[Catalyst] Re: FYI: Recent breakage in Catalyst installation [resolved]

2011-01-04 Thread Sebastian Willert
Fixed in Catalyst::Runtime 5.80030, thanks!

Florian Ragwitz r...@debian.org wrote:
 Sebastian Willert will...@gmail.com writes:
  Some updates in the dependency chain of Catalyst seem to cause a
  breakage in Catalyst. The dists in question are:
- Class::MOP
- namespace::clean
- Package::Stash
  with Package::Stash being the most likely culprit, but the dists
  depend on the latest Package::Stash.
  Until someone more knowledgeable than me figures out what is going
 It's kind of hard to figure out what's going on without knowing what
 breaks for you. I'll make a WAG though:
 You upgraded Package::Stash to version 0.16 or greater and didn't also
 upgrade the modules the Makefile.PL output or the output of
 `package-stash-conflicts' told you were broken by that upgrade.
 Another guess would be you having upgraded Package::Stash as well as
 the conflicting modules and happen to have Package::Stash::XS
 installed. Catalyst-Runtime used to rely on a bug in the pure-perl
 version of Package::Stash, which gets exposed by upgrading
 Package::Stash to a version that loads Package::Stash::XS
 and having ::XS available. That happens to be fixed in 5.80030.

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[Catalyst] FYI: Recent breakage in Catalyst installation

2011-01-03 Thread Sebastian Willert
Some updates in the dependency chain of Catalyst seem to cause a
breakage in Catalyst. The dists in question are:
  - Class::MOP
  - namespace::clean
  - Package::Stash
with Package::Stash being the most likely culprit, but the dists above
depend on the latest Package::Stash.

Until someone more knowledgeable than me figures out what is going on,
you can download and install old versions of these modules here and
install them manually before installing Catalyst::Runtime itself:


Hope that helps,

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[Catalyst] [ANN] MME - The Mason Mockup Engine

2009-11-27 Thread Sebastian Willert

MME is a single-file, pure-perl webserver primarily intended to be used
by HTML coders during template development. Great care has been taken to
make usage as unintrusive as possible, all you need is perl 5.8.1+
installation on (hopefully) any platform that is supported by perl (at
least Linux, Mas OS X and Strawberry Perl on WinXP should work out of
the box).

Templates are handled by HTML::Mason 1.42 (without dhandler support) but
currently there is no way to influence parameters, so you are stuck with
defaults for autohandler_name and so on.

Neither body nor query parameters are passed on to the templates (give
me a holler when you need that), instead you can place an
[component_file].%args file beside any component file to specify
(additional) args passed to it. You are free to use either JSON (parsed
by JSON::PP) or YAML (parsed by YAML::Tiny) format for this file. The
args are filtered through Data::AsObject, so you can easily say:

  %args $my_value /%args
  Value: % $my_value-deep-deep-magic %
  # for ( $my_value-members ) { $m-print( $_ ) }

Component args take precedence over autohandler args in the request

Never EVER use this for any purpose other than local template
development. I don't think it will eat kittens if left alone, but on the
other hand, I didn't spend ANY time trying to figure out if it might.
You have been warned!

Currently, this program does exactly what I need, so expect no further
development in terms of features. If you have an itch to scratch, I'll
happily accept patches (or even better pull requests), though.

I won't bother to build stand-alone binaries (with embedded perl), but
if anyone will, I'll find a place to host them.

The repository resides at: 


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Re: [Catalyst] Handling configuration outside the Catalyst application

2009-08-28 Thread Sebastian Willert
On Fri, 2009-08-28 at 12:10 +1000, Daniel Austin wrote:
 How are you handling configuration for applications or code that run
 outside of Catalyst?


If you are just trying to emulate Catalyst's config loading mechanism to
connect the schema yourself then have a look at Config::JFDI on CPAN, it
does (or at least advertises to do) exactly what you want.

Hint: maybe use Catalyst::Utils for appprefix and home


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Re: [Catalyst] My experience porting to CataMoose

2009-05-18 Thread Sebastian Willert
On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 15:09 +0100, Tomas Doran wrote:
 Sebastian Willert wrote:
  I'll give it a try this weekend, having 5.80004 is enough
  encouragement ;)
  I guess the main body should go into Extending Catalyst while having a
  pointer to this in Upgrading?

