Re: [Catalyst] RFC: New to Catalyst questions

2009-02-17 Thread David Steiner
> So all this 'too many choices' talk has got me thinking.  I'd like to
> put together some more web-available information for those
> transitioning to catalyst from other methods.
> To that end I'm soliciting your thoughts on things that you found
> particularly hard to get a grip on when you started using catalyst.
> (or that you are currently having trouble with)
> My intent is to pick the ones that are needed most and write them up
> (or sponsor).
> My working list is as follows (in no particular order.)
> 1) 'Getting' DBIx::Class (starting from a straight SQL-users point of
> view)

Areas you could focus on:
- Basic Form handling, implemented with a specific module: formfu, rose, etc..
- Possibly: Form handling with AJAX
- CRUD operations with multiple tables
- Building your own "fat" model API, to put as much logic into your model and 
then use this API in your controllers.

> 2) Basic Cat toolkit - the basic pieces you will want to produce your
> average web app.

Deployment with FastCGI
Putting dependencies in your and how to install it on another box.

> 3) Walkthrough of creation of a simple app end to end.

Yes please, a full example tutorial is just what we need! 

But what kind of example are you planning to do? How about you cover CRUD, to 
build something like... "yet another Blog"? Have a couple of tables with 
relationships like author, story, tags, categories, comments... link them up 
with dbix::class, use formfu for the forms, and to make it interesting: add 
some ajax on the forms to validate the input, without reloading the page. 
keep the example simple, yet functional, so that others can build on it and 
extend it. 

I'd be interested in writing some parts of a tutorial like this. Let me know 
if you need some help writing documentation.

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[Catalyst] RFC: The paradox of choice in web development

2009-02-13 Thread David Steiner
Hi there,

here's an interesting article that dandv (from #catalyst) has posted on his 
wiki [1]. it explains how TMTOWTDI can be bad for people starting out in 
catalyst, and how compareable webframeworks (RoR/Django) deal with this. 


i added my comments to the article, suggesting that we step up on the 
documentation and marketing! we need to give the layperson a easier ride in 
starting out with catalyst. and that requires more tutorials/screencasts, 
better official documentation, and more books being written. tell me what you 
people think of the article and how we can get catalyst more used and known.


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