[Caml-list] FINAL CFP, ICLP 2010 - Extended Deadline: Jan 31 / Feb 7

2010-01-26 Thread iclp2010-announce

  [Apologies in case of receiving multiple copies.]

  Please note the following important changes:
  - Deadline extension
  - Format of submissions
  - Technical Communications (10 pages)

26th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2010)
   Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
 Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 16-19, 2010
ICLP 2010 will be held as part of the
 Fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2010)

   *Extended* deadline: ** Jan 31 / Feb 7, 2010 ***



Since the first  conference held in Marseilles in  1982, ICLP has been
the premier international conference  for presenting research in logic
programming.  Contributions (papers  and  posters) are  sought in  all
areas of logic programming including but not restricted to:

Theory:  Semantic  Foundations,  Formalisms, Non-monotonic  Reasoning,
Knowledge Representation.
Implementation:  Compilation,  Memory  Management,  Virtual  Machines,
Environments:ProgramAnalysis,   Transformation,Validation,
Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing.
Language Issues: Concurrency,  Objects, Coordination, Mobility, Higher
Order, Types, Modes, Assertions, Programming Techniques.
Related  Paradigms:  Abductive   Logic  Programming,  Inductive  Logic
Programming, Constraint Logic Programming, Answer-Set Programming.
Applications:  Databases, Data  Integration  and Federation,  Software
Engineering,  Natural Language Processing,  Web and  Semantic Web,
Agents, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics.

In  addition to the  presentations of  accepted papers,  the technical
program will  include plenary invited talks in  association with other
FLoC conferences,  as well as ICLP invited  talks, advanced tutorials,
the doctoral consortium, and several workshops.


The four  broad categories for  submissions are: (1)  technical papers
for describing  technically sound,  innovative ideas that  can advance
the state  of the  art of logic  programming; (2)  application papers,
where the emphasis will be  on their impact on the application domain;
(3) system and tool papers, where the emphasis will be on the novelty,
practicality, usability  and general  availability of the  systems and
tools described; and (4) technical communications, aimed at describing
recent developments,  new projects, and  other materials that  are not
ready for main publication as standard papers.

All  papers must describe  original, previously  unpublished research,
and must  not simultaneously  be submitted for  publication elsewhere.
They  must  be  written  in English.   Technical  papers,  application
papers,  and system  and tool  papers must  not exceed  15  pages plus
bibliography.   The limit  for technical  communications is  10 pages.
Submissions  must  be   made  in  TPLP  format
(ftp://ftp.cup.cam.ac.uk/pub/texarchive/journals/latex/tlp-cls/)   via
the  Easychair  submission  system,  available  at

IMPORTANT DATES  (All midnight, Samoa time)
 Paper registration deadline:  January 31, 2010 [extended]
 Submission deadline:  February 7, 2010 [extended]
 Notification to authors:  March   20, 2010
 Camera-ready copy due:April   21, 2010
 Conference:   July 16-19, 2010


All accepted  regular papers will  be published in the  journal Theory
and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge U. Press (CUP), in
one or  more special issues.   In order to  ensure the quality  of the
final  version,  papers may  be  subject to  more  than  one round  of
refereeing  (within the  decision period)  and/or  "shepherding."  The
program committee  may also recommend standard papers  to be published
as technical communications.

At the time of the conference CUP will make the web page for this(ese)
TPLP issue(s)  available including volume and issue  numbers, table of
contents,  page numbers,  and the  papers themselves.   All registered
attendants at the conference will get a password for on-line access to
this  web page  during the  conference and  indefinitely from  then on
("lifetime  access"),  which can  be  used  to  read papers  on  line,
download them,  or print them  for personal use. Attendants  will also
receive all the papers in a memory stick at the conference.

