On 10/12/07, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2007 at 11:50:01AM +0200, rahed wrote:
> > Without prefetch, there is no error. Is it possible (and which way) to
> > retrieve data from a remote db via proxy with Catalyst?
> Yes, use a database that's network capable like mysql or postgres.
> Trying to use DBD::Proxy for this is a -heinous- hack and almost certainly
> not going to work (::Proxy is kinda limited, it doesn't supply half the DBI
> API ... really, don't try this. I've just about made it work, once, but it
> was far far FAR too painful for words)

Thank you, now I know I needn't to try further.

This was only an attempt to contact my production sqlite from a
development box. I disliked to copy the db from one box to another when
wanted to retrieve actual data.


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