Re: [Catalyst] What text editor to use?

2011-03-02 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 08:13 PM 3/2/2011, gvim wrote:

On 02/03/2011 11:10, John M. Dlugosz wrote:

What's a good text editor to use for Catalyst/TT development?

The editor I really like for C++ doesn't handle XML well. I've been
using Notepad++ for windows, but the syntax highlighting doesn't
understand mixing TT inside the base language, and it has tabs only
instead of multiple visible windows.

I would entertain both Windows and Linux solutions.

TIA, --John

Vim does everything you will ever need if you're dealing with text 
:-). Try MacVim if you're on OS X:


I second the nomination for Vim, for another important reason.  I 
hate switching editors.  So, er... huh?

Vim runs everywhere.  I can wander from platform to platform and not 
have to worry whether something capable is available.  That was 
really something I needed back when (15+ years) when Windows was so 
badly served.  Still using it, even on Solaris!  ;-)

Now if you like learning new editors, or having 2 or 3 in your 
pocket, fine.  But I've not yet found something I couldn't do in 
Vim.  Hey I rarely need to edit in binary, but it can do it.  And 
hacking Unicode isn't so revolutionary now, but was possible with Vim 
before some other editors.  Good pedigree, barks on command, etc., etc. 

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[Catalyst] create controller 'option' -mechanize fails

2010-01-19 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick
I'm confused about the 'options' to script/ .  Nothing 
seems to work as documented.

Run without any parameters says
Usage: [options] model|view|controller name [helper] [options]
   --forcedon't create a .new file where a file to 
be created exists
   --mechanizeuse Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst for 
tests if available

   --help display this help and exits
 Examples: controller My::Controller -mechanize controller My::Controller

Note already the disagreement between --mechanize and -mechanize.

When I try either of these forms before the 'controller' or after all 
other parameters I get an error apparently saying the options were 
not interpreted correctly.   Such as

Unknown option: m
Unknown option: e
Unknown option: c
Unknown option: a (note absence of 'h' !)
Unknown option: n
Unknown option: i
Unknown option: z
Unknown option: e
Couldn't load helper 
Catalyst::Helper::Controller::--mechanize, syntax error at (eval 
276) line 1, near require Catalyst::Helper::Controller::--

Why aren't options being understood as documented?  For instance, 
--force also explodes. But -h just shows the help without exploding.  -(

I see  has sample code for including mechanize - is this 
valid for controllers?

(Note: I'm up-to-date on all Catalyst components according to CPAN, 
e.g. Catalyst::Devel 1.26)

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Fwd: [Catalyst] Selecting from more tables (DBIC - bug?)

2010-01-17 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick
Trying again to forward to DBIC list, which rejected my previous try 
at forwarding with additions...

From: Octavian Rasnita
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 15:22:57 +0200
Subject: [Catalyst] Selecting from more tables (DBIC - bug?)


Sorry for not writing to the DBIC mailing list, but it rejects my messages
as SPAM.

I have tried the following select from the table user:

return $self-search_rs({},{
prefetch = {blogs = 'blog_comments'},
'+select' = [''],
'+as' = ['user_id'],

The table user has_many blogs and it also has_many blog_comments.

The table blog has_many blog_comments and belongs_to user.

The table blog_comment belongs_to user and belongs_to blog.

The problem is that the +select and +as options have no effect, and the
query above returns all the columns from all 3 tables, no matter what
columns I select.

It seems to work only if I use join instead of prefetch and select and
as instead of +select and +as.

I use ActivePerl 5.10.1 and the latest versions of DBIx::Class and

Is there a bug or I am missing something obvious, or it is just not possible
what I want?

Thank you.


I'm having some of the same questions regarding +select and +as .  It
seems that using '+select' and '+as' does not stop other columns from
being returned.  I'm using DBIC 0.08115.

I've got a 3 table test setup, which might be confusing, but please just
look at the SELECT lines below.

First I use the syntax as documented, with the '+' in front of 'select'
and 'as'.

  $rs1 = $schema-resultset('Users')
-search( { 'me.is_admin' = '1' },
{ join  = { 'users_roots' = 'root_id' },
  '+select' = [ 'me.user_id',
  '+as' = [ 'admin_id',
  'order_by' = ['root_id.rootpath'],

When I query a returned row using get_column() I get something for every
name queried, table column or 'as' specified name.