OK, after stumbling through Moose-ifying my first Catalyst app I figured
a larger manual would be in order. Here is my first stab at creating
such a thing. Please bear in mind that English is not my native language
and this is my first dab into Moose so this document is probably rife
with factual and grammatical errors.

Without further ado, I hope a few people find this helpful.


=head1 NAME

Catalyst::Manual::CatalystAndMoose - How Catalyst 5.8+ and Moose relate


Since version 5.8 the core of Catalyst is based on LMoose. Although the
developers went through great lengths to allow for a seamless transition,
there are still a few rough edges when trying to exploit the power of LMoose
in your Catalyst application.

This document provides you with a short overview of common caveats and best
practices to use LMoose-based classes within Catalyst.


A Moose-ified version of the context class should look like this:

 package MyApp;

 use Moose;
 use Catalyst;

 $app-config( name = 'MyApp' );
   # your roles and plugins

 # method modifiers must be created after setup because otherwise they will
 # conflict with plugin overrides

 after 'finalize' = sub{
   my $c = shift;
   $c-log-info( 'done!' );

You should also be aware, that roles in C $c-setup  are applied after the
last plugin with all the benefits of using a single C with()  statement in
an ordinary LMoose class and that your class is automatically made immutable
for you after the call to setup (method modifiers in your class will work,

CAVEAT: using roles in C $c-setup  was implemented in Catalyst version
5.80004. In prior versions you might get away with

 after 'setup_plugins' = sub{ with(
   # your roles

   # your plugins

but this is discouraged and you should upgrade to 5.80004 anyway, because it
fixes a few important regression against 5.71



Most of the request specific attributes like C$c-gt;stash,
C$c-gt;request and C$c-gt;response have been converted to LMoose
attributes but without type constraints, attribute helpers or builder
methods. This ensures that Catalyst 5.8 is fully backwards compatible to
applications using the published API of Catalyst 5.7 but slightly limits
the gains that could be had by wielding the full power of LMoose attributes.

Most of the accessors to information gathered during compile time is managed
by CCatalyst::ClassData, which is a LMoose-aware version of
LClass::Data::Inheritable but not compatible with LMooseX::ClassAttribute.


Since the release of Catalyst version 5.8 the only reason for creating a
Catalyst extension as a plugin is to provide backward compatibility to
applications still using version 5.7 but even then you should consider
building your plugin using LMoose and take advantage of
LMoose::Manual::MethodModifiers|method modifiers instead of overriding
methods to alter Catalyst's request lifecycle behavior.

If backward compatibility is of no concern to you, you could as easily rewrite
your plugins as roles and enjoy all the benefits of automatic method
re-dispatching of C before  and C after  method modifiers, naming
conflict detecting and generally cleaner code.

Plugins and roles should never use

  after 'setup' = sub { ... } # wrong

but rely on

  after 'setup_finalize' = sub { ... } # this will work

to run their own setup code if needed. If they need to influence the setup
process itself, they can modify C setup_dispatcher() ,
C setup_engine(), C setup_stats() , C setup_components() 
and C setup_actions() , but this should be done with due consideration and
as late as possible.


To activate Catalyst's action attributes, Moose-ified controller classes
need to extend LCatalyst::Controller at compile time before the actions
themselves are declared:

  package Catalyst::Controller::Root;

  use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
  # your controller roles

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Re: [Catalyst] My experience porting to CataMoose

2009-05-15 Thread Sebastian Willert
On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 14:54 +0100, Tomas Doran wrote:
 Tomas Doran wrote:
  On 13 May 2009, at 16:55, Matt S Trout wrote:
  Maybe you can whip up some documentation tomorrow?
 Any news on a hand with the documentation anyone?
 As far as I can see, this is the only thing which really needs sorting 
 out before 5.80004 is ready to ship now...

I'll give it a try this weekend, having 5.80004 is enough
encouragement ;)

I guess the main body should go into Extending Catalyst while having a
pointer to this in Upgrading?


