Hi Cap'n Proto users,

So, gmail seems to have marked my previous message as malware. The warning
message made it sound like Gmail thought that the capnproto.org domain was
malicious, but my theory is that it was actually just upset because I
linked to a zip file containing an exe. Maybe gmail just always filters
emails with such links as a precaution. I'm annoyed, though, that the
warning message made it sound like the domain itself was definitively known
to serve malware, and that every Google Workspace domain admin who received
my message at any address at their domain got an alert which claimed
definitively that the message was malware. AFAICT, this simply isn't true.
The Google Search Console, VirusTotal, etc. all report the domain is clean.

Assuming my hypothesis about the real problem is correct, perhaps a link to
the installation page will not be flagged? Let's find out.

Cap'n Proto 0.10 is now available here:


No big changes, but lots of little fixes.


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