  #   ( I see '2' for user_id )
  #   ( I see '1admin' for password )
  #   ( I see '2' for admin_id )

And looking at the SELECT line you can see that what is being requested
isn't just what was asked for, and some columns are requested twice!

SELECT me.user_id, me.user_name, me.password, me.is_admin,,
   me.user_id, me.user_name, root_id.rootpath
  FROM users me
  LEFT JOIN users_roots users_roots ON users_roots.user_id = me.user_id
  LEFT JOIN roots root_id ON root_id.root_id = users_roots.root_id
 WHERE ( me.is_admin = ? ) ORDER BY root_id.rootpath: '1'

Here I just take the '+' out of '+select' and '+as':

  'select' = [ 'me.user_id',
  'as' = [ 'admin_id',

And now some of the unrequested columns are now gone or renamed as requested:

  #   ( I see 'undef' for user_id )
  #   ( I see 'undef' for password )
  #   ( I see '2' for admin_id )

And that is the story that the SELECT line tells also - only the 3 columns
I've asked for are requested:

SELECT me.user_id, me.user_name, root_id.rootpath
  FROM users me
  LEFT JOIN users_roots users_roots ON users_roots.user_id = me.user_id
  LEFT JOIN roots root_id ON root_id.root_id = users_roots.root_id
 WHERE ( me.is_admin = ? ) ORDER BY root_id.rootpath: '1'

So while I'm not seeing a difference with 'join' and 'prefetch' with
Octavian (and that is probably because my debug tests aren't good enough),
I am seeing a concrete difference about retrieved columns.  What is
supposed to be true? 

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Re: [Catalyst] New Apress book shipping now from

2009-07-08 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 05:28 PM 7/8/2009, Kieren Diment wrote:

On 09/07/2009, at 7:40 AM, Ari Constancio wrote:


For those interested, is shipping now pre-orders for The
Definitive Guide to Catalyst. Not sure about new orders, though.

Ari Constancio

Thanks for this.  Indeed they are, officially the book is being
released on Friday.

Anybody going to have one of those link to Amazon from here and 
we'll get a donation links on their web page.  (hint hint)

Hmm, should, but doesn't...?
(I'll wait until tomorrow before ordering)
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Re: [Catalyst] ANNOUNCE: SimpleDB - Auth configuration made easy

2008-10-27 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 07:13 PM 10/27/2008, Jason Kuri wrote:

I made the default 'clear', as the tutorial uses 'clear' and it is the
least likely to cause failure of auth for those just coming to
catalyst / going through the tutorials.  The password_type config
option allows changing it to something more reasonable for production

Matt and I discussed and he made the point that this module will
probably get a lot of production use and it's default should probably
at least attempt to prevent newbies from making bad design choices...
or at least make it a bit more difficult.   I must agree.

As such, an updated module is on it's way to CPAN - which uses
'crypted' as the default.  The documentation has been adjusted to
reflect this.   You can still use a password_type of 'clear' by
setting it explicitly, but you _will_ get warned in your logs that it
is an insecure password storage mechanism.

(There's always a dissenter.)

If I explicitly override the default, by explicitly requesting 
'clear', because my requirements explicitly need this ability, then I 
must change the code to get rid of the warning?  Ahh, but it's for 
the 'simple', who must be guided, and can't be bothered to read the 
warnings in the text so bonk'em repeatedly in the logs till they mind 
what you say.  Which is to explicitly not use the feature which 
you've explicitly provided?  (sigh)

How about adding 'clear_please_please' ?

(Just because I like simple doesn't mean I _am_ 'simple' - and I 
really do appreciate the simplicity enablers, really)


On Oct 27, 2008, at 5:18 PM, Matt S Trout wrote:

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 03:51:49PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:

Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:

  * Your passwords are stored in the 'password' field in your users
table and are not encrypted.

This is always a bad idea.  If someone ever gets direct database
they now know each user's mindset as to how they choose passwords

This is the catalyst list, not the stating the fucking obvious list.

 Matt S Trout   Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class
  Technical Director
Shadowcat Systems Ltd.  Want a managed development or deployment
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[Catalyst] Logo collision?

