)  -> failwith "nope"
(* this one doesn't ! *)
let g (o:operator) : string =
   match o with
   | `Operator(s, [], S.KType) -> s
   | _ -> failwith "nope"

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Re: [Caml-list] Defining type that requires hashtables with recursive definition

2009-01-19 Thread Jacques Carette

Hugo Ferreira wrote:

I am attempting to define a type so:

type node =
  | Node of links
  | Leaf of int

And I want to implement links as a
hashtable whose keys and values are
also of type node.

type node =
 | Node of links
 | Leaf of int
and links = (node, node) Hashtbl.t

should do it.


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[Caml-list] Debugging the compiler

2008-12-27 Thread Jacques Carette
Nothing like the holidays for a little playing around with some ideas by 
modifying a compiler...  Having got the hang of bootstrapping the 
compiler [with help from old caml-list postings], I managed to get quite 
a few things working, but now I have a bug.  I dug around the configure 
scripts and the Makefiles, and did not see any ready-made way to compile 
the compiler with debugging enabled - is this possible?  I searched the 
archives for help on this topic, but came up empty-handed.

Any and all advice on 'debugging the compiler' would be most appreciated.


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Re: [Caml-list] Typing Dynamic Typing in ocaml?

2008-12-17 Thread Jacques Carette

Stéphane Glondu wrote:
2) How do I embed 'dynamically known' data into a single ocaml 


You might be interested by the following: 

Scarily enough, I do believe that that is exactly what I need.  I guess 
I was hoping to avoid Obj, but this may be one of those instances where 
it is indeed the most reasonable compromise.


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[Caml-list] Typing Dynamic Typing in ocaml?

2008-12-17 Thread Jacques Carette

I have two (related) questions:
1) Has anyone transcribed the TypeRep library into ocaml?

2) How do I embed 'dynamically known' data into a single ocaml 

More specifically, I am experimenting with a (new) language which allows 
deduction and computations to be performed with equal ease on its 
terms.  This language uses ocaml has the host meta-language (ie the 
interpreter is written in ocaml).  I would like to be able to use 
arbitrary ocaml data-structures to represent some of my terms, when 
these terms are known to come from specific theories.  For example, I 
would like to use Bigint to represent integers, but without exposing 
that per se.  Perhaps a better way to phrase this would be to say that I 
want to have a "generic external data container" type in my language 
terms, which I can instantiate in multiple different ways (in the same 
program), with data handled in different modules, without having to 
change the 'generic' data-structure everytime I add a new module.

Polymorphic variants of course come to mind - but they would force me to 
add a new type parameter to all my types, which I would rather avoid.  I 
would be quite happy to use polymorphic variants if I could 'hide away' 
the extra type parameter involved with open variants.  My attempts at 
hiding this parameter (with existentials) has been too successful, in 
that once hidden I can't extract my data from this container anymore 
[which is the correct behaviour for the compiler].

I thought of using objects too, but my data does not really have any 
common structure, so the object would be a pure container.  I cannot see 
any advantage over polymorphic variants, and all the same headaches of 
an 'extra' polymorphic parameter remain.


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Re: [Caml-list] Using camlp4 in extensions

2008-12-15 Thread Jacques Carette

Mauricio Fernandez wrote:

I believe he's not referring to simultaneous use of pa_monad and another
extension in user code, but of Camlp4MacroParser *in* the sources of pa_monad.

That's right.

Since pa_monad is build with

  ocamlc -I +camlp4 -pp camlp4orf -c

changing that to 

  ocamlc -I +camlp4 -pp "camlp4orf Camlp4MacroParser.cmo" -c

might work.

Definitely worth exploring, thanks!


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[Caml-list] Using camlp4 in extensions

2008-12-15 Thread Jacques Carette
Question: is there a way to use a camlp4 extension *inside* the 
definition of another?

AFAIK, extensions are not ordered, so trying to use camlp4 to deal with 
IFDEF in the source of a syntax extension (like pa_monad) to switch 
between 3.10 and 3.11 [to deal with the new private and lazy features] 
does not seem possible.  Or have I missed something?


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[Caml-list] announce: pa_monad 6.0

2008-12-09 Thread Jacques Carette
pa_monad has been updated to work with Objective Caml 3.11.0.  Quite a 
lot of maintenance work has also been performed (including a renumbering 
of the versions to be less haphazard).  See for details.

