I took a look, I got it to run, I went ... "ah" ... now it's silly
questions time ...

1. Where does Reaction score over Cat, as a web framework? I get that
it is "domain/interface" more than straight MVC ...

2. For the example code, it seems to do the crud style stuff pretty
well - I also get (I think) that this is actually functionality of the
framework, not code that has been generated ...

to quote the FAQ :: "At the moment, Reaction runs on Catalyst for web

... so is it possible to use this part of reaction within a cat app?
is Reaction running *within* catalyst? If I have an existing cat app
but think I might fancy a bit of R in there, am I going to want to
shoot myself later ... ;-?

cheers. I hope I can get enough of this to make some simple cruddish
stuff I need happen, and hope fully take advantage of Reaction as it
evolves ...


Daniel McBrearty
email : danielmcbrearty at gmail.com
www.engoi.com : the multi - language vocab trainer
BTW : 0873928131

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