2008-07-06 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick
Hope this hasn't been discussed before, the similarities of the 
Catalyst logo to others.  Look at about two-thirds down the page,
or more specifically

Strangely, I haven't yet found this logo at the Neustar UltraDNS site

I suppose everyone has a powered by ... icon, and limited 
imagination for such pictures for network thingies, but this looks 
remarkably like the Catalyst icon file that I've got, dated 2005/07/31.

I jus' worrying...

I'm a pessimist about probabilities; I'm an optimist about possibilities.
Lewis Mumford  (1895-1990)
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Re: [Catalyst] Book

2008-02-25 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 08:09 AM 2/25/2008, you wrote:


I am considering getting the Catalyst book and had a question or 2. 
Should it be bought from the Packt publishing site as opposed to 
anywhere else? Does buying it there help the catalyst project in 
some way more than buying it at another site that perhaps I am 
already registered on? I have been working my way though the sample 
chapter (3). I found it easier to follow then the tutorial that 
comes with the documentation. However the reviews at are a little negative. What does 
the list think about the books.


Whoa, just read those.  Rough.  Does fast to print meant skipping 
some steps?  I'm still going to buy the book, after the previous 
posters question is answered (how _best_ to buy).

I wish I knew more about publishing, because I've been intrigued by, 
evidently, how hard it is to get right.  Even my most recent 
purchase, RESTful Web Services (O'Reilly) had irritating glitches.

Is it the case that, along with every other industry shifting more 
and more responsibilities onto the lowest levels, that now the author 
has to do it all?  Not only write and organize perfectly, but 
arrange their own set of editors, reviewers, and proof-readers?  If 
so, can they ask for volunteers?  I fix Wikipedia stuff for free, and 
helping on something like this would actually benefit me...

I'm a pessimist about probabilities; I'm an optimist about possibilities.
Lewis Mumford  (1895-1990)
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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 01:56 PM 1/20/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:

I know this has been discussed already - but I can't find it in the archives.

What I conjured is:


Update and create use really the same logic and templates - so I just
forward to a create_or_update action from them.

What are your opinions?

Zbigniew Lukasiak

spew register=pedant

The book RESTful Web Services has been very useful to me in 
understanding the confusion about what REST means when it comes to 
'verbs'.  And that I'm interested in how close one can come to 
'strict' REST design using Catalyst.

One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into their 
URIs when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ 
to.  Using the book's concepts your URIs would become

1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
2)  GET/class/id/
3)  PUT/class/id/
4)  POST /class

1) is your /class/search and says let me retrieve the 
representation/list of the items selected by searching for the given 
pattern, where the base URI would indicate the set/list of items, 
and the pattern is kept in the query parameters because it could be 
anything.  Note that the idea is that GET /class references the 
list of all items, and you here are just qualifying that search with 
the pattern.

2) Your /class/id//view would be seen in strict REST as just a 
GET of /class/id/.  The HTTP 'verb' GET already says give me a 
representation of the item.  Done.

3) Your /class/id//update would become a PUT of 
/class/id/, where the new representation coming from the remote 
client would _replace_ the old representation/data for that 
item.  This strict use of the HTTP 'PUT' verb is actually the hardest 
to accomplish, as it assumes that the remote client can receive and 
update a representation on the client, and then send it back using 
PUT.  It is easiest to picture this usage when the client completely 
replaces the old representation held on the server.  (see farther 
below for why)

4) Your /class/create becomes a POST to /class.  This was another 
concept brought out by the book.  The matter of who determines the 
item's 'id' is important.  Here we assume that the _server_ will 
determine the id of the new added item.  You do a POST to the base 
URI of the data area, and the server determines the new id, stores 
the data into the item, and does a redirect to tell the remote client 
where the new item is, that is, what is the new item's URI, for 
instance /class/id/1234.

Why is who determines the id important?  Because it says what HTTP 
verb you should use to create a new item.  If the server, you use 
POST to add another item.  (Much discussion of that most 
misunderstood of HTTP methods: POST in the book)  But if the remote 
client were to determine the id, say because the id is a license 
plate number input at the client, then strict REST would say the 
client should do a PUT to /class/id/STRWBYP and the client would 
send the complete data for the item.  The server would create the 
item using the id 'STRWBYP as requested by the client.

Creation using POST would say create a new item and tell me (the 
client) where you (the server) put it.  Creation using PUT defines 
where to put it to the server, because the client knows what the id should be.