Jacques, Lydia and Oleg

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Re: [Caml-list] OCaml 3.11.0 release candidate

2008-12-02 Thread Jacques Carette
In the CYGWIN32, SUPPORT_DYNAMIC_LINKING version of 3.11.0+rc1, file 
unix.c has the following lines:

178:   return flexdll_dlopen(libname, flags);
193:   return flexdll_dlsym(flexdll_dlopen(NULL,0,1), name);

My version of gcc is extremely unhappy about line 193 [and says so 
loudly by quitting], since it corresponds to a call to flexdll_dlopen 
with an incorrect number of parameters. 


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Re: [Caml-list] Notes from testing OCaml 3.11.0+beta1 on Fedora

2008-11-21 Thread Jacques Carette

Richard Jones wrote:


Stricter module naming restrictions in 3.11:

ocamlc -warn-error AX -g  -pp 'camlp4orf -I . pa_monad.cmo' -c
File "", line 1, characters 0-1:
Warning X: bad source file name: "Pythagorean-triples" is not a valid module 
File "", line 1, characters 0-1:
Error: Error-enabled warnings (1 occurrences)

We are just about to release a new version of pa-monad which will fix 
this problem.


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Re: [Caml-list] Re: Metaprogramming features

2008-10-07 Thread Jacques Carette

Jon Harrop wrote:

So the translation from MetaOCaml to OCaml is not obvious at all.

This begs the question: could another formulation of MetaOCaml avoid these 
complications without losing expressiveness?
No.  See some of the early papers of Taha and papers from Sheard around 
the same time. 

BTW, F#'s metaprogramming features are much much less powerful than 
metaocaml's.  We tried to use them to generalize some previous work I 
(with some other colleagues) had done in metaocaml, but couldn't.  
Essentially, F#'s splices are first-order only.


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[Caml-list] Metaprogramming features

2008-10-03 Thread Jacques Carette

A number of you are already aware of the following feature request:

whose text reads
I really wish that the basic features of metaocaml, namely .< >., .~ and .!
were included in OCaml proper.  The many other experimental features of
metaocaml could stay 'experimental', those are the 3 which are sorely

Note that OCaml could be really ahead of Haskell here (with its untyped
Template Haskell, which is closer to camlp4 than to metaocaml) by being
the first production language to have _typed_ metaprogramming facilities.

This feature request is currently the entry in Mantis which has (by far!) the largest number of comments from separate people, as well as now being the entry with the most comments overall.  

Please add your voice to the chorus!


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[Caml-list] More fun with variants and constraints

2008-08-21 Thread Jacques Carette
[One of my previous difficulties was alleviated by putting variance 
annotations on my variables, which was not at all obvious from the 
documentation, other than a vague hint that these are not automatically 
inferred; I put annotation everywhere in the code below, but +'d is the 
only one that matters].

In my actual code, I now have some routines that take a huge amount of 
time to compile (I gave up after 30 minutes).  Looking into why that 
might be, I have produced the following code which shows the issue:

type +'a a0 = [`A of 'a ]
type +'a a1 = [`B of 'a ]
type +'a a2 = [`C of 'a ]
typed = [`D of int ]

type +'a f1 = ['a a0 | d]
type +'a f2 = ['a a1 | d]

type (+'a,+'b,+'c) e = ['b a0 | 'a a1 | 'c a2 | d]

type (+'a,+'b,+'c) c = ('a,'b,'c) e
   constraint 'a = [< 'b f1]
   constraint 'b = [< 'a f2]
   constraint 'c = [< 'c a2 ]

type +'d cc = 'd
   constraint 'd = [< ('a,'b,'c) c]

(* This craps out with 'cc' being an inexact variant
let is_cc = function
   | #cc -> true
   | _   -> false 

let id_cc (x: 'd cc) = x

let build (i:int) : 'd cc = `A (`B (`D i))

let a1 = build 1

The type of a1 is reported as
val a1 :
 [< `A of [< ([< 'a f1 > `D ] as 'b) f2 > `B ] as 'a
  | `B of 'b
  | `C of
  [< 'c a2 ] as 'c &
  [< 'd a2 ] as 'd &
  [< 'e a2 ] as 'e &
  [< 'f a2 ] as 'f
  | `D of int
  > `A ]

What is puzzling is the type in `C.  Why are there 4 (identical!) 
possibilities?  I played around some, and the 4 is equal to the number 
of constraints in the program.

The issue is, in my 'real' code, there are 33 constraints.  Simple 
values now have types that take pages and pages of output.

How do I still get all the polymorphism that I want without getting this 
kind of blow-up?

Jacques Carette

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Re: [Caml-list] Not a variant??