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Re: [Catalyst] My experience porting to CataMoose

2009-05-12 Thread Sebastian Willert
On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 07:21 +0900, Daisuke Maki wrote:
  2. Hooking to methods that Plugins use via method modifiers breaks
  method dispatch
  I got bit by this while depending on Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode, and
  trying to hook a custom error handling mechanism at finalize().
  snip explanation
  Hmm, that certainally looks like a bug to me..
  Any chance that I could get you to write a test case or two for this issue?
 I get it now, it has to do with when setup() and method modifiers run:
 snip example code

   If you intend to use Moose's method modifiers in your app, do so
   /AFTER/ Catalyst-setup has been called.
 or some such

First of all: thanks for the pointer, you have ended a lot of hair
pulling for me. But IMO this is not just a common gotcha but a serious
bug. I have a few plugins I am trying to convert to Moose::Role's that
desperately need both
  before 'setup_components'
  after 'finalize'

This just isn't going to work one way or the other :(

Maybe I can whip up some testcases tomorrow ..


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Re: [Catalyst] Similar attribute appears twice despite a single POST (submit) request.

2009-04-29 Thread Sebastian Willert
On Wed, 2009-04-29 at 21:22 +1000, kakim...@tpg.com.au wrote:
 Hi, everyone,
  I have come across something interesting.

 5) The web form contains the following:
 a) 'name' = Text box  for subscription alias
 b) 'nominated_agent_code' = Text box for nominated agent code
 c) 'id' = Hidden value which has the id of the current subscription
 in question

This is just a stab in the dark, but I guess your form tag is missing an
action attribute and thus resends to the same URI, thus keeping the id
query parameter. This is according to specification: nothing in HTTP
disallows using GET-Parameters in POST requests IIRC.


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Re: [Catalyst] Using Test::Log4perl, testing cat log output only works after firing initial request

2009-03-23 Thread Sebastian Willert
On Mon, 2009-03-23 at 15:22 +, Tomas Doran wrote:
 Anthony Gladdish wrote:
  Has anyone else experienced this problem? 
  Should this be happening in this way and is there a fix or workaround?
  I'm trying to test and iron this out prior to rolling out into production.

 I certainly haven't seen this sort of behavior in my applications.

I am noticing this with the latest versions of Log::Log4perl and
Catalyst::Log::Log4perl. The strangest thing is that the problem
goes as soon as you use
You dont even have to start the request.

Looks like a bug in the interaction between Test::Log4perl and
Log::Log4perl to me but I haven't found anything in the respective
change logs that would warrant such a change in behavior.

I guess Anthony is on the safe side, just issuing the get_logger command
above before starting the tests.

Hope that helps,

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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

Re: [Catalyst] Using Test::Log4perl, testing cat log output only works after firing initial request

2009-03-23 Thread Sebastian Willert
On Mon, 2009-03-23 at 15:22 +, Tomas Doran wrote:
 Anthony Gladdish wrote:
  Has anyone else experienced this problem? 
  Should this be happening in this way and is there a fix or workaround?
  I'm trying to test and iron this out prior to rolling out into production.

 I certainly haven't seen this sort of behavior in my applications.
 Can you try reducing the behavior that you're seeing to a test case for 
 the Catalyst::Log::Log4perl distribution?

And here are your test cases (against C::L::Log4perl 1.03 and Log4perl
1.20). Unfortunately it seems like we can't do anything about this on
our side ...


use strict;
use warnings;

use FindBin;
use lib ( $FindBin::Bin/lib, $FindBin::Bin/../lib );

use Catalyst::Test 'MockApp';
use Test::More;

  eval use Test::Log4perl;;
  if ($@) {
plan skip_all = 'Test::Log4perl required for testing logging';
  } else {
plan tests = 2;

my $tlogger = Test::Log4perl-get_logger(MockApp.Controller.Root);

  local $TODO = 'First request without prev. get_logger fails';
  $tlogger-warn (root/foo);
  Test::Log4perl-end('Got all log messages');

$tlogger-warn (root/foo);
Test::Log4perl-end('The second request send all log messages');


use strict;
use warnings;

use FindBin;
use lib ( $FindBin::Bin/lib, $FindBin::Bin/../lib );

use Catalyst::Test 'MockApp';
use Test::More;

  eval use Test::Log4perl;;
  if ($@) {
plan skip_all = 'Test::Log4perl required for testing logging';
  } else {
plan tests = 1;

my $tlogger = Test::Log4perl-get_logger(MockApp.Controller.Root);