The collection of technical communications  will appear as a volume of
the LIPIcs (Leibniz  International Proceedings in Informatics) series,
and published online through  the Dagstuhl Research Online Publication
Server (DROPS).   All technical c

[Caml-list] CFP - ICLP 2010 - DEADLINE: Jan 26

2010-01-09 Thread iclp2010-announce

  [Apologies in case of receiving multiple copies.]
26th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2010)
   Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
 Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 16-19, 2010
ICLP 2010 will be held as part of the
 Fifth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2010)

 Submission deadline: ** January 26, 2010 ***



Since the first  conference held in Marseilles in  1982, ICLP has been
the premier international conference  for presenting research in logic
programming.  Contributions (papers  and  posters) are  sought in  all
areas of logic programming including but not restricted to:

Theory:  Semantic  Foundations,  Formalisms, Non-monotonic  Reasoning,
Knowledge Representation.
Implementation:  Compilation,  Memory  Management,  Virtual  Machines,
Environments:ProgramAnalysis,   Transformation,Validation,
Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing.
Language Issues: Concurrency,  Objects, Coordination, Mobility, Higher
Order, Types, Modes, Assertions, Programming Techniques.
Related  Paradigms:  Abductive   Logic  Programming,  Inductive  Logic
Programming, Constraint Logic Programming, Answer-Set Programming.
Applications:  Databases, Data  Integration  and Federation,  Software
Engineering,  Natural Language Processing,  Web and  Semantic Web,
Agents, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics.

In  addition to the  presentations of  accepted papers,  the technical
program will  include plenary invited talks in  association with other
FLoC conferences,  as well as ICLP invited  talks, advanced tutorials,
the doctoral consortium, and several workshops.


The four  broad categories for  submissions are: (1)  technical papers
for describing  technically sound,  innovative ideas that  can advance
the state  of the  art of logic  programming; (2)  application papers,
where the emphasis will be  on their impact on the application domain;
(3) system and tool papers, where the emphasis will be on the novelty,
practicality, usability  and general  availability of the  systems and
tools described;  and (4) short  papers/posters, for ongoing  work not
yet ready for full publication and research project overviews.

All   papers  must   describe  original,   previously  unpublished
research,  and must  not simultaneously  be submitted  for publication
elsewhere.   They  must  be  written in  English.   Technical  papers,
application  papers, and  system and  tool papers  must not  exceed 15
pages. The  limit for short papers  / posters is  5 pages. Submissions
must  be made  in  TPLP format
(ftp://ftp.cup.cam.ac.uk/pub/texarchive/journals/latex/tlp-cls/)   via
the  Easychair  submission  system,  available  at

 Paper registration deadline:  January 26, 2010
 Submission deadline:  February 2, 2010
 Notification to authors:  March   20, 2010
 Camera-ready copy due:April   21, 2010
 Conference:   July 16-19, 2010


All accepted long  papers will be published in  the journal Theory and
Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Cambridge U. Press (CUP), in one
or more special issues.

In order to ensure the quality of the final version, papers may be
subject  to more  than one  round of  refereeing (within  the decision
period) and/or "shepherding."

At  the time  of the  conference CUP  will make  the web  page for
this(ese) TPLP issue(s) available  including volume and issue numbers,
table  of  contents, page  numbers,  and  the  papers themselves.  All
registered  attendants  at the  conference  will  get  a password  for
on-line access to this web page during the conference and indefinitely
from then on ("lifetime access"), which  can be used to read papers on
line, download them,  or print them for personal  use. Attendants will
also receive all the papers in a USB memory stick at the conference.

For short  papers /  posters the journal  issue(s) will  include a
listing of  the titles and authors of  these papers, as well  as a URL
pointing to their printable copy. Short papers / posters will also get
space in the program for presentation.


General Chair:
Veronica Dahl(Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Program Co-chairs:
Manuel Hermenegildo   (IMDEA Soft. and UPM, Spain)
Torsten Schaub(University of Potsdam, Germany)
Workshops Chair:
Veronica Dahl(Simon Fraser Universit