2008-08-20 Thread Jacques Carette

Jacques Garrigue wrote:

The message is maybe not clear enough: for pattern-matching and
inheritance, you need an "exact" variant type, i.e. a type whose lower
and upper bounds are identical. 
Indeed - I would suggest that the error include some clearer diagnostics 
that indicate how the variant is 'inexact'.

The standard workaround is to write:

type c0 = [a | b]
type 'a c = 'a constraint 'a = [< c0]
This got me further, thanks.  But not far enough... 
Here is a simple example of the problems I am now running into:

type 'a a = [`A of 'a ]
type 'a b = [`B of 'a ]
typed = [`D ]
type ('a,'b) e = ['b a | 'a b | d]

type ('a,'b) c = ('a,'b) e
   constraint 'a = [< 'b a ]
   constraint 'b = [< 'a b ]

type 'd cc = 'd
   constraint 'd = [< ('a,'b) c]

let is_cc = function
   | #cc -> true
   | _   -> false 

(* complains that cc is not a variant type when trying to define is_cc *)

Jacques Carette

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[Caml-list] Not a variant??

2008-08-19 Thread Jacques Carette

The function f1 below works fine -- so type d is seen to be a variant type.
However, f2 does not compile because type c is *not* a variant type. 

However, if one looks at O'Caml's output for type c, it visually looks 
like a variant, while that of d does not.  This is highly confusing.

This looks like a bug to me -- both c and d should be recognized as 
variant types.


type a = [`A ]
type b = [`B ]
type 'a c = 'a
   constraint 'a = [< a | b]
type 'a d = 'a
   constraint 'a = b

let f1 = function
   | #d -> true
   | _  -> false

let f2 = function
   | #c -> true
   | _  -> false

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[Caml-list] What is the correct way to do this?

2008-08-19 Thread Jacques Carette
I am trying to define a complex AST via polymorphic variants and 
constraints.  I want to encode my static knowledge of the AST into the 
types as much as possible.  I have gotten 'close', but not 'close 

Any help would be most appreciated.  Note that I do mean

type symbol = S of string

 (* translation of kind[] *)
type 't prekind = KType | KFormula | Kind of 't
 (* Needed for P-Expr-2 *)
type  ('t,'f,'p) prekinded =
 KDType of 't
   | KDFormula of 'f
   | KDTerm of 'p * 't

type ('t,'f,'p) pretyp =
   [ `TypeBase of symbol
   | `TypeApplyTerm of symbol * ('t,'f,'p) prekinded list (* 
specialization of P-Expr-2 *)

   | `TypeApp of 't * 'p (* P-Expr-4 *)
   | `TypeDepFun of symbol * 't * 't ] (* expanded P-Expr-5 *)

type  't preoperator = [`Operator of (symbol * 't prekind list *
't prekind)] (* P-Expr-1 *)

type ('t,'f,'p) preformula =
[ `FBase of symbol
| `FApplyTerm of symbol * ('t,'f,'p) prekinded list (* 
specialization of P-Expr-2 *)

| `FExists of symbol * 't * 'f ]

(* for improper expressions [S-expressions or raw symbols] *)
type  'e preunknown = [ `UE of 'e list | `US of symbol]

type  ('t,'e,'f,'p) preterm =
[ `TermBase of symbol
| `ApplyTerm of symbol * ('t,'f,'p) prekinded list * 't (* P-Expr-2 *)
| `TermVar of symbol * 't (* P-Expr-3 *)
| `FunApp of 'p * 'p (* P-Expr-6 *)
| `FunAbs of symbol * 't * 'p (* P-Expr-7 *)
| `IfTerm of 'f * 'p * 'p (* P-Expr-8 *)
| `DefDescr of symbol * 't * 'f (* P-Expr-10 *)
| `IndefDescr of symbol * 't * 'f (* P-Expr-11 *)
| `Quote of 'e (* P-Expr-12 *)
| `Eval of 'p  (* P-Expr-13 *)
| `OrderedPair of 'e * 'e ]