So under some designs it is possible that PUT will be used for both 
creation of new items and update (replacement) of existing items.  In 
both these cases (under such a design) the client knows the correct 
id for the item.

Anyway this spew was prompted by the new pedant seeing 'REST' in the 
subject and then no mention of 'PUT', etc.  The book tries to be 
clear that it depends on both your design and the capabilities of 
the client whether you can implement using the strict REST HTTP 
verb set GET, PUT, and POST, or whether you must compromise on a 
REST-like set of GET and POST.  The authors discuss how to overload 
POST to effect PUT-like usage, because we have to implement in the 
real world.  But they are clear about the goals of RESTful design, 
the problems it solves, and the benefits it brings in the real world.

It looks to be very useful to consider URI design with a view towards 
how would I accomplish this by splitting my data objects into URI 
addressable data that can be manipulated using the full set of HTTP 
verbs GET, PUT, POST and HEAD.  (And not putting verbs into URIs that 
might be cached)

/spew ___
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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 04:06 PM 1/20/2008, =?KOI8-R?B?88XSx8XKIO3B0tTZzs/X?= wrote:
  One important topic in the book is that 
people mix 'verbs' into their URIs

 when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ to.  Using the
 book's concepts your URIs would become
  1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
  2)  GET/class/id/
  3)  PUT/class/id/
  4)  POST /class
Nice clarification, thank you! But is the /id/ 
part of url required? In most cases class would 
have only one primary identifier, so we can 
shrink it to GET /class/ - can't we?

Oh definitely the naming URI's is very important, 
and can be intricate.  The authors develop on a 
couple different example application cases 
illustrating how they would layout the URI 
namespace.  And how they sometimes have to go 
back and redo the layout to eliminate conflicts.

Their essential criteria are that each URI 
specify one 'thing', and that every 'thing' have 
(at least) one URI.  That doesn't mean that a 
less-specific URI is not meaningful.  If 
/class/ is one item, you might still allow 
GET /class to mean get me the list of all items under /class.

And concerning case 3 - I think that rarely used 
PUT method could be replaced with common POST to 
avoid possible problems with proxies, etc. -- ó Õ×ÁÖÅÎÉÅÍ, óÅÒÇÅÊ íÁÒÔÙÎÏ×.

The authors do take care not to be so rigid we 
can't _try_ to approach the one true way of REST. :-)

They specifically allow that when PUT is not 
available or impracticable (clients, firewalls, 
and proxies can get in the way), you could 
'overload' POST by, for example, adding a query 
parameter _method=PUT to pass-thru the real 
request method.  The idea is that the handler 
would pick off this parameter and dispatch as 
though the HTTP method had really been PUT.  But 
you try to use this request like you would a 
'real' PUT, in what the data contains and how it is used.

But this is a question I have, whether the REST 
dispatching modules have an capability like this, 
interpreting overloaded POSTs? ___
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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-20 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 04:11 PM 1/20/2008, Ashley wrote:

On Jan 20, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Thomas L. Shinnick wrote:

At 01:56 PM 1/20/2008, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:


spew register=pedant
One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into 
their URIs when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ 
to.  Using the book's concepts your URIs would become

1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
2)  GET/class/id/
3)  PUT/class/id/
4)  POST /class

Clipped a bunch. This is great food for thought. I am missing in 
this scheme how you would know to serve the form for updating. That 
seems to be the real point of /class/id//update. I suppose that 
should be /class/id//edit instead and it would, if it could, 
properly PUT the form to /class/id/, yes?


Rats, I can't pinpoint the area where they talk about this (serving 
forms) in the book.  Two points of departure:

First, there is a difference when talking about how you go about 
implementing RESTful interactions where both the client/server are 
programmed, that is, where data is exchanged directly and people 
aren't involved.  When you instead want to make accommodations for 
allowing more classical (non-Javascript) interactions it _does_ get 
cloudy.  And if you want to serve _both_ programmed and human 
interactions it gets positively foggy.  You don't want to start 
having alternate URIs just to specify what 'kind' of representations 
to serve.   So...