Test::Log4perl-end('Got log messages after initial get_logger call');


use strict;
use warnings;

use FindBin;
use lib ( $FindBin::Bin/lib, $FindBin::Bin/../lib );

use Catalyst::Test 'MockApp';
use Test::More;

  eval use Test::Log4perl;;
  if ($@) {
plan skip_all = 'Test::Log4perl required for testing logging';
  } else {
plan tests = 2;

my $tlogger = Test::Log4perl-get_logger(MockApp.Controller.Root);

  local $TODO = 'First request with get_logger in root category fails';
  $tlogger-warn (root/foo);
  Test::Log4perl-end('Got all log messages');

$tlogger-warn (root/foo);
Test::Log4perl-end('The second request send all log messages');

List: Catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk
Listinfo: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

[Catalyst] Opportunity to submit an article to a leading german computer maagazine

2009-02-05 Thread Sebastian Willert
Hi all,

I just got a request for an Catalyst article that will be published in a
special edition of the iX magazine. I wont have time myself so I thought
maybe here might be some folks from Germany interested in taking up the
offer to promote Catalyst and earn a few bucks. I've written an article
few years back and I'd be happy to provide you with the text as
reference (don't know if I am legally allowed to provide it as basis for
a new article by another author).

You can find the request (in German) below, please contact me for

  Sebastian Willert

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Perl-Webframework(s)
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 15:15:51 +0100

Hallo zusammen,

Wir planen, im Frühjahr (Mai/Juni) ein Sonderheft zum Thema Web on 
Rails zu bringen, dass sich mit Webframeworks für verschiedene Sprachen 

Hätten Sie Lust/Zeit, ein Update auf Ihren damaligen Artikel zu 
verfassen und dabei auf eventuelle Konkurrenz zu Catalyst hinzuweisen?

Zum Zeitrahmen: Ich müsste Ihren Artikel im Laufe des April hier haben...

Ich würde mich freuen :-)

iX - Magazin fuer professionelle Informationstechnik

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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/

[Catalyst] [RFC] FirePHP::Dispatcher and Catalyst::Plugin::FirePHP

2009-01-29 Thread Sebastian Willert

Hi all, 

I've been working on a perl module that displays messages in the
FirePHP[1] console and bindings for the Catalyst logging universe.

The only thing you need to do to start using FirePHP is to include
Catalyst::Plugin::FirePHP in your plugin list. Everything else should
happen automatically, no other config should be needed (at least when
using C::Log or C::Log::Log4perl).

The current (quite usable) implementation can be found at
http://github.com/willert/firephp-perl/ . I'd like to invite you to
test, break, criticize to your heart's content. 


[1] FirePHP enables you to log to your Firebug Console using a simple
PHP. All data is sent via response headers and will not interfere with
the content on your page. (taken from http://www.firephp.org/)

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Re: [Catalyst] Intermittent blank pages

2008-08-28 Thread Sebastian Willert

Tobias Kremer wrote:

Two days ago I suddenly started receiving intermittent blank pages. Immediately
reloading the page led to the expected response. Looking at the error logs of
the past two days I can see loads of the following error:

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Catalyst/Engine/FastCGI.pm line 169.

It appears that there just isn't any body data to process.

This error was absolutely non-existent until a few days ago. AFAICT the only
things that have changed since then is the session table now being InnoDB
instead of MyISAM and Rose::HTML::Form has been updated to the latest version

Due to there being no additional error messages or warnings I don't know how to
debug this. Does anybody here have an idea what could be going wrong? I'm using
Catalyst 5.7010.


Are you using Perlbal in front of FastCGI? Perlbal is prone to deliver
blank pages if the back-end times out. Unfortunately I haven't found
a way to avoid this behavior, but maybe someone on the list can help
out ...


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Re: [Catalyst] Re: Patch for Catalyst::View::Mason

2008-03-08 Thread Sebastian Willert

On Sat, 2008-03-08 at 07:26 +0100, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
 * Christopher H. Laco [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-03-07 22:25]:
  I go one stranger. No extensions ever. Instead, I rely on
  directories assuming I might switch.
 That’s the best approach.
 The only reason I don’t do it that way is syntax highlighting.
 Though I suppose I could litter all my files with modelines…

Guessing you are on Emacs you could simply put those lines in your
config (untestet, and I am not very fluent in elisp):

;; mmm-mode for mason
(require 'mmm-auto)
(autoload 'html-mode xml-html-mode Load html-mode t)
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '(\\/templates/mason/ 'xml-html-mode)
(mmm-add-mode-ext-class nil \\/templates/mason/ 'mason )


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