(* translation of p-expr[], four sorts of p-expr *)
type ('t,'e,'f,'p) preproper = 'p
   constraint 't = [< ('t,'f,'p) pretyp]
   constraint 'f = [< ('t,'f,'p) preformula]
   constraint 'p = [< ('t,'f,'p) pretyp | ('t,'f,'p) preformula
| ('t,'e,'f,'p) preterm | 't preoperator ]
   constraint 'e = [< ('t,'f,'p) pretyp | ('t,'f,'p) preformula
| ('t,'e,'f,'p) preterm | 't preoperator
| 'e preunknown ]

type ('t,'e,'f,'p) preexpression = 'e
   constraint 't = [< ('t,'f,'p) pretyp]
   constraint 'e = [< ('t,'f,'p) pretyp | ('t,'f,'p) preformula
| ('t,'e,'f,'p) preterm | 't preoperator
| 'e preunknown ]
   constraint 'f = [< ('t,'f,'p) preformula]
   constraint 'p = [< ('t,'f,'p) pretyp | ('t,'f,'p) preformula
| ('t,'e,'f,'p) preterm | 't preoperator ]

(* here is where things fail -- I want to define convenient short-forms 
for the types to that

  I can annotate my code. *)
type proper = 'p
   constraint 'p = ('t,'e,'f,'p) preproper

The compiler then complains with [where line 81 is the defining line for 
'proper' above:

File "", line 81, characters 4-65:
A type variable is unbound in this type declaration.
In definition
 [< `ApplyTerm of
  symbol *
  ([< ('b, [< ('b, 'c, 'a) preformula ] as 'c, 'a) pretyp ] as 'b, 'c,
  prekinded list * 'b
  | `DefDescr of symbol * 'b * 'c
  | `Eval of 'a
  | `FApplyTerm of symbol * ('b, 'c, 'a) prekinded list
  | `FBase of symbol
  | `FExists of symbol * 'b * 'c
  | `FunAbs of symbol * 'b * 'a
  | `FunApp of 'a * 'a
  | `IfTerm of 'c * 'a * 'a
  | `IndefDescr of symbol * 'b * 'c
  | `Operator of symbol * 'b prekind list * 'b prekind
  | `OrderedPair of
  ([< `ApplyTerm of symbol * ('b, 'c, 'a) prekinded list * 'b
| `DefDescr of symbol * 'b * 'c
| `Eval of 'a
| `FApplyTerm of symbol * ('b, 'c, 'a) prekinded list
| `FBase of symbol
| `FExists of symbol * 'b * 'c
| `FunAbs of symbol * 'b * 'a
| `FunApp of 'a * 'a
| `IfTerm of 'c * 'a * 'a
| `IndefDescr of symbol * 'b * 'c
| `Operator of symbol * 'b prekind list * 'b prekind
| `OrderedPair of 'd * 'd
| `Quote of 'd
| `TermBase of symbol
| `TermVar of symbol * 'b
| `TypeApp of 'b * 'a
| `TypeApplyTerm of symbol * ('b, 'c, 'a) prekinded list
| `TypeBase of symbol
| `TypeDepFun of symbol * 'b * 'b
| `UE of 'd list
| `US of symbol ]
   as 'd) *
  | `Quote of 'd
  | `TermBase of symbol
  | `TermVar of symbol * 'b
  | `TypeApp of 'b * 'a
  | `TypeApplyTerm of symbol * ('b, 'c, 'a) prekinded list
  | `TypeBase of symbol
  | `TypeDepFun of symbol * 'b * 'b ]
 as 'a the variable 'a is unbound

I can 'fix' that by changing the first line to
type 'p proper = 'p
but that kind-of defeats the point, doesn't it?

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[Caml-list] Why is this coercion necessary?

2008-08-13 Thread Jacques Carette
Here is a much simplified version from a (much) larger problem I have 
recently encountered:

type 'a a = [`A of 'a b]
and 'a b  = [`B of 'a a]
and 'a c  = [`C ]

type 'a d = [ 'a a | 'a b | 'a c]
type e = e d

# this code gives an error (details below)
let f1 (x:e) : e = match x with
   | `A n -> n
   | `B n -> n
   | `C   -> `C

# this works
let f2 (x:e) : e = match x with
   | `A n -> (n :> e)
   | `B n -> (n :> e)
   | `C   -> `C

f1 gives an error  on the "| `B n -> n" line, pointing to the second 'n' 

This expression has type e a but is used with type e b
These two variant types have no intersection

Indeed, they have no intersection, but they have a union!  That is what 
it seems the coercion in f2 'forces' the type-checker to realize, and 
all works fine.  But of course, such coercions end up polluting my code 
all over the place (since the actual example is made of 9 types with 20 
tags in total, and the 'recursive knot' requires 2 parameters to close 

So, is this a bug?  Is there a way to avoid these coercions?