Second, if there are multiple representations for an item, how do we 
specify which representation is being requested?  The authors ask 
that you try to use something like the Accept: header, so that a 
Javascript program can specify that it wants an XML or JSON 
representation, _rather_ than an HTML form representation.  If you 
want to allow plain unenhanced browsers you could serve the form in 
HTML by default.  But if the request specifically said give me 
straight data, the server would see the Accept: application/json (I 
think that's right) and respond with Content-type: 
application/xml.  Program or person - the HTTP headers tell you which.

Now they again mention real-world hiccups, where some component might 
not pass-thru or pay attention to headers like Accept.  They offer 
that you could (if forced) specify the desired content type in either 
the query parameters or even the URI itself, where they suggest an 
extension.  Thus GET /class/1234.xml would be what a program might 
request, rather than a plain GET /class/1234 which might default to HTML.

Basically they keep coming back to the same theme: use HTTP to its 
fullest, both headers and methods (e.g. PUT), and much becomes 
possible that otherwise seems clumsy.   (Didn't say 'easy'... :-) ___
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Re: [Catalyst] Catalyst, REST and Firefox

2008-01-17 Thread Thomas L. Shinnick

At 12:03 PM 1/17/2008, Christopher H. Laco wrote:

Jonas Alves wrote:

On Jan 17, 2008 2:32 PM, Christopher H. Laco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've touched on this before, and posted about it on UP:

In a nutshell, Firefox 2.x Accept header totaly screws with the REST
controller when you use it as a base for View negotiations. If you have
a default type of text/html pointed to a View::TT, REST will see
text/xml from Firefox and try and send that instead, based on this header:


What does everyone think about a config option/toggle to tell REST to
ignore the Accept header, allowing it to fall back to the default
content-type in config when no Cntent-Type header or content-type params
are specified?


I have a subclass of Action::Serialize that does this:
my $default   = $controller-config-{serialize}{default};
my $pcontent_type = $c-req-preferred_content_type;
my $content_types = $c-req-accepted_content_types_qvalue;
my $ordered_content_types = $c-req-accepted_content_types;
my $max_qvalue = $content_types-{$pcontent_type};
my %max_qvalue_content_types = map {
$content_types-{$_} eq $max_qvalue ? ($_ = $default) : ()
} keys %$content_types;
my $content_type = $max_qvalue_content_types{$default}
 || $pcontent_type
 || $c-req-content_type;
And in a subclass of Request::REST mixed with Plugin::Flavour:
sub preferred_content_type {
my $self = shift;
if ($self-flavour) {
my $type = $self-{ext_map}{$self-flavour}
 || $self-_ext_to_type($self-flavour);
return $type;
sub accepted_content_types_qvalue {
my $self = shift;
return $self-{content_types_qvalue} if $self-{content_types_qvalue};
my %types;
if ($self-method eq GET  $self-param('content-type')) {
$types{ $self-param('content-type') } = 2;
# This is taken from chansen's Apache2::UploadProgress.
if ( $self-header('Accept') ) {
$self-accept_only(1) unless keys %types;
my $accept_header = $self-header('Accept');
my $counter   = 0;
foreach my $pair ( split_header_words($accept_header) ) {
my ( $type, $qvalue ) = @{$pair}[ 0, 3 ];
next if $types{$type};
$qvalue = 1 unless defined $qvalue;
$types{$type} = sprintf '%.3f', $qvalue;
return $self-{content_types_qvalue} = \%types;

That way all works fine. If you add an extension to the uri (like
.json or .xml), it serves that content-type. Else it tries to find the
greater qvalue on the Accept Header and tries to serve that. If it has
more than one content-type with the same max qvalue it tries to find
the default content-type in that list and serve it. If it isn't in the
max qvalue list than it serves the first content-type on that list.
I think that is a sane approach.

Well volunteered! I can't speak for the flavour stuff, but I'd think 
the q value logic would be well served in the REST package. :-)

I'd personally like the flavour stuff in there as well. In my case, 
I'm half way there. I have a type= that takes a friendly name (atom, 
rss, json) ... along wieh adding some of those content types to 
MIME::Types since it's missing a few of them for type-extension mapping.


Just wanted to note that using extensions on URIs to select 
content_type is a technique mentioned in the RESTful Web Services 
book.  I think it was touted as a way to be sure the right type was 
returned.  I hadn't gotten to seeing if it'd work with REST stuff 
here.  Color me interested  ___
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