MFM, because it averages the intersection of the 12 PALS subjects, will appear 
more smoothed than AFM.  The range is likely to shrink.

Also, if you mean the range of your volume is wider than the range of either 
AFM or MFM, then that could mean some of the extrema in your volume are outside 
the cortical ribbon.

But you say "original 2D map" -- not sure what you mean.  Doesn't sound like a 

Just know that on Metric settings, you can adjust the user min/max to whatever 
you want.  That gap at zero is part of the palette you selected.  There is a 
version of that palette without the gap.  You can try other palettes, too -- 
see D/C: Metric Settings.  I often set the scale min/max to be equivalent, 
based on my degrees of freedom, to p=.025/hem or p=.01.  It's your call how to 
set the min/max.

On Oct 10, 2013, at 10:31 PM, Yangmei Luo <> wrote:

> Hi CARET experts,
> I would like to use CARET to present my two-sample t test activation results. 
> I mapped the results using multi-fiducial mapping (MFM), However, I found the 
> t value of color bar in the 3D map produced by CARET is lower than my 
> original 2D map. For example, the higher t value in original 2D map is 4.3 
> ,but the 3D MFM map is 1.6. So why the t value in the CARET is much lower? 
> Also, I can not figure out what's the mean of zero in the middle of the color 
> bar?  
> <Screen Shot 2013-10-11 at 11.31.09 AM.png>
> Thank you very much in advance! Any help is highly appreciated. 
> All the best,
> Yangmei Luo
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