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Re: [Caml-list] Troublesome nodes

2008-07-13 Thread Jacques Carette

Wolfgang Lux wrote:
This problem is apparently easy to solve. Just don't expect an exact 
super_node_t list argument for the bold function. Instead use

  val bold : [< super_node_t] list -> nonlink_node_t
in the signature and
  let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)
in the body of the Node module's definition.
Indeed, works like a charm.  You don't even need the coercion in the 
body of 'bold' for it to work.

This will hopefully allow me to remove some coercions from my own code, 
and use subtype annotations in the types.


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Re: [Caml-list] Troublesome nodes

2008-07-12 Thread Jacques Carette
The ingenious use of a recursive module signature seems to be the source 
of the problem here.  If one defines 'bar' inside the module Node, it 
works fine [but is clearly useless].

What surprises me is that the code (below) also gives the exact same 
error.  In other contexts, I have managed to get such annotations (see 
the definition of the bold function) to 'work', but not here.  I am 
quite puzzled by this, so if you do get an answer to your question 
offl-ist, I would appreciate if you could forward it on.


PS: because I am actually using metaocaml for other projects, I am using 
ocaml 3.09 for my tests, so it is possible that something is different 
in 3.10.

module Node :
   type nonlink_node_t
   type link_node_t
   type super_node_t

   val text: string -> nonlink_node_t
   val bold: super_node_t list -> nonlink_node_t
   val see: string -> link_node_t
   val mref: string -> nonlink_node_t list -> link_node_t
end =
   type 'a p1 = [ `Text of string | `Bold of 'a list ]
   type 'a p2 = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * 'a p1 list ]
   type 'a p3 = [ 'a p1 | 'a p2 ]

   type super_node_t = super_node_t p3
   type nonlink_node_t = super_node_t p1
   type link_node_t = super_node_t p2

   let text txt = `Text txt
   let bold seq = `Bold (seq :> super_node_t list)
   let see ref = `See ref
   let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

Dario Teixeira wrote:


Thanks Jeremy, that's quite ingenious.  However, I've hit a problem in the
definition of the constructor functions (the full code + compiler error
is below).  Now, I know that nonlink_node_t is a subset of super_node_t,
and therefore any variant valid for nonlink_node_t is also acceptable for
super_node_t.  But how do I tell this to the compiler?  (Note that having
users of the module manually casting types with :> is something I would
rather avoid).

Thanks again,

module rec Node:
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t 
list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t 
list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

val text: string -> nonlink_node_t
val bold: super_node_t list -> nonlink_node_t
val see: string -> link_node_t
val mref: string -> nonlink_node_t list -> link_node_t
end =
type nonlink_node_t = [ `Text of string | `Bold of Node.super_node_t 
list ]
type link_node_t = [ `See of string | `Mref of string * nonlink_node_t 
list ]
type super_node_t = [ nonlink_node_t | link_node_t ]

let text txt = `Text txt
let bold seq = `Bold seq
let see ref = `See ref
let mref ref seq = `Mref (ref, seq)

open Node
let foo = text "foo"
let bar = bold [text "bar"]

Error: This expression has type Node.nonlink_node_t
   but is here used with type Node.super_node_t
   The first variant type does not allow tag(s) `Mref, `See

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Re: [Caml-list] Phantom types: transparency vs rogue unification

2008-06-25 Thread Jacques Carette
How about leaving your type opaque but changing your implementation of 
parse to

   let parse s = Stringies.make (float_of_string s)
In my tests, this works as you intended.

Note that I would personally implement Stringies_IO a Functor over 
Stringies rather than having explicit dependencies.


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[Caml-list] PLMMS - last call for papers

2008-04-23 Thread Jacques Carette
into full papers,
to appear in a special issue of the Journal of Automated Reasoning.
There will be a separate submission and review phase for this, where
papers from both PLMMS 2007 and 2008 will be considered.

Programme Committee

  Jacques Carette (Co-Chair) (McMaster University, Canada)
  John Harrison  (Intel Corporation, USA)
  Hugo Herbelin  (INRIA, Ecole polytechnique, France)
  James McKinna  (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
  Ulf Norell (Chalmers University, Sweden)
  Bill Page
  Christophe Raffalli(Universite de Savoie, France)
  Josef Urban(Charles University, Czech Republic)
  Stephen Watt   (ORCCA, University of Western Ontario, Canada)
  Makarius Wenzel (Co-Chair) (Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany)
  Freek Wiedijk  (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)

Important Dates

 * Submission deadline - 5 May 2008
 * Notification of acceptance - 6 June 2008
 * Final version - 7 July 2008 (approximately)
 * Workshop - 28-29 July